Trump thinks wages are to high, get's caught and lashes out


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
"During an interview on CBS’ Face The Nation, Sen. Sanders said, “Meanwhile, interestingly enough, John, this is a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage. In fact, he has said that he thinks wages in America are too high. But he does want to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to top three-tenths of one percent.”

Trump responded by throwing a fit on Twitter:"

So trump wants people to work for lower wages!! and the rubes in flyover country cheer from their trailer parks!!!
The cletus's turn to their wives and say: ye hear that sallie sue! tell ya boss at the waffle house we don't need you to be makin' those high dollar wages!! jesus will provide !!

"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

A Terrified Trump Throws A Twitter Tantrum After Bernie Sanders Truth Bombs His Lies
What we would expect from a Trump administration

Lower taxes on billionaires, lower wages and benefits and demands that workers work harder for less

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"During an interview on CBS’ Face The Nation, Sen. Sanders said, “Meanwhile, interestingly enough, John, this is a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage. In fact, he has said that he thinks wages in America are too high. But he does want to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to top three-tenths of one percent.”

Trump responded by throwing a fit on Twitter:"

So trump wants people to work for lower wages!! and the rubes in flyover country cheer from their trailer parks!!!
The cletus's turn to their wives and say: ye hear that sallie sue! tell ya boss at the waffle house we don't need you to be makin' those high dollar wages!! jesus will provide !!

"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

A Terrified Trump Throws A Twitter Tantrum After Bernie Sanders Truth Bombs His Lies

He doesn't understand that if the US wants to compete, it needs to get BETTER EDUCATED to get the high tech jobs, rather than aiming for low wage jobs which the Chinese can do for cheaper.
"During an interview on CBS’ Face The Nation, Sen. Sanders said, “Meanwhile, interestingly enough, John, this is a guy who does not want to raise the minimum wage. In fact, he has said that he thinks wages in America are too high. But he does want to give hundreds of billions of dollars in tax breaks to top three-tenths of one percent.”

Trump responded by throwing a fit on Twitter:"

So trump wants people to work for lower wages!! and the rubes in flyover country cheer from their trailer parks!!!
The cletus's turn to their wives and say: ye hear that sallie sue! tell ya boss at the waffle house we don't need you to be makin' those high dollar wages!! jesus will provide !!

"During the debate, Trump said, “But, taxes too high, wages too high, we’re not going to be able to compete against the world. I hate to say it, but we have to leave it the way it is. People have to go out, they have to work really hard and have to get into that upper stratum. But we can not do this if we are going to compete with the rest of the world. We just can’t do it.”

A Terrified Trump Throws A Twitter Tantrum After Bernie Sanders Truth Bombs His Lies

I agree with the above. People need to tighten their belts and have some personal accountability and respect for themselves and quit playing the victim all the time. Life is not fair as appropriate. Its up to the individual to swing the pendulum, not the government or my tax dollars

He is right. People want to trade but want jobs too. How does that work with 15 dollar an hour minimum wage?
Do you want to work, or do you want a collectivist society completely dependent on the government?
It does concern me with Trump, I mean his buddies are elites, the rich hang out together. He may not need their money now, but he is rich , do we think he wants to have less money. The elites play games with each other to see who can get richer. Trump did grow up in a wealthy family, I'm not sure he understands or cares about us little peons, (the average middle income is between 50-60 grand a year), he can not relate to that kind of life.

I don't think the answer if necessarily raising wages , GM workers kept striking themselves right out of a job.
If wages had been normal, i.e. pay matching the worth of labor provided, there would still be a healthy and strong auto industry,
steel industry, clothing industry, and all other industries in America. Union greed killed those jobs.
Limp wrists never want to combat the problem. They just want to give out free shit. Like 10 dollars more an hour than you are worth because you were too lazy to develop a skill and take care of your family.
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Oh....reality sucks doesn't it?

You liberals imported tens of millions of low skill workers. They work for less. of labor is way up...thus....the price of labor goes way down.

Sorry if reality hurts Guno. Trump is right. If a worker here demands $30 an hour for the job a Mexican will do for $10 what do you think the employer does? And if you want to mandate a $15 min wage....they'll just move the company to Mexico. You know....all those free trade agreements we made right???

Guno....your labor just isn't worth that much. How old are you now? 65? 70?
Limp wrists never want to combat the problem. They just want to give out free shit. Like 10 dollars more an hour than you are worth because you were too lazy to develop a skill and take care of your family.

That's it. They won't accept reality. Trump is just being honest and they hate it. Labor just isn't worth that much these days. Unskilled labor especially.

Meanwhile.....police departments nationwide have HUGE shortages in manpower and are practically begging for applicants from the...uh hum....Democrat voter demographic....offering solid pay, benefits and great job security but....they won't take these jobs.

They want $30 an hour to blog or design new sneakers or be a video game critic. They want full medical coverage in exchange for dropping fries into some grease.

I mean, do people know how free trade works?

well we sure know how its not working with other countries putting tariffs on imports etc and so forth
Like Japan did? Or we did pre-WW2?
Simple fact that ideologues don't like(from either side) Fair trade is the only way to go at certain times. Like nation building. Or in our case 'RE-building".
When your economy is booming and your citizens are working, you loosen tariffs and trade with the world.
Because, at times, free trades is the ONLY way to go.
When you have dumbfuck lefties taxing corporations at 40%, raising minimum wage to ungodly amounts the jobs are going to leave.
Our manufacturing levels are the highest they have ever been I believe. But our jobs are so low its pathetic.
We need to make corporations WANT to be here, WANT to employ our workers etc.
I understand technology has something to do with it, but not enough. Not yet.
20 bucks an hour for turning a screw into a rear axle? No wonder GM likes Mexico so much..
Oh....reality sucks doesn't it?

You liberals imported tens of millions of low skill workers. They work for less. of labor is way up...thus....the price of labor goes way down.

Sorry if reality hurts Guno. Trump is right. If a worker here demands $30 an hour for the job a Mexican will do for $10 what do you think the employer does? And if you want to mandate a $15 min wage....they'll just move the company to Mexico. You know....all those free trade agreements we made right???

Guno....your labor just isn't worth that much. How old are you now? 65? 70?
Thank you President Reagan for giving amnesty for liberals...

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