Trump throws the Peter Principle out the window.

berg throws shit against the wall.
Are you disputing that a complaint has been filed with the House Oversight Committee and the WP obtained a copy?

Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?
Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?

I dare you to find ONE post over the last 4 years where I claimed "Orange Man good"
He is a demonstrated impediment to progress. when Democrats attempted to author legislation that would prevent President Trump from imposing his life-saving travel ban, the one Biden called Xenophobic and Democrats opposed...until Biden finally admitted it was the right thing to do?

Take your lying whataboutisms to another thread. Comment on this thread or STFU.
berg throws shit against the wall.
Are you disputing that a complaint has been filed with the House Oversight Committee and the WP obtained a copy?

Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?
Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?

I dare you to find ONE post over the last 4 years where I claimed "Orange Man good"
"Trump throws the Peter Principle out the window."

berg throws shit against the wall.
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
No worries, berg. No one has to mount an official effort to get this vaccine developed and produced in record time. Do you know how much money this will make for the company that gets there first? They're ALL working at warp speed to find a vaccine.
He is a demonstrated impediment to progress. when Democrats attempted to author legislation that would prevent President Trump from imposing his life-saving travel ban, the one Biden called Xenophobic and Democrats opposed...until Biden finally admitted it was the right thing to do?

Take your lying whataboutisms to another thread. Comment on this thread or STFU.
Awwww, did I strike a nerve, snowflake. You claim anyone without a 'D' in front of their name is evil, especially anyone connected to Trump. As I pointed out earlier, the 1st line of your initial post exposes your TDS-suffering mental disorder immediately.

You just made it clear you do not want to talk about just anyone and everyone who has unintentionally or purposefully been an 'impediment to the process', you seek - once again - to demonize the President and anyone connected to him....and you sure as hell don't want to talk about the Democrat losers who have been wrong and / or have intentionally undermined the President and actions taken that have saved lives.

New day, new 'I irrationally hate Trump' thread. Have fun with it. :p
berg throws shit against the wall.
Are you disputing that a complaint has been filed with the House Oversight Committee and the WP obtained a copy?

Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?
Or is this just the usual "Orange Man good" knee jerk reaction from a cultist.?

I dare you to find ONE post over the last 4 years where I claimed "Orange Man good"
"Trump throws the Peter Principle out the window."

berg throws shit against the wall.

where in that post do see me claiming Trump is good?

No wonder you have problems with posts.

you can't read.
*The document alleges that the team responsible for PPE had little success in helping the government secure such equipment, in part because none of the team members had significant experience in health care, procurement or supply-chain operations. In addition, none of the volunteers had relationships with manufacturers or a clear understanding of customs requirements or Food and Drug Administration rules, according to the complaint and two senior administration officials.
“Americans are facing a crisis of tragic proportions and there is an urgent need for an effective, efficient and bold response,” reads the complaint, which was sent to the committee on April 8. “From my few weeks as a volunteer, I believe we are falling short. I am writing to alert my representatives of these challenges and to ask that they do everything possible to help front-line health-care workers and other Americans in need.”*
you're pretty disgusting yourself, and in a very partisan way.
*The document alleges that the team responsible for PPE had little success in helping the government secure such equipment, in part because none of the team members had significant experience in health care, procurement or supply-chain operations. In addition, none of the volunteers had relationships with manufacturers or a clear understanding of customs requirements or Food and Drug Administration rules, according to the complaint and two senior administration officials.
“Americans are facing a crisis of tragic proportions and there is an urgent need for an effective, efficient and bold response,” reads the complaint, which was sent to the committee on April 8. “From my few weeks as a volunteer, I believe we are falling short. I am writing to alert my representatives of these challenges and to ask that they do everything possible to help front-line health-care workers and other Americans in need.”*

Care to comment?
I would ask why trump's family members with no experience be allowed such important duties but then trump's cheering squad would say 'what about this or what about that or obama did this or clinton did that. Lets forget obama and all that. We're way behind the 8 ball on this corona virus since trump didn't believe we had a problem well into march of this year because he didn't rely on experts. He plain didn't give a damn. He still doesn't.
"Even as the volunteer group struggled to procure PPE, about 30 percent of “key supplies,” including masks, in the national stockpile of emergency medical equipment went toward standing up a separate Kushner-led effort to establish drive-through testing sites nationwide, according to a March internal planning document obtained by The Post and confirmed by one current and one former administration official. Kushner had originally promised thousands of testing sites, but only 78 materialized; the stockpile was used to supply 44 of those over five to 10 days, the document said.
One White House official denied that a third of the stockpile went to Kushner’s initiative, but declined to provide details."

Care to comment?
*The document alleges that the team responsible for PPE had little success in helping the government secure such equipment, in part because none of the team members had significant experience in health care, procurement or supply-chain operations. In addition, none of the volunteers had relationships with manufacturers or a clear understanding of customs requirements or Food and Drug Administration rules, according to the complaint and two senior administration officials.
“Americans are facing a crisis of tragic proportions and there is an urgent need for an effective, efficient and bold response,” reads the complaint, which was sent to the committee on April 8. “From my few weeks as a volunteer, I believe we are falling short. I am writing to alert my representatives of these challenges and to ask that they do everything possible to help front-line health-care workers and other Americans in need.”*

The document alleges


That's rock solid proof.

the volunteers don't have experience?

Maybe they should have been more specific in the want ad?

'Volunteers wanted, experience required'

another 'berg finds a molehill, tries to make a mountain out of it, ends up throwing shit against the wall' thread
Maybe they should have been more specific in the want ad?
Maybe you should learn something, anything, about the topic before bloviating about it. The volunteers were people Jared knew.

This spring, as the United States faced a critical shortage of masks, gloves and other protective equipment to battle the coronavirus pandemic, a South Carolina physician reached out to the Federal Emergency Management Agency with an offer of help.
Dr. Jeffrey Hendricks had longtime manufacturing contacts in China and a line on millions of masks from established suppliers. Instead of encountering seasoned FEMA procurement officials, his information was diverted to a team of roughly a dozen young volunteers, recruited by the president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, and overseen by a former assistant to Mr. Kushner’s wife, Ivanka Trump.

Few of the leads, V.I.P. or otherwise, panned out, according to a whistle-blower memo written by one volunteer and sent to the House Oversight Committee. While Vice President Mike Pence dropped by the volunteers’ windowless command center in Washington to cheer them on, they were confused and overwhelmed by their task, the whistle-blower said in interviews.
“The nature and scale of the response seemed grossly inadequate,” said the volunteer, who spoke only on the condition of anonymity and, like the others, signed a nondisclosure agreement. “It was bureaucratic cycles of chaos.”
I would ask why trump's family members with no experience be allowed such important duties
The answer seems obvious enough. From the start Trump has prioritized loyalty over competence, connections over expertise in picking people for his admin.

Right wing media would be screaming bloody blue murder if a Dem in the WH did 5% of the scandalous things Don does all the time.
*The document alleges that the team responsible for PPE had little success in helping the government secure such equipment, in part because none of the team members had significant experience in health care, procurement or supply-chain operations. In addition, none of the volunteers had relationships with manufacturers or a clear understanding of customs requirements or Food and Drug Administration rules, according to the complaint and two senior administration officials.
“Americans are facing a crisis of tragic proportions and there is an urgent need for an effective, efficient and bold response,” reads the complaint, which was sent to the committee on April 8. “From my few weeks as a volunteer, I believe we are falling short. I am writing to alert my representatives of these challenges and to ask that they do everything possible to help front-line health-care workers and other Americans in need.”*

The document alleges


That's rock solid proof.

the volunteers don't have experience?

Maybe they should have been more specific in the want ad?

'Volunteers wanted, experience required'

another 'berg finds a molehill, tries to make a mountain out of it, ends up throwing shit against the wall' thread
Jordan Libowitz, a spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that the volunteers should be classified as “special government employees” and that the arrangement raises myriad concerns.

“This is the problem with operating off the books,” he said. “We just don’t know if they’re following the law or not.”
The volunteers were told to save and share a copy of all of their official emails, to comply with the Federal Records Act, according to the volunteer and administration officials. But Libowitz said that “by using private email accounts, we have no assurances that their emails are being preserved. . . . This doesn’t prove anything nefarious is going on, but if something nefarious was going on, this is how they would do it.”

Care to comment?
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
I would ask why trump's family members with no experience be allowed such important duties
The answer seems obvious enough. From the start Trump has prioritized loyalty over competence, connections over expertise in picking people for his admin.

Right wing media would be screaming bloody blue murder if a Dem in the WH did 5% of the scandalous things Don does all the time.

OMG I'm just going to stand over here and LMFAO.

You really are a whiny little bitch and a moron to boot.

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