Trump throws the Peter Principle out the window.

OMG I'm just going to stand over here and LMFAO.

You really are a whiny little bitch and a moron to boot.
Jordan Libowitz, a spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that the volunteers should be classified as “special government employees” and that the arrangement raises myriad concerns.

“This is the problem with operating off the books,” he said. “We just don’t know if they’re following the law or not.”
The volunteers were told to save and share a copy of all of their official emails, to comply with the Federal Records Act, according to the volunteer and administration officials. But Libowitz said that “by using private email accounts, we have no assurances that their emails are being preserved. . . . This doesn’t prove anything nefarious is going on, but if something nefarious was going on, this is how they would do it.”

Care to comment?
Would a Trumplehead like to explain what qualifies Prince Jared for any government job, let alone being involved in coordinating the search for a new vaccine?

Cuz there is a guy who is qualified. But he just got demoted for insisting that science, not connections, should determine the use of any drug to fight COVID.

Who is this qualified dude you speak of? I'll sit back and laugh.
OMG I'm just going to stand over here and LMFAO.

You really are a whiny little bitch and a moron to boot.
Jordan Libowitz, a spokesman for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, said that the volunteers should be classified as “special government employees” and that the arrangement raises myriad concerns.

“This is the problem with operating off the books,” he said. “We just don’t know if they’re following the law or not.”
The volunteers were told to save and share a copy of all of their official emails, to comply with the Federal Records Act, according to the volunteer and administration officials. But Libowitz said that “by using private email accounts, we have no assurances that their emails are being preserved. . . . This doesn’t prove anything nefarious is going on, but if something nefarious was going on, this is how they would do it.”

Care to comment?

I couldn't care less. Just another of your making a mountain out of a mole hill posts.

You really are a whiny little shit.
Who is this qualified dude you speak of? I'll sit back and laugh.
Dr. Bright.

Bright spent a decade in vaccine and therapeutics development at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He then joined the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in 2010. He was subsequently appointed as Director of the Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division in the Influenza Division International of BARDA. On November 15, 2016, President Obama appointed Bright as BARDA Director.[8][9] Bright succeeded founding director Robin Robinson.[10] His title was Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).[3] In April 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bright was reassigned to the National Institutes of Health.[11] An HHS spokesperson said Bright's new role will be to help "accelerate the development and deployment of novel point-of-care testing platforms".[12] Bright characterized his transfer as a retaliatory demotion and asked the HHS Inspector General to investigate it.[13]

Working in the biotechnology industry, Bright has served as the Director of Immunology at Altea Therapeutics (a subsidiary of Nitto Denko) and Vice President of Research and Development and Global Influenza Programs at Novavax.[14] He has also served as a scientific advisor to the World Health Organization.[3]

Jared's credentials........................he married Ivanka.
Who is this qualified dude you speak of? I'll sit back and laugh.
Dr. Bright.

Bright spent a decade in vaccine and therapeutics development at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He then joined the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in 2010. He was subsequently appointed as Director of the Influenza and Emerging Infectious Diseases Division in the Influenza Division International of BARDA. On November 15, 2016, President Obama appointed Bright as BARDA Director.[8][9] Bright succeeded founding director Robin Robinson.[10] His title was Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).[3] In April 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Bright was reassigned to the National Institutes of Health.[11] An HHS spokesperson said Bright's new role will be to help "accelerate the development and deployment of novel point-of-care testing platforms".[12] Bright characterized his transfer as a retaliatory demotion and asked the HHS Inspector General to investigate it.[13]

Working in the biotechnology industry, Bright has served as the Director of Immunology at Altea Therapeutics (a subsidiary of Nitto Denko) and Vice President of Research and Development and Global Influenza Programs at Novavax.[14] He has also served as a scientific advisor to the World Health Organization.[3]

Jared's credentials........................he married Ivanka.

I thought so. He's connected with fauci and the cdc director who need to be investigated.
Government Stockpile Secretary Under Scrutiny For Business Ties To Pharma

Just a few years ago, the federal government was paying $4.27 per dose for a smallpox vaccine to stock the Strategic National Stockpile. By 2018, it started paying $9.44 per dose — part of a 10-year, 18 million-dose deal with the pharmaceutical firm Emergent BioSolutions.

What changed?

For one thing, Robert Kadlec became the Department of Health and Human Services’ assistant secretary for preparedness and response, an office that in 2018 began overseeing the stockpile.

Four days after Kadlec’s nomination for the job, Emergent acquired the rights to the smallpox vaccine from the government’s previous supplier. And as secretary, Kadlec pressed to increase the government’s supply of the vaccines.

Here’s the twist: Four years prior to his nomination, Kadlec worked as a consultant for Emergent. Thirty months before the nomination, he was part-owner of a separate start-up endeavor with BioSolutions’ founder and chairman.
It's most corrupt admin since Reagan.
Prince Jared, husband to Princess Ivanka, has been given an astonishing variety of responsibilities since the Orange Messiah was anointed prez by the EC. Everything from reorganizing the VA to bringing peace to the ME. These are not small tasks for anyone, let alone someone whose only qualification for tackling them is the wedding ring on his finger.

Most recently he was given another job. Help the government procure PPE. It did not go well.

"The fumbling search for new supplies — heralded by Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner as a way to pipe private-sector hustle and accountability into the hidebound federal bureaucracy — became a case study of Mr. Trump’s style of governing, in which personal relationships and loyalty are often prized over governmental expertise, and private interests are granted extraordinary access and deference."

One could argue the Peter Principle applied to Jared from the moment he crossed the threshold entering the WH. But his failures have not stopped Dad-in-Law from heaping ever more responsibility on the prince. And now..........this.

Kushner’s Screwed Up His COVID-19 Jobs—Now He’s Got an Even Bigger One

"Already under fire for his role atop a shadow task force aiding the administration’s response to the coronavirus, senior White House aide Jared Kushner is now being handed another critical job: helping get a vaccine for the disease developed in record time.

President Donald Trump, who has said he believes a COVID-19 vaccine will be available by the end of the year, is turning to his son-in-law to help streamline the effort, branded, “Operation Warp Speed.” Kushner is working alongside White House senior adviser Peter Navarro, who pitched the operation via memo to the president’s coronavirus task force as early as this February."
The thing I want to say about this stunning, shameless display of nepotism is it's going to cost human lives. Just as the admin's bungled response to COVID has cost human lives. The amount of death and human suffering, let alone the economic damage, that has come as a result of Trump's failures may have already exceeded the tragic consequences of Dubya decision to "liberate" Iraq. This country has paid, and is paying, an extraordinary price for electing people like Don and George, people who are simply unqualified for the job of prez.
Executive Summary of this OP: I AM ASS HURT!!!



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