Trump to launch massive investigation into democrat voter fraud...

just tweeted it out...,let the game begin....

Trump played the MSM and democrats brilliantly on this, having them beg him to do it..epic!!!!!

Please Please Please investigate voter fraud. An honest investigation will finally shut up the idiots who claim there is widespread fraud. Russian interference needs to be investigated too.

Owebo, with a mice quote to Bulldog------------> The left has just screwed itself by chasing this in the Whitehouse, and Trump did it on purpose! (I am betting)


Because you can NOT determine if a vote was cast by someone, who it was cast for, at least not that I am aware of anyway. I am relatively sure that they can NOT go to my precinct, recall my vote preference on a screen, and determine exactly how I voted. This is NOT why Trump is doing this, and I am glad you started the thread Owebo, because I was going to until I seen that you did.

It is said, if I am not leftists, that a swing of 350,000 votes would have put Hillary into the Whitehouse. (is that the number they claim? Is it more, or less?) So here is the deal--------->

By Trump over exaggerating, he has basically FORCED an investigation; one he always wanted, but now it looks like it really wasn't all his idea. He wants to satisfy the MSMs need to know. How thoughtful of him, correct-)

So how does this work, lol........let me tell you---------> Trump has his feelers out to discover the state most LIKELY to have voter fraud. (probably California, or Illinois) All he has to do is find that magic number in that state the left claims would flip the election for the country, although it would not have necessarily flipped the state, to prove that if their is that much FRAUD in one state, we have to get a better lock on the process to PROTECT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS FRANCHISE, regardless if they are Democrats or Repubs, and we have to do it quickly so we can have it in place for 2018, or for sure by 2020-)

Bang.....VOTER.....FREAKIN.......ID, and let us see the mighty Dems stand against it then-) There goes all the illegal votes, (or most) all the dead votes, all the 2, 3, and 4 state votes, and their goes what is PERCEIVED to be 3 to 5% of the Democratic base. (or maybe it is really part of the Republican base, so I expect all the Dems to cheer for it)

You gotta love it when the Dems bamboozle themselves into shooting themselves in the foot, now don't ya!

Sure, but Democrats didn't have anything to do with it. He whined about it, and he is the one wanting the investigation. He can't find just one state and claim that is proof of anything if they are investigating the entire country. You're also hoping that a problem does exist. Do you think all those republican secretaries of state would have been silent for so long if there was evidence of widespread voter fraud? Each one of those secretaries of state personally certified that their vote count as accurate.

Moron...they have scott foval and bob craemer, democrat activists, admitting on video how they conducted massive voter fraud operations and the states they targeted...they even admit to using an illegal alien to gather up other illegals to vote and how they delivered these people to the states to commit the fraud........this is all on video......they admit they did it under orders from the hilary campaign and the Democrat national Comittee.....this is all on video...
just tweeted it out...,let the game begin....

Trump played the MSM and democrats brilliantly on this, having them beg him to do it..epic!!!!!

Please Please Please investigate voter fraud. An honest investigation will finally shut up the idiots who claim there is widespread fraud. Russian interference needs to be investigated too.

Owebo, with a mice quote to Bulldog------------> The left has just screwed itself by chasing this in the Whitehouse, and Trump did it on purpose! (I am betting)


Because you can NOT determine if a vote was cast by someone, who it was cast for, at least not that I am aware of anyway. I am relatively sure that they can NOT go to my precinct, recall my vote preference on a screen, and determine exactly how I voted. This is NOT why Trump is doing this, and I am glad you started the thread Owebo, because I was going to until I seen that you did.

It is said, if I am not leftists, that a swing of 350,000 votes would have put Hillary into the Whitehouse. (is that the number they claim? Is it more, or less?) So here is the deal--------->

By Trump over exaggerating, he has basically FORCED an investigation; one he always wanted, but now it looks like it really wasn't all his idea. He wants to satisfy the MSMs need to know. How thoughtful of him, correct-)

So how does this work, lol........let me tell you---------> Trump has his feelers out to discover the state most LIKELY to have voter fraud. (probably California, or Illinois) All he has to do is find that magic number in that state the left claims would flip the election for the country, although it would not have necessarily flipped the state, to prove that if their is that much FRAUD in one state, we have to get a better lock on the process to PROTECT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS FRANCHISE, regardless if they are Democrats or Repubs, and we have to do it quickly so we can have it in place for 2018, or for sure by 2020-)

Bang.....VOTER.....FREAKIN.......ID, and let us see the mighty Dems stand against it then-) There goes all the illegal votes, (or most) all the dead votes, all the 2, 3, and 4 state votes, and their goes what is PERCEIVED to be 3 to 5% of the Democratic base. (or maybe it is really part of the Republican base, so I expect all the Dems to cheer for it)

You gotta love it when the Dems bamboozle themselves into shooting themselves in the foot, now don't ya!

Sure, but Democrats didn't have anything to do with it. He whined about it, and he is the one wanting the investigation. He can't find just one state and claim that is proof of anything if they are investigating the entire country. You're also hoping that a problem does exist. Do you think all those republican secretaries of state would have been silent for so long if there was evidence of widespread voter fraud? Each one of those secretaries of state personally certified that their vote count as accurate.

No offense Bull, but he isn't going to be looking in those states. You know the reputation of Illinois. Think he can't find 350,000 there! I got a buck 3.80 that says he can! And, they actually probably didn't have to vote, (but in Illinois those phantoms probably did) all they do is have to be on the rolls to prove that the system is corrupt!

And just as an aside, did you see he told Rahm to either fix the violence in Chicago or he is sending in the feds? A twofer while there, protect Chicago, go over the voter rolls.

I heard this early today, and while I suppose it is cheerleading, it is still nice to repeat--------> Trump said often--------> We are going to win, and win, and win. In fact you are going to win so much, you are going to get tired of winning! After the last 2 days.......he may be correct.......and guess is WINsday! OMG, please Mr President, give us a one day break, we are tired of winning to much!

I will never, ever get tired of him kicking the s**t out of democrats and other left wing nut has been a long time coming......
Their worst nightmare and they'll fight it like the rabid dogs they are.
Worst nightmare? :lol:

Study after study has proven that the US does not have a voter fraud issue.

Of course, the results of Trump's massive "investigation" won't matter - he'll just lie about it like he lies about everything else.

Remember his investigation into Obama's birth certificate? :lmao:

The guy is a joke. A thin-skinned man-boy who only made it to the Whitehouse because Americans are growing more and more stupid by the hour.

They have two democrat operatives, scott foval and bob craemer admitting to conducting massive vote fraud operations under orders from hilary and the democrat national committee, genius....Trump's brand new Attorney General, Jeff know, the guy you morons have been smearing for the last 2 months, will be looking into this....
Investigation already paying dividends!

"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedure,"

Got one!

Donald Trump's nominee to head the Treasury department, Steven Mnuchin, is registered to vote in two states, a CNN KFile review of paperwork obtained through open records requests in New York and California show.

Trump cabinet nominee Steven Mnuchin also registered to vote in two states -
Investigation already paying dividends!

"I will be asking for a major investigation into VOTER FRAUD, including those registered to vote in two states, those who are illegal and even, those registered to vote who are dead (and many for a long time). Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedure,"

Got one!

Donald Trump's nominee to head the Treasury department, Steven Mnuchin, is registered to vote in two states, a CNN KFile review of paperwork obtained through open records requests in New York and California show.

Trump cabinet nominee Steven Mnuchin also registered to vote in two states -
CNN is fake news...
just tweeted it out...,let the game begin....

Trump played the MSM and democrats brilliantly on this, having them beg him to do it..epic!!!!!

Please Please Please investigate voter fraud. An honest investigation will finally shut up the idiots who claim there is widespread fraud. Russian interference needs to be investigated too.

Owebo, with a mice quote to Bulldog------------> The left has just screwed itself by chasing this in the Whitehouse, and Trump did it on purpose! (I am betting)


Because you can NOT determine if a vote was cast by someone, who it was cast for, at least not that I am aware of anyway. I am relatively sure that they can NOT go to my precinct, recall my vote preference on a screen, and determine exactly how I voted. This is NOT why Trump is doing this, and I am glad you started the thread Owebo, because I was going to until I seen that you did.

It is said, if I am not leftists, that a swing of 350,000 votes would have put Hillary into the Whitehouse. (is that the number they claim? Is it more, or less?) So here is the deal--------->

By Trump over exaggerating, he has basically FORCED an investigation; one he always wanted, but now it looks like it really wasn't all his idea. He wants to satisfy the MSMs need to know. How thoughtful of him, correct-)

So how does this work, lol........let me tell you---------> Trump has his feelers out to discover the state most LIKELY to have voter fraud. (probably California, or Illinois) All he has to do is find that magic number in that state the left claims would flip the election for the country, although it would not have necessarily flipped the state, to prove that if their is that much FRAUD in one state, we have to get a better lock on the process to PROTECT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS FRANCHISE, regardless if they are Democrats or Repubs, and we have to do it quickly so we can have it in place for 2018, or for sure by 2020-)

Bang.....VOTER.....FREAKIN.......ID, and let us see the mighty Dems stand against it then-) There goes all the illegal votes, (or most) all the dead votes, all the 2, 3, and 4 state votes, and their goes what is PERCEIVED to be 3 to 5% of the Democratic base. (or maybe it is really part of the Republican base, so I expect all the Dems to cheer for it)

You gotta love it when the Dems bamboozle themselves into shooting themselves in the foot, now don't ya!

Sure, but Democrats didn't have anything to do with it. He whined about it, and he is the one wanting the investigation. He can't find just one state and claim that is proof of anything if they are investigating the entire country. You're also hoping that a problem does exist. Do you think all those republican secretaries of state would have been silent for so long if there was evidence of widespread voter fraud? Each one of those secretaries of state personally certified that their vote count as accurate.

Moron...they have scott foval and bob craemer, democrat activists, admitting on video how they conducted massive voter fraud operations and the states they targeted...they even admit to using an illegal alien to gather up other illegals to vote and how they delivered these people to the states to commit the fraud........this is all on video......they admit they did it under orders from the hilary campaign and the Democrat national Comittee.....this is all on video...

Really? I'd like to see that unless it's some kind of Okeefe crap.
just tweeted it out...,let the game begin....

Trump played the MSM and democrats brilliantly on this, having them beg him to do it..epic!!!!!

Please Please Please investigate voter fraud. An honest investigation will finally shut up the idiots who claim there is widespread fraud. Russian interference needs to be investigated too.

Owebo, with a mice quote to Bulldog------------> The left has just screwed itself by chasing this in the Whitehouse, and Trump did it on purpose! (I am betting)


Because you can NOT determine if a vote was cast by someone, who it was cast for, at least not that I am aware of anyway. I am relatively sure that they can NOT go to my precinct, recall my vote preference on a screen, and determine exactly how I voted. This is NOT why Trump is doing this, and I am glad you started the thread Owebo, because I was going to until I seen that you did.

It is said, if I am not leftists, that a swing of 350,000 votes would have put Hillary into the Whitehouse. (is that the number they claim? Is it more, or less?) So here is the deal--------->

By Trump over exaggerating, he has basically FORCED an investigation; one he always wanted, but now it looks like it really wasn't all his idea. He wants to satisfy the MSMs need to know. How thoughtful of him, correct-)

So how does this work, lol........let me tell you---------> Trump has his feelers out to discover the state most LIKELY to have voter fraud. (probably California, or Illinois) All he has to do is find that magic number in that state the left claims would flip the election for the country, although it would not have necessarily flipped the state, to prove that if their is that much FRAUD in one state, we have to get a better lock on the process to PROTECT THE AMERICAN CITIZENS FRANCHISE, regardless if they are Democrats or Repubs, and we have to do it quickly so we can have it in place for 2018, or for sure by 2020-)

Bang.....VOTER.....FREAKIN.......ID, and let us see the mighty Dems stand against it then-) There goes all the illegal votes, (or most) all the dead votes, all the 2, 3, and 4 state votes, and their goes what is PERCEIVED to be 3 to 5% of the Democratic base. (or maybe it is really part of the Republican base, so I expect all the Dems to cheer for it)

You gotta love it when the Dems bamboozle themselves into shooting themselves in the foot, now don't ya!

Sure, but Democrats didn't have anything to do with it. He whined about it, and he is the one wanting the investigation. He can't find just one state and claim that is proof of anything if they are investigating the entire country. You're also hoping that a problem does exist. Do you think all those republican secretaries of state would have been silent for so long if there was evidence of widespread voter fraud? Each one of those secretaries of state personally certified that their vote count as accurate.

Moron...they have scott foval and bob craemer, democrat activists, admitting on video how they conducted massive voter fraud operations and the states they targeted...they even admit to using an illegal alien to gather up other illegals to vote and how they delivered these people to the states to commit the fraud........this is all on video......they admit they did it under orders from the hilary campaign and the Democrat national Comittee.....this is all on video...

Really? I'd like to see that unless it's some kind of Okeefe crap.
Whoever did it, you know it's doctored as fuck :lol:

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