Trump to win in Iowa

Right now in my state one has to apply for a FOID and that can take up to 6 months to show up. One has to sign under the penalty of law they have never used illegal drugs or have any mental issues. Legally one has to register modern sporting rifles and magazines with over 10 rounds with the state police. There is a 72 hour waiting period.

Does not really sound all that much better than Panama.

But both are mute points with me as I will never buy a gun in this state of Panama.

Yeah, piss test? Psych eval? Not listed in your FOID requirements.

C'mon chucklhead, try again.

You claimed that Panama is equal to the US in freedoms.

Turns out they aren't.

Hey, what on earth do you Trumpsters have against living abroad? The only thing I would say is it probably is best for most ordinary Americans, especially for narrow-minded or inflexible types,

It is not for everyone that is for sure, but those that tried it and love it will never move back. Will we? I think so as we both travelled a lot and I spent 4.5 years growing up outside the US and we lived in Japan for 3.5 including a good part of it off base waiting for housing.
Gun laws are low on my priority list. I have all the guns I will ever need to own. Or I did till I lost them all in a boating accident....

I choose a country with a diverse culture and places to live. I can live in the mountains at 4000 ft above sea level and still be to the beach in less than an hour. Or I can live in a metropolis and have all I could ever want in reach. Or I could live on the beach itself and walk down each day and get fresh fish from the local fishermen. Or over the course of 10 years I could do it all.

They sure do, all those improvements are one of the reasons it is such a hot location for ex-pats from all over the world. China does not need to get into a shooting war, in fact it is the worst thing they could do for themselves.

If that's true, then authoritarianism isn't an issue with you at all.

You're just poor.
If that's true, then authoritarianism isn't an issue with you at all.

There is far more to authoritarianism than just gun laws. But of course you are too fucking stupid to know this as your mind will not allow for more than one answer to anything.
There is far more to authoritarianism than just gun laws. But of course you are too fucking stupid to know this as your mind will not allow for more than one answer to anything.
Not really. Gun laws and the availability of guns, legally, to the citizenry, is probably the BEST indicator of how authoritarian a government is.

But, it is apparent that you are fleeing to Panama because you be poor. You can't afford to live in the USA any longer.

Sucks to be you.
If that's true, then authoritarianism isn't an issue with you at all.

You're just poor.
Firearms & Ammo are the best Barter Item imaginable in many situations ( you can trade a 1970s Ruger 10/22 Rifle and two magazines and a brick of 22LR ammo for a running Pickup with half a tank of gas )
But, it is apparent that you are fleeing to Panama because you be poor. You can't afford to live in the USA any longer.

Sucks to be you.

If that were the case I would not be waiting 5.5 years dumb ass

But whatever you need to tell yourself about me is good by me! :beer:
If that were the case I would not be waiting 5.5 years dumb ass

But whatever you need to tell yourself about me is good by me! :beer:
Yeah, you would poor boy. It takes money to move. You have to wait for the wife to retire so you two can live nice in a third world country.

That takes time when you're poor.

If you had money you would have already gone down and either bought something for a remodel, or a new construction so you could have exactly what you wanted when you get there.

My daughter and I are already looking for a house in Zurich for her. As soon as we find something she likes we will buy it, and that way when she starts college she has her own place to live.


Smart people do that.
You have to wait for the wife to retire so you two can live nice in a third world country.

Yep, she still likes her job, no good reason for her to quit yet.

If you had money you would have already gone down and either bought something for a remodel, or a new construction so you could have exactly what you wanted when you get there.

I am not buying down there, that would be stupid based on my desire to move ever few years. I never plan to own a home again, far too many good places to rent that come fully furnished.

My daughter and I are already looking for a house in Zurich for her. As soon as we find something she likes we will buy it, and that way when she starts college she has her own place to live.

Cool story bro. nobody believes you, but you sure do love to tell it.
Yep, she still likes her job, no good reason for her to quit yet.

I am not buying down there, that would be stupid based on my desire to move ever few years. I never plan to own a home again, far too many good places to rent that come fully furnished.

Cool story bro. nobody believes you, but you sure do love to tell it.
I understand you being too poor to buy. Like I said, it sucks to be you.
I understand you being too poor to buy. Like I said, it sucks to be you.

There is no reason to buy, it just ties you to one place and that is the last thing I want.

Far better ways to invest money. But people that pretend to be rich on the internet are too stupid to know this.
It makes more sense to buy than to rent providing you can afford to. I doubt Gator has a pot to piss in.
Indeed, mortgages are almost always cheaper than rent. Plus you get tax benefits, and in places like Panama owning property is an important social class defined.

If you rent, you're a peon. But if you own property the authorities treat you differently.
It makes more sense to buy than to rent providing you can afford to.

Depends on the situation. If one is planning to move every few years it does not make sense and there are far better ways to invest money
Indeed, mortgages are almost always cheaper than rent.

It is not about cheaper, it is about flexibility. That is worth a bit more money

Plus you get tax benefits,

There are no tax benefits to a mortgage in Panama as I will not be paying taxes in country and after my first year there I will not be paying it to the US either.

and in places like Panama owning property is an important social class defined.

You are so full of crap, you can smell it from here. You have not a clue what you are talking about
It is not about cheaper, it is about flexibility. That is worth a bit more money

There are no tax benefits to a mortgage in Panama as I will not be paying taxes in country and after my first year there I will not be paying it to the US either.

You are so full of crap, you can smell it from here. You have not a clue what you are talking about
Talk about being full of crap! Yes, there are ALWAYS benefits to owning. Especially in a Latin, patriarchal society you ignorant baboon. Homes are by FAR the best investment you can make. The main reason being they almost never drop in value provided you buy in the right place.

If your home is in a good area, then when you decide you want to leave, you SELL. And there will be a net increase in value. Especially if you can buy outright. Which apparently you are not able to do.

Just admit you are poor and can't afford to buy.
alk about being full of crap! Yes, there are ALWAYS benefits to owning. Especially in a Latin, patriarchal society you ignorant baboon. Homes are by FAR the best investment you can make. The main reason being they almost never drop in value provided you buy in the right place.

If we were from that society you might have a point, but since I am not you do not, as normal.

We looked into the process of buying and the mortgage process is about 10 times worse than here and takes a good 6 months if you are lucky to find a legit lawyer to help you. Then there is the problem with upkeep and fixing things in an area you have no local connections. Oh, and at the age I will be when I get there I would only be able to get a 10 year mortgage which would not be worth the hassle, thus we would have to buy it outright.

Then if you need to sell in a hurry you are going to take a huge loss as the process to sell is worse than the process to buy going by those we have talked to that live there. If things did go south and we needed to leave the country and we had paid cash for a house we could easily be out 250 to 300 grand.

There is literally no advantage to us owning a house there. What I will make off the house I am selling when we leave will pay rent for around 16 years if I was like you and just buried it in my basement instead of investing it. But I am not a moron like you so I will invest it and likely be able to pay rent just off the interest from it.

You have no clue what you are talking about as you are nothing but a guy that pretends to be rich in the internet.

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