Trump to win in Iowa

No, Trump won Iowa because he reflects the VALUES America cherishes, and that does NOT include 'diversity' as Democrats define it.
American values? Supporting Putin’s brilliant excuses for invading Ukraine? Telling “Big Lies” about the 2020 election results and trying to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power? Praising the “good genes” of his followers?

What sort of diversity do you hate? Black, white, Latin, other ethnic diversity? Democrat, Republican, Independent diversity? Religious and non-religious diversity? Pro- and anti-abortion diversity? Liberal and Conservative diversity? Working-class and capitalist diversity?

Is there even one of the above you would get rid of to re-establish “real American” values?
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American values? Supporting Putin’s brilliant excuses for invading Ukraine? Telling “Big Lies” about the 2020 election results and trying to disrupt the peaceful transfer of power? Praising the “good genes” of his followers? What sort of diversity do you hate? Black, white, Latin, other ethnic diversity? Democrat, Republican, Independent diversity? Liberal and Conservative diversity?
Ahh....A true Marxist^^^^ Lying bastard, projecting your hatred on America.
It will be a battle for 2nd place between Haley and DeSantis.

Actually I predict Ramaswamy will be in second followed by one of them for third.

It is still disrespectful and silly to have media call it this early. You need to allow people to vote. Let it ride out for at least 40-50% of the tally.

"Calling it" so early is all about media wanting to be first all the damn time.

Didn't you learn anything by the 2020 election?

and it may be a win with the largest margin by any candidate in history !

And probably the quickest win too.

Wow! just wow!:banana:

As predicted, Donald Trump has been declared the winner of the Iowa Caucus by the Associated Press. Despite just 1% of the votes in, the former President is leading both Nikki Haley and Ron DeSantis by more than 35-points as of this writing, more than projected in the final NBC News/Des Moines

It will be a battle for 2nd place between Haley and DeSantis.

It's always been that way since the democrats started making a martyr out of Trump. Had they not done that, he would've been seen as a failure as a GOP president.

On spending, the border, trade, debt & deficit, Covid and Fauci. Plus trying to push the socialist Platinum Plan down our throats. Republicans would've been begging for someone else in 2020.
No, Trump won Iowa because he reflects the VALUES America cherishes, and that does NOT include 'diversity' as Democrats define it.

BS. Trump wins because he's a great salesman. That's it. If this primary was all about records, Republicans would've thrown Trump under the bus, backed up and pulled forward 100 times.

He didn't make good on most of his promises. And none of his important promises.
He's a farce. Nothing about Trump is republican. Except what he says.

That MF didn't even try to reduce the debt. The things he actually tried to do (important things), he sucked at and failed.

He's going to win the election. There's no doubt about that. But what we're going to get is a Mike Johnson/ Kevin McCarthy for president. Whoopti fucking doo.

8th bad president in a row.

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