Trump: TPP is a bad, bad deal


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
Unlike some of his Republican peers, Trump is firmly against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade deal proposed between the US and several Asian countries that has been in negotiation since 2009. In particular, Trump has contended that TPP will hurt American businesses and would "send even more jobs overseas."

Recently, Trump teamed up with Americans for Limited Government, a conservative advocacy group, to launch a radio ad urging against fast-tracking the deal. Trump criticized other Republican politicians for "turning their backs on American workers and businesses" by supporting TPP.

Instead of TPP, Trump has proposed his own version of a trade deal. To force companies to provide more American jobs, Trump has argued that American companies manufacturing overseas or in Mexico should pay a 35 percent tax in order to ship their products back into the US market.

Trump also supports a 25 percent tariff on Chinese imports.

Trump on the issues He s running as the greatest jobs president that God ever created. - Vox
Unlike some of his Republican peers, Trump is firmly against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a free trade deal proposed between the US and several Asian countries that has been in negotiation since 2009.

Nope. It's been in negotiation since 2005. Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement. Initiated by Bush and the entirely Republican dominated Congress.

Nice try.

You are just confirming my belief that you rubes didn't come out of your comas until January 20, 2009.
if Trump won the Republican nomination he would not only carry the GOP but half the Democrats....the union workers who are also against TPP....
if Trump won the Republican nomination he would not only carry the GOP but half the Democrats....the union workers who are also against TPP....
That coma sure did cause a lot of brain damage...
i smell democrat fear...
Your Depends are full. That's from where the smell is emanating.

No one is afraid of Trump. :badgrin:

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(cue Jeopardy! theme)
Bush supported the trade agreement. The Republican Congress supported it.

Right wing conservative hero Paul Ryan supports it. Even bigger right wing hero Ted Cruz supports it.

And now we have discovered that the love the rubes have for all these people COMBINED is outweighed by their hatred of Obama. They hate this treaty simply "because Obama".

That is incredibly fascinating.
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

here's some details for you.....and if you read the full article, plenty of good reason to oppose TPP...

1: Sovereignty will be lost.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership constitute an all-out assault on, and an existential threat to, America’s sovereignty and independence.

Even if all of the glowing economic predictions and rosy job promises of the TPP/TTIP promoters were true — and as we show below, there are many good reasons to disbelieve this prosperity propaganda — would it really be worth sacrificing our national sovereignty and independence for these purported benefits? Would it be worth sacrificing our liberty and our Constitution? Would it be worth subjecting ourselves and our posterity to the rule of international bureaucrats and judges? Those are not idle, speculative questions; they go to the core of what the TPP and TTIP are all about.

Modern Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs, such as NAFTA, TPP, and TTIP) have become so comprehensive and complex (see below) that they guarantee conflict — both among the nations that are party to the agreement, as well as between private parties and the various nation-state parties. Resolving the conflict means resorting to adjudication. As with NAFTA, the TPP and TTIP create conflict resolution tribunals (courts) that claim the authority to overrule national, state, and local laws, as well as national and state courts and national and state constitutions. Additionally, PTA members often opt to appeal their cases to the World Trade Organization tribunal, which claims global judicial authority. In practice, this amounts, virtually, to legislating globally from the bench, striking down laws and ordering revisions. This is not merely a theoretical threat, it is already happening. Most recently, the WTO appellate tribunal ruled against the United States in a NAFTA suit brought by Canada and Mexico that claimed the U.S. Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) law, which requires foreign meat to be labeled as such, is an unfair and illegal trade practice. The WTO’s May 18 ruling was the fourth time in three years that the global court had ruled against COOL, even though U.S. courts had ruled that COOL is legal. Faced with WTO penalties and threats of retaliation, the U.S. Congress is now considering repeal of COOL, and American consumers may soon lose the ability to discover if the meat at the grocery store (or the fast food burger/taco joint) is U.S.-raised, or from Mexico, Brazil, or China.

The WTO COOL case is a harbinger of more to come. The TPP and TTIP would exempt foreign corporations from our laws and regulations, placing the resolution of any disputes regarding those matters in the hands of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) tribunal or the WTO. Besides unconstitutionally creating another international judicial authority higher than our own courts and legislature, the agreements will put American businesses (particularly small and medium-size businesses geared primarily for our domestic market) at a serious competitive disadvantage. Foreign firms could operate here unburdened by the costly and onerous regulatory shackles that are crippling and destroying American free enterprise.

10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP
OK, how does he know what's in the treaty? He doesn't have access.

I realize the guy is flavor of the week, and he is driving moonbats apeshit (well more apeshit than they usually are), but he's not a good candidate. He's just using this issue for populartity because what little is known about the treaty isn't popular.

Instead of Pacific, vote America for a change.
Hitlery = global politician at the expense of America.
Trump = businessman putting Americans first.

The local news channel asked a survey question last night, "would you vote for Trump?"
56% said yes. This is a heavily Demo/Union area. I think we are tired of lying politicians.
OK, how does he know what's in the treaty? He doesn't have access.

I realize the guy is flavor of the week, and he is driving moonbats apeshit (well more apeshit than they usually are), but he's not a good candidate. He's just using this issue for populartity because what little is known about the treaty isn't popular.

I think that should tell you something. Another, you have to pass it to see what's in it.
Even Peloosy won't play that card again. If what little is known about the treaty is unpopular, why is your president trying to shove it down our throats?

Trump is the first candidate I've seen in years that is a patriotic American.
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

here's some details for you.....and if you read the full article, plenty of good reason to oppose TPP...

1: Sovereignty will be lost.

The Trans-Pacific Partnership and Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership constitute an all-out assault on, and an existential threat to, America’s sovereignty and independence.

Even if all of the glowing economic predictions and rosy job promises of the TPP/TTIP promoters were true — and as we show below, there are many good reasons to disbelieve this prosperity propaganda — would it really be worth sacrificing our national sovereignty and independence for these purported benefits? Would it be worth sacrificing our liberty and our Constitution? Would it be worth subjecting ourselves and our posterity to the rule of international bureaucrats and judges? Those are not idle, speculative questions; they go to the core of what the TPP and TTIP are all about.

Modern Preferential Trade Agreements (PTAs, such as NAFTA, TPP, and TTIP) have become so comprehensive and complex (see below) that they guarantee conflict — both among the nations that are party to the agreement, as well as between private parties and the various nation-state parties. Resolving the conflict means resorting to adjudication. As with NAFTA, the TPP and TTIP create conflict resolution tribunals (courts) that claim the authority to overrule national, state, and local laws, as well as national and state courts and national and state constitutions. Additionally, PTA members often opt to appeal their cases to the World Trade Organization tribunal, which claims global judicial authority. In practice, this amounts, virtually, to legislating globally from the bench, striking down laws and ordering revisions. This is not merely a theoretical threat, it is already happening. Most recently, the WTO appellate tribunal ruled against the United States in a NAFTA suit brought by Canada and Mexico that claimed the U.S. Country Of Origin Labeling (COOL) law, which requires foreign meat to be labeled as such, is an unfair and illegal trade practice. The WTO’s May 18 ruling was the fourth time in three years that the global court had ruled against COOL, even though U.S. courts had ruled that COOL is legal. Faced with WTO penalties and threats of retaliation, the U.S. Congress is now considering repeal of COOL, and American consumers may soon lose the ability to discover if the meat at the grocery store (or the fast food burger/taco joint) is U.S.-raised, or from Mexico, Brazil, or China.

The WTO COOL case is a harbinger of more to come. The TPP and TTIP would exempt foreign corporations from our laws and regulations, placing the resolution of any disputes regarding those matters in the hands of an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) tribunal or the WTO. Besides unconstitutionally creating another international judicial authority higher than our own courts and legislature, the agreements will put American businesses (particularly small and medium-size businesses geared primarily for our domestic market) at a serious competitive disadvantage. Foreign firms could operate here unburdened by the costly and onerous regulatory shackles that are crippling and destroying American free enterprise.

10 Reasons Why You Should Oppose TPP and TTIP

It sure took you long enough to find something to copy and paste. You couldn't explain in your own words, eh?

So your beef is that any problems which arise between trading partners will be resolved by an international court rather than a court in a country that is party to the conflict which would have an obvious conflict of interest?
OK, how does he know what's in the treaty? He doesn't have access.

I realize the guy is flavor of the week, and he is driving moonbats apeshit (well more apeshit than they usually are), but he's not a good candidate. He's just using this issue for populartity because what little is known about the treaty isn't popular.

I think that should tell you something. Another, you have to pass it to see what's in it.
Even Peloosy won't play that card again. If what little is known about the treaty is unpopular, why is your president trying to shove it down our throats?

Trump is the first candidate I've seen in years that is a patriotic American.
This treaty has been in the works for ten years. That doesn't even approach "shoving it down our throats".
fascinating how you think all Americans have borg-like thinking..but then you are a leftie...

i for one am against multi-national corporate elites and their political comrades of either party subverting American sovereignty...

it's no wonder this deal has been carried out in secret...
I have seen open admissions by brainless rubes they oppose the TPP just because Obama supports it.

I can't help noticing you have not explained why YOU oppose it.

Please take some time and explain to everyone why the TPP is so bad. Thanks ahead of time.

(replay Jeopardy! theme)

talk about brainless rubes....i just gave you one major deal-breaking reason....
No, you gave a bumper sticker answer without any substance whatsover. A throwaway phrase you are parroting, without a shred of evidence to support it.

And guess what? If the US willingly signs a treaty, that is not "subverting American sovereignty." Sorry about that.

Please explain what you believe undermines American sovereignty, bumper sticker boi.

You can't explain a single detail about what is wrong with it. You are a mimic. And a poor one at that.

"Because Obama".

And yet you support this (being a far left drone) because of Obama..

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