Trump unfit to be Commander in Chief

I don’t understand them. They’ve got what they wanted, after years of foaming at the mouth about it: a “conviction”.

Yet they are more demented than ever. :08621:
Because the "conviction" is so obviously bullshit that no one cares about it, and it has helped Trump.

So expect them to get even more shrill.
I don't like what is happening as much as you don't.

But you can't make that claim.

Please don' sound like Kari Lake.
Kari Lake. The woman in AZ that should be governor but was robbed by the woman who was in charge of counting votes in AZ?
That Kari Lake?
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I don’t understand them. They’ve got what they wanted, after years of foaming at the mouth about it: a “conviction”.

Yet they are more demented than ever. :08621:
If you give them what they want, it will only make them more bold and up front about their true feelings.
I just don't get how Democrats or Republicans can talk about candidates being "fit" for office with a straight face. C'mon.
Kari Lake. The woman in AZ that should be governor but was robbed by the woman who was in charge of counting votes in AZ?
That Kari Lake?

Kari Lake who should have called for a new election as it was clear that certain protocols were not followed.

Kari Lake, who instead said she won while saying there was no way to tell that Hobbs had won.

Kari Lake, who could have kept her court challenges going but shut up in the media.

That Kari Lake.

I live here. I know how badly she has alienated people she needs in order to win (and for no good reason).

Also the Kari Lake who taped people without them knowing about it. That really set a lot of good republicans back as far as she was concerned.
Kari Lake who should have called for a new election as it was clear that certain protocols were not followed.

Kari Lake, who instead said she won while saying there was no way to tell that Hobbs had won.

Kari Lake, who could have kept her court challenges going but shut up in the media.

That Kari Lake.

I live here. I know how badly she has alienated people she needs in order to win (and for no good reason).

Also the Kari Lake who taped people without them knowing about it. That really set a lot of good republicans back as far as she was concerned.
Have you ever thought that you're being manipulated by the media?

You only know what they tell you.

All day long, if you watch TV, you're going to hear all of the local gaslighting that Democrats do to Republicans because Democrats control the media almost 100%.
The only people allowed to show the other side are there because they're needed to give us the false impression that there might be two sides to a story.
But Democrats lie so much that everything the other side says (no matter how genuine it is) can be dismissed without a second thought. Written off as just lies to counter the lies from the left.

In summation, we're all so used to being lied to that we believe only what we want to believe and discount the rest.
Only in a scumbags mind.
Actually in the mind of THE OFFICIAL RECORDS.
It is only in the pea-brains of MAGAt cultists that there is anything "illigitimate" about Trump's trial and felony convictions.
The rest of the real life, factual universe sees reality as reality.
Try to catch up.
Have you ever thought that you're being manipulated by the media?

You only know what they tell you.

All day long, if you watch TV, you're going to hear all of the local gaslighting that Democrats do to Republicans because Democrats control the media almost 100%.
The only people allowed to show the other side are there because they're needed to give us the false impression that there might be two sides to a story.
But Democrats lie so much that everything the other side says (no matter how genuine it is) can be dismissed without a second thought. Written off as just lies to counter the lies from the left.

In summation, we're all so used to being lied to that we believe only what we want to believe and discount the rest.

I live here. I have first-hand knowledge in some cases.

In 2022, Kari Lake was to much of an attacker for my liking (in the primary). I supported her opponent.

After the primary, she settled down and became a good candidate. She was much better than Hobbs. Much much better.

But she still talked about 2020 and that annoyed a lot of people. I am a PC and so I hear it first hand. I watched the arguments at our LD meetings.

But what happened in 2022 was that the election was mishandled. In my own precinct there are people who submitted affidavits to that effect. The election should have been redone. She should have simply said that.

Instead she kept saying "I won". How do you win in the election is not legitimate ?

But the media already branded her "Election Deiner Kari Lake".

Telling in the 2022 election as that over 300,000 ballots were mailed to republicans who did not return them or vote in any other way. 300,000 !!!!!! Abraham Hamadeh lost to Chris Maynes by 600 votes for Secretary of State (0.2 % of unreturned ballots). Lake lost by 27,000 votes (less than 10% of what was not returned).

If half those ballots come back, they both win. Big time.

Why did folks not return them. Because the Lincoln Project and the McStainers in AZ convinced people to not support the GOP.

Everyone here knows that there are as many independents as GOP (they are bout even). Both are higher than democrats by about 10%. Most indies are former GOP. They know the state is red. But we can't win because we can't shut up.

Then Lake pulls that little stunt with Jeff Dewitt. My precinct captain (a former libertarian and a staunch supporter of Trump) told me she was leaving this "f**ked up mess of a party) after 2024 because of Lake.

Lake went to the state meeting and was BOOOOed off the stage by pssied off people who have to deal with the outfall of her bullshit. We talk to people. Some of them are really fried. They didn't know what to think.

And stop blaming it on the media. We know they lie. We don't listen to them. I wipe my ass with the Arizona Republic because that is all it is good for.

We need candidates who will do the right thing and will not be insane about along the way.
Actually in the mind of THE OFFICIAL RECORDS.
It is only in the pea-brains of MAGAt cultists that there is anything "illigitimate" about Trump's trial and felony convictions.
The rest of the real life, factual universe sees reality as reality.
Try to catch up.

The polls don't say that. Maybe you need to start a church where you can preach your horsecrap to the lemmings you call left-wingers.
I live here. I have first-hand knowledge in some cases.

In 2022, Kari Lake was to much of an attacker for my liking (in the primary). I supported her opponent.

After the primary, she settled down and became a good candidate. She was much better than Hobbs. Much much better.

But she still talked about 2020 and that annoyed a lot of people. I am a PC and so I hear it first hand. I watched the arguments at our LD meetings.

But what happened in 2022 was that the election was mishandled. In my own precinct there are people who submitted affidavits to that effect. The election should have been redone. She should have simply said that.

Instead she kept saying "I won". How do you win in the election is not legitimate ?

But the media already branded her "Election Deiner Kari Lake".

Telling in the 2022 election as that over 300,000 ballots were mailed to republicans who did not return them or vote in any other way. 300,000 !!!!!! Abraham Hamadeh lost to Chris Maynes by 600 votes for Secretary of State (0.2 % of unreturned ballots). Lake lost by 27,000 votes (less than 10% of what was not returned).

If half those ballots come back, they both win. Big time.

Why did folks not return them. Because the Lincoln Project and the McStainers in AZ convinced people to not support the GOP.

Everyone here knows that there are as many independents as GOP (they are bout even). Both are higher than democrats by about 10%. Most indies are former GOP. They know the state is red. But we can't win because we can't shut up.

Then Lake pulls that little stunt with Jeff Dewitt. My precinct captain (a former libertarian and a staunch supporter of Trump) told me she was leaving this "f**ked up mess of a party) after 2024 because of Lake.

Lake went to the state meeting and was BOOOOed off the stage by pssied off people who have to deal with the outfall of her bullshit. We talk to people. Some of them are really fried. They didn't know what to think.

And stop blaming it on the media. We know they lie. We don't listen to them. I wipe my ass with the Arizona Republic because that is all it is good for.

We need candidates who will do the right thing and will not be insane about along the way.
Dude. You're falling for the same shit they fell for in CA, WA, OR, and CO.

All they have to do is piss off Joe Six-Pack with a constant drone of negative press and next thing you know you're voting for Democrats or not showing up on election day and cutting your own throats. Normal people hate the mess that the left makes of any election and they turn the shit off.

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Actually in the mind of THE OFFICIAL RECORDS.
It is only in the pea-brains of MAGAt cultists that there is anything "illigitimate" about Trump's trial and felony convictions.
The rest of the real life, factual universe sees reality as reality.
Try to catch up.
RIGGED jury confirmed!

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