Trump Using Tariffs to Pay for His Corporate Tax Cuts?

Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
all i saw was the price increases.
all i saw was the price increases.
Hopefully, your job hasn't been exported to China.


"China can produce many consumer goods at lower costs than other countries can. Americans, of course, want these goods for the lowest prices. How does China keep prices so low? Most economists agree that China's competitive pricing is a result of two factors:

  1. A lower standard of living, which allows companies in China to pay lower wages to workers.
  2. An exchange rate that is partially fixed to the dollar.

"If the United States implemented trade protectionism, U.S. consumers would have to pay high prices for their 'Made in America' goods.

"It’s unlikely that the trade deficit will change. Most people would rather pay as little as possible for computers, electronics, and clothing, even if it means other Americans lose their jobs."

The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China
Helping them raise their Standard of Living to achieve that sort of equilibrium, should be standard, Commerce Clause practice.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
all i saw was the price increases.
all i saw was the price increases.
Hopefully, your job hasn't been exported to China.


"China can produce many consumer goods at lower costs than other countries can. Americans, of course, want these goods for the lowest prices. How does China keep prices so low? Most economists agree that China's competitive pricing is a result of two factors:

  1. A lower standard of living, which allows companies in China to pay lower wages to workers.
  2. An exchange rate that is partially fixed to the dollar.

"If the United States implemented trade protectionism, U.S. consumers would have to pay high prices for their 'Made in America' goods.

"It’s unlikely that the trade deficit will change. Most people would rather pay as little as possible for computers, electronics, and clothing, even if it means other Americans lose their jobs."

The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China
Helping them raise their Standard of Living to achieve that sort of equilibrium, should be standard, Commerce Clause practice.
Helping them raise their Standard of Living to achieve that sort of equilibrium, should be standard, Commerce Clause practice.
Trump's trade war will force China's exports into Europe and Russia, and it will also begin selling more of its products to domestic buyers:

The Surprising Ways China Affects the U.S. Economy

"China's economy produced $25.3 trillion in 2018, according to the International Monetary Fund.

"That's based on purchasing power parity which takes into account the effect of exchange rates. That makes it the best method for comparing gross domestic product by country.

"It also makes China the world's largest economy.

"The European Union is second, at $22 trillion.

"The United States is third, producing $20.5 trillion."

Since 1971 the exchange rate has been strongly influenced by the US dollar serving as a global reserve currency. That is why we've been able to wage wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan without going bankrupt, Trump could end that advantage with his nationalistic propaganda.

"China has 1.38 billion people, more than any other country in the world. China is still a relatively poor country in terms of its standard of living. Its economy only produces $18,120 per person. In comparison, the U.S. gross domestic product per capita is $62,518."
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
Trumps tariffs aren't even enough to pay for the bailout of farmers.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?

We’re losing on virtually every front.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
Tariff's don't automatically raise prices. Prices are set based on supply and demand. They already charge the most they can to get optimal profit and raising the Tariff isn't going to change that. If their prices go up then some company will make the same product cheaper locally.

I have no problem paying more or going without luxury goods, like Big Screen TV's, if it means more Americans getting paid living wages.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
Tariff's don't automatically raise prices. Prices are set based on supply and demand. They already charge the most they can to get optimal profit and raising the Tariff isn't going to change that. If their prices go up then some company will make the same product cheaper locally.

I have no problem paying more or going without luxury goods, like Big Screen TV's, if it means more Americans getting paid living wages.
ariff's don't automatically raise prices. Prices are set based on supply and demand. They already charge the most they can to get optimal profit and raising the Tariff isn't going to change that. If their prices go up then some company will make the same product cheaper locally.
If US merchants are forced to pay 10% more for Chinese imports, is there any reason they won't eventually raise their prices? It also seems unlikely domestic suppliers will be able to compete given how overpriced this country already is due to healthcare and housing costs and record levels of consumer debt.

$1 Billion a Month: The Cost of Trump's Tariffs on Technology
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?

We’re losing on virtually every front.
We’re losing on virtually every front
Trump's usefulness to his handlers lies mainly in his ability to distract from critical issues; perhaps white nationalist is where he loses his usefulness?

Mulvaney denies Trump has downplayed threat of white nationalism after El Paso shooting

"Acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney defended President Trump on ABC's 'This Week' against allegations that some of his past comments have downplayed the rising threat of white nationalism in the U.S., and that his divisive rhetoric is helping fuel violent domestic attacks like the shooting in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday."
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.

Tax cuts were given to those who pay taxes, period. All others needed no relief as they pay no taxes.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
Trumps tariffs aren't even enough to pay for the bailout of farmers.
Trumps tariffs aren't even enough to pay for the bailout of farmers.
US farm bankruptcies declined in 2018 from 2017 levels, but if China finds a new source for soybeans sometime in the next 15 months, Trump may find a second term even more difficult to steal.

Farm Bankruptcies in 2018 – The Truth is Out There

"Here’s what we know: Caseload statistics from the United States Courts indicate that in 2018 Chapter 12 family farmer and family fisherman bankruptcies nationwide were down from prior-year levels. Chapter 12 farm bankruptcy provides a flexible and seasonal repayment schedule, and at times may provide lower interest rates and reduce the overall debt burden.

"Chapter 12 filings in 2018 totaled 498 and were down 1 percent, or three filings, from the 2017 calendar year.

"This echoes recent Farm Bureau analysis that revealed that Chapter 12 bankruptcy filings were lower when comparing filings from fiscal year 2017 to fiscal year 2018 (Chapter 12 Bankruptcies Lower Across Farm Country).

"Statistics from the U.S. Courts also show Chapter 12 filings during 2018 were down slightly from the 10-year average of 504 bankruptcies per year."
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.

Tax cuts were given to those who pay taxes, period. All others needed no relief as they pay no taxes.
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.
So why don't you post some support for your nonsense?

GOP-Trump Tax Plan: A Windfall for Top 1% of Pennsylvania, a Tax Increase for Many Middle Class Pennsylvanians | Third and State
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.

Tax cuts were given to those who pay taxes, period. All others needed no relief as they pay no taxes.
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.
So why don't you post some support for your nonsense?

GOP-Trump Tax Plan: A Windfall for Top 1% of Pennsylvania, a Tax Increase for Many Middle Class Pennsylvanians | Third and State
What, should I go to a source of information that you'll just trash as not credible, waste My time, only to have you deny it anyway?

What part of common sense to you lack? Some or all of it?

When you give a tax break, who is it that is getting the break? Not to difficult to comprehend, even without links, is it?

What you really are saying is that math sucks because if I cut 1% of 100 million, it is somehow not 1% of 1000.

I have a much better idea. Instead of whining about giving tax cuts to taxpayers, we start talking about reducing government by 3 trillion dollars.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.

Tax cuts were given to those who pay taxes, period. All others needed no relief as they pay no taxes.
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.
So why don't you post some support for your nonsense?

GOP-Trump Tax Plan: A Windfall for Top 1% of Pennsylvania, a Tax Increase for Many Middle Class Pennsylvanians | Third and State
What, should I go to a source of information that you'll just trash as not credible, waste My time, only to have you deny it anyway?

What part of common sense to you lack? Some or all of it?

When you give a tax break, who is it that is getting the break? Not to difficult to comprehend, even without links, is it?

What you really are saying is that math sucks because if I cut 1% of 100 million, it is somehow not 1% of 1000.

I have a much better idea. Instead of whining about giving tax cuts to taxpayers, we start talking about reducing government by 3 trillion dollars.
What you really are saying is that math sucks because if I cut 1% of 100 million, it is somehow not 1% of 1000.

I have a much better idea. Instead of whining about giving tax cuts to taxpayers, we start talking about reducing government by 3 trillion dollars.
One percent of one million is ten thousand and 1% of 1000 is 10.
Do you not see that difference?
The big problem with US taxation is those "earning" the most often pay the smallest percentage of their income to the government that makes their fortunes possible in the first place.

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue.

"In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.

Tax cuts were given to those who pay taxes, period. All others needed no relief as they pay no taxes.
There is no tax giveaway to the top 1%.

This is not a debate and I don't care if you think otherwise. I simply state the truth so that this nonsense does not go unanswered.
So why don't you post some support for your nonsense?

GOP-Trump Tax Plan: A Windfall for Top 1% of Pennsylvania, a Tax Increase for Many Middle Class Pennsylvanians | Third and State
What, should I go to a source of information that you'll just trash as not credible, waste My time, only to have you deny it anyway?

What part of common sense to you lack? Some or all of it?

When you give a tax break, who is it that is getting the break? Not to difficult to comprehend, even without links, is it?

What you really are saying is that math sucks because if I cut 1% of 100 million, it is somehow not 1% of 1000.

I have a much better idea. Instead of whining about giving tax cuts to taxpayers, we start talking about reducing government by 3 trillion dollars.
What you really are saying is that math sucks because if I cut 1% of 100 million, it is somehow not 1% of 1000.

I have a much better idea. Instead of whining about giving tax cuts to taxpayers, we start talking about reducing government by 3 trillion dollars.
One percent of one million is ten thousand and 1% of 1000 is 10.
Do you not see that difference?
The big problem with US taxation is those "earning" the most often pay the smallest percentage of their income to the government that makes their fortunes possible in the first place.

The moral—and economic—case for progressive taxation

"If you want to run for Congress, the implication is clear: Cut taxes on all but the top 1%, raise them enormously on the top 0.1%, 0.01%, and 0.001%, and leave the 1% the same.

"People will feel that you’ve made the taxes more fair, and you’ve also raised more revenue."In other words, make the tax system more progressive."
So, you're hung up on the fact that 1% is too small a number for the rich when in fact it is the exact same percentage across the board. This is called greed.

If I have 100 dollars and invest it at 2% and someone else has 50 dollars and also invests it at 2%, which will grow fastest and which will get to be the largest?

Why should you take MORE of My 100 dollar investment than the other? The only real answer here is greed.

YOU want to do things and you want to do them on MY back, when in fact, I don't want you to do them at all.
Trump's failure to reduce the US trade deficit has actually produced an increase of 7.9% over the previous year at the same time his tax giveaway to his 1% base has increased the budget deficit.

How could tariffs partially solve that problem, and who would pay?

Trump's New Tariffs on China Help Pay for his Corporate Tax Cut

"And that is that the American budget, government budget is running up deeper and deeper debt as a result of Trump’s tax giveaway to the 1%.

"And so he says, how am I going to shrink the budget deficit?

"He says, I know I’ll make my constituency pay.

"That is, the people that voted for me.

"I’ll make labor pay.

"If I can raise taxes on 300 billion of Chinese imports by another 10%, that’ll be all together I think a 20%.

"That’ll yield $60 billion to help us solve the budget deficit that I might give away to Wall Street and the wealthy corporations he’s created.

"So it’s all a diversion so that people won’t look at what’s really happening."

What's really happening is that Trump is isolating the US by driving China, Russia, Europe, and Iran into trade pacts that might well end the dollar's role as a global reserve currency.

Are you tired of winning yet?
all i saw was the price increases.
all i saw was the price increases.
Hopefully, your job hasn't been exported to China.


"China can produce many consumer goods at lower costs than other countries can. Americans, of course, want these goods for the lowest prices. How does China keep prices so low? Most economists agree that China's competitive pricing is a result of two factors:

  1. A lower standard of living, which allows companies in China to pay lower wages to workers.
  2. An exchange rate that is partially fixed to the dollar.

"If the United States implemented trade protectionism, U.S. consumers would have to pay high prices for their 'Made in America' goods.

"It’s unlikely that the trade deficit will change. Most people would rather pay as little as possible for computers, electronics, and clothing, even if it means other Americans lose their jobs."

The Real Reason American Jobs Are Going to China
Helping them raise their Standard of Living to achieve that sort of equilibrium, should be standard, Commerce Clause practice.
Helping them raise their Standard of Living to achieve that sort of equilibrium, should be standard, Commerce Clause practice.
Trump's trade war will force China's exports into Europe and Russia, and it will also begin selling more of its products to domestic buyers:

The Surprising Ways China Affects the U.S. Economy

"China's economy produced $25.3 trillion in 2018, according to the International Monetary Fund.

"That's based on purchasing power parity which takes into account the effect of exchange rates. That makes it the best method for comparing gross domestic product by country.

"It also makes China the world's largest economy.

"The European Union is second, at $22 trillion.

"The United States is third, producing $20.5 trillion."

Since 1971 the exchange rate has been strongly influenced by the US dollar serving as a global reserve currency. That is why we've been able to wage wars from Vietnam to Afghanistan without going bankrupt, Trump could end that advantage with his nationalistic propaganda.

"China has 1.38 billion people, more than any other country in the world. China is still a relatively poor country in terms of its standard of living. Its economy only produces $18,120 per person. In comparison, the U.S. gross domestic product per capita is $62,518."
corporate welfare is wonderful for corporations. why are they complaining about a foreign nation's business practices?

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