Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

I know. I'm not opposed to the military, either. I'm opposed to idolizing it as our Pres seems to be pushing us to do. If you are too dimwitted to understand that distinction, I don't think I can help you.

You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that

So fly a couple of jets low over DC.

Good morning your butthurt still inflamed?
I didn't know you were that interested in my butt. But thanks for caring but I'm, married & my wife says my fine butt belongs to her.

Dumb RealDumb. So you're a cuck? LOL

The left and the military...eons apart

Nope. The right just uses the militaty as a prop.

You didn't care that Bush went to war in Iraq based on lies that killed 4600 US soldiers and wounded thousands.

He did not care when Trump dissed the service record of John McCain.

You did not care when Trump trashed POWs.

You did not care when Trump trashed a Gold Star family.

You did not care when Trump called a recent military widow a liar.

You don't care that Trump is picking a nuclear war with NK that would kill tens of thousand.

So really, pack up your fake patriotism as your vote told us all we need to know about it.
If Trump wants a parade, let him and his rich pals pay for it out of their tax cuts.
I promise you, if Obama had wanted one, I would also be saying it was weird and militaristic and I didn't like it.
Trump is pushing us toward revering the military beyond what is healthy.
Of course I respect and am grateful to the military. I don't want to see their tanks and rockets and war toys parading down our peacetime streets. It's too much LOVE for the killing toys. We don't need to show that off like Little Kim does. The people, the bands, the flags--go for it. Leave the military equipment home.
The military is why you can post your anti-militaristic posts.
I know. I'm not opposed to the military, either. I'm opposed to idolizing it as our Pres seems to be pushing us to do. If you are too dimwitted to understand that distinction, I don't think I can help you.

You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq

That has what to do with what I posted? I mean besides not a damn thing. You can thank Trump and Mad Dog for ISIS being decimated....but I'll wager you'll credit Ears The Disaster


To ignore his contributions is just being ignorant. What did Trump do different? Very little. He followed Obama's game plan.

When we killed OBL, Obama noted all the contributions including Bush.

But your buddy Trumnp doesn't & says he did it all.

This is a huge fault of Trumps that you Trum[ettes don't get.

He can't give any credit to those who came before him. Every trade agreement ever made prior to Trump was a really really bad agreement. (not that Trump has successfully negotiated shit)

And every nation that worked on the Iran Nuke deal were fucking worthless scum idiots because only Trump knows hopw to negotiate.

This is the way little spoiled children act.
We should have a military parade all the way to Venezuela.

That would eliminate illegal immigration.
You mean like the parade for Barack Obama after OBL was killed.
He gave himself a medal instead.
You know that Gay Pride Parades/Festivals are private events with their own fundraising, right?
One fag parade in West Hollywood cost taxpayers 1.1 million
Based on what? Security and street shutdown? Same for MLK Jr. parades and St. Patrick's Day Parades and the Do Dah Parade.

Those parades are worth something, not fags running around in bras and panties in public...

Feeling left out? We can have a bigot parade just for you.
One of the floats should have a massive Trump statue that always faces towards Mar-a-Lago, so hish sheep know what direction to face when praying their devotions to him.

I thinm have the parade and have Trump in the uniform he had in school. Let everyone call him General or Major Trump... Dictatorship is just around the corner...

Half the Right here have demonised the Democrats and trying to dehumanise Liberals... Need that to make them less than human... That way killing them is easier...
You mean like the parade for Barack Obama after OBL was killed.
Obama helped kill almost everyone on that task force. That would be a short parade.
Will Trump wear his "Neatness and Order" medal to the parade?


Election 2004. Republicans chose a draft dodger Bush over a Vietnam vet that won 3 purple hearts.

I was going to say how Democrats chose Obama over a military hero John McCain but he is not a hero according to Trump. Trump won the primaries because Republicabs thought going to military school was like going to West Point.

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Like I said the left started it by lowering the bar..

Admit it.
I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.

I'm sure plenty of bed wetting parasites already BLAME Reagan for the downfall of their beloved soviet union. They're the sort of complete blithering imbeciles that give the meat puppet faggot credit for taking out ISIS while in reality their moonbat messiah allowed ISIS to flourish.
This just in. There will be no marching at the parade. The entire military has come down with temporary heel bone spurs. Trump is having the military fly in all of his golf carts, so that the parade will happen.
You mean like the parade for Barack Obama after OBL was killed.
Obama helped kill almost everyone on that task force. That would be a short parade.
So how did he do that?
Will Trump wear his "Neatness and Order" medal to the parade?


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Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Will Trump wear his "Neatness and Order" medal to the parade?


View attachment 175386
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.

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