Trump wants a Soviet Style MILITARY Parade through the streets of Washington DC

You mean like the parade for Barack Obama after OBL was killed.
The RW trumpanzees are stilling mourning that one.
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
BO did not defeat ISIS and that doddering senile POS Reagan had nothing to do with ending the Cold War.

Wrong with Reagan, probably wrong with BO too. Reagan made the Cold War too expensive for the Reds to keep going. Not much into history, are you?

Actually go read your history, Russia's economic well-being depends on the price of petroleum. Its economy depends on oil and gas exports. Next to a drop in oil prices in the 80s and the war in Afghanistan, worry about space based missle defense has no real role.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan


So if you want to call it about an increase in Spending you better thank Carter!!!

To quote you back : Not much into history, are you?
Will Trump wear his "Neatness and Order" medal to the parade?


View attachment 175386
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Go right ahead....but you pay for it.
I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.

I'm sure plenty of bed wetting parasites already BLAME Reagan for the downfall of their beloved soviet union. They're the sort of complete blithering imbeciles that give the meat puppet faggot credit for taking out ISIS while in reality their moonbat messiah allowed ISIS to flourish.
It wasn`t Reagan who kept the troops in the barracks when the wall was coming down. The Russians laughed at him along with the rest of the world. They weren`t impressed with his failed Star Wars boondoggle.
ISIS was Bush and his poodle Tony Blair`s baby and Blair has already accepted the blame.
Tony Blair takes blame for Iraq War and admits conflict caused ISIS | Daily Mail Online

Tony Blair is right: without the Iraq war there would be no Islamic State
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Go right ahead....but you pay for it.

We are already paying for there salaries either in a parade or playing cards in their barracks ...
I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.

I'm sure plenty of bed wetting parasites already BLAME Reagan for the downfall of their beloved soviet union. They're the sort of complete blithering imbeciles that give the meat puppet faggot credit for taking out ISIS while in reality their moonbat messiah allowed ISIS to flourish.
So angry :itsok:
You mean like the parade for Barack Obama after OBL was killed.
Obama helped kill almost everyone on that task force. That would be a short parade.
No...none of them were killed. Oh, that's pretend to know what's going on with Special Forces.....:lol:
Will Trump wear his "Neatness and Order" medal to the parade?


View attachment 175386
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Pay for it, and I might come. If they invite vets, I might even march in it.
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Go right ahead....but you pay for it.

We are already paying for there salaries either in a parade or playing cards in their barracks ...
Ah of those "our military is lazy" RWrs.
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Pay for it, and I might come. If they invite vets, I might even march in it.

They don't allow squids...

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Go right ahead....but you pay for it.

We are already paying for there salaries either in a parade or playing cards in their barracks ...
Ah of those "our military is lazy" RWrs.

I watch movies squids are lazy.
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Pay for it, and I might come. If they invite vets, I might even march in it.

They don't allow squids...

View attachment 175404
Officers don't do basic training.
Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Pay for it, and I might come. If they invite vets, I might even march in it.

They don't allow squids...

View attachment 175404
Officers don't do basic training.


I made my case.
Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Pay for it, and I might come. If they invite vets, I might even march in it.

They don't allow squids...

View attachment 175404
Officers don't do basic training.


I made my case.
Officers have to have a college education.....either a service academy, ROTC, or OCS.....glad to have added a tiny bit to your education today.
Too funny....let us know when military service is a requirement for the Presidency.

Too funny...then stop whining Trump didn't serve.

This is like taking candy from a baby

Lots of people now a days did not serve. Wer don't diss the military service of others like Trump did.
Yet The Don wants to give them a parade and many here are dead set against it.
Go right ahead....but you pay for it.
They're using the foreign aid not given to Palestine this year.
I came here to start a thread on the potential waste of money Military parades may or may not be. Instead I'll post it here.

When I was an E-4 I once protested a parade in Fort Polk Louisiana for Senators. We sent over 45 people to the hospital because we stuck the long legged people in the front and the short legged people in the back on the march to the parade grounds. Our unit was not a combat unit. None of our troops were fit like 11-B troops are. Our unit was full of clerical, communications, and mechanical personnel who only exercise was pt. I thought it was stupid to do a parade just for a few Senators and their egos.

That was 30 years ago. Bill Clinton is right, we need a parade to demonstrate our strength. Countries like Iraq, Pakistan, India, North Korea, and Venezuela would respect us more after the demonstration. Why have an Army if you never use it. What good is an Army that isn't combat experienced. A Parade of our combat troops, not our non-combat troops would go along way of showing the world we are ready to fight.
Eisenhower had to send in 82nd Airborne to make Democrats obey the law, Trump might have to do the same
The reality is that Iraq beat ISIS, with some support from us. That's why there were so few US casualties.

You can thank President Obama for that.

I’ll thank BO for beating ISIS as soon as you Libs acknowledge and thank Reagan for the destruction of the Soviet Block.
BO did not defeat ISIS and that doddering senile POS Reagan had nothing to do with ending the Cold War.

Wrong with Reagan, probably wrong with BO too. Reagan made the Cold War too expensive for the Reds to keep going. Not much into history, are you?

Actually go read your history, Russia's economic well-being depends on the price of petroleum. Its economy depends on oil and gas exports. Next to a drop in oil prices in the 80s and the war in Afghanistan, worry about space based missle defense has no real role.

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan

View attachment 175398

So if you want to call it about an increase in Spending you better thank Carter!!!

To quote you back : Not much into history, are you?

Really? I wonder then, why do the Russian people themselves credit Reagan with the fall of Communist Soviet Union? They have no particular reason to alter history, unlike you.

In Russia, Reagan rememberedfor helping bring down Soviet Union

Ronald Reagan’s determination to destroy communism and the Soviet Union was a hallmark of his eight-year presidency, carried out through a harsh nuclear policy toward Moscow that softened only slightly when Gorbachev came to office.

He is vividly remembered in Russia today as the force that precipitated the Soviet collapse.

“Reagan bolstered the U.S. military might to ruin the Soviet economy, and he achieved his goal,” said Gennady Gerasimov, who served as top spokesman for the Soviet Foreign Ministry during the 1980s.

I will concede that it was not Reagan alone that brought down the USSR. There were other factors. But powder puff Libs like you refuse to acknowledge the meaningful role Reagan played. Don’t worry though, your kids or grandkids will accept his role because they won’t have the personal animosity for him that you do.

5 Reasons for the Collapse of the Soviet Union | Graduate Degrees Norwich
Bullshit. There's nothing wrong with a military parade. It's good for many countries all over the world, not just the two crummy ones you hatey hens keep clucking about.
Y'all are just pissed because Trump wants it.
Any of you says you'd object also if Obama wanted it is a liar.
I promise you, if Obama had wanted one, I would also be saying it was weird and militaristic and I didn't like it.
Trump is pushing us toward revering the military beyond what is healthy.
Of course I respect and am grateful to the military. I don't want to see their tanks and rockets and war toys parading down our peacetime streets. It's too much LOVE for the killing toys. We don't need to show that off like Little Kim does. The people, the bands, the flags--go for it. Leave the military equipment home.
The military is why you can post your anti-militaristic posts.
I know. I'm not opposed to the military, either. I'm opposed to idolizing it as our Pres seems to be pushing us to do. If you are too dimwitted to understand that distinction, I don't think I can help you.

You know, years ago when our twin daughters were very small we were on the beach in Florida, two jets came in very very low and the people on the beach were oohing and awing and one of our twins was pointing saying "see Mommy see!" She was so excited and I whispered to her..."they are protecting you"....

Few leftist asshats will understand that
We have supposedly won the war against ISIS. We are vacating Iraq. We don't have a need to pull out the military equipment, work up the American people into a militaristic frenzy. A military parade without all the toys is fine with me. I find parades boring, anyway, but a lot of people like them and there's nothing wrong with honoring our military. JUST leave the tanks home.

Work the American people into a militaristic frenzy?
Holy fuck.
Your brain must be a scary place.

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