Trump wasn't the first one to use the phrase "America First".


America First 2017 bitches.
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There's kind of a history behind "America First", for people that know anything.

And Trump defies conventional politics, and history, for people that know anything.

"America First!"


I see alot of German they think that's America first

Nice try, but next time buy a clue.
"America First!"


I see alot of German they think that's America first

Nice try, but next time buy a clue.

That was at an "America First" rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939. It's been a bit whitewashed how much popular support the Nazi party had in the US at the time, or how common anti-Semitism was at the time. Like how the Jews controlled the media and finance. I mean, "an international cabal of financiers" and "liberal media bias". Can't come right and say it out loud these days, but its still there.
You are a Petard.

Here, have a clue for free!

America First Committee - Wikipedia
Where does it say anything about them being Nazis, asshole?
Can you read?
Nazis built volkawagon too. I don't see you objecting to their continue sale
It says a lot about our country when our President saying "America first" throws people into a tizzy.

He didn't say "Fuck everyone else." He just said America first. That should be obvious, not controversial.

There's kind of a history behind "America First", for people that know anything.

And Trump defies conventional politics, and history, for people that know anything.
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

He even defies the truth.

What do you know about truth?
I remember the American Legion actually fighting with the America Firsters. The America Firsters were isolationists and somewhat responsible for fighting America's preparation for WWII. The America-Firsters were real and bad news,

80 years time difference changes the definitions of words.
Surely some Republican must have known a small tad of American history and warned the Republican powers of the historical usage of the term?
I remember the American Legion actually fighting with the America Firsters. The America Firsters were isolationists and somewhat responsible for fighting America's preparation for WWII. The America-Firsters were real and bad news,
"Bad news?" Why, because FDR warmonger smeared and slandered them because they were in the way of his agenda of pushing America into the war?

FDR used a lot of the same tactics that modern Democrats use against Trump: lies, slander, demonization. If you were against going to war, then you were a Nazi. Now Trump is a tool of Vladimir Putin and anyone who supports him is a traitor.

Democrats never change their stripes. They have always been scum.
Charles Lindbergh, man he did not like himself some Jews, loved himself some Nazis, and was an ardent America First spokesman.
Lot's of Americans were antisemitic before the war, moron. That doesn't make them Nazis. Lindbergh was not a member of the Nazi party, so your accusation is nothing but a cheap smear.
Charles Lindbergh was inducted into the Order of the German Eagle by Hermann Goering, which was essentially the highest Nazi honor available to a foreigner.
He was not a member of the Nazi party, bonehead.
"America First". Sounds good to me. In fact, it sounds so good, why haven't other politicians used it before?


Does anyone really believe that any President that was elected in the History of this Country, didn't put America FIRST or at least didn't intend too? WTF is that kind of a comment.

I guess it's made for the truly dumbass's that voted for Comrade Trump.


Yes, I certainly do: Obama, to name just one. Then there is Jimmy Carter, LBJ, Harry Truman, FDR and Woodrow Wilson.
And Trump defies conventional politics, and history, for people that know anything.

"America First!"


I see alot of German they think that's America first

Nice try, but next time buy a clue.
I see alot of German they think that's America first

Nice try, but next time buy a clue.

That was at an "America First" rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939. It's been a bit whitewashed how much popular support the Nazi party had in the US at the time, or how common anti-Semitism was at the time. Like how the Jews controlled the media and finance. I mean, "an international cabal of financiers" and "liberal media bias". Can't come right and say it out loud these days, but its still there.
You are a Petard.

Here, have a clue for free!

America First Committee - Wikipedia
Where does it say anything about them being Nazis, asshole?
Can you read?
Yes I can. Feel free to quote where the article says AFC members where Nazis.
That was at an "America First" rally in Madison Square Garden in 1939. It's been a bit whitewashed how much popular support the Nazi party had in the US at the time, or how common anti-Semitism was at the time. Like how the Jews controlled the media and finance. I mean, "an international cabal of financiers" and "liberal media bias". Can't come right and say it out loud these days, but its still there.

What the hell does "it's an America first rally" mean? Is that the name of the group? Is that their slogan? If so, where's the proof?

Obviously you're just a commie douche bag who lies about American history.

American Nazi organization rally at Madison Square Garden, 1939

Nazis are one thing. the AFC is another. Prove they are the same thing.

America Firster's at a Nazi rally does that. Wait, you guys are telling me to learn some US history? lol
Prove America Firsters were at a Nazi rally. If communists are at a Hillary rally, does that make her a communist?
Russian Poodle,

See how that goes?
Surely some Republican must have known a small tad of American history and warned the Republican powers of the historical usage of the term?
It was used by people who thought America should come before helping out some corrupt European powers in a war of their own making.

First he's getting Nazi salutes then, out on the street, he denies who he is. Very much like Trump.

But then he gets corrected.
I remember the American Legion actually fighting with the America Firsters. The America Firsters were isolationists and somewhat responsible for fighting America's preparation for WWII. The America-Firsters were real and bad news,
"Bad news?" Why, because FDR warmonger smeared and slandered them because they were in the way of his agenda of pushing America into the war?

FDR used a lot of the same tactics that modern Democrats use against Trump: lies, slander, demonization. If you were against going to war, then you were a Nazi. Now Trump is a tool of Vladimir Putin and anyone who supports him is a traitor.

Democrats never change their stripes. They have always been scum.
So by that reasoning the American Legion that fought the America Firsters were not good Americans, even though most were veterans of WWI. The America Firsters were simply against American arming and becoming a threat to the axis powers. I guess one could say FDR smeared and slandered the Nazi, including the America Firsters.

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