Trump whacked by more damaging polls

Trump supporters, what are your thoughts?
Trump whacked by more damaging polls
The blows just keep coming for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential nominee was hit by two brutal polls on Tuesday that showed him badly lagging in the critical swing states of Virginia and Florida, underscoring the backslide that Trump’s campaign can’t seem to stop.

Don't believe in lamestream media at all......none, nada, zilch.....I actually believe the opposite of what they report.
Yeah, and look at you now. :321:

Electronic voting machines with back doored software that are easily accessible along with no paper trail to verify any election. We are living in a banana republic. We have an uneducated public that believes everything that they see and hear on the te-lie-vision". New boss is always the same as the old boss because the ones that run this worthless fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value has used our military might as the hammer while any other country that didn't have the where with all to fight off USA.INC has been the USA.INC is finding that they don't need that many of us and they wish to "downsize". The crash of this fiat currency is less than a year away and the repercussions are going to make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison. Please spare me a thought when it happens and genuflect....(snicker)
Trump supporters, what are your thoughts?
Trump whacked by more damaging polls
The blows just keep coming for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential nominee was hit by two brutal polls on Tuesday that showed him badly lagging in the critical swing states of Virginia and Florida, underscoring the backslide that Trump’s campaign can’t seem to stop.

Don't believe in lamestream media at all......none, nada, zilch.....I actually believe the opposite of what they report.
Yeah, and look at you now. :321:

Electronic voting machines with back doored software that are easily accessible along with no paper trail to verify any election. We are living in a banana republic. We have an uneducated public that believes everything that they see and hear on the te-lie-vision". New boss is always the same as the old boss because the ones that run this worthless fiat currency backed by nothing of an intrinsic value has used our military might as the hammer while any other country that didn't have the where with all to fight off USA.INC has been the USA.INC is finding that they don't need that many of us and they wish to "downsize". The crash of this fiat currency is less than a year away and the repercussions are going to make the orchestrated crash of 1929 seem tame by comparison. Please spare me a thought when it happens and genuflect....(snicker)
This is why liberals on this site have trouble taking trump supporters seriously.
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.
Lol it really cracks me up that rather then making ANY attempt to defend Trump, you people just pivot to bitching about Clinton. I see it over and over on this forum. It's so ridiculous.
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.
Lol it really cracks me up that rather then making ANY attempt to defend Trump, you people just pivot to bitching about Clinton. I see it over and over on this forum. It's so ridiculous.

When do you leftwing douche bags ever defend Clinton?
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.
TRUMP: I am the greatest hawk who ever lived, a far greater hawk even than Bush. I am the most militant military human being who ever lived.

TRUMP: I'm the most militaristic person there is.
Trump supporters, what are your thoughts?
Trump whacked by more damaging polls
The blows just keep coming for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential nominee was hit by two brutal polls on Tuesday that showed him badly lagging in the critical swing states of Virginia and Florida, underscoring the backslide that Trump’s campaign can’t seem to stop.

Well for a guy you think is tanking he sure can draw a crowd. LOL
Polls before the debates are worthless. The day is fast approaching when Hillary can no longer run and hide from Trump, he's going to destroy her on national tv for all to see unfiltered by the lying lowlife filth scum so called press.

I have been seeing this a lot lately.....
Now that Trump is going down in the polls like the Titanic polls don't matter????
They are rigged???? The polls are not accurate,they mean nothing!!!

When Trumpy was running in the primaries a few minutes into his rally he would
be boasting about how great he was doing in the polls.....
I wonder if the Trumpsters care any about this poll.
The Hildebeast is withing striking distance of winning Texas....
How bout dat!!!

And if the polls don't mean anything....
Why did trump shakeup his campaign staff......

Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.

Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. Trump would.

I don't think so. But we know for a fact what that female and her male clone has done in their Arab Spring. And how much more powerful isis has gotten under their proection and support. Not to speak of comrade Holder arming the drug cartels while only allowing rubber bullets to agents that died because of it and killed by one of guns Holder supplied them' Fast and Furious , sure was.
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.

Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. Trump would.

No she'd do it because Soros told her to. She's killed way more and started more wars than trump

Yep. You're still nuts.
I'm nuts for you big boy.
So what was incorrect?

Been down that road before. No matter what facts are presented to you, you still believe every crazy scenario that any nutbag can come up with as long as it falls into the category of "I HATE HILLARY" or "I HATE OBAMA" Yep, you're nuts.
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.
Lol it really cracks me up that rather then making ANY attempt to defend Trump, you people just pivot to bitching about Clinton. I see it over and over on this forum. It's so ridiculous.

Here's why:
Trump is Raid, Hillary is a cockroach. You need one to get rid of the other.
Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. .

:laugh: That's would you think. Funny how you hacks screamed nonstop about Bush's foreign policy, but never criticized Obama for keeping it in place and are now backing Hillary who is as much as a neocon as Bush.
Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. .

:laugh: That's would you think. Funny how you hacks screamed nonstop about Bush's foreign policy, but never criticized Obama for keeping it in place and are now backing Hillary who is as much as a neocon as Bush.

The difference is that Obama is trying to clean it up while Bush is the one who broke it. If shrub hadn't shit all over it we probably wouldn't be there.
The difference is that Obama is trying to clean it up


If shrub hadn't shit all over it we probably wouldn't be there.

So why are you supporting neocon Hillary who will stay the Bush course?
Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. .

:laugh: That's would you think. Funny how you hacks screamed nonstop about Bush's foreign policy, but never criticized Obama for keeping it in place and are now backing Hillary who is as much as a neocon as Bush.

The difference is that Obama is trying to clean it up while Bush is the one who broke it. If shrub hadn't shit all over it we probably wouldn't be there.

He's not cleaning up anything....he's created way more issue was than he's ever solved.
Arab spring, Iran, syria.....all disaster because of this .administration. Even Iraq has gotten worse with the JV team,
Trump supporters, what are your thoughts?
Trump whacked by more damaging polls
The blows just keep coming for Donald Trump. The Republican presidential nominee was hit by two brutal polls on Tuesday that showed him badly lagging in the critical swing states of Virginia and Florida, underscoring the backslide that Trump’s campaign can’t seem to stop.

Don't believe in lamestream media at all......none, nada, zilch.....I actually believe the opposite of what they report.

As do I. The media of today is busy trying to make the news. Not report it.
Not as whacked as those who want a sadistic warmonger to rule over us,seems yall would have had enough killing to last you a lifetime from these two destroyers.

Hillary won't start a war because she doesn't like someone's tweet. Trump would.

No she'd do it because Soros told her to. She's killed way more and started more wars than trump

Yep. You're still nuts.
I'm nuts for you big boy.
So what was incorrect?

Been down that road before. No matter what facts are presented to you, you still believe every crazy scenario that any nutbag can come up with as long as it falls into the category of "I HATE HILLARY" or "I HATE OBAMA" Yep, you're nuts.
"Any nut bag" would be vastly preferable to Hillary.

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