Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

This Week in Trump Administration Lies: Busloads of Misinformation

The first lie happened on February 10, when Donald Trump insisted that fraudulent votes were cast during the election of 2016 in the state of New Hampshire, which he won. He swore thousands of people were brought in by bus, which senior policy advisor Stephen Miller backed up a few days later. That simply did not happen, which former New Hampshire GOP chair Fergus Cullen knows perfectly well. Here’s the pushback: he called out the lie, offering $1,000 to anyone who could prove that people were bused into the state to cast illegal ballots.

On the 12th, Trump used Twitter to accuse CNN of cutting off an interview with Bernie Sanders after the senator joked about “fake news.” Once again, CNN’s PR account corrected him — this time by showing the transcript of the interview — then jumped in with their catchphrase: “Those are the facts.”

Sean Spicer misquoted Charles Krauthammer on the 14th, seemingly making up a phrase that the Fox contributor had not said. He also defended Mike Flynn‘s choice to reach out to Russian officials and Trump’s decision to ask Flynn for his resignation.
It's National No Fake News day.
Freedom of the press?
The C(linton) N(ews) N(etwork) and all that lot remain free to practice their arts... they just can't do it in the White House, apparently.

Once CNN fires Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and once MSNBC fires Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthers, they'll be welcome again, I'm sure...
It's National No Fake News day.
Freedom of the press?
The C(linton) N(ews) N(etwork) and all that lot remain free to practice their arts... they just can't do it in the White House, apparently.

Once CNN fires Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and once MSNBC fires Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthers, they'll be welcome again, I'm sure...
So scum like you determine who is fit to enter the white house briefing room
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

What he has done has declared war on very powerful agencies in this country. The intelligence agencies and the media, and it's not a war he's going to win. Right now there are investigative reporters working 24 hours a day 7 days a week that are going to bring him and his administration down.

Intelligence agencies will continue to leak to the media, because he has continually undermined them. He's never going to find out who's doing it, because the media will keep their sources secret, & even go to jail to protect their sources.

They're NOT going to STOP, and he can't make them stop. IOW--it's going to be a slow waterboarding torture of the entire Republican party. Every lie he states is going to be outed, every time he says he had nothing to do with the Russians, someone else will leak information that proves he or someone within his campaign did.


Those phone records never go away.
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Is there a precedent?

Have other Presidents allowed access by some outlets, and denied access by others?
What would you have said if Obama banned conservative outlets from the briefing room? Tell us
It's National No Fake News day.
Freedom of the press?
The C(linton) N(ews) N(etwork) and all that lot remain free to practice their arts... they just can't do it in the White House, apparently.

Once CNN fires Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and once MSNBC fires Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthers, they'll be welcome again, I'm sure...
So scum like you determine who is fit to enter the white house briefing room
Calm down, little one... I determine nothing in this context... you determine nothing in this context... that falls to the President... payback's a bitch, isn't it?
Trump White House blocks CNN, NYT, LA Times, Politico and others from media briefing

Wrong as usual.

(Isn’t it striking how the liberal fanatics themselves reply on Fake News to evade responsibility for their side’s misdeeds and lies?)

The WH spokesman Spicer couldn’t use the normal briefing room due to Trump giving a speech at CPAC. So he invited reporters up to his office for a “gaggle” (whatever that is). His office is smaller than the briefing room, so he couldn’t invite everybody. So he invited the entire Pool (reporters from several main media outlets who cover close events such as those inside the WH etc. and give their reports to all reporters), plus he invited reports from a number of other media outlets. He filled the room, but didn’t invite certain reporters from CNN, the NY Times etc.

The ones he didn’t invite, weren’t reporters in fact. They were political advocates pushing their own agendas in their stories, and who deliberately try to twist and distort stories to put Republicans in the worst light possible, far more than the facts would justify. Such people are not “news reporters”. They are Democrat party operatives hiding behind Freedom of the Press, and abusing that freedom to lie and misrepresent the truth.

Isn’t it their tough luck they wound up too far down Spicer’s list of who could fit into his office? Spicer had to fill out that list somehow, and he did so in the best way.

Too bad, liberal liars and fake-news pushers. You simply got what you earned. Maybe you should get jobs with the DNC? Then you could push your politics honestly, instead of the way you choose to push it today.
It's National No Fake News day.
Freedom of the press?
The C(linton) N(ews) N(etwork) and all that lot remain free to practice their arts... they just can't do it in the White House, apparently.

Once CNN fires Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and once MSNBC fires Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthers, they'll be welcome again, I'm sure...
So scum like you determine who is fit to enter the white house briefing room
Calm down, little one... I determine nothing in this context... you determine nothing in this context... that falls to the President... payback's a bitch, isn't it?
What payback? Obama never did what Trump is doing. Do you recall what Spicer said in December?
Is there a precedent?

Have other Presidents allowed access by some outlets, and denied access by others?
What would you have said if Obama banned conservative outlets from the briefing room? Tell us
Considering that I voted for Obumble in both 2008 and 2012, I would probably have supported the action, if the rationale seemed reasonable.
Are real news outlets only those who agree with your narrative?

Nope. Reporting the news isn't supposed to be about what you "agree with" it's about reporting the facts in an objective and unbiased manner. Trump already said he doesn't have a problem with honest objection and criticism. This wasn't about agreeing with him, it is about being fair and honest with the public. Now, you know as well as I do they have not done that with him... if you don't know it, you're an idiot.

The Bushes were the kind to just sit back and let the media pick them apart and they never said a word. They just let it all ride and the Democrats had a field day destroying them in the press. Those days are over now. You're dealing with a street fighter who isn't going to let it stand. They hit him, he's going to hit back harder. That's just how things are now. Get used to it.
Are real news outlets only those who agree with your narrative?

Nope. Reporting the news isn't supposed to be about what you "agree with" it's about reporting the facts in an objective and unbiased manner. Trump already said he doesn't have a problem with honest objection and criticism. This wasn't about agreeing with him, it is about being fair and honest with the public. Now, you know as well as I do they have not done that with him... if you don't know it, you're an idiot.

The Bushes were the kind to just sit back and let the media pick them apart and they never said a word. They just let it all ride and the Democrats had a field day destroying them in the press. Those days are over now. You're dealing with a street fighter who isn't going to let it stand. They hit him, he's going to hit back harder. That's just how things are now. Get used to it.
What facts of yours have the media reported incorrectly? you aint got a phyucking clue
There goes our 1st amendment rights, whats next?

What did he do to stop them from publishing? You have a very loose interpretation of the First Amendment. I don't think it was a good move on his part but he did not m
Looks like the Trump administration has started a war against the free press. Anyone that says anything they don't like is barred from the White House and called fake news.

I really hate to say it but it really is right out of Hitler's playbook. The first thing he did was to control all media and shutdown any media that he didn't like.

Germany didn't have a first amendment, thank God we do!

Obama and Democrats did the same thing. Banned the Washington Times, Left out Fox News on Conference calls; referred to Fox News as "Entertainment", "not real news". Even tried to use the Fairness Doctrine to silence them.

Everytime Obama and The Democrats pulled shit like this, while I was annoyed, I took solace knowing that Obama and The Democrats were setting precedent. I stated they were doing such at the time as well. Obama said, "Elections have consequences", "Punish your Enemies."

Ha, that was all ok because Obama was their 'Hopey Changey Messiah.' You ain't gonna reason with these folks. So don't waste too much time trying to. Trump's 'Hitler' as far as they're concerned. You can't reason with them.
It's not ok if Obama did it and it's not ok if Trump does it. The white house has a responsibility to our press and the first amendment.
What facts of yours have the media reported incorrectly?

I'm not going to sit here and list out the volumes of shit the left-wing media hacks have churned out on Trump. You got to be outta your fucking mind. I've got better shit to do man. If you want to think they've covered him objectively and fairly, that's your business.
It's National No Fake News day.
Freedom of the press?
The C(linton) N(ews) N(etwork) and all that lot remain free to practice their arts... they just can't do it in the White House, apparently.

Once CNN fires Chris Cuomo and Anderson Cooper, and once MSNBC fires Rachel Maddow and Chris Matthers, they'll be welcome again, I'm sure...
So scum like you determine who is fit to enter the white house briefing room
Calm down, little one... I determine nothing in this context... you determine nothing in this context... that falls to the President... payback's a bitch, isn't it?
What payback? Obama never did what Trump is doing. Do you recall what Spicer said in December?
What payback?

Payback for the long-running Liberal Media campaign to derail Herr Drumpf's candidacy and his election?

At least that's the way they see it, isn't it?

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