Trump Wins At SCOTUS...Constitutional Prejections Remain!

Why do they want his tax returns?

Why didn't Trump just release them like he promised?
If Biden Doesn't drops out and wins. Alot of life long politicians are going down. He are going to find out the truth over Ukraine and China! You loons opened a pandoras box that will hurt any lifetime politician running for president!
The case was sent back to the lower court.
Yes, it will buy the crooked Trump more time.

This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020. If he isn't president they will go harder against him, if he wins re-election, which I think will happen as long as he compares his record with the career politicians, he will have them spinning their wheels and citizens will ask what their motive is.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Trump's taxes will be released. The American people will then see what a fraud Trump truly is except that Trump's more fervent supporters will applaud Trump's fraud as proof of Trump's criminal genius.
What makes you think his tax returns to will prove he is a “fraud”?

I think it’s hilarious he made you all jump through all these hoops just to see his tax returns. Because what is going to be in them? A big giant nothing burger.
IF Trump had nothing to hide he would have released his taxes. He did not. Trump's tax return's will show that he is fraud.
Sure, that’s why he has been audited all the time, yet remains free.
So why not just release his taxes to the DA if he has nothing to hide?

Why have a Defense Attorney if you aren't guilty?
That is a false analogy. A defense attorney would tell you if you have exculpatory evidence release it, don't hide it.

So they're doing a Soviet style "Show me the man, I'll show you the crime" operation.

The Orange Shit Gibbon lost his attempt to hide his Tax Records from the Manhattan D.A. In a 7-2 Decision (Majority Decision written CJ Roberts) the court held,

In our judicial system, ‘the public has a right to every man’s evidence.’ Since the earliest days of the Republic, ‘every man’ has included the President of the United States,” Roberts wrote.


The Supreme Court on Thursday voted 7-2 against President Donald Trump in a case over whether he could shield his tax records from the Manhattan district attorney.

Chief Justice John Roberts authored the court’s opinion, which was joined by Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan. Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch wrote separately to explain their votes with the majority. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito dissented.
Gorsuch again with the majority against droll!
This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020.
This will motivate Trump even more to resign, to receive a pardon from Pence.
You loons continue to show your ignorance. Trump has been audited multiple times and nothing. You even saw one of his tax returns and it showed he paid what he was suppose too. Thanks Maddow!
How do you know about his audits? Oh, I forgot. He must have told you all about them.
This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020.
This will motivate Trump even more to resign, to receive a pardon from Pence.
You loons continue to show your ignorance. Trump has been audited multiple times and nothing. You even saw one of his tax returns and it showed he paid what he was suppose too. Thanks Maddow!
How do you know about his audits? Oh, I forgot. He must have told you all about them.
Dumbass, if he cheated on them we would know. He would've been fined or prosecuted. You really think Muller didn't see them? If there was something there he would've used it. Instead of looking like an idiot in front of the world. I wonder how Biden is going to respond. Since if he becomes president, we will find out the truth between him Ukraine and China! This is not a bad thing for Trump.
This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020.
This will motivate Trump even more to resign, to receive a pardon from Pence.
You loons continue to show your ignorance. Trump has been audited multiple times and nothing. You even saw one of his tax returns and it showed he paid what he was suppose too. Thanks Maddow!
How do you know about his audits? Oh, I forgot. He must have told you all about them.
Dumbass, if he cheated on them we would know. He would've been fined or prosecuted. You really think Muller didn't see them? If there was something there he would've used it. Instead of looking like an idiot in front of the world. I wonder how Biden is going to respond. Since if he becomes president, we will find out the truth between him Ukraine and China! This is not a bad thing for Trump.

Biden doesn't think such a thing would be applied to him...he'll be shocked and hurt if he wins and the same rulings are applied to him.
Here is the deal, I'll be blunt so that those who keep looking for a smoking gun or wonder why supporters of Trumps policies are brushing this off regardless of what is shown in his returns (if they ever go public).

Judge it as you will, right or wrong, but consider, if there had been consequences for SO many other political abusers, citizens would care about this. There hasn't been and there won't be, so citizens simply don't care. They aren't interesting in the shiny object anymore, they want policies and results. Trump will only increase his support by reminding voters that he is the victim for simply standing up to China and for American success. Everyone can relate to being bullied.

What America voters will say and in fact have said, is: "we know how many get into politics solely for chasing wealth, not because they created any before, so, we care only about what this politician will do for me, not for him being a Choir Boy at the local church"

They know Trump is an outsider just as they know Romney and Biden are career politicians. If the West is to survive, it will be because we had more Reagans and Churchills, not more of their contemporaries.
I think Trump’s sleazy corruption may become clearer when his taxes are public, but probably they are too complicated for most to understand. Few of his fanatical supporters will likely care, even if it were shown he used outrageous tax havens and loopholes and paid no taxes or lower taxes than his secretary in recent years. They will say: They were all legal! It shows he is a smart businessman! ... or whatever.

The truth is the army of accountants and lawyers he employs has always protected him in the past despite screwing over contractors, investors, and employees. All sorts of corruption is allowable under the law. But Trump’s reputation was garbage with bankers and investors by the end of his career, after all his bankruptcies, when he had to resort to scams like Trump University and his TV public persona, foreign investors, and political cronies to keep his companies alive and maintain his lavish lifestyle.

Public transparency among those who amass fortunes in America is much needed today, and strict new laws and tax schedules for the billionaire class will be required if we are ever to get our country back on tract. Especially now when fiat money and Federal Reserve credit operations bankroll crony capitalist players and our entire economy, and working people see their savings and jobs disappearIng, major politician’s tax records should by law be made public.
Why do they want his tax returns?

Why didn't Trump just release them like he promised?
If Biden Doesn't drops out and wins. Alot of life long politicians are going down. He are going to find out the truth over Ukraine and China! You loons opened a pandoras box that will hurt any lifetime politician running for president!

You loons? I don't support Biden, I simply asked a question about a promise Trump made.

Now about that promise......
Court punted it back down to the lower courts.

As usual, Trump does what he wants and then ties it up in the courts indefinitely.

This will not be decided by the November election and Congress will lose interest by the time Trump loses.

However, the New York prosecutor will pursue the case

What CASE?

Be specific.
Try paying attention

The case that went to the Supreme Court
You do understand that if the DA leaks Trump's tax records to the press he will be committing a felony. I'm sure the IRS has already leaked them to THE NY DA and others.....and this is just a move to provide plausible deniability by getting his taxes into more people's hands legally. Sort of the way Obama spread Russian Collusion all over Washington before leaving office so they could cover up who leaked it.
The case was sent back to the lower court.
Yes, it will buy the crooked Trump more time.

This will motivate Trump even more to ensure a victory in 2020. If he isn't president they will go harder against him, if he wins re-election, which I think will happen as long as he compares his record with the career politicians, he will have them spinning their wheels and citizens will ask what their motive is.
Whether Trump wins or loses, Trump's taxes will be released. The American people will then see what a fraud Trump truly is except that Trump's more fervent supporters will applaud Trump's fraud as proof of Trump's criminal genius.
What makes you think his tax returns will prove he is a “fraud”?

I think it’s hilarious he made you all jump through all these hoops just to see his tax returns. Because what is going to be in them? A big giant nothing burger.
IF Trump had nothing to hide he would have released his taxes. He did not. Trump's tax return's will show that he is fraud.
How so? The IRS went over his tax returns, obviously. What “crime” did he commit that the IRS missed?
The IRS does not look at conflicts of interest in your tax returns.

Heavy investment from Russia is not a crime. It may be inappropriate for a President making deals with Russia

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