Trump/women & so called "unwanted advances"

The workplace is one of the best places to get chicks. Actually, the lunchroom girl got mad at me for not asking her out after she gave me free chocolate chip cookies repeatedly. She had an awesome body too. I stupidly felt my love life was busy enough with some broad I was banging from a different company.
Too bad you didn't feel that way 20 years ago.

20 Years ago, I was one of you Right Wing Assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton". Because clearly, I was not happy with peace and prosperity.

Then your boy George W. Bush got in, and two wars, two recessions, some major disasters later, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, and a 25% pay cut.

Here's the thing, Clinton did treat women pretty shabbily, but all those women CHOSE to be treated shabbily. Can't get worked up because a trailer trash golddigger like Paula Jones didn't get the big payday the right wing promised her.
Too bad you didn't feel that way 20 years ago.

20 Years ago, I was one of you Right Wing Assholes who screamed "Impeach Clinton". Because clearly, I was not happy with peace and prosperity.

Then your boy George W. Bush got in, and two wars, two recessions, some major disasters later, I was left with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, and a 25% pay cut.

Here's the thing, Clinton did treat women pretty shabbily, but all those women CHOSE to be treated shabbily. Can't get worked up because a trailer trash golddigger like Paula Jones didn't get the big payday the right wing promised her.

Yeah the woman that Clinton likely raped, "chose" to be assaulted.
Good one Joe.
And, while we're on the subject....

There are chat rooms like this one, bars, restaurants, fast food joints, car washes, bowling alleys, amusement parks, parks, national parks, libraries, stores, shops, ski lodges, etc...

Why is it that men cannot wrap their heads around one fact; when you're at work and Jane is sitting 3 desks over, she is there to make a living. Not because she is wanting to see her co-workers socially. Asking her out at any place she is required to be is to be avoided. Nobody is telling you that you cannot approach a woman but do so at a place where there are no requirements that she be there. It creates an uneasy environment (potentially). There are plenty of places to make a fool of yourself...avoid doing so at work. K?THX, Bye.
Complete bullshit.

Next you liberal wussies will be creating federal workplace dating laws.

Funny, the military is considered pretty conservative isn't it? The military has some of the strictest workplace "dating laws" around. 30 days confinement for dating the "wrong" person.

I'd have to say that conservative "wussies" are the ones passing Federal dating laws.
This COMPLETELY ABSURD line of attack by the liberal media is the most asinine shit I've ever heard in politics.

Consider this. Have YOU ever asked out a person of the opposite sex and they declined for WHATEVER reason? If you answered yes then you are guilty of the dastardly deed of UNWANTED ADVANCEMENT!
Then we have the issue that I would love an answer to. WHY is it a fucking problem for the left if a man finds a woman attractive & says as much? Women have been wearing makeup for hundreds of years in an attempt to "look better/good". They wear revealing tops or over the knee skirts. They try to achieve the perfect tan. They paint their fucking toes for Christ's sake. They pay a stranger to cut their fingernails. They soak in mud or whatever the hell that shit is in a spa. They pay hundreds of dollars for a 15 dollar haircut & some 10 cent dye. They desperately try to keep a slim figure.

They do everything they can to look beautiful but if you are a conservative that recognizes those efforts & comments on it you are a dastardly perv.

I get that the comment he made about his daughter was at best extremely bad taste & at worst creepy BUT remove that one comment & Trump is nothing more than a man who appreciates a beautiful woman and there is NOTHING wrong with that.

In fact, Trump as far as I know, never used his power to fuck his interns or shove a cigar up their twats.

I'm no fan of Trump but this DESPERATE attempt to sling mud is an insult to ANY human being who ever asked someone out on a date & was rejected or commented on their beauty only to have it thrown in their face later.

Please stop pussifying our nation with your safe space bullshit


Nobody is slinging mud at Trump. They're just offering him free beauty treatments.
If you're at work and a co-worker makes a move and you tell her/him no...the next day or days is uncomfortable whenever you encounter that person. And don't pretend it isn't it is.

I beg to disagree. If it's only uncomfortable if you have low self esteem.
Why is it that men cannot wrap their heads around one fact; when you're at work and Jane is sitting 3 desks over, she is there to make a living. Not because she is wanting to see her co-workers socially.

I tried to wrap my head around it, but I was distracted by Jane's short, tight skirt, perfect makeup, perfume, and low cut blouse.

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