
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas[emoji769], we now have TrumpGas[emoji769], which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.

Morons forget the storm that shut down the refinery.

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Well, morons forget that Bush crashed the economy.

Which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

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It has everything to do with it. You're just not sharp enough to understand what I'm saying.
The better question is, are you? Because we're talking about today's gas prices and the impact on them from shutting down a major refinery. You're yammering about a president who hasn't been in office for nearly a decade.
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™, we now have TrumpGas™, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?

2.39 is nowhere near "damn close". The record high national average was, and still is, $4.11. July 2008.

Your own link:

See that 2.64 on the far right?

Whelp --- that's RumpGas™

Many people are paying that. On many sides.

You dishonest fuck. Show it from 2008 through 2016 and you'll see the close to $4.00 gas. OBAMA GAS!

Follow link, expand it to 8 years. You wanted proof, you got it

Gas Price Charts -

Fuck you, dishonest hack. I clicked your link and copied exactly the image I got. And just now I clicked again and got the same thing.

Once again the all-time high for gas was $4.11. July of 2008. The only time the national average ever went over $4.

Oh right, dumbass Pogo doesn't know how to click the appropriate button on the page SHOWING THE OBAMA YEARS

You are a piece of work! Keep on admitting you're an idiot.

We enjoy it BIGLY

Once AGAIN --- what ain't going away is.........

I seem to remember gas at $4.00+ under obama.

Whelp --- no you don't, since that was Bush. PERIOD.

I said 'prove me wrong' and you FAILED.

You LOSE. Get it yet?

See that point on the chart where gas was over $3.99. That's an average moron and an average means some over, some under. So "seem to remember gas over $4.00 IS THE TRUTH!

Geez, I hope you ain't a chick, cuz as easy as you are, you'd be preggers all the friggen time!
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas[emoji769], we now have TrumpGas[emoji769], which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?

He steered that hurricane right at the refinery. Hey, if Bush could do it, so could he.

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After years of inexpensive ObamaGas[emoji769], we now have TrumpGas[emoji769], which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?

He steered that hurricane right at the refinery. Hey, if Bush could do it, so could he.

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So I pulls in to a I tried to buy some RumpGas™. "Fillerup with supreme" sez I. Attendant says, "Well just so you understand, I know nothing about supremacy. Did your car manufacturer endorse it or what? Because I know nothing about what you're even talking about".

"OK" I sez, "what if I just use regular? What will my engine do?"

"Knock the hell" he sez.
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™, we now have TrumpGas™, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?
Amazing this joke's been running for five years and there are still those who don't get it.
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™, we now have TrumpGas™, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Are you lefties really that idiotic ? Gas prices have gone up because of hurricane Harvey.
Apparently you forgot the high gas prices for most of Obama's eight years.
For the first half. Thanks Bush!
Let's hear it from the donkey's mouth, shall we?

Nice sure is great when you take things out of context

But history shows Obamagas dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to below $2.00 a gallon. Doesn't seem he was serious about wanting high gas prices does it?
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas[emoji769], we now have TrumpGas[emoji769], which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?

He steered that hurricane right at the refinery. Hey, if Bush could do it, so could he.

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Definite PROOF that Trump steered the Hurricane over Houston in order to shut down refineries and give him an excuse to raise gas prices
I keep telling you that I'm not interested in your cut and pastes from wingnut websites.

EVERYONE keeps telling you this, but it's your crutch, in place of having to actually articulate an opinion.
Ladies & Gentlemen - SynthaStupid™ just had an accidental moment of honesty. She is not the least bit interested in cold, hard facts. She wants to deal in opinion only.

PoliticalChic hammers the boards with data and SynthaStupid™ rejects it immediately while calling for opinions.
I want something other than her insipid cut and pastes from lying websites.

If she can muster an actual opinion about something other than grunting "Obama BAD!" she will have made progress. I'm certainly not going to start out asking her to provide actual verifiable facts. The poor dear might injure herself!

1. "Obama's Unforgivable Betrayal

The president's nuclear accommodation of radical Islamist theocrats threatens Israel's survival.
[Obama] is no longer trying to stop Iran from going nuclear. “Never” has been slimmed down to 13 years – at best!"

2. Obama's Iran Nuclear Deal Allows the Regime to Develop a Weapon ...
"Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Caved’ on Inspections, Now Iran Is Developing a Nuclear Weapon"
Read more at: Krauthammer’s Take: Obama ‘Caved’ on Inspections, Now Iran Is Developing a Nuclear Weapon

3. "...Obama had previously stated that “the deal we’ll accept” with Iran “is that they end their nuclear program” and abide by the U.N. resolutions that have been in place. Yet more enrichment will continue with 5,000 centrifuges per decade and all restraints will end in 15 years.

.... none of Iran’s nuclear facilities, including the Fordow center will be closed, as The Washington Post noted. Not one of the country’s 19,000 centrifuges will be dismantled. Tehran’s existing pile of enriched uranium will be “reduced” but not necessarily shipped out of the country. In effect, then, Iran’s nuclear infrastructure will remain intact ....."


So....we agree?
You're nothing but a lying low-life gutter scum, and Obama awarded Iran nuclear weapons?

Cite any parts that aren't true.....

...or, admit that you are lying low-life gutter scum, and Obama awarded Iran nuclear weapons.
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™, we now have TrumpGas™, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.

So a 500 year storm hits the Gulf coast shutting down most of our refineries...and that's an issue of governance?

Of course the price of gas went up! Of course it will go higher! That has nothing to do with Trump...nor would it have had anything to do with Hillary Clinton if SHE were sitting in the Oval Office!

The price of gas will go down when Texas recovers from the hurricane and subsequent flooding. THAT will have nothing to do with Trump either!

This string is unusually weak even for you, Synth!
These days even the weather is Trump's fault! :lmao:
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas[emoji769], we now have TrumpGas[emoji769], which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
Could you explain what you think Trump did to raise the price of gas?

Or are you simply an ignorant jackass? Or what?

He steered that hurricane right at the refinery. Hey, if Bush could do it, so could he.

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The Russians, no, the Jews did it!
Apparently you forgot the high gas prices for most of Obama's eight years.
For the first half. Thanks Bush!
Let's hear it from the donkey's mouth, shall we?

Nice sure is great when you take things out of context

But history shows Obamagas dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to below $2.00 a gallon. Doesn't seem he was serious about wanting high gas prices does it?

Obama wanted gas prices to go high and stay there, so that the hybrid car and alternative fuel industries take over. It isn't even even debatable that Obama was against all fossil fuels. Remember his incumbent Hillary said to the coal miners "we're gonna out you out of business".
Apparently you forgot the high gas prices for most of Obama's eight years.
For the first half. Thanks Bush!
Let's hear it from the donkey's mouth, shall we?

Nice sure is great when you take things out of context

But history shows Obamagas dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to below $2.00 a gallon. Doesn't seem he was serious about wanting high gas prices does it?

Obama wanted gas prices to go high and stay there, so that the hybrid car and alternative fuel industries take over. It isn't even even debatable that Obama was against all fossil fuels. Remember his incumbent Hillary said to the coal miners "we're gonna out you out of business".

Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.
Apparently you forgot the high gas prices for most of Obama's eight years.
For the first half. Thanks Bush!
Let's hear it from the donkey's mouth, shall we?

Nice sure is great when you take things out of context

But history shows Obamagas dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to below $2.00 a gallon. Doesn't seem he was serious about wanting high gas prices does it?

Obama wanted gas prices to go high and stay there, so that the hybrid car and alternative fuel industries take over. It isn't even even debatable that Obama was against all fossil fuels. Remember his incumbent Hillary said to the coal miners "we're gonna out you out of business".

Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.

Yeah, they shoulda voted for that corrupt crooked criminal Hillary that the entire Washingtin establishment and crooked media was rooting for, that told the coal miners in their faces she was going to fuck them over.

You guys are funny, I gotta tell ya.
For the first half. Thanks Bush!
Let's hear it from the donkey's mouth, shall we?

Nice sure is great when you take things out of context

But history shows Obamagas dropped from almost $4.00 a gallon to below $2.00 a gallon. Doesn't seem he was serious about wanting high gas prices does it?

Obama wanted gas prices to go high and stay there, so that the hybrid car and alternative fuel industries take over. It isn't even even debatable that Obama was against all fossil fuels. Remember his incumbent Hillary said to the coal miners "we're gonna out you out of business".

Check out what Trump said about coal miners in his Playboy interview:

PLAYBOY: What satisfaction, exactly, do you get out of doing a deal?
TRUMP: I love the creative process. I do what I do out of pure enjoyment. Hopefully, nobody does it better. There’s a beauty to making a great deal. It’s my canvas. And I like painting it.

I like the challenge and tell the story of the coal miner’s son. The coal miner gets black-lung disease, his son gets it, then his son . If I had been the son of a coal miner, I would have left the damn mines. But most people don’t have the imagination–or whatever–to leave their mine. They don’t have “it.”

PLAYBOY: Which is?
TRUMP: “It” is an ability to become an entrepreneur, a great athlete, a great writer. You’re either born with it or you’re not. Ability can be honed, perfected or neglected. The day Jack Nicklaus came into this world, he had more innate ability to play golf than anybody else.

Trump spit right in the faces of coal miners in that interview. Trump considered coal miners to be too stupid to get another career. Trump said they don't have "it".

These dumb backward rubes have not caught on they've been hoaxed by a New York limousine liberal.

Yeah, they shoulda voted for that corrupt crooked criminal Hillary that the entire Washingtin establishment and crooked media was rooting for, that told the coal miners in their faces she was going to fuck them over.

You guys are funny, I gotta tell ya.

False dichotomy.

Republicans should have voted for a real conservative Republican in the primaries. Instead, the fucking rubes picked a New York huckster Democrat.

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