
After years of inexpensive ObamaGasā„¢, we now have TrumpGasā„¢, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.

So a 500 year storm hits the Gulf coast shutting down most of our refineries...and that's an issue of governance?

Of course the price of gas went up! Of course it will go higher! That has nothing to do with Trump...nor would it have had anything to do with Hillary Clinton if SHE were sitting in the Oval Office!

The price of gas will go down when Texas recovers from the hurricane and subsequent flooding. THAT will have nothing to do with Trump either!

This string is unusually weak even for you, Synth!
These days even the weather is Trump's fault! :lmao:
Yeah, they shoulda voted for that corrupt crooked criminal Hillary that the entire Washingtin establishment and crooked media was rooting for, that told the coal miners in their faces she was going to fuck them over.

You guys are funny, I gotta tell ya.
You're either an ignorant moron, or a liar - which is it?

Hillary said she was going to replace those mine jobs with new jobs in alternative energy.
That's a remarkable statement coming from someone who slurped up Obama's lies as fast as he could and kept asking for more.
^^^ Yet he can't name a single lie.
  • His campaign "promise" to end The Patriot Act. He expanded it.
  • His campaign "promise" to close Gitmo
  • Proclaiming that Beghazi was the spontaneous result of a YouTube video when in fact he was given national security briefings that an attack was imminent (and other nations actually evacuated before hand because of it).
  • "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"
  • "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance"
  • His campaign "promise" not to add a single dollar to the nation debt ("pay as you go")

Making SynthaStupidā„¢ my personal bitch on USMB since July 21, 2010
Well, morons forget that Bush crashed the economy.

Which has nothing to do with the subject at hand.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It has everything to do with it. You're just not sharp enough to understand what I'm saying.
The better question is, are you? Because we're talking about today's gas prices and the impact on them from shutting down a major refinery. You're yammering about a president who hasn't been in office for nearly a decade.
Like I said: you're not sharp enough.

But post another - keep proving it!
I guess you answered my question, in the negative.
You're never going to cease being my bitch until you get a better game. Because you suck at political debate.
Debate? Is that what you think you're doing? The rest of the world has a more accurate term for it - whining like a little bitch. :lmao:
If you're looking for sympathy sex from Political Chic, just ask!
That's a remarkable statement coming from someone who slurped up Obama's lies as fast as he could and kept asking for more.
^^^ Yet he can't name a single lie.
  • His campaign "promise" to end The Patriot Act. He expanded it.
That's a broken campaign promise, not a lie.

He didn't expand it, it curtailed a lot of it's abuses. That, by definition, is not expanding, but contracting it.
His campaign "promise" to close Gitmo

Blocked by Republicans.
Proclaiming that Beghazi was the spontaneous result of a YouTube video when in fact he was given national security briefings that an attack was imminent (and other nations actually evacuated before hand because of it).

More lies and bullshit. And I've debunked the YouTube deniers many times. Once more:
Spread of Protests Sparked by Anti-Muslim Video



"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

Not a lie. The Affordable Care Act doesn't prohibit you from keeping your doctor.

"If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance"
Not a lie. The Affordable Care Act doesn't choose your insurance for you.

His campaign "promise" not to add a single dollar to the nation debt ("pay as you go")

I think you're lying, as usual. Link?
Conservatives don't give a damn what President Trump says
I am well aware you pseudocons don't mind Trump lying to you.

Trump is not going to create coal jobs. The West Virginia rubes, and you, have been hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
So did Obama create those millions of "shovel ready" green jobs he promised before election? Maybe he meant jobs created by all the neighborhoods that were burned down as a result of all the divisive race riots he instigated?


Obama never offered a single shovel ready job

Shovel ready was a condition to receive Stimulus funding
If a state did not have shovel ready projects ready to hire people they did not qualify
Conservatives don't give a damn what President Trump says
I am well aware you pseudocons don't mind Trump lying to you.

Trump is not going to create coal jobs. The West Virginia rubes, and you, have been hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
So did Obama create those millions of "shovel ready" green jobs he promised before election?
I feel sorry for weak-minded submissive people like you who are okay with Trump lying to you just because Obama lied to you.
"If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance"
Not a lie. The Affordable Care Act doesn't choose your insurance for you.
Who said anything about "choosing for you"? Desperate, much? Barack Insane Obama adamantly insisted "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance".

Millions lost their health insurance who liked what they had and wanted to keep it. White House emails show that was an egregious lie.

And your lies to cover Obama's lies shows what a little partisan hack you are.
Barack Insane Obama adamantly insisted "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance".

Who made anyone change insurers? I kept mine. I kept my doctor too, until he retired 3 months ago.

So obviously the ACA didn't make anyone change insurers. Insurance companies did that.

Millions lost their health insurance who liked what they had and wanted to keep it.
Talk to the insurance companies. The ACA doesn't mandate what insurance you have or who your doctor is.

Obama was 100% truthful when he said those words.

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