
  • His campaign "promise" to end The Patriot Act. He expanded it.
He didn't expand it, it curtailed a lot of it's abuses. That, by definition, is not expanding, but contracting it.
He didn't "curtail" a single thing, SynthaStupid™. That's why you're unable to provide even a single example. He expanded it exponentially. Ask Edward Snowden. The true American patriot who exposed the full intrusion, mass surveillance of the Obama Administration.

Now be a good little girl and swallow the dildo that you pretend is Obama's dick, for the fourth time today.
Millions lost their health insurance who liked what they had and wanted to keep it.
Talk to the insurance companies. The ACA doesn't mandate what insurance you have or who your doctor is. mandated that the insurance companies cancel the policies that millions had. That's exactly what it did. You can't twist your way out of this one, SynthaStupid™
Obama was 100% truthful when he said those words.
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Barack Insane Obama adamantly insisted "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance".
Who made anyone change insurers? I kept mine.
Well duh. Obamacare didn't force Medicaid to stop their coverage. It targeted private insurance companies because Barack Insane Obama wants everyone on the government plantation - beholden to him and the Dumbocrat Party.
Conservatives don't give a damn what President Trump says
I am well aware you pseudocons don't mind Trump lying to you.

Trump is not going to create coal jobs. The West Virginia rubes, and you, have been hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
So did Obama create those millions of "shovel ready" green jobs he promised before election?
I feel sorry for weak-minded submissive people like you who are okay with Trump lying to you just because Obama lied to you.
I feel sorry for mental midget fake outraged people like you, who were okay with eight years of Obama lying and subverting the constitution while dividing the nation, but start having hissy fits and total mental breakdowns over the smallest bit of fake news promulgated by the corrupt, crooked news media.

Stop making up fake shit and let the guy run the country, he was elected fair and square. It's only a few months into his presidency. In three or four years the country gets to pull the lever once again. So far he's done a great job running the country, holding people accountable (including those in his own party), while keeping us safe. Far better than his predecessor who might go down as one of the worst president's this country has ever had, if history is to judge him fairly. But no he's black and he's a Democrap so he can't CAN'T be bad, can he?
Yeah, they shoulda voted for that corrupt crooked criminal Hillary that the entire Washingtin establishment and crooked media was rooting for, that told the coal miners in their faces she was going to fuck them over.

You guys are funny, I gotta tell ya.
You're either an ignorant moron, or a liar - which is it?

Hillary said she was going to replace those mine jobs with new jobs in alternative energy.
Oh great! She bullshitted er promised more shovel-ready green jobs just like Obama, only this time it was to the coal miners!
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Conservatives don't give a damn what President Trump says
I am well aware you pseudocons don't mind Trump lying to you.

Trump is not going to create coal jobs. The West Virginia rubes, and you, have been hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
So did Obama create those millions of "shovel ready" green jobs he promised before election? Maybe he meant jobs created by all the neighborhoods that were burned down as a result of all the divisive race riots he instigated?


Obama never offered a single shovel ready job

Shovel ready was a condition to receive Stimulus funding
If a state did not have shovel ready projects ready to hire people they did not qualify
Actually, shovel ready was what the bullshiting con artist Obama kept repeating.

Conservatives don't give a damn what President Trump says
I am well aware you pseudocons don't mind Trump lying to you.

Trump is not going to create coal jobs. The West Virginia rubes, and you, have been hoaxed.

You DESERVE to be lied to.
So did Obama create those millions of "shovel ready" green jobs he promised before election? Maybe he meant jobs created by all the neighborhoods that were burned down as a result of all the divisive race riots he instigated?


Obama never offered a single shovel ready job

Shovel ready was a condition to receive Stimulus funding
If a state did not have shovel ready projects ready to hire people they did not qualify
Actually, shovel ready was what the bullshiting con artist Obama kept repeating.


Of course he did

That was the provide funding for projects that were ready to hire
President Obama never promised shovel ready projects. It was up to the states to identify them. Some states did a good job, others did not
That's a broken campaign promise, not a lie.
Did Trumpy lie when he campaigned on getting rid of Obamacare on Day 1?

He didn't, you know.

Or is that a broken campaign promise?
You can't say he didn't try. His presidency is not over, don't count your chickens just yet.
Actually, I can say Trump didn't try.

He hoaxed you, dude. Time to wake up to that fact.
He tried, the democrats refused to fix the disastrous socialized medicine they shoved down the American people's throats, and the republicans had a few defections, and that was enough. Like I said don't count him out. Those republicans will be primaried in the 2018 elections when you Democrats suffer a fatal blow.
After years of inexpensive ObamaGas™, we now have TrumpGas™, which has risen $0.20 per gallon in the past few weeks.

And it's going to go higher.

Because Republicans don't know how to govern.
3 hurricanes in the gulf have nothing to do with gas prices! :spinner:

Trump is responsible for the price of gas at the pump

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