Trump's "beautiful" Steel Slat Barrier for Mexican border lampooned by designers

and now the pos blames dems for the deaths of 2 children ? Is there no end to this scumbags political rants and raves?
Dims are encouraging illegals to rush the border, so they are responsible.
You really believe this out of control president is good for our country? Sooner or later republicans will come to their senses and rid us of this vile pos

Why would you need a 480 foot rail to build anything?

Dumbasses abound!
and now the pos blames dems for the deaths of 2 children ? Is there no end to this scumbags political rants and raves?
Dims are encouraging illegals to rush the border, so they are responsible.
You really believe this out of control president is good for our country? Sooner or later republicans will come to their senses and rid us of this vile pos

Sadly, don't hold your breath.

Many republicans will figure it out...true

But Trump's hardcore base - Trumpbots - will probably never get it.

They are, IMO, generally old, 'white', male, uneducated, not-too-bright, live in the sticks and generally do not have a clue about the world (except through extremist eyes).
Plus - as we have seen on this site - many of them are racist and/or xenophobic and/or misogynistic.

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Look at the silly wall?

They freak out about it, yet seem to NEVER mention the obvious way to fix the illegal immigration problem...severely punish those who employ illegal immigrants. Cut off the main financial reason for illegal immigrants to come to America.

Look at the military and honor?

They claim to be patriotic. Yet they generally had NO PROBLEM AT ALL in Trump calling McCain not a hero simply for being shot down. Every veteran/patriotic American should have been outraged by that statement.
Not most Trumpbots.

Look at the budget?

They agreed with Trump that Obama's deficits were WAY too high (and they were right). But now they look the other way while Trump is on pace for a $1.8 TRILLION deficit in FY 2019.

Look at Trump's ethics?

He openly craves his eldest daughter. He admits to grabbing women - without their consent - in the crotch.
They do NOTHING but brush it off/make ridiculous excuses for this disgusting behavior.

These people are nothing more then Trumpbots...blindly believe ANYTHING Trump says OR actually agreeing with everything he says and does because it is what they would do were they him.
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and now the pos blames dems for the deaths of 2 children ? Is there no end to this scumbags political rants and raves?
Dims are encouraging illegals to rush the border, so they are responsible.
You really believe this out of control president is good for our country? Sooner or later republicans will come to their senses and rid us of this vile pos

Don't hold your breath.

Many republicans will figure it out...true

But Trump's hardcore base - Trumpbots - will probably never get it.

They are, IMO, generally, old, 'white', uneducated, not-too-bright, live in the sticks and generally do not have a clue about the world (except through extremist eyes).

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Look at the silly wall?

They freak out about it, yet seem to NEVER mention the obvious way to fix the illegal immigration problem...severely punish those who employ illegal immigrants. Cut off the main financial reason for illegal immigrants to come to America.

Look at the military and honor?

They claim to be patriotic. Yet they generally had NO PROBLEM AT ALL in Trump calling McCain not a hero simply for being shot down. Every veteran/patriotic American should have been outraged by that statement.
Not most Trumpbots.

Look at the budget?

They agreed with Trump that Obama's deficits were WAY too high (and they were right). But now they look the other way while Trump is on pace for a $1.8 TRILLION deficit in FY 2019.

These people are nothing more then Trumpbots...blindly believe ANYTHING Trump says.
And how many generals have left him now for one reason or other?? I count 4
and now the pos blames dems for the deaths of 2 children ? Is there no end to this scumbags political rants and raves?
Dims are encouraging illegals to rush the border, so they are responsible.
You really believe this out of control president is good for our country? Sooner or later republicans will come to their senses and rid us of this vile pos

Don't hold your breath.

Many republicans will figure it out...true

But Trump's hardcore base - Trumpbots - will probably never get it.

They are, IMO, generally, old, 'white', uneducated, not-too-bright, live in the sticks and generally do not have a clue about the world (except through extremist eyes).

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Look at the silly wall?

They freak out about it, yet seem to NEVER mention the obvious way to fix the illegal immigration problem...severely punish those who employ illegal immigrants. Cut off the main financial reason for illegal immigrants to come to America.

Look at the military and honor?

They claim to be patriotic. Yet they generally had NO PROBLEM AT ALL in Trump calling McCain not a hero simply for being shot down. Every veteran/patriotic American should have been outraged by that statement.
Not most Trumpbots.

Look at the budget?

They agreed with Trump that Obama's deficits were WAY too high (and they were right). But now they look the other way while Trump is on pace for a $1.8 TRILLION deficit in FY 2019.

These people are nothing more then Trumpbots...blindly believe ANYTHING Trump says.
And how many generals have left him now for one reason or other?? I count 4

Like I said, many reps will leave him.

My point was his hardcore base probably never will.

And sadly, they are large and vocal. Perhaps as much as 20% of the general population.
Dear Santa

One welder wanted to cut metal


Just get a welder to cut through a section whilst having a bunch of illegals ready behind him/her to flood through once the wall is cut.

This isn't a's a joke.
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and now the pos blames dems for the deaths of 2 children ? Is there no end to this scumbags political rants and raves?
Dims are encouraging illegals to rush the border, so they are responsible.
You really believe this out of control president is good for our country? Sooner or later republicans will come to their senses and rid us of this vile pos

Don't hold your breath.

Many republicans will figure it out...true

But Trump's hardcore base - Trumpbots - will probably never get it.

They are, IMO, generally, old, 'white', uneducated, not-too-bright, live in the sticks and generally do not have a clue about the world (except through extremist eyes).

Why are white, uneducated voters voting for Trump?

Look at the silly wall?

They freak out about it, yet seem to NEVER mention the obvious way to fix the illegal immigration problem...severely punish those who employ illegal immigrants. Cut off the main financial reason for illegal immigrants to come to America.

Look at the military and honor?

They claim to be patriotic. Yet they generally had NO PROBLEM AT ALL in Trump calling McCain not a hero simply for being shot down. Every veteran/patriotic American should have been outraged by that statement.
Not most Trumpbots.

Look at the budget?

They agreed with Trump that Obama's deficits were WAY too high (and they were right). But now they look the other way while Trump is on pace for a $1.8 TRILLION deficit in FY 2019.

These people are nothing more then Trumpbots...blindly believe ANYTHING Trump says.
And how many generals have left him now for one reason or other?? I count 4
It's fun watching all you dumbass snowflakes engaging in these giant circle jerks. Your eyes roll back into your heads every time you repeat the words "I have Trump." You actually believe that a Trump supporter is going to switch to voting for someone like Fuaxahontas or Biden? That's hilarious!
Dear Santa

One welder wanted to cut metal


Just get a welder to cut through a section while having a bunch of illegals ready behind him/her to flood through once the wall is cut.

This isn't a's a joke.
Construction dummies..........LOL

There is one rod that can actually cut....can you tell me what that is..........LOL
Here's the answer...........the left have been saying they want employers punished for hiring's been stalled in the House.......LOL

Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 3711)

Lol, and who has been in charge of the house since 2011?
Just showing what Fakes here have been saying they want............Well...........there it is.

And what fakes the GOP really is about illegal immigration!
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'US president Donald Trump has tweeted details of the design for the proposed $5 billion wall along the Mexican border, prompting ridicule from designers.

Trump posted a graphic of the barrier on 21 December 2018, along with the words: "A design of our Steel Slat Barrier which is totally effective while at the same time beautiful!"

In response, designers pointed out that the barrier is "technically not a wall" and that if to scale, it would be over 12 metres high and the gaps between the slats would be wide enough for people to squeeze through.

The image in Trump's tweet showed a row of tall columns with gaps between them and pointed tops. A car, identified by some as a Chevrolet Tahoe, featured in the drawing to illustrate the scale.

"Not to be a curmudgeon but technically this is not a wall," responded architect Cameron Sinclair, former head of social innovation at Airbnb.

Last week the US senate refused to fund the construction of the barrier, which Trump had previously stated he would force Mexico to pay for. In response, Trump ordered the partial shutdown of the government.

Wall design picked apart on Twitter

Alex Bozikovic, architecture critic at Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, described the design as "unfathomably stupid".

"What kind of foundations would this thing require?" he asked. "How many tons of concrete to keep each 'slat' vertical?"

PhD student Reyna Knight was one of several people who calculated the dimensions of the barrier by using the known measurements of the car.

"So if it's to scale, the slats are 190 millimetres (7.5 inches) with 316-millimetre (12.4-inch) spaces," she calculated, meaning people could slip between the gaps. "So just slide through sideways!" she wrote.

Retired police officer Mark West worked out the barrier would be 40 feet (12.2 metres) tall.

"There'd be a pretty high wind load on that thing," said architect Mark Hogan in response.'

Trump's "beautiful" Steel Slat Barrier for Mexican border lampooned by designers

Just the News of the wall is effecting the price of drugs. Mexican paper reports that the gangs that were doing the heroine trade are not getting good prices and have started to gold mind and cut trees. So Mexico is flooded with Heroine they can't get it across the border very easily.
Can’t even get myself bothered anymore. Post #5 nailed it. (Quoted)

The concept, the signal value itself, the symbolic is of more value than the physical object.

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