Trump's morality, from a Christian perspective

Here is Trump with his high priest and some nuns:

But a poor widow on Social Security came and put in two coins, worth only a few dollars. Trump called His disciples to Him and said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more than all the others into the treasury."

The GOP is no longer about morality, and it's no longer about fiscal conservatism.

This would probably explain why so many Republican legislators aren't running again.

This is an all-new party now. Give us some time to get used to it.
/——-/ I’m sill trying to get used to the democRAT Party self destructing.
Deflection appreciated.
/———/ No deflection. I’m having a similar experience. Now this would be a defection:
Pocahontas who slammed Mayor Pete for wine cave has her own fundraiser at a wine cave.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., landed a resounding political blow on South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at the last primary debate over a fundraiser he held at a "wine cave" -- but she's uncorked a backlash ever since due to her own history of lavish events At wine caves. Now that is a deflection.
Not sure why you would be so proud to deflect, but nothing surprises me at this point.

Trump has really turned you guys into cowards.
/----/ "Not sure why you would be so proud to deflect, but nothing surprises me at this point."

It's not a deflection you blithering idiot.
Evangelical Politics Editor Quits Over Publication’s Embrace Of Trump
Evangelical Politics Editor Quits Over Publication's Embrace Of Trump

"A longtime politics editor of an evangelical magazine quit over his publication’s embrace of President Trump, escalating the rift over impeachment among a key demographic of Trump’s base.

The Christian Post on Monday published an editorial in support of Trump, a direct reaction to Christianity Today’s momentous decision to call for Trump’s removal from office last week.

Earlier this week, the Christian Post published a letter signed by 200-plus evangelical leaders — including Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr — calling out Christianity Today for it’s anti-Trump editorial. The Christian Post then published the editorial embracing Trump on Monday, prompting the politics editor Napp Nazworth to part ways with the outlet."
As Don continues to smear his shit on everything he touches he's even fostered dissent among the typically monolithic evangelicals.
it's called consequences. you leftists still don't know the word.

Trump has never faced the consequences of his behaviour ever. He has bought his way out of every criminal case he's faced, "settling" the charges, paying huge fines and never ever admitting guilt. So even though Trump has "settled" all of his criminal cases and paid tens of millions of dollars in fines and restitution, he can truthfully say he has never been convicted of a crime. Attacking and vilifying anyone who dared criticize him.

His sense of invincability and entitlement knows no bounds. Impeachment is something he can't buy his way out of and he can't make it go away. And it's making him crazy.
/———/ No deflection. I’m having a similar experience. Now this would be a defection:
Pocahontas who slammed Mayor Pete for wine cave has her own fundraiser at a wine cave.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., landed a resounding political blow on South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg at the last primary debate over a fundraiser he held at a "wine cave" -- but she's uncorked a backlash ever since due to her own history of lavish events At wine caves. Now that is a deflection.
Not sure why you would be so proud to deflect, but nothing surprises me at this point.

Trump has really turned you guys into cowards.
cowards? on a message board? hmmmmm you ok?
Message boards, radio, television, online, in person, you name.

I'm fine, thanks!
coward on a message board. so you're an internet tough guy huh? got cha
Intellectual cowards.

I can see that this is too complicated for you.

That's okay.
when you got nothing huh? I'm cracking up
Christianity is the benchmark of moral standards, which makes it the only standard by default. The bar for this standard is set higher than any of us can ever live up to, yet we still preach it. The greatest compliment that you can pay to a Christian or righty is that we are hypocrites. We are the only ones who can be hypocrites because we are the only ones who have a standard. A standard that we cannot even live up to, no matter how hard we try.
only a cult leader could convince evangelical Christians that a guy who cheated on his wife with a p-star is their messiah!
Last year, 264,000 new manufacturing jobs were added, representing the highest number of new workers since 1988. As a percent of the total workforce, manufacturing rose for the first time since 1984.” From my link.

Dude, that's pathetic... as a percentage of the population, Manufacturing is STILL declining (not just in this country but all over the world.) Mostly because automation is replacing workers.
Here's what nutters do with examples:

Actually, you don't give examples... and you are just as much a "Fundie" as the people you complain about.

Still waiting for you to tell us the GREAT TRUTH you want to share with us that the PC Police are going to arrest you for.

View attachment 296803

LOL Mac... a "Fundie"


Joe, you totally are clueless.
Here's what nutters do with examples:

Actually, you don't give examples... and you are just as much a "Fundie" as the people you complain about.

Still waiting for you to tell us the GREAT TRUTH you want to share with us that the PC Police are going to arrest you for.

View attachment 296803

LOL Mac... a "Fundie"


Joe, you totally are clueless.
My stalker has been on ignore for a lonnnnng time.

If he's still posting to me or about me, well, that's just the kind of person he is.
I recently discovered that Trump went to an evangelical church for Christmas. While I'm skeptical of the motives, it would be fantastic for Trump to covert to Christianity, and repent of his evil.

That would be amazing.
I recently discovered that Trump went to an evangelical church for Christmas. While I'm skeptical of the motives, it would be fantastic for Trump to covert to Christianity, and repent of his evil.

That would be amazing.

Naw, what would be amazing if we got him out of office, since the people already rejected him, and put someone who was sincerely Christian in there.
I recently discovered that Trump went to an evangelical church for Christmas. While I'm skeptical of the motives, it would be fantastic for Trump to covert to Christianity, and repent of his evil.

That would be amazing.

Naw, what would be amazing if we got him out of office, since the people already rejected him, and put someone who was sincerely Christian in there.

Well.... that is the absolute defining factor of Christianity.... is to admit your sins, repent, and turn away from them.

That is the whole Christian belief system at its very core. Repent, and have faith in Jesus.

If Donald Trump turned, and repented, and admitted faith in Jesus, that would be as much of a Christian as any human can achieve.

I'm not sure what your belief is about Christianity, but the Apostle Paul was a murderer. The reason G-d allowed him to write most of the new testament, and why we call him an Apostle of Jesus, is because he repented and turn his life to Jesus.

That's the entire thing dude. That's whole Bible in a nutshell. Repent and believe. If Trump did that, it would be more amazing than anything else he has ever done in his life.
Well.... that is the absolute defining factor of Christianity.... is to admit your sins, repent, and turn away from them.

That is the whole Christian belief system at its very core. Repent, and have faith in Jesus.

If Donald Trump turned, and repented, and admitted faith in Jesus, that would be as much of a Christian as any human can achieve.

Have you met Trump. The guy doesn't admit a mistake, ever.

I'm not sure what your belief is about Christianity, but the Apostle Paul was a murderer. The reason G-d allowed him to write most of the new testament, and why we call him an Apostle of Jesus, is because he repented and turn his life to Jesus.

That's the entire thing dude. That's whole Bible in a nutshell. Repent and believe. If Trump did that, it would be more amazing than anything else he has ever done in his life.

Yeah, thing is, Christianity seems more about kissing God's ass than doing good works... kind of why I rejected it a long time ago.

As Mark Twain observed "If Jesus were here today, the one thing he wouldn't be is a Christian".

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