Trump's tax plan.....You judge!

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

One thing you can't say about CloseMinded is that he's not consistent. So yes, he really is that stupid.

Don't you like the idiots who completely rejected that Trump can win already know what he is and isn't going to do? And when he's wrong ... again ... he'll learn nothing from this time either

Theres no tax plan?

He said a tax plan has not been PUT IN PLACE. You said, oh, it doesn't EXIST? Those are not synonymous. Tax proposals exist, but that's not a "plan." The plan is when you put it all together. Trump would modify it looking at it together based on his priorities, then it's modified to get Republican support, then it's modified to get it passed. His ideas are ideas. I can only get you so far explaining it to you. I can't fix stupid.

I can't say if my "milky white ass" is in favor of it or not until I see what he actually is going to try to do, and I need the actual plan for that. Name one proposal where Democrats threw things out in campaigns then didn't modify it into a proposal emphasizing their priorities and tailoring it to get it passed. Go ahead
That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

No plan exists? Are you really this stupid? Dont answer

You think "put in place" means "exists?" Seriously?

His proposals give an idea where he's headed, sure. But you need to see the actual proposal to answer a question like whether it will "help" our "milky white ass" or not.

Funny how this standard never appeared from you when Democrats were saying it ...

Is the best you've got is to say that since its not enacted then its ok? Just wait until it is and then what? Say something only then?


OK, so now you jump from one extreme, it doesn't exist, to the other, it's enacted.

I don't know what I can tell you. I'll start having a clearer view of whether I support it or not when I see what he's going to actually try to get passed. I need more than the assorted things he advocated, but I don't need to see them enacted to have a view.

Democrats just don't do well with the middle, you want black or white

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with

We've seen the Republicans' act on taxes and spending before. There's no reason to think they have drastically different plans now.
The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession.

The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1992ended in March 2001 and a recession began.
The Dot-Com Bubble Bursts
The Dot-Com Bubble Bursts
DEC. 24, 2000

What a difference a year makes. The Nasdaq sank. Stock tips have been replaced with talk of recession. Many pioneering dot-coms are out of business or barely surviving. The Dow Jones Internet Index, made up of dot-com blue chips, is down more than 72 percent since March. Online retailers Priceline and eToys, former Wall Street darlings, have seen their stock prices fall more than 99 percent from their highs.
Bill Clinton was still in power at this time as the presidency was passed Jan 20th 2001. But you liberals just continue to try to revise history, I will be there to set the record straight.

The stock market was up 200% over the entire course of the Clinton presidency.

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with
If he plans on lowering taxes largely for the only people whose incomes are growing, it doesn't matter what else is in his plan. Our economy has become a shell game and real growth is an illusion.

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with

We've seen the Republicans' act on taxes and spending before. There's no reason to think they have drastically different plans now.

Thank you! He's like "it doesnt count until its enacted and then you can fight it....when its over"

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with
If he plans on lowering taxes largely for the only people whose incomes are growing, it doesn't matter what else is in his plan. Our economy has become a shell game and real growth is an illusion.

Yes, you do want the money, don't you? If you don't get more of that, nothing else matters. Greed, Democrats shouldn't be the blue party, you should be the green party
I'll need a Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what this idiot wrote above.
Don't even try Nitwit, you never finished 3rd grade. Otherwise
Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?
When we started losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month it wasn't GWB who caused it. Still trying to change history? Not on my watch, you nitwit. When liberals break things, they have to blame the Republicans for what they did. And what is worse, is the liberal voters actually believe them. Stupid people vote dumbocrat. Until 2016, then many woke the fuck up. bwaaaahhaaaahhhhaaaaa........

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation

You are so unfair! Republicans only had 6 years of majorities in all branches of government to fix Clinton's roaring-90s economy and surplus as far as the eye can see!

lets see, at the end of Clintons admin, MCI/WorldCom, Enron and the Dot com bubble burst leaving GW a recession, that you liberals don't ever talk about. GW didn't bitch and moan how he had to inherit that recession but went to work to revitalize the economy/ Then in 2001 9/11 happened removing trillions of dollars from the economy so GW lowered taxes put more money into WORKING peoples hands which were spent and tax revenues rose, because the economy started moving forward. Also, the contract with America had 2 years limited welfare(Clinton signed that) so people couldn't sit in their parents basement getting FREE stuff, for after 2 years the welfare went away. But in comes Obama, puts 99 weeks of unemployment, overrides Bill's welfare bill so those on welfare could be welfare queens forever. You just cant get more dishonest and stupid as a liberal.

Newsflash mr.Rant, welfare queens don't cause recessions, failure in the markets Administration and Congress is tasked with regulating caused recessions.

2000 internet bubble and 9/11 was a contraction that JUST BARELY qualified as a technical recession due to inflow of quickly expanding real estate bubble and it wasn't until it's explosion that shit really hit the fan and we got into Great Recession. Republicans, with their majorities COULD HAVE done something about it if they really had any economic foresight, but they didn't. Instead of prudent governing, watchful eye on the markets and long term foresight they went on a feel-good shopping sprees and that is how their 2000s stint will be remembered - FECKLESS.

Would Democrats do better? Maybe not, maybe yes, but Republicans were running the show and it's on them.

When more people are on the welfare roll, that is less people contributing to not only taxes but the economy to drive the engine of recovery. But people like you and Blinkie Pelosi have no clue when it comes to supply side economics. Didn't take the US long to realize that Nancy is Bat Shit Crazy.


That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with

We've seen the Republicans' act on taxes and spending before. There's no reason to think they have drastically different plans now.

Thank you! He's like "it doesnt count until its enacted and then you can fight it....when its over"

WTF? You have serious mental issues. Here's what I told you.

Kaz: "OK, so now you jump from one extreme, it doesn't exist, to the other, it's enacted. I don't know what I can tell you. I'll start having a clearer view of whether I support it or not when I see what he's going to actually try to get passed. I need more than the assorted things he advocated, but I don't need to see them enacted to have a view"

You get out of that post where I addressed I don't need them enacted that I need them enacted? You are seriously a fucking mental retard. And your fuck buddy NYCarbineer is obsessed with me, I'm afraid. He's only using you, just so you know. He follows me around quoting me just hoping someone like you will quote him and I'll see it. The guy is a flaming faggot. Which is OK with me except he won't take my telling him I'm straight, and even if I wasn't, eew.

And as for you, seriously, my choices are to go off his campaign ideas or not have a view until it is enacted? You really, seriously don't grasp not having a firm opinion until he proposes an actual bill? You are saying you really don't grasp that? Seriously?
Last edited:

That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with
If he plans on lowering taxes largely for the only people whose incomes are growing, it doesn't matter what else is in his plan. Our economy has become a shell game and real growth is an illusion.

Yes, you do want the money, don't you? If you don't get more of that, nothing else matters. Greed, Democrats shouldn't be the blue party, you should be the green party
I would prefer for my country to be solvent and to have decent infrastructure and a safety net.
That calculation doesn't count the economic expansion the tax cuts would create. Historically tax cuts do increase deficits in the short term (2-3 years), but then grow revenue from there on due to economic expansion
Since our economy has become largely a financialized shell game, there is very little real growth. And we'll really be screwed if the dollar falls out of favor with the rest of the world.

And you're ready to pronounce that before he takes his list of ideas and proposes an actual plan balancing what he'd like to do with his priorities and negotiations to get his party to support it so it has a chance to pass?

You people are just too black and white to have meaningful discussions with
If he plans on lowering taxes largely for the only people whose incomes are growing, it doesn't matter what else is in his plan. Our economy has become a shell game and real growth is an illusion.

Yes, you do want the money, don't you? If you don't get more of that, nothing else matters. Greed, Democrats shouldn't be the blue party, you should be the green party
I would prefer for my country to be solvent and to have decent infrastructure and a safety net.

Right, a socialist who wants the country to be solvent. When did you ever want that before?

And you're going to get this solvency by ignoring the field of economics. Great plan
Another elitist liberal. This is the sort of bigoted crap why you are getting your asses handed to you across the country

No, NO, Kaz.........We should abide by the intellect of your fellow morons who...when faced with facts.......tell opponents to "go move there"...
That's an intelligent retort, don't you think?
Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

According to the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Trump’s latest proposals would cut taxes by $6.2 trillion over the next decade, with 47% of all cuts in 2017 going to the top 1%.

The tax cuts that Trump is now proposing are smaller than the $9.5 trillion in cuts he floated last year, but are also more tilted in favor of the wealthy.

Under Trump’s new plan, every income group would still get tax cuts, but upper income households would receive the most relief, not only in dollars, but as a percentage of income.

Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

I am not saying I support or oppose the clown's plan, but a dose of mathematical reality might be helpful.

If you plan to cut taxes by a large amount, it would be impossible to give the largest tax cuts to those who pay the least amount of taxes. You can't give large dollar cuts to those who don't pay much in taxes. The top 1% paid more in taxes than the bottom 90% in 2015.

Summary of the Latest Federal Income Tax Data, 2015 Update

Key Findings
  • In 2013, 138.3 million taxpayers reported earning $9.03 trillion in adjusted gross income and paid $1.23 trillion in income taxes.
  • Every income group besides the top 1 percent of taxpayers reported higher income in 2013 than the previous year. All income groups paid higher taxes in 2013 than the previous year.
  • The share of income earned by the top 1 percent of taxpayers fell to 19.0 percent in 2013. Their share of federal income taxes fell slightly to 37.8 percent.
  • In 2012, the top 50 percent of all taxpayers (69.2 million filers) paid 97.2 percent of all income taxes while the bottom 50 percent paid the remaining 2.8 percent.
  • The top 1 percent (1.3 million filers) paid a greater share of income taxes (37.8 percent) than the bottom 90 percent (124.5 million filers) combined (30.2 percent).
  • The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a higher effective income tax rate than any other group, at 27.1 percent, which is over 8 times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.3 percent).
Also interesting to note- The top 1% pay more of the total Fedral income tax burden now than they did in 1980. In 1980 the top 1% paid around 20% of all taxes, the bottom 50% around 7%. In 2015 the top 1% paid almost 40% of all taxes, the bottom 50% less than 3%.
National Taxpayers Union - Who Pays Income Taxes?

The bottom 50% has been hammered by increased payroll taxes of social security and Medicare, state and local taxes.

Clearly Taxing the rich does not address the real issue of income inequality.
Define rich. What do Safe Space Moochers consider 'rich.' This should be interesting. :)
Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

According to the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Trump’s latest proposals would cut taxes by $6.2 trillion over the next decade, with 47% of all cuts in 2017 going to the top 1%.

The tax cuts that Trump is now proposing are smaller than the $9.5 trillion in cuts he floated last year, but are also more tilted in favor of the wealthy.

Under Trump’s new plan, every income group would still get tax cuts, but upper income households would receive the most relief, not only in dollars, but as a percentage of income.

Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

Hey Brainless, we've already judged and elected Trump. The election has been over for a week now.

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