Trump's tax plan.....You judge!

Prove it! Oh wait, you can't, so you lie. Liar liar pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire! LOL!

Can't prove anything to you..........But for others with a few more brain cells.....In Vietnam, as an example, the unemployment rate is less than 2%.....
The reasons are simple but escape simple minds.
The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession.

The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1992ended in March 2001 and a recession began.
You are so unfair! Republicans only had 6 years of majorities in all branches of government to fix Clinton's roaring-90s economy and surplus as far as the eye can see!
lets see, at the end of Clintons admin, MCI/WorldCom, Enron and the Dot com bubble burst leaving GW a recession, that you liberals don't ever talk about. GW didn't bitch and moan how he had to inherit that recession but went to work to revitalize the economy/ Then in 2001 9/11 happened removing trillions of dollars from the economy so GW lowered taxes put more money into WORKING peoples hands which were spent and tax revenues rose, because the economy started moving forward. Also, the contract with America had 2 years limited welfare(Clinton signed that) so people couldn't sit in their parents basement getting FREE stuff, for after 2 years the welfare went away. But in comes Obama, puts 99 weeks of unemployment, overrides Bill's welfare bill so those on welfare could be welfare queens forever. You just cant get more dishonest and stupid as a liberal.
it was an itty bitty tiny recession that ended in just a couple of months

Eighteen is a "couple?"
what 18 months? a 'few' would have been more accurate than a couple but it was no where near 18 months...

The recession of 2001 was March through October we were out of it in November....and would have been out of it two months earlier if it had not been for 9/11 happening.

His 2008 Recession, was a monster....

the first recession in 2001 which came from the clinton era bubble was relatively small...and he gave a stimulus that was bringing us out of it, $300 tax rebate for all tax payers....

You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

My only thought about your comment is - WTF???

I'll try to dumb it down for you, though I may not be able to dumb it down all the way to you.

I'm socially more liberal than you are, I'm more small military than you are.

Yet you think I'm a "conservative." The only thing I'm more conservative than you is money. Yet that's the only thing you hear, your obsession with money driven by your greed. Getting your hands on other people's money is the only thing you measure me by because money is the only thing you really care about. The rest is just noise to you

Our exchange so far:

Kaz: Tax cuts have some dynamic feedback.
Anton: But they make for a small fraction of their static reduction to revenues.
Kaz: You are so fucking greedy!

WHAT. THE. FUCK is wrong with you Kaz?

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it to you.

You don't care about the wars which I oppose or military spending which I think is too high. You don't care about social issues which I'm against government involvement. I'm a "conservative," that's it, that's all you see. The only thing you care the Federal government does that you actually measure it by is $$$. I have it, you want it. How much are you going to get and why am I trying to stop you? You don't care about any other issue. The very definition of greed

Kaz I don't give a shit who YOU are or what you call yourself, the discussion is about impersonal FACTS. And it just so happens that conservatives have their own set of facts when it comes to eocnomy, facts that you buy into.

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.
The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession.

The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1992ended in March 2001 and a recession began.
The Dot-Com Bubble Bursts
The Dot-Com Bubble Bursts
DEC. 24, 2000

What a difference a year makes. The Nasdaq sank. Stock tips have been replaced with talk of recession. Many pioneering dot-coms are out of business or barely surviving. The Dow Jones Internet Index, made up of dot-com blue chips, is down more than 72 percent since March. Online retailers Priceline and eToys, former Wall Street darlings, have seen their stock prices fall more than 99 percent from their highs.
Bill Clinton was still in power at this time as the presidency was passed Jan 20th 2001. But you liberals just continue to try to revise history, I will be there to set the record straight.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession.

The NBER's Business Cycle Dating Committee has determined that a peak in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in March 2001. A peak marks the end of an expansion and the beginning of a recession. The determination of a peak date in March is thus a determination that the expansion that began in March 1992ended in March 2001 and a recession began.

I addressed that, you cut it from my quote
lets see, at the end of Clintons admin, MCI/WorldCom, Enron and the Dot com bubble burst leaving GW a recession, that you liberals don't ever talk about. GW didn't bitch and moan how he had to inherit that recession but went to work to revitalize the economy/ Then in 2001 9/11 happened removing trillions of dollars from the economy so GW lowered taxes put more money into WORKING peoples hands which were spent and tax revenues rose, because the economy started moving forward. Also, the contract with America had 2 years limited welfare(Clinton signed that) so people couldn't sit in their parents basement getting FREE stuff, for after 2 years the welfare went away. But in comes Obama, puts 99 weeks of unemployment, overrides Bill's welfare bill so those on welfare could be welfare queens forever. You just cant get more dishonest and stupid as a liberal.
it was an itty bitty tiny recession that ended in just a couple of months

Eighteen is a "couple?"
what 18 months? a 'few' would have been more accurate than a couple but it was no where near 18 months...

The recession of 2001 was March through October we were out of it in November....and would have been out of it two months earlier if it had not been for 9/11 happening.

His 2008 Recession, was a monster....

the first recession in 2001 which came from the clinton era bubble was relatively small...and he gave a stimulus that was bringing us out of it, $300 tax rebate for all tax payers....

You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

I'll try to dumb it down for you, though I may not be able to dumb it down all the way to you.

I'm socially more liberal than you are, I'm more small military than you are.

Yet you think I'm a "conservative." The only thing I'm more conservative than you is money. Yet that's the only thing you hear, your obsession with money driven by your greed. Getting your hands on other people's money is the only thing you measure me by because money is the only thing you really care about. The rest is just noise to you

Our exchange so far:

Kaz: Tax cuts have some dynamic feedback.
Anton: But they make for a small fraction of their static reduction to revenues.
Kaz: You are so fucking greedy!

WHAT. THE. FUCK is wrong with you Kaz?

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it to you.

You don't care about the wars which I oppose or military spending which I think is too high. You don't care about social issues which I'm against government involvement. I'm a "conservative," that's it, that's all you see. The only thing you care the Federal government does that you actually measure it by is $$$. I have it, you want it. How much are you going to get and why am I trying to stop you? You don't care about any other issue. The very definition of greed

Kaz I don't give a shit who YOU are or what you call yourself, the discussion is about impersonal FACTS. And it just so happens that conservatives have their own set of facts when it comes to eocnomy, facts that you buy into.

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.

Thanks for your concern, gay boy, but I didn't say anything about my feelings. I was addressing your obsessive love of money.

I want the money I earned. Liberals want ALL the money. Then you call us greedy ...
You are so full of shit. Massive tax cuts, greater spending, higher tax revenue. Liberal tax increases, less spending, higher taxes again, less spending, major deficit follows like 10 fucking trillion(unpatriotically of course). Dumbass , wake the fuck up.

I'll need a Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what this idiot wrote above.
Don't even try Nitwit, you never finished 3rd grade. Otherwise
  • Obama doubled the national debt
  • TARP was an Obama plan
  • All disbursements of cash under the "private profits, public liability" plan for GM were made by Obama
  • Bailouts of GM and Chrysler under TARP added up to $80 billion, a tiny drop in the $10 TRILLION of new debt added by Obama

Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?
When we started losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month it wasn't GWB who caused it. Still trying to change history? Not on my watch, you nitwit. When liberals break things, they have to blame the Republicans for what they did. And what is worse, is the liberal voters actually believe them. Stupid people vote dumbocrat. Until 2016, then many woke the fuck up. bwaaaahhaaaahhhhaaaaa........

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation

You are so unfair! Republicans only had 6 years of majorities in all branches of government to fix Clinton's roaring-90s economy and surplus as far as the eye can see!

lets see, at the end of Clintons admin, MCI/WorldCom, Enron and the Dot com bubble burst leaving GW a recession, that you liberals don't ever talk about. GW didn't bitch and moan how he had to inherit that recession but went to work to revitalize the economy/ Then in 2001 9/11 happened removing trillions of dollars from the economy so GW lowered taxes put more money into WORKING peoples hands which were spent and tax revenues rose, because the economy started moving forward. Also, the contract with America had 2 years limited welfare(Clinton signed that) so people couldn't sit in their parents basement getting FREE stuff, for after 2 years the welfare went away. But in comes Obama, puts 99 weeks of unemployment, overrides Bill's welfare bill so those on welfare could be welfare queens forever. You just cant get more dishonest and stupid as a liberal.

Newsflash mr.Rant, welfare queens don't cause recessions, failure in the markets Administration and Congress is tasked with regulating caused recessions.

2000 internet bubble and 9/11 was a contraction that JUST BARELY qualified as a technical recession due to inflow of quickly expanding real estate bubble and it wasn't until it's explosion that shit really hit the fan and we got into Great Recession. Republicans, with their majorities COULD HAVE done something about it if they really had any economic foresight, but they didn't. Instead of prudent governing, watchful eye on the markets and long term foresight they went on a feel-good shopping sprees and that is how their 2000s stint will be remembered - FECKLESS.

Would Democrats do better? Maybe not, maybe yes, but Republicans were running the show and it's on them.
Prove it! Oh wait, you can't, so you lie. Liar liar pants on fire, hanging from a telephone wire! LOL!

Can't prove anything to you..........But for others with a few more brain cells.....In Vietnam, as an example, the unemployment rate is less than 2%.....
The reasons are simple but escape simple minds.
Simple minds should realize that Vietnam.....perhaps you should move there.
it was an itty bitty tiny recession that ended in just a couple of months

Eighteen is a "couple?"
what 18 months? a 'few' would have been more accurate than a couple but it was no where near 18 months...

The recession of 2001 was March through October we were out of it in November....and would have been out of it two months earlier if it had not been for 9/11 happening.

His 2008 Recession, was a monster....

the first recession in 2001 which came from the clinton era bubble was relatively small...and he gave a stimulus that was bringing us out of it, $300 tax rebate for all tax payers....

You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

Our exchange so far:

Kaz: Tax cuts have some dynamic feedback.
Anton: But they make for a small fraction of their static reduction to revenues.
Kaz: You are so fucking greedy!

WHAT. THE. FUCK is wrong with you Kaz?

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it to you.

You don't care about the wars which I oppose or military spending which I think is too high. You don't care about social issues which I'm against government involvement. I'm a "conservative," that's it, that's all you see. The only thing you care the Federal government does that you actually measure it by is $$$. I have it, you want it. How much are you going to get and why am I trying to stop you? You don't care about any other issue. The very definition of greed

Kaz I don't give a shit who YOU are or what you call yourself, the discussion is about impersonal FACTS. And it just so happens that conservatives have their own set of facts when it comes to eocnomy, facts that you buy into.

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.

Thanks for your concern, gay boy, but I didn't say anything about my feelings. I was addressing your obsessive love of money.

I want the money I earned. Liberals want ALL the money. Then you call us greedy ...

What I want is for us to establish facts, what you seem to want is some personal flame fest bullshit. My guess on that bizzare posturing is that you know that I know the facts and you don't, so you deflect to something else as a way to respond to me with SOMETHING.
Last edited:
Urban Brookings is a liberal think tank, moron

Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Urban Brookings is a liberal think tank, moron

Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....
Eighteen is a "couple?"
what 18 months? a 'few' would have been more accurate than a couple but it was no where near 18 months...

The recession of 2001 was March through October we were out of it in November....and would have been out of it two months earlier if it had not been for 9/11 happening.

His 2008 Recession, was a monster....

the first recession in 2001 which came from the clinton era bubble was relatively small...and he gave a stimulus that was bringing us out of it, $300 tax rebate for all tax payers....

You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

Winston Churchill: I can explain it to you, I cannot comprehend it to you.

You don't care about the wars which I oppose or military spending which I think is too high. You don't care about social issues which I'm against government involvement. I'm a "conservative," that's it, that's all you see. The only thing you care the Federal government does that you actually measure it by is $$$. I have it, you want it. How much are you going to get and why am I trying to stop you? You don't care about any other issue. The very definition of greed

Kaz I don't give a shit who YOU are or what you call yourself, the discussion is about impersonal FACTS. And it just so happens that conservatives have their own set of facts when it comes to eocnomy, facts that you buy into.

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.

Thanks for your concern, gay boy, but I didn't say anything about my feelings. I was addressing your obsessive love of money.

I want the money I earned. Liberals want ALL the money. Then you call us greedy ...

What I want is for us to establish facts, what you seem to want is some personal flame fest bullshit. My guess on that bizzare posturing is that you know that I know the facts and you don't, so you deflect to something else as a way to respond to me with SOMETHING.

The facts are:

- I don't want your or anyone else's money I didn't earn
- You want my and everyone else's money you didn't earn

You don't care I'm socially liberal (pro-choice, think all drugs should be legal as well as prostitution, euthanasia ... and I oppose all morality laws) and I think we should stop engaging in foreign wars for non-defense and we should slash the military and focus it on protecting the US only). You only care I'm against your wealth redistribution schemes.

Note the common thread, you are obsessed with greed for other people's money, it's all you actually care about. Everything else is window dressing to you
Urban Brookings is a liberal think tank, moron

Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

One thing you can't say about CloseMinded is that he's not consistent. So yes, he really is that stupid.

Don't you like the idiots who completely rejected that Trump can win already know what he is and isn't going to do? And when he's wrong ... again ... he'll learn nothing from this time either
Urban Brookings is a liberal think tank, moron

Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

No plan exists? Are you really this stupid? Dont answer
Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

No plan exists? Are you really this stupid? Dont answer

You think "put in place" means "exists?" Seriously?

His proposals give an idea where he's headed, sure. But you need to see the actual proposal to answer a question like whether it will "help" our "milky white ass" or not.

Funny how this standard never appeared from you when Democrats were saying it ...
Find anyone that says his plan will help your milky white ass.

You cant!

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

One thing you can't say about CloseMinded is that he's not consistent. So yes, he really is that stupid.

Don't you like the idiots who completely rejected that Trump can win already know what he is and isn't going to do? And when he's wrong ... again ... he'll learn nothing from this time either

Theres no tax plan?

That one is such a child....and ignorant

And despite all your name calling you still cant find one source of your own choosing that shows his plan helps YOU.

Go on, respond about my grammer, attitude and other bs to deflect
Since no "plan" has yet to be put in place, are really this stupid? Don't answer.....

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

No plan exists? Are you really this stupid? Dont answer

You think "put in place" means "exists?" Seriously?

His proposals give an idea where he's headed, sure. But you need to see the actual proposal to answer a question like whether it will "help" our "milky white ass" or not.

Funny how this standard never appeared from you when Democrats were saying it ...

Is the best you've got is to say that since its not enacted then its ok? Just wait until it is and then what? Say something only then?

I love these reports, have any of these "experts" been right about anything? They never take growth into account, it's why in the 80s tax revenue went UP when taxes went DOWN. Oh and jobs were created. 1% growth is not acceptable
Growth.... Bwahahaha!!! OMG, you just can't make this stuff up.

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