Trump's tax plan.....You judge!

You lefties said the same thing about Reagan, but tax receipts INCREASED under his plan
Bullshit, tax revenues went down after his tax cuts and up after his many tax increases and deficit spending.

Lying again edtheliar?

No surprise - democrat.

However, the numbers, crunched by Heritage's Brian Riedl, show otherwise (see chart below). In 1980, the last year before the tax cuts, tax revenues were $956 billion (in constant 1996 dollars).

Revenues exceeded that 1980 level in eight of the next 10 years. Annual revenues over the next decade averaged $102 billion above their 1980 level (in constant 1996 dollars).

Any increase in budget deficits was therefore the result of spending increases rather than tax cut-induced revenue decreases.

(click image to enlarge)

More resources:

  1. The Argument for Reality-based Scoring (March 29, 2002, WebMemo).
  2. Issues 2002: Tax Reform for Economic Growth (October 25, 2002, WebMemo); which features the following Q&A:
Q: What policies would create a more robust economy?
A: Lower tax rates create better economic conditions. It's simple: lower tax rates = more robust economy = more federal revenue.}

Tax Cuts Increase Federal Revenues
Another elitist liberal. This is the sort of bigoted crap why you are getting your asses handed to you across the country

No, NO, Kaz.........We should abide by the intellect of your fellow morons who...when faced with facts.......tell opponents to "go move there"...
That's an intelligent retort, don't you think?

OK, I agree with you on the "go move there," I think it's stupid too. But I see Democrats say that far more than Republicans and I have never seen you speak up to them
Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

According to the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Trump’s latest proposals would cut taxes by $6.2 trillion over the next decade, with 47% of all cuts in 2017 going to the top 1%.

The tax cuts that Trump is now proposing are smaller than the $9.5 trillion in cuts he floated last year, but are also more tilted in favor of the wealthy.

Under Trump’s new plan, every income group would still get tax cuts, but upper income households would receive the most relief, not only in dollars, but as a percentage of income.

Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

He said those making >$25 Thousand indie or >$50 jointly would pay $0. Seems like the tax cuts are supposed to go to the poorest of the poor. Unless there is a new plan.

Lets see if those who are poor are still filling out 1040’s in 2018….if so; you’ll know you were sold a bill of goods.

How do you give huge tax cuts to people who don't pay taxes?
I'll need a Moron-to-English dictionary to decipher what this idiot wrote above.
Don't even try Nitwit, you never finished 3rd grade. Otherwise
Here ARE some facts that contributed and STILL are contributing to our debt......

Did GWB offer massive tax cuts while involving us in TWO costly wars?
Yes or No?

Did GWB initiate Medicare Advantage without a clue of how and who was going to pay for it?
Yes or No?

While the tax cuts were implemented, did we lose at an average of 700,000 jobs per month under GWB?
Yes or No?
When we started losing an average of 700,000 jobs per month it wasn't GWB who caused it. Still trying to change history? Not on my watch, you nitwit. When liberals break things, they have to blame the Republicans for what they did. And what is worse, is the liberal voters actually believe them. Stupid people vote dumbocrat. Until 2016, then many woke the fuck up. bwaaaahhaaaahhhhaaaaa........

Bush vs. Obama: Private Sector Job Creation

You are so unfair! Republicans only had 6 years of majorities in all branches of government to fix Clinton's roaring-90s economy and surplus as far as the eye can see!

lets see, at the end of Clintons admin, MCI/WorldCom, Enron and the Dot com bubble burst leaving GW a recession, that you liberals don't ever talk about. GW didn't bitch and moan how he had to inherit that recession but went to work to revitalize the economy/ Then in 2001 9/11 happened removing trillions of dollars from the economy so GW lowered taxes put more money into WORKING peoples hands which were spent and tax revenues rose, because the economy started moving forward. Also, the contract with America had 2 years limited welfare(Clinton signed that) so people couldn't sit in their parents basement getting FREE stuff, for after 2 years the welfare went away. But in comes Obama, puts 99 weeks of unemployment, overrides Bill's welfare bill so those on welfare could be welfare queens forever. You just cant get more dishonest and stupid as a liberal.

it was an itty bitty tiny recession that ended in just a couple of months


It was the bursting of the dot com bubble. It was MASSIVE.

But Bush was competent so we recovered in a year. That's the point, Obama is a fucking buffoon.
what 18 months? a 'few' would have been more accurate than a couple but it was no where near 18 months...

The recession of 2001 was March through October we were out of it in November....and would have been out of it two months earlier if it had not been for 9/11 happening.

His 2008 Recession, was a monster....

the first recession in 2001 which came from the clinton era bubble was relatively small...and he gave a stimulus that was bringing us out of it, $300 tax rebate for all tax payers....

You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

Kaz I don't give a shit who YOU are or what you call yourself, the discussion is about impersonal FACTS. And it just so happens that conservatives have their own set of facts when it comes to eocnomy, facts that you buy into.

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.

Thanks for your concern, gay boy, but I didn't say anything about my feelings. I was addressing your obsessive love of money.

I want the money I earned. Liberals want ALL the money. Then you call us greedy ...

What I want is for us to establish facts, what you seem to want is some personal flame fest bullshit. My guess on that bizzare posturing is that you know that I know the facts and you don't, so you deflect to something else as a way to respond to me with SOMETHING.

The facts are:

- I don't want your or anyone else's money I didn't earn
- You want my and everyone else's money you didn't earn

I see...and WTF does that have to do with taxation? How does what you just said connect to dynamic effects of tax-cutting?
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Now that is typical CON$ervoFascist revisionism!
Reagan welshed on the spending cuts worked out between Dole and O'Neil because some of the agreed upon cuts were to Reagan's pork barrel Star Wars boondoggle/slush fund.

The issue you have edtheliar, is that you are a liar - democrat. Regardless of whether spending cuts were instituted (they were) the fact remains that federal tax receipts went UP after the Reagan tax cuts, despite your blatant lies. (democrat)

Defense spending increase indeed consumed the revenue increases and more, they also lead to the defeat of the USSR, which was at the time pointing nuclear weapons at us. Remember edtheliar, Jimmy Carter (certified as a better president than Obama, who now holds the title of worst in history) declared that the USSR was vastly superior to America and that we MUST appease them due to the inevitability of their eventual victory over America. Yes, you democrat about that now, but it is historical fact from 1977.

Reagan cut deals with the democrats to increase or maintain social spending in exchange for military spending, a double whammy of spending But despite all of the democrats you tell, we must remind you that your filthy party had control of congress for much of Reagan's term, and congress controls spending.
Trump's tax plan includes supercharging economic growth, jobs growth, wage growth, while leveraging one of our greatest advantages energy which Trump will supercharge by removing the dumb ass global warming anti oil, gas, and coal policies of the Odumbass administration.

You supercharge the above and what happens...yes more people working paying taxes, more businesses paying taxes, welfare spending goes down, contributions to social security and medicare go up, America rights itself and kicks ass.

I'm telling you leftwit morons, the days of you idiots suffocating our economy with your damn nutjob regulations and taxes are over. The American people are fed up with your shit and kicked you to the curb so just shut your lying filth mouths while we clean up your damn mess.
Don't forget, Trump has to find a trillion dollars in new revenue for his infrastructure plan. You don't find that cutting revenues from taxes.

Actually he doesn't. Can you say deficit spending?

Oh, I already pointed that out. Trump WANTS to borrow more money.

Are you now suddenly opposed to deficit spending?

Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama years

The White House predicted Friday that the federal government’s budget deficit for the current fiscal year will hit $600 billion, an increase of $162 billion over last year’s and a final sour note on President Obama’s watch.

I am not opposed to it absolutely. I think there are times when the US government should and needs to run a deficit. If it is used to build infrastructure that will be around for decades and likely add to growth, then it can be justified.
Don't forget, Trump has to find a trillion dollars in new revenue for his infrastructure plan. You don't find that cutting revenues from taxes.

Actually he doesn't. Can you say deficit spending?

Oh, I already pointed that out. Trump WANTS to borrow more money.

Are you now suddenly opposed to deficit spending?

Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama years

The White House predicted Friday that the federal government’s budget deficit for the current fiscal year will hit $600 billion, an increase of $162 billion over last year’s and a final sour note on President Obama’s watch.

I am not opposed to it absolutely. I think there are times when the US government should and needs to run a deficit. If it is used to build infrastructure that will be around for decades and likely add to growth, then it can be justified.

Show me when I was for it.
Don't forget, Trump has to find a trillion dollars in new revenue for his infrastructure plan. You don't find that cutting revenues from taxes.

Actually he doesn't. Can you say deficit spending?

Oh, I already pointed that out. Trump WANTS to borrow more money.

Are you now suddenly opposed to deficit spending?

Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama years

The White House predicted Friday that the federal government’s budget deficit for the current fiscal year will hit $600 billion, an increase of $162 billion over last year’s and a final sour note on President Obama’s watch.

I am not opposed to it absolutely. I think there are times when the US government should and needs to run a deficit. If it is used to build infrastructure that will be around for decades and likely add to growth, then it can be justified.

Here's my longheld position:

Post 15

How do Tax Cuts hurt the economy?
Can't prove anything to you..........But for others with a few more brain cells.....In Vietnam, as an example, the unemployment rate is less than 2%.....
The reasons are simple but escape simple minds.

Well gnat, you DO lie after all - democrat.

In Hitler's concentration camps the unemployment rate was 0%

A 2% unemployment in a country that has an annual per capita GDP of less than $2,000 points to slavery, not to a thriving economy.
Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

According to the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, Trump’s latest proposals would cut taxes by $6.2 trillion over the next decade, with 47% of all cuts in 2017 going to the top 1%.

The tax cuts that Trump is now proposing are smaller than the $9.5 trillion in cuts he floated last year, but are also more tilted in favor of the wealthy.

Under Trump’s new plan, every income group would still get tax cuts, but upper income households would receive the most relief, not only in dollars, but as a percentage of income.

Trump Tax Plan Gives 47% Of Cuts To Richest 1%, New Analysis Finds

He said those making >$25 Thousand indie or >$50 jointly would pay $0. Seems like the tax cuts are supposed to go to the poorest of the poor. Unless there is a new plan.

Lets see if those who are poor are still filling out 1040’s in 2018….if so; you’ll know you were sold a bill of goods.
i heard obama say 3 times when he first ran, that in his administration, retired people over the age of 65 who have a retirement income under $50,000 would be paying zero federal taxes,to help pay for their meds or other things.....3 times! we are 8 years later,never even heard him mention it again....promises are over rated.....
Don't forget, Trump has to find a trillion dollars in new revenue for his infrastructure plan. You don't find that cutting revenues from taxes.

Actually he doesn't. Can you say deficit spending?

Oh, I already pointed that out. Trump WANTS to borrow more money.

Are you now suddenly opposed to deficit spending?

Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama years

The White House predicted Friday that the federal government’s budget deficit for the current fiscal year will hit $600 billion, an increase of $162 billion over last year’s and a final sour note on President Obama’s watch.

I am not opposed to it absolutely. I think there are times when the US government should and needs to run a deficit. If it is used to build infrastructure that will be around for decades and likely add to growth, then it can be justified.

Show me when I was for it.

Ahh, you speak out against it now, so show me when you spoke out against it while BO was doing it.
Can people who don't pay taxes get a tax break?
Don't forget, Trump has to find a trillion dollars in new revenue for his infrastructure plan. You don't find that cutting revenues from taxes.

Actually he doesn't. Can you say deficit spending?

Oh, I already pointed that out. Trump WANTS to borrow more money.

Are you now suddenly opposed to deficit spending?

Budget deficit nearly doubles during Obama years

The White House predicted Friday that the federal government’s budget deficit for the current fiscal year will hit $600 billion, an increase of $162 billion over last year’s and a final sour note on President Obama’s watch.

I am not opposed to it absolutely. I think there are times when the US government should and needs to run a deficit. If it is used to build infrastructure that will be around for decades and likely add to growth, then it can be justified.

2009 Budget, submitted in 2008 by Bush had 1.1 Trillion deficit. Under Obama this annual deficit didn't double, it HALVED.

But in serious discussion on deficit we need to look at REASONS and the policy that drove them, not who was in office.

Big reasons for deficits are tax-cuts, wars, revenues decline and increased spending from Great Recession.

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You're full of shit. Not interested in arguing with your desire to rewrite history for the Democrats. I pointed out, a "couple" or a "few" is bull. You want to lie? Go ahead, but you've been called on it.

The recession started in the third quarter of 2000 and ended in 2003. And it was actually a hard recession. The third quarter of 2000 was originally actually negative, but in follow up they did eventually revise it to eke out a microscopic positive. Tell people on the street that revising a quarter to a microscopic positive actually means things were actually good for them ...

So you call me a conservative, but you don't give a shit what I am, even though you call me something I'm not. Liberals love to say that. You need me to be a conservative, a Republican, it completely distresses you, you go out of your way to say it. I have to have the label your talking points address.

Oh, but you don't care.

The lady doth protest too much ...

I apologize for calling you a conservative and thus hurting your fragile feelings, I hope you will make full recovery one day. about the substance, and the facts being discussed.

Thanks for your concern, gay boy, but I didn't say anything about my feelings. I was addressing your obsessive love of money.

I want the money I earned. Liberals want ALL the money. Then you call us greedy ...

What I want is for us to establish facts, what you seem to want is some personal flame fest bullshit. My guess on that bizzare posturing is that you know that I know the facts and you don't, so you deflect to something else as a way to respond to me with SOMETHING.

The facts are:

- I don't want your or anyone else's money I didn't earn
- You want my and everyone else's money you didn't earn

I see...and WTF does that have to do with taxation? How does what you just said connect to dynamic effects of tax-cutting?

You don't know what taxation has to do with wealth redistribution?


"How does what you just said connect to dynamic effects of tax-cutting?"

When you cut taxes, the wealthy invest more and create more jobs which helps everyone else.

Also, the top 1% pay 40% of taxes, yet every cut has involved their getting far less than that as a percent of tax cuts.

Funny how again, all you care about is the money and how it affects you. You're clearly not in the top 1%. So again you want to make sure that people not named antontoo are paying as much of it as possible.

It's all about the money for you

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