TSA throws a mother in prison for trying to protect her daughter

I have been through the Nashville airport pat downs. Last trip out of the country I had my passport in a passport pouch which was made to be strapped underneath the clothing. The TSA woman grabbed it and yelled 'WHAT DO YOU HAVE STRAPPED ON YOU?' I said ' my passport.' Then she yelled, 'YOU SHOULD HAVE THAT CHECKED IN YOUR LUGGAGE.' I think that old wrinkled dried up chick's mother had been out behind the little building with the half moon on the door fuckiing Uncle Nabob right along with Minnie Pearl.


I don't believe you. You're supposed to carry your passport for ID if you're flying international.

Hey, if I have to take an accidental boob brush so that crazies aren't carrying weapons onto planes, I can handle that. I'm an American. I can take one for the team!


(No, seriously. 9/11 happens and everyone blames Bush/government for not keeping us safe. TSA changes its policies and now we're a totalitarian state. American voters are so spoiled.)
Ohh if I could just retrieve the chats I had with right wingers who maintained the cry of "Keep us safe!" and supported the patriot act and all the invasive security procedures instituted under the Bush admin.

Somehow I told you so just does not cover it.
She was jailed because she was disordely.

And what precipitated this ‘disorderly’ act?

What was the probable cause to search her? Flying on an airplane?

Everyone knows the rules.

It would seem not the Federal government, it’s in the Constitution, clear and simple:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Any questions?
Oh the 4th amendment has been dead since RICO.
She was jailed because she was disordely.

And what precipitated this ‘disorderly’ act?

What was the probable cause to search her? Flying on an airplane?

Everyone knows the rules.

It would seem not the Federal government, it’s in the Constitution, clear and simple:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Any questions?
Oh the 4th amendment has been dead since RICO.

the DEA and their powers granted under Reagan were the death knell for sure.
Ohh if I could just retrieve the chats I had with right wingers who maintained the cry of "Keep us safe!" and supported the patriot act and all the invasive security procedures instituted under the Bush admin.

Somehow I told you so just does not cover it.

With Bush, torture was OK to keep us safe

Now a simple pat down brings cries of Nazi atrocities
I have been through the Nashville airport pat downs. Last trip out of the country I had my passport in a passport pouch which was made to be strapped underneath the clothing. The TSA woman grabbed it and yelled 'WHAT DO YOU HAVE STRAPPED ON YOU?' I said ' my passport.' Then she yelled, 'YOU SHOULD HAVE THAT CHECKED IN YOUR LUGGAGE.' I think that old wrinkled dried up chick's mother had been out behind the little building with the half moon on the door fuckiing Uncle Nabob right along with Minnie Pearl.


I don't believe you. You're supposed to carry your passport for ID if you're flying international.


I know that. You know that. What I'm telling you is that the TSA agent didn't know that. Visit Music City sometime. My post went over your head like a 747. Then again, you might just BE that agent! :lmao:


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And what precipitated this ‘disorderly’ act?

What was the probable cause to search her? Flying on an airplane?

It would seem not the Federal government, it’s in the Constitution, clear and simple:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Any questions?
Oh the 4th amendment has been dead since RICO.

the DEA and their powers granted under Reagan were the death knell for sure.
Yep. one of the few mistakes by Reagan. He didn't have too many but those he did make were kinda critical. Sandra Day O'Connor leaps to mind.

But the goddamn sobriety checkpoints are another.
Ohh if I could just retrieve the chats I had with right wingers who maintained the cry of "Keep us safe!" and supported the patriot act and all the invasive security procedures instituted under the Bush admin.

Somehow I told you so just does not cover it.

With Bush, torture was OK to keep us safe

Now a simple pat down brings cries of Nazi atrocities

I believe they have actually changed the rules for how children are to be handled. But in all, I don't they they have very good people skills in airports. And from time to time I wonder which side of the desk the terrorist is really on when I fly.
Don't want to go through security, don't fly. Everyone knows the rules

I have a better idea. How about you don't fly since you're the one who is such a cowardly chicken shit.

Meanwhile the rest of us will keep defending your rights for you since you aren't man enough to do it yourself.
Ohh if I could just retrieve the chats I had with right wingers who maintained the cry of "Keep us safe!" and supported the patriot act and all the invasive security procedures instituted under the Bush admin.

Somehow I told you so just does not cover it.

With Bush, torture was OK to keep us safe

Now a simple pat down brings cries of Nazi atrocities

I believe they have actually changed the rules for how children are to be handled. But in all, I don't they they have very good people skills in airports. And from time to time I wonder which side of the desk the terrorist is really on when I fly.

People skills? Hard to get good people for $8/hr and minimal training.
Generally you get what you pay for.
With Bush, torture was OK to keep us safe

Now a simple pat down brings cries of Nazi atrocities

I believe they have actually changed the rules for how children are to be handled. But in all, I don't they they have very good people skills in airports. And from time to time I wonder which side of the desk the terrorist is really on when I fly.

People skills? Hard to get good people for $8/hr and minimal training.
Generally you get what you pay for.
HAH! There are people out there with masters degrees and 30 years experience trying to get even an 8-10 dollar an hour jobs! These jobs hit the market right now and it's 500 to 1 for you getting it because competition is so fierce.

Now, they'll bolt the first chance they get to get back into a job of their former level and experience, but for now... finding someone is an exercise in finding the best fit for your business. It' an employers market, and thanks to P-BO, it's not going to change for a minimum of 2 years, and God help us if he's re-elected, then it'll be 7 years.

BTW, you do realize no president was ever re-elected with unemployment over 8% since FDR.
I love how people who claim the government infringes on their rights and is unconstitutional apparently want to abolish the Supreme Court.
Some people seem to be confused. The TSA is not a proactive measure, it is a reactionary measure to 9/11. Sadly, America has become a reactionary and irrational nation.

We had all the information we needed to keep us safe before 9/11. Bush was warned well before 9/11 that terrorists might hijack planes and fly them into buildings. What did he do? Take another vacation.

Additionally, the TSA has an awful track record:
WASHINGTON - Despite billions of dollars in security enhancements, U.S. airports are still vulnerable to terror attacks, according to a Republican congressman who is probing these deficiencies.

Since November 2001, there have been more than 25,000 security breaches at U.S. airports — an average of slightly more than five security breaches a year at each of the 457 commercial airports — and "these are just the ones we know about," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, who is overseeing a congressional hearing Wednesday on security shortcomings. "I think it's a stunningly high number."
25K airport security breaches since Nov. 2001 - CBS News
interesting how there is literally nothing I can find on line about this, other than the tiny story in The Tennessean, the OP article, and blog posts.

Major news outlets... nada.

Are we even sure this happened?
interesting how there is literally nothing I can find on line about this, other than the tiny story in The Tennessean, the OP article, and blog posts.

Major news outlets... nada.

Are we even sure this happened?

Ohh it probably happened, a Tea Party woman went ballistic and was jailed and released and the right wing fear machine blew it all out of proportion as per usual.
I'd like to know if the daughter was 9 or 20. Couldn't she just say she rather have the scanner? Sounds like mom needs some chill pills.

Because if you go through the scanner and you left something in your pockets you get the pat down, they don't give you a chance to empty your pockets and try again.
Don't want to go through security, don't fly. Everyone knows the rules

I have a better idea. How about you don't fly since you're the one who is such a cowardly chicken shit.

Meanwhile the rest of us will keep defending your rights for you since you aren't man enough to do it yourself.

You're the Sissy Mary afraid to go through a security checkpoint

Millions do it every day without incident, while you freak at a simple patdown

Grow up Nancy
Ohh if I could just retrieve the chats I had with right wingers who maintained the cry of "Keep us safe!" and supported the patriot act and all the invasive security procedures instituted under the Bush admin.

Somehow I told you so just does not cover it.

With Bush, torture was OK to keep us safe

Now a simple pat down brings cries of Nazi atrocities

Of course it was ok. One being done to known terrorists, while the other being done to innocent US citizens.

Guess you can't tell the difference between the two any longer.

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