Tump tells Ryan..."You know nothing about birthright citizenship."

Ladies and gentleman, I've lived under a dictator...the orange wants to be one.
None of the authors or those who voted to ratify the 14th Amendment had any inkling that these words would be used a hundred years later to legalize the children of people who were in the country illegally.

And when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, they also couldn't imagine that a gun could fire more than once without being completely reloaded.

If Trump thinks he can negate the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order, then he needs some educating.

One's apples, one's oranges. This topic is above your pay grade.
Wow..................just a year ago, you conservatives were singing the praises of Ryan.

Now? Because he said Trump can't do something that is against the Constitution, you turn on him because he said no to Trump.

Way to unify GOP.

This is all distraction....he will not issue an EO. He wants his base to salivate over immigration. Most are stupid enough to drool on his feet.

He lied when he said many informed people told him that he can do an EO. The informed people were as dumb as he is...
Wow..................just a year ago, you conservatives were singing the praises of Ryan.

Now? Because he said Trump can't do something that is against the Constitution, you turn on him because he said no to Trump.

Way to unify GOP.

This is all distraction....he will not issue an EO. He wants his base to salivate over immigration. Most are stupid enough to drool on his feet.

He lied when he said many informed people told him that he can do an EO. The informed people were as dumb as he is...
True – it is a distraction, red meat for members of the Trump cult, a desperate and pathetic attempt on Trump’s part to save the House.

But make no mistake: Trump’s idiotic notion of ‘repealing’ the Citizenship Clause with an EO is motivated by genuine bigotry and hate on Trump’s part, and that of his bigoted, hateful followers.
Ryan is clueless to the Constitution.

In fact, a lot of our elected ones have no real grasp of it. It's a travesty that these half-wits are permitted the responsibility to defend something they clearly arenlt competent to defend and understand.
None of the authors or those who voted to ratify the 14th Amendment had any inkling that these words would be used a hundred years later to legalize the children of people who were in the country illegally.

And when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, they also couldn't imagine that a gun could fire more than once without being completely reloaded.

If Trump thinks he can negate the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order, then he needs some educating.

One's apples, one's oranges. This topic is above your pay grade.

Apple and Oranges have quite a lot in common. For example,
1. They are both fruits.
2. They are juicy.

Just like the 2nd and 14th Amendments have quite a lot in common. For example:

1. Both are Constitutional Amendments
2. Both cannot be repealed by a Presidential Executive Order.

Thanks for you excellent analogy!
Wow..................just a year ago, you conservatives were singing the praises of Ryan.

Now? Because he said Trump can't do something that is against the Constitution, you turn on him because he said no to Trump.

Way to unify GOP.

This is all distraction....he will not issue an EO. He wants his base to salivate over immigration. Most are stupid enough to drool on his feet.

He lied when he said many informed people told him that he can do an EO. The informed people were as dumb as he is...
But his "base" thinks this is not only possible but a great idea.

He's playing them yet again
None of the authors or those who voted to ratify the 14th Amendment had any inkling that these words would be used a hundred years later to legalize the children of people who were in the country illegally.

And when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, they also couldn't imagine that a gun could fire more than once without being completely reloaded.

If Trump thinks he can negate the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order, then he needs some educating.

One's apples, one's oranges. This topic is above your pay grade.

Apple and Oranges have quite a lot in common. For example,
1. They are both fruits.
2. They are juicy.

Just like the 2nd and 14th Amendments have quite a lot in common. For example:

1. Both are Constitutional Amendments
2. Both cannot be repealed by a Presidential Executive Order.

Thanks for you excellent analogy!

"But...but...our guns! They can't take our guns! But them dark colored babies....they are the ones that need to be dealt with.."
Wow..................just a year ago, you conservatives were singing the praises of Ryan.

Now? Because he said Trump can't do something that is against the Constitution, you turn on him because he said no to Trump.

Way to unify GOP.

This is all distraction....he will not issue an EO. He wants his base to salivate over immigration. Most are stupid enough to drool on his feet.

He lied when he said many informed people told him that he can do an EO. The informed people were as dumb as he is...
But his "base" thinks this is not only possible but a great idea.

He's playing them yet again

And most of his base is dumb enough to believe his lies. They gobble them up like Halloween candy! "Yum....Massa president....give me more!"

The Great Leader is the Biggest Liar to ever sit foot in the Oval Office. He makes Nixon look like a Boy Scout..
None of the authors or those who voted to ratify the 14th Amendment had any inkling that these words would be used a hundred years later to legalize the children of people who were in the country illegally.

And when they wrote the 2nd Amendment, they also couldn't imagine that a gun could fire more than once without being completely reloaded.

If Trump thinks he can negate the 14th Amendment with an Executive Order, then he needs some educating.

One's apples, one's oranges. This topic is above your pay grade.

Apple and Oranges have quite a lot in common. For example,
1. They are both fruits.
2. They are juicy.

Just like the 2nd and 14th Amendments have quite a lot in common. For example:

1. Both are Constitutional Amendments
2. Both cannot be repealed by a Presidential Executive Order.

Thanks for you excellent analogy!

Good Point! If the Great Leader can erase the 14th Amendment with the signing of an EO...why can't the next Democratic President do the same with the 2nd Amendment? The man is a lying mother who has played the biggest con game on this country in it's history. He laughs at his cult followers...while he and his criminal family rake in the millions.
Ladies and gentleman, I've lived under a dictator...the orange wants to be one.

Who, when, and where?
Fair question.
Doesnt matter...I know a wannabe dictator when I see one....trump would love to have total control to eliminate everyone that thinks differenrly or say know to him...he was raised a spoiled served brat, and grew a jerk entitled elitist punk.
Suddenly, Eddie Munster Ryan is a touchstone of veracity and credibility with the moonbats!


Ryan virtually campaigned for Hillary in 2016, more than two years ago.

For two years, with a GOP Prez who wanted SPENDING CUTS and a GOP Congress, Paul Ryan refused to allow ANY SPENDING CUTS.

Paul Ryan, a completely useless, truthless, despicable fraud of a "Republican."
Trump is the son, and grandson, of immigrants: German on his father’s side, and Scottish on his mother’s. None of his grandparents, and only one of his parents, was born in the United States or spoke English as their mother tongue. (His mother’s parents, from the remote Scottish Outer Hebrides, lived in a majority Gaelic-speaking community.)

Ryan should kick Trump in the nuts and tell him to stfu ..
Through the years, there have many attempts to change the 14th Amendment. They all failed. The court system, particularly the USSC, operates on precedent. Read what I just typed slowly then go back to bed....

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