Turned On The Debate Just To Get A Glance -

Biden just said he is choosing a female for VP, does this assure that Haley is Trumps running mate?

I also find it funny that they are forcing them to "commit" to choosing a female as VP.

LOL Identity politics is so much a part of CNN and the far left that they force them to commit to their VP's gender. What if they said "no, because the most qualified I could think of is a male, why should I be forced to choose the gender?"
LOL, “No one is for open borders”, then they both proceed to say we don’t need a wall and there will be zero people jailed for crossing the border.

And WTF is with this foreign chick asking the questions? CNN purposely has to pick the most foreign sounding chick they can find?
It's time for Democrats to demand a black lesbian dwarf for VP. We've waited far too long.
Why would this even be important, other than pandering?

Joe Biden committed tonight that he would choose a woman to be his vice president.

"There are a number of women qualified to be president tomorrow. I would pick a woman to be my vice president is," he said.
Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders said "in all likelihood, I will."

"For me, it's not just nominating a woman. It is making sure that we have a progressive woman and there are progressive women out there. So my very strong tendency is to move in that direction," he added. - CNN
There it is....the number one crisis is climate....

Gawd these people are retards. People are clearing out grocery stores and stocking up on ammo, all thanks to our dependence on communist China, and they are talking about beetles, the Amazon, and “the fossil fuel industry”.
LOL, “No one is for open borders”, then they both proceed to say we don’t need a wall and there will be zero people jailed for crossing the border.

And WTF is with this foreign chick asking the questions? CNN purposely has to pick the most foreign sounding chick they can find?

LOL Democrats are totally for open borders. This isn't even debatable.
Bernie just said to use your dollar bills for toilet paper because when he's elected they'll be worthless.
Yes, they will stop ALL oil drilling. AND, they will just magically make China and Russia stop using fossil fuels too. What about the Arabs?
They skipped right past the tough questions on immigration.

1. How many American citizens are they willing to sacrifice for their immigration policy? How many American citizen women and girls can illegals RAPE? How many American citizens can illegals KILL? Just how many of our own citizens do we need to sacrifice so they can pretend to care about illegals.

2. There's easily more than 1 BILLION poor people who want to come to the United States. How many are they willing to allow in? If not 1 BILLION where is their faux compassion for the other 950 million they won't let in?
That's enough for me. That's all I can stand to listen to those two idiots, and that's an hour of my life that's gone forever.
No question Biden will go with a female VP - Rodham. Then, he will step aside and let her take it.
LOL, Bernie just endorsed the Chinese regime for “eliminating poverty”.

This debate is turning into the best commercial for President Trump.

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