Twelve Years A Slave

As I already pointed out no ethnicity went through what we went through for as long as we went through it.
"WE"? Your attempt to gain sympathy for something you never experienced makes you a phony.

Sympathy!!?? :lol: I dont want your sympathy. Stop trying to convince me it didn't happen or it wasnt all that bad. Only stupid people fall for that type of deception.
Yeah, I know. You want my money. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm saying it didn't happen to YOU, so stop playing the victim.
"WE"? Your attempt to gain sympathy for something you never experienced makes you a phony.

Sympathy!!?? :lol: I dont want your sympathy. Stop trying to convince me it didn't happen or it wasnt all that bad. Only stupid people fall for that type of deception.
Yeah, I know. You want my money. I'm not saying it didn't happen, I'm saying it didn't happen to YOU, so stop playing the victim.

You probably already give me your money willingly and dont even know it. if you are saying physical slavery did not happen to me then you are correct. However, that physical slavery set my ancestors back financially and mentally which in turn affected me and where i started out in life. Not to mention the ongoing mental programming to keep Black people enslaved is still going on today.
As I already pointed out no ethnicity went through what we went through for as long as we went through it.
"WE"? Your attempt to gain sympathy for something you never experienced makes you a phony.

Sympathy!!?? :lol: I dont want your sympathy. Stop trying to convince me it didn't happen or it wasnt all that bad. Only stupid people fall for that type of deception.

I certainly won't attempt to mislead anyone into thinking that it didn't happen and it was a stain on all of humanity.

Every single race mistreated each other throughout history and one of the best things to come out of the past 200 years is the human rights movement. Blaming whites for something all of humanity took part in is inaccurate.

Incas enslaved
Aztecs enslaved
Maya's enslaved
Native Americans enslaved other tribes
White nations/kingdoms enslaved of course and treated most of their populations as parasites.
Asian nations/kingdoms done the same
Black nations done the same
Arab nations done the same

Why can't we start moving pass the wrongs of the past?
"WE"? Your attempt to gain sympathy for something you never experienced makes you a phony.

Sympathy!!?? :lol: I dont want your sympathy. Stop trying to convince me it didn't happen or it wasnt all that bad. Only stupid people fall for that type of deception.

I certainly won't attempt to mislead anyone into thinking that it didn't happen and it was a stain on all of humanity.

Every single race mistreated each other throughout history and one of the best things to come out of the past 200 years is the human rights movement. Blaming whites for something all of humanity took part in is inaccurate.

Incas enslaved
Aztecs enslaved
Maya's enslaved
Native Americans enslaved other tribes
White nations/kingdoms enslaved of course and treated most of their populations as parasites.
Asian nations/kingdoms done the same
Black nations done the same
Arab nations done the same

Why can't we start moving pass the wrongs of the past?

I would wager all civilizations enslaved. My contention is that the slavery instituted and supported by whites here in the US was the worst type to every happen in human history. You dont tell a person suffering from PSTD to just move past it. You have to work to ID it, how it affects your habits and behaviors, and work out solutions to mitigate it. Denying it existed or was not that bad certainly hampers the process for those struggling to figure out how it affects their behavior.
Sympathy!!?? :lol: I dont want your sympathy. Stop trying to convince me it didn't happen or it wasnt all that bad. Only stupid people fall for that type of deception.

I certainly won't attempt to mislead anyone into thinking that it didn't happen and it was a stain on all of humanity.

Every single race mistreated each other throughout history and one of the best things to come out of the past 200 years is the human rights movement. Blaming whites for something all of humanity took part in is inaccurate.

Incas enslaved
Aztecs enslaved
Maya's enslaved
Native Americans enslaved other tribes
White nations/kingdoms enslaved of course and treated most of their populations as parasites.
Asian nations/kingdoms done the same
Black nations done the same
Arab nations done the same

Why can't we start moving pass the wrongs of the past?

I would wager all civilizations enslaved. My contention is that the slavery instituted and supported by whites here in the US was the worst type to every happen in human history. You dont tell a person suffering from PSTD to just move past it. You have to work to ID it, how it affects your habits and behaviors, and work out solutions to mitigate it. Denying it existed or was not that bad certainly hampers the process for those struggling to figure out how it affects their behavior.

I wish your great great great great great grandfather was never captured and sold by his fellow Africans. I wish you were still in your homeland. Can you say the same? I didn't think so. You reap the rewards from slavery and now you expect sympathy for the pain other people felt? You've got some nerve. Those slaves would spit in your face if they were here today.
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Not to mention the ongoing mental programming to keep Black people enslaved is still going on today.
And it's going on by the same people you consistently vote for, including your messiah, who is using you and others like you who love being a perpetual victim. Any disadvantage blacks have today is of their own making and all your whining isn't going to change that.
I certainly won't attempt to mislead anyone into thinking that it didn't happen and it was a stain on all of humanity.

Every single race mistreated each other throughout history and one of the best things to come out of the past 200 years is the human rights movement. Blaming whites for something all of humanity took part in is inaccurate.

Incas enslaved
Aztecs enslaved
Maya's enslaved
Native Americans enslaved other tribes
White nations/kingdoms enslaved of course and treated most of their populations as parasites.
Asian nations/kingdoms done the same
Black nations done the same
Arab nations done the same

Why can't we start moving pass the wrongs of the past?

I would wager all civilizations enslaved. My contention is that the slavery instituted and supported by whites here in the US was the worst type to every happen in human history. You dont tell a person suffering from PSTD to just move past it. You have to work to ID it, how it affects your habits and behaviors, and work out solutions to mitigate it. Denying it existed or was not that bad certainly hampers the process for those struggling to figure out how it affects their behavior.

I wish your great great great great great grandfather was never captured and sold by his fellow Africans. I wish you were still in your homeland. Can you say the same? I didn't think so. You reap the rewards from slavery and now you expect sympathy for the pain other people felt? You've got some nerve. Those slaves would spit in your face if they were here today.

Actually I can say that part of me wishes my ancestors were not captured and brought to the US. However i would not exist so its a moot point. You are under the delusion that Africa is basically a jungle. I know that to be different. Like I said before I dont want your sympathy. What makes you think I do? Benefits from slavery!! That was a good one. I know even as ignorant as you are you dont even believe that one. :lol: contrary to what you think the slaves would be amazed at what is possible by looking at my net worth.
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Not to mention the ongoing mental programming to keep Black people enslaved is still going on today.
And it's going on by the same people you consistently vote for, including your messiah, who is using you and others like you who love being a perpetual victim. Any disadvantage blacks have today is of their own making and all your whining isn't going to change that.

Who is my messiah and what makes you think i am a perpetual victim? I'm guessing I probably lap you in income several times by your display of ignorance. The only people that seems to be whining are whites that are afraid of Blacks shattering their image of superiority.
Holy crap. I've just seen the face of GodBoy and it is mighty (ugly)..

NOW Asclepias gets my sympathy.. Didn't deserve it before...

Hey what did I do?

Forced to deal with the likes of GodBoy.. Who -- for no apparent reason --- wants you to THANK HIM for dislocating, torturing and killing your ancestors..

It's optional.. Take it if it helps... :eusa_whistle:
Hey what did I do?

Forced to deal with the likes of GodBoy.. Who -- for no apparent reason --- wants you to THANK HIM for dislocating, torturing and killing your ancestors..

It's optional.. Take it if it helps... :eusa_whistle:

That's ridiculous. I said no such thing.

When put into the context of being kidnapped to this country --- you mention "reaping the rewards of slavery" ---- it sure sounds as tho some blacks owe you cabin fees for their rescue from Africa.
Forced to deal with the likes of GodBoy.. Who -- for no apparent reason --- wants you to THANK HIM for dislocating, torturing and killing your ancestors..

It's optional.. Take it if it helps... :eusa_whistle:

That's ridiculous. I said no such thing.

When put into the context of being kidnapped to this country --- you mention "reaping the rewards of slavery" ---- it sure sounds as tho some blacks owe you cabin fees for their rescue from Africa.

Why would it sound like blacks owe me? I wasn't alive back then to even participate. You're making up fake arguments. Why dont you stick to reality and debate me like an adult?
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If you notice the dialogue I posted, that ignorant bastard Epps made similar epithets and held similar theories about "the Blacks" then, that some of the racist and ignorant bastards make on his very forum today.

The disgust that I hold is that slavery still exists in nooks and crannies today. But a lot of THAT slavery ain't actually based on racism.. Shame that its not higher on the list of things to do.. To route it out and win that war..

But I sometimes wonder about the veracity of Southern slavery being so HEAVILY based on racism.. Because we know that slavery as an institution doesn't REQUIRE racism.. We tend to ignore all the WHITE indentured servants that preceded the plantations and were original Americans too..

Good points, but if you have any doubts about "race" or "racism" based slavery in the South, you can read plenty of examples from the original memoir I posted about the "different hues" of slaves that existed in the South;they range from the "Blackest of Black" to anywhere in between as well as "The Whitest of White", but the one common denominator they ALL had, was "their infusion or one drop of Negro blood".

Here's an excerpt from Frederick Douglass' memoir or book, that may convince you of the aforementioned point, it also demonstrates how some of those same tactics are used today by people who profit off of the divisiveness of the poor; Black or White:

"At the end of eight months Master Hugh refused longer to allow me to remain with Gardiner. The circumstance which led to this refusal was the committing of an outrage upon me, by the white apprentices of the ship-yard. The fight was a desperate one, and I came out of it shockingly mangled. I was cut and bruised in sundry places, and my left eye was nearly knocked out of its socket. The facts which led to this brutal outrage upon me illustrate a phase of slavery which was destined to become an important element in the overthrow of the slave system, and I may therefore state them with some minuteness. That phase was this--the conflict of slavery with the interests of white mechanics and laborers. In the country this conflict was not so apparent; but in cities, such as Baltimore, Richmond, New Orleans, Mobile, etc., it was seen pretty clearly. The slaveholders, with a craftiness peculiar to themselves, by encouraging the enmity of the poor laboring white man against the blacks, succeeded in making the said white man almost as much a slave as the black slave himself.
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The difference between the white slave and the black slave was this: the latter belonged to one slave-holder, while the former belonged to the slaveholders collectively. The white slave had taken from him by indirection what the black slave had taken from him directly and without ceremony. Both were plundered, and by the same plunderers. The slave was robbed by his master of all his earnings, above what was required for his bare physical necessities, and the white laboring man was robbed by the slave system of the just results of his labor, because he was flung into competition with a class of laborers who worked without wages. The slaveholders blinded them to this competition by keeping alive their prejudice against the slaves as men--not against them as slaves. They appealed to their pride, often denouncing emancipation as tending to place the white working man on an equality with negroes, and by this means they succeeded in drawing off the minds of the poor whites from the real fact, that by the rich slave master they were already regarded as but a single remove from equality with the slave. The impression was cunningly made that slavery was the only power that could prevent the laboring white man from falling to the level of the slave's poverty and degradation. To make this enmity deep and broad between the slave and the poor white man, the latter was allowed to abuse and whip the former without hindrance. But, as I have said, this state of affairs prevailed mostly in the country. In the city of Baltimore there were not unfrequent murmurs that educating slaves to be mechanics might, in the end, give slave-masters power to dispense altogether with the services of the poor white man. But with characteristic dread of offending the slaveholders, these poor white mechanics in Mr. Gardiner's ship-yard, instead of applying the natural, honest remedy for the apprehended evil, and objecting at
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once to work there by the side of slaves, made a cowardly attack upon the free colored mechanics, saying they were eating the bread which should be eaten by American freemen,
and swearing that they, the mechanics, would not work with them. The feeling was really against having their labor brought into competition with that of the colored freeman, and aimed to prevent him from serving himself, in the evening of life, with the trade with which he had served his master, during the more vigorous portion of his days. Had they succeeded in driving the black freemen out of the ship-yard, they would have determined also upon the removal of the black slaves. The feeling was, about this time, very bitter toward all colored people in Baltimore (1836), and they--free and slave--suffered all manner of insult and wrong.

Until a very little while before I went there, white and black carpenters worked side by side in the shipyards of Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Walter Price and Mr. Robb. Nobody seemed to see any impropriety in it. Some of the blacks were first-rate workmen and were given jobs requiring the highest skill. All at once, however, the white carpenters swore that they would no longer work on the same stage with negroes. Taking advantage of the heavy contract resting upon Mr. Gardiner to have the vessels for Mexico ready to launch in July, and of the difficulty of getting other hands at that season of the year, they swore that they would not strike another blow for him unless he would discharge his free colored workmen. Now, although this movement did not extend to me in form, it did reach me in fact. The spirit which it awakened was one of malice and bitterness toward colored people generally, and I suffered with the rest, and suffered severely. My fellow-apprentices very soon began to feel it to be degrading to work with me. They began to put on high looks and to talk contemptuously
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and maliciously of "the *******," saying that they would take the "country,"
and that they "ought to be killed." Encouraged by workmen who, knowing me to be a slave, made no issue with Mr. Gardiner about my being there, these young men did their utmost to make it impossible for me to stay. They seldom called me to do anything without coupling the call with a curse, and Edward North, the biggest in everything, rascality included, ventured to strike me, whereupon I picked him up and threw him into the dock. "
Frederick Douglass, 1818-1895. Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, Written by Himself. His Early Life as a Slave, His Escape from Bondage, and His Complete History to the Present Time, Including His Connection with the Anti-slavery Movement; His La
Not to mention the ongoing mental programming to keep Black people enslaved is still going on today.
And it's going on by the same people you consistently vote for, including your messiah, who is using you and others like you who love being a perpetual victim. Any disadvantage blacks have today is of their own making and all your whining isn't going to change that.

Who is my messiah and what makes you think i am a perpetual victim? I'm guessing I probably lap you in income several times by your display of ignorance. The only people that seems to be whining are whites that are afraid of Blacks shattering their image of superiority.

You likely do, but to an ignorant minority with small minds, when you express an opinion that does not reek of you groveling in deference to them, that makes the current president YOUR messiah, and makes YOU a "perpetual whiner".

Nothing but a weak defense mechanism with no substance.
Was that supposed to be an insult? :lol: If a person has no emotion about his ancestors, his current peers, and his descendants being programmed for perpetual slavery I would question his heart and his resolve to better his people.
Programmed for perpetual slavery? Kinda like the way the Democrats have been programming them for half a century now through welfare and government dependency?

You would THINK that there would be a more genuine Classic Liberal distrust of govt power and reach given what Asclepias just stated..

The remedy for being "programmed for perpetual slavery" doesn't seem to logically lead to being a fan of low risk residence in a welfare state.. And a fan of special deals and priveleges..

There actually is a pretty healthy dose of that Classical Liberal ideal, you also may or may not realize that fact. For Black people as an historical "group" in this country; government has been a Tyrant (the very Institution of slavery or allowance thereof through 'states rights'.), a Savoir (It ended of Slavery), a Tyrant ( Black Codes, Jim Crow, segregation, and other inhumane laws and allowance of such treatment), and a Savoir when it ended the aforementioned and allowed Black people to have more representation in the Government. It's been quite a "roller coaster" ride.

I am willing to bet that if you questioned Black people regarding a myriad of Classical Liberal ideals, you may or mat not be surprised with the amount of Classical Liberals that exist in the so-called "Black Community".

I don't think that there's this "trust" of Government by Black people that you may be alluding to. If anyone has a fervent concern for their Civil Liberties, I would venture to say that's there's a whole hell of a LOT of Black folks who are concerned about keeping their Civil Liberties! :)
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I predict a lot of knock out games happening the night this movie premieres. I think every slave movie should be followed by a knock out game movie. Lets get everyone riled up.

What aspect of this movie's plot makes you think this? If the movie sticks to the memoir of Solomon Northup, you will find that there will be a health balance of Black and White heroes and villains. I don't think that the purpose of this movie is to "rile" up anyone in a negative manner, I think that it's just the opposite, especially when a White man was responsible for mailing his letter to white men in New York, who traveled all the way from Upstate New York (Saratoga area) in order to rescue Solomon Northrup and bring him back to Washington D.C. to punish those criminals who kidnapped him and sold him into slavery, as well as bring him back home to his family and friends.
I certainly won't attempt to mislead anyone into thinking that it didn't happen and it was a stain on all of humanity.

Every single race mistreated each other throughout history and one of the best things to come out of the past 200 years is the human rights movement. Blaming whites for something all of humanity took part in is inaccurate.

Incas enslaved
Aztecs enslaved
Maya's enslaved
Native Americans enslaved other tribes
White nations/kingdoms enslaved of course and treated most of their populations as parasites.
Asian nations/kingdoms done the same
Black nations done the same
Arab nations done the same

Why can't we start moving pass the wrongs of the past?

I would wager all civilizations enslaved. My contention is that the slavery instituted and supported by whites here in the US was the worst type to every happen in human history. You dont tell a person suffering from PSTD to just move past it. You have to work to ID it, how it affects your habits and behaviors, and work out solutions to mitigate it. Denying it existed or was not that bad certainly hampers the process for those struggling to figure out how it affects their behavior.

I wish your great great great great great grandfather was never captured and sold by his fellow Africans. I wish you were still in your homeland. Can you say the same? I didn't think so. You reap the rewards from slavery and now you expect sympathy for the pain other people felt? You've got some nerve. Those slaves would spit in your face if they were here today.

Show me a quote where Asclepias asked anyone for sympathy. I'm sure that he can have the same wish for you, depending on where they came from and when. People, regardless of color have reaped the "just rewards" from slavery in this Country. If they were no longer slaves and former slaves and were at liberty to do what they wanted, I think they would be spitting in your face and not Asclepias.

Your post above sounds like a manifestation of those poor white bigots that Frederick Douglass described in Baltimore. If you don't attitudes are generational and hard to break, I can see aspects of the aforementioned people in the posts that you and some others make about "the Blacks".
For the most part its not really a political thing as much as a social thing. Its either you need help and you are incapable or I dont care what you've been through pull yourself up by your boot straps.
You seem to favor the "you need help" approach. Just curious, what terrible things have you been through that sets you apart from all the other races in this country?

Definitely but not by much. The way I see it if you are going to help me out I can pick and choose what help I accept. I know the vast majority are wishing to right a wrong even if they feel pity. I can educate those type of people. The vast majority of the ones that dont care are either ignorant, filled with hate for me or both. They are either too stupid or incapacitated by fear to educate. Not hard to pick a side under those circumstances.

Its not just what I've been through personally. Its what my people have been through and continue to go through. No other ethnicity comes close in terms of the amount of damage received at the hands of racists and those looking to make a living off the brainwashing Black people have been put through for multiple generations..

Anyone who thinks they are being 'brainwashed' doesn't have to allow it. You allow yourselves to be oppressed when you settle for $500 a month and food stamps. Jews help their own. Why don't blacks who have 'made it' help their own? If you won't at least do that much there is nothing I can do for you. And being from rural Kentucky, I'm not buying any of that 'where I started' bullshit. Any black in this country started in a better place than I did.
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