U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

We will burn every city down unless they win!n unarmed

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

An unarmed rioter is still a riotor and can still pose a threat to an officer by sheer numbers
A single woman constitutes "sheer numbers"? I don't think so.

She wasn't a "single woman", she was part of an assaulting mob. When you're leading the assault, you're the first one to be hit when the shooting starts. Asli was trying to be the first one through the door.

That is speculative because it assumes that others would have followed, and we have no way of knowing.
But the term "assaulting" is inappropriate since the most that happened was petty vandalism. There was no deliberate violence against anyone by the demonstrators. There was some conflict with police, but only police who were hitting and pushing first. And again, the odds are a warning shot would have had the effect of ending any entry. So then murder was unwarranted. You can't just start shooting people because of what you think they might decide to do later.
Not when all the other options had not first been tried. For example, why not do like the Alabama police did in the 60s and use a fire hose, warning shots, dogs, arresting people, etc. Shooting an unarmed woman in the neck is just not a civilized option. It is an escalation beyond anything the demonstrators would ever have done.
"it assumes that others would have followed" :heehee: Oh the loop-dee-loops you orange cultists put yourselves thru.....:heehee:

I am an anti-Trump, extreme leftist, socialist.
But I enjoyed seeing congress getting a taste of reality, after they lied about things like Iraqi WMD, Vietnam, civil rights, tax law corruption, mandatory private health insurance, the illegal War on Drugs, 3 strikes, asset forfeiture, etc.
Cool story.
Suuuuuure......you'll defend your defecating friends all day long, won't you? Maybe you could use your time more wisely teaching them how to use a restroom.
do you know any different? if you did, means you were there.
Oh man - I SO wish them luck proving that shooting a Q-Kook climbing through a busted out window during a violent insurrection is worth 10 mil.
As Zog says: "As usual lawyers end up making money. Sad."
Put me in that camp.

And I'd have shot the traitor too!
She was directly outside House Chamber and had bragged about "Storming the Capitol"

She was going through a window to get to from the Senate lobby to the House lobby, so she was not directly outside the House Chamber. The shooter was inside the House Chamber, but he shot across the House Lobby.
Nope...but keep defending the rioters.
Oh man - I SO wish them luck proving that shooting a Q-Kook climbing through a busted out window during a violent insurrection is worth 10 mil.
As Zog says: "As usual lawyers end up making money. Sad."
Put me in that camp.

And I'd have shot the traitor too!
She was directly outside House Chamber and had bragged about "Storming the Capitol"
Looting you mean, that’s not illegal, can’t shoot looters
Again...you are saying that looting is legal. I see one of your problems, hun.
mayors say it's legal, not me.
Oh man - I SO wish them luck proving that shooting a Q-Kook climbing through a busted out window during a violent insurrection is worth 10 mil.
As Zog says: "As usual lawyers end up making money. Sad."
Put me in that camp.

And I'd have shot the traitor too!
She was directly outside House Chamber and had bragged about "Storming the Capitol"

She was going through a window to get to from the Senate lobby to the House lobby, so she was not directly outside the House Chamber. The shooter was inside the House Chamber, but he shot across the House Lobby.
Nope...but keep defending the rioters.
looters, you're confused. did they take things?
She probably walked in through the open front door.
No need to speculate. We know she tried to climb through a smashed window of a barricaded door. That's not being "let in". That's the exact opposite.
it's looting.
View attachment 485640
Looting, that’s legal
I see your problem....you think looting is legal.
All mayors said so, not me
Link "all mayors" saying that looting is legal. Unless you're just a liar.
Oh just stop with this crap, Freaky. Walked In??? Please. They overran it.
I get it Jack that you are a child of limited mental ability that you can't even build yourself a garage so I'll try to take it slow for you:
Walked in? You bet. After the initial few forced their way in with some help from the guards, the other 95% did indeed WALK THE FUCK IN. Once you break into a place, it is broken in and others don't have to KEEP breaking in, Jack.

Waving the Confederate flag in the Rotunda. Sheesh.
People are free to wave any damn flag they want, Jack. Immaterial here, just as you are.

It's poison. It's cancer. It's bile and hatred.
Sorry to hear of your ongoing family problems. Hope you find a good witch-doctor or whatever you use to treat it.

Why would I build a garage myself when I can pay a professional to do it? You really need some new material here, Freaky. You're getting stale.
The Confederate flag is the flag of traitors...which now that you say it..makes perfect sense for the idiots who stormed the Capitol that day to wave.
They broke in, ransacked offices, assaulted police officers, and bragged about it on social media...why? Because they thought they were going to get away with it.

I always build my own garage because it saves 75% of the cost or more.
The confederates were not traitors because they were right that all states do legally have the right of secession when federation import laws become abusive.
The fact they were pro-slavery is a separate issue where I disagree with them, but it was the north that caused any slavery in the colonies to be possible in the first place.

While I disagree with the DC protestors, they were not invading private grounds, but public buildings they had a right to access.

Good for you. I wish I had been blessed with those building and carpentry skills. Those who can..do. Those who can't..pay other people to do it. :)
The Confederates were traitors. End of story. The people storming the Capitol on January 6th were participating in an insurrection. End of story.

Time to move on. :)

Sorry but the law is clear. The confederates were NOT traitors.
With a federation, the federal government is NOT the main sovereign entity, the states are.
Its like the UN.
The countries are the sovereign entity in the UN, not the confederation called the UN itself.
Federations are only useful and cooperative groupings that are voluntary.
The states joining the Unions was voluntary in order to gain some advantages like mutual defense.
When the union no longer is advantageous, any sovereign entity, like the states are supposed to be, have all the right in the world to leave and look for something better.
In particular, the North was passing outrageous and illegal tariffs in British goods the south depended upon.
The criminal in the Civil War was the north.
Slavery was an issue, but it was the fault of the north that it ever existed at all, and there were better ways to end it, like compensation payments.
We will burn every city down unless they win!

At least we’ll learn the name of the murderer.

This lawsuit isn't going anywhere except into the circular filing cabinet.

If you can shoot demonstrators for what others might later do, then you can shoot police for what they likely will later do and have done.
If the lawsuit does not win, then police will have to be all shot and killed.
Its self defense.

Kent State was a demonstration. What happened at the US Capitol on Jan 6 was NOT a demonstration. Thousands of people converged on the Capitol, and several hundred rioters broke into the Capitol and/or forced their way in, broke windows, severely beat police officers and verbally and physically threatened everyone who blocked their path as they were hunting for Speaker Pelosi and VP Pence who they chanted that they intended to hang. Given the fact that they had erected a gallows outside of the Capitol, it had to be considered a realistic threat because the mob was out of control.
Untrue. Kent State was violent rioting over 3-4 days that included assault, arson, and vandalism. In DC "they" weren't shot and killed. A single unarmed woman was and evidence has not been presented that proves she posed a threat to anyone.
She probably walked in through the open front door.
No need to speculate. We know she tried to climb through a smashed window of a barricaded door. That's not being "let in". That's the exact opposite.
it's looting.
View attachment 485640
Looting, that’s legal
I see your problem....you think looting is legal.
All mayors said so, not me

Looting is legal when it is part of a justified protest.
The wealthy control the laws and police, so the only way to change the system when it is broken is by making it cost the wealthy.
(That is assuming all other means of change have been tried and failed.)
Nope...looting is illegal. I also see YOUR problem.
Kent State demonstrators did not enter buildings, loot, or harm anyone.
DC demonstrators did enter buildings, steal, and smash things.

Didn't the students burn down the ROTC building at Kent State the night or a few nights before?

they were not invading private grounds, but public buildings they had a right to access.
I wish I had been blessed with those building and carpentry skills.

Face it Jack, here is your family crest, passed down from father to son---


The story of your life.
Kent State demonstrators were right about 3 million innocent Vietnamese being murdered because they wanted Ho Chi Minh to be their president, after he heroically liberated the country from the French.
The DC demonstrators we wrong about the election being stolen.

Kent State demonstrators did not enter buildings, loot, or harm anyone.
DC demonstrators did enter buildings, steal, and smash things.

I think in neither case was deadly shots justified. But Kent State was a much better class of demonstrators.
More educated, legally justified, and less violent.
Your personal claim that the presidential election was NOT stolen is your opinion and countered
by much evidence gathered and presented already. The fact is judges would not hear the claims
in lawsuits and if judges are bought off you really have no avenue to pursue your case.

There is also ample evidence that those people smashing through doors and windows and
and battling with cops were not actually Trump supporters but agent provocateurs used to
give the Trump campaign a black eye...one of the oldest means of smearing a political
campaign there is.
were nothing more than looters.
Kent State demonstrators did not enter buildings, loot, or harm anyone.
DC demonstrators did enter buildings, steal, and smash things.

Didn't the students burn down the ROTC building at Kent State the night or a few nights before?

all legal. looters. the demofks have assigned looting as legal. ask all their mayors.
If you can shoot demonstrators for what others might later do
Well yeah. Take a step back. Say a person points a gun at your head. You can shoot them because they’re about to shoot you. They haven’t, but they might do it.

Pointing a gun at your head is not just a sign of deadly intent, but is illegal "conduct regardless of life".
That is because guns easily go off by accident.
Doesn't matter if they never intended to shoot even.
The act of reckless endangerment forfeits their right to life.

So intent and what they might do has nothing to do with it.

There is nothing remotely harmful by Ashli's conduct that required shooting.
Well then let's walk it back even further. Let's say that instead of a gun, someone is lifting a bat above their head and running towards you. You would be justified in shooting them as their intent and immediate threat to your life is clear.
Depends on if he/she is a trump supporter........................to trump supporters.
Suuuuuure......you'll defend your defecating friends all day long, won't you? Maybe you could use your time more wisely teaching them how to use a restroom.
do you know any different? if you did, means you were there.
You need to teach your defecating friends how to use a bathroom, or wear an adult diaper.....
Sure, Floyd should have gotten pinched for passing funny money. But die for it? Put on the ground with his hands cuffed behind his back while the cop had his knee on his neck (sorry,not his back) for over 9 minutes?...ah..no. Not under any circumstance.
There are many smart rational people on the left
that think the Chauvin trail was a travesty and a retrial is almost a sure thing, if the nation is not being
run by mob rule instead of our system of justice.
Just yesterday I saw a podcast by Brett Weinstein and Heather Hyer discussing that very topic
and anyone with any interest in the matter would do well to watch (77th DarkHorse podcast).

George Floyd wasn't committing treason. He wasn't storming the Capitol because he didn't like the results of the election...or the thought that Democrats ate baby flesh.
That's a very red herring you have there. Do you always argue things not in dispute?

Ashli Babbitt died from her own terminal stupidity.
And the bullet fired from point blank range that ripped through her neck thanks to a Capitol cop.

Whether you think she should have been there or not is immaterial.
And I hope we haven't started summarily executing people who trespass.

But look at the BLM riots. Can you imagine the police
opening fire on the blacks in the streets, setting autos on fire and over running stores?
NO, of course you can't. Because you favor two different systems of justice and laws.
That's what makes you a bolshevik.

And the fact she was there because of a lie. Sad for a veteran. There is and was no evidence of widespread fraud in the election.
People that never search will never find.
A repeated lie is still a lie.

I don't why you keep beating on this. It only damages your party's chances of recovering next year and in 2024. My guess is Babbitt's lawyer will settle with the Capitol Police..only because it makes no sense to go to court for a long, protracted battle.
Your concern is touching but the stolen election that unloaded a senile long time
corrupt Washington insider on the nation and pretended he won anything will stick in people's craws for decades to come. I can only hope it really bothers you to have to listen to.

The only saving grace is he's such an incompetent moron he will drive America back to the right
when they get a load of his stupidity and malfeasance on a daily basis.
His bumbling idiocy at the border is just a little taste of Biden.
Last edited:
She probably walked in through the open front door.
No need to speculate. We know she tried to climb through a smashed window of a barricaded door. That's not being "let in". That's the exact opposite.
it's looting.
View attachment 485640
Looting, that’s legal
I see your problem....you think looting is legal.
All mayors said so, not me
Link "all mayors" saying that looting is legal. Unless you're just a liar.
you think there's one link? How about a couple of mayors, Larry Lightfoot Chicago DeBlazio New York,

Here's Minneapolis link

Minneapolis Mayor Defends Stand-Down Order As Rioters Burn Police Precinct | NewsRadio 740 KTRH | Michael Berry (iheart.com)
I always build my own garage because it saves 75% of the cost or more.
how many have you built?

I would have built more except some houses already had decent garages.
Nothing hard about it.
The most difficult thing is likely the bird's mouth cut on the rafters, when they rest on the top plate of the wall.
But you can buy prebuilt trusses if you want, to avoid having to do that.
Really, anyone can build a garage if they can work a circle saw and climb a ladder.
You don't even need to be able to swing a hammer because you can to it all with a drill driver and screws these days.
Suuuuuure......you'll defend your defecating friends all day long, won't you? Maybe you could use your time more wisely teaching them how to use a restroom.
do you know any different? if you did, means you were there.
You need to teach your defecating friends how to use a bathroom, or wear an adult diaper.....View attachment 485671
you're going to Congress to teach them where to poop? We're happy for you
I always build my own garage because it saves 75% of the cost or more.
how many have you built?

I would have built more except some houses already had decent garages.
Nothing hard about it.
The most difficult thing is likely the bird's mouth cut on the rafters, when they rest on the top plate of the wall.
But you can buy prebuilt trusses if you want, to avoid having to do that.
Really, anyone can build a garage if they can work a circle saw and climb a ladder.
You don't even need to be able to swing a hammer because you can to it all with a drill driver and screws these days.
you've never had a home you bought that had an existing garage? wow.

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