U.S. Steel, AFL-CIO, and Others Praise Trump's Tariff Hikes on Steel and Aluminum


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Before we get to the U.S. Steel and AFL-CIO statements, let's consider a little history about tariffs and their success--under Republican administrations:

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America's Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP? . . .

“Trade wars are not won, only lost,” warns Sen. Jeff Flake.
But this is ahistorical nonsense.

The U.S. relied on tariffs to convert from an agricultural economy in 1800 to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by 1900.

Bismarck’s Germany, born in 1871, followed the U.S. example, and swept past free trade Britain before World War I.

Does Senator Flake think Japan rose to post-war preeminence through free trade, as Tokyo kept U.S. products out, while dumping cars, radios, TVs and motorcycles here to kill the industries of the nation that was defending them. Both Nixon and Reagan had to devalue the dollar to counter the predatory trade policies of Japan.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, and, in the first decade in this century, we lost 55,000 factories and 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs.

Does Flake see no correlation between America’s decline, China’s rise, and the $4 trillion in trade surpluses Beijing has run up at the expense of his own country? (Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform)

The United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) and the AFL-CIO, the biggest American federation of labor unions, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, with whom I agree 90% on trade, have come out in strong support of President Trump's decision to impose high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. U.S. Steel has also praised Trump's recent tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels. Let's start with the ALF-CIO statement.


For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)

U.S. Steel:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.” (U.S. Steel Issues Statement on Presidential Tariffs on Imported Washing Machines, Solar Panels | United States Steel Corporation)

Globalists and free traders ignore the fact that a proven result of high tariffs is that they are designed, in part, to encourage foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S.
The idea is NOT to keep foreign goods out of the country but to induce foreign companies to move production here. If a foreign company moves here, it hires American workers, pays American state and local taxes, and must compete with American companies on a level playing field.

Democratic politicians from the Rust Belt states have voiced support for President Trump's tariff hikes:

Rust-belt Democrats praise Trump's threatened metals tariffs

Democratic congresswoman supports Trump's tariffs: We can't afford to lose US steel production

Brown Welcomes Trump’s Plans to Finally Act on Steel Imports | U.S. Senator for Ohio

Further reading on tariffs, protectionism, and trade:

Free Trade vs. the Republican Party



U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Silicon Metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway

Section 232 Reports

U. S. Steel Issues Statement on Department of Commerce Section 232 Report | United States Steel Corporation

Unions praise Trump on steel tariffs

Last edited:
Before we get to the U.S. Steel and AFL-CIO statements, let's consider a little history about tariffs and their success--under Republican administrations:

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America's Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP? . . .

“Trade wars are not won, only lost,” warns Sen. Jeff Flake.
But this is ahistorical nonsense.

The U.S. relied on tariffs to convert from an agricultural economy in 1800 to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by 1900.

Bismarck’s Germany, born in 1871, followed the U.S. example, and swept past free trade Britain before World War I.

Does Senator Flake think Japan rose to post-war preeminence through free trade, as Tokyo kept U.S. products out, while dumping cars, radios, TVs and motorcycles here to kill the industries of the nation that was defending them. Both Nixon and Reagan had to devalue the dollar to counter the predatory trade policies of Japan.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, and, in the first decade in this century, we lost 55,000 factories and 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs.

Does Flake see no correlation between America’s decline, China’s rise, and the $4 trillion in trade surpluses Beijing has run up at the expense of his own country? (Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform)

The United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) and the AFL-CIO, the biggest American federation of labor unions, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, with whom I agree 90% on trade, have come out in strong support of President Trump's decision to impose high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. U.S. Steel has also praised Trump's recent tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels. Let's start with the ALF-CIO statement.


For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)
U.S. Steel:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.” (U.S. Steel Issues Statement on Presidential Tariffs on Imported Washing Machines, Solar Panels | United States Steel Corporation)
Globalists and free traders ignore the fact that a proven result of high tariffs is that they are designed, in part, to encourage foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S. The idea is NOT to keep foreign goods out of the country but to induce foreign companies to move production here. If a foreign company moves here, it hires American workers, pays American state and local taxes, and must compete with American companies on a level playing field.

Democratic politicians from the Rust Belt states have voiced support for President Trump's tariff hikes:

Rust-belt Democrats praise Trump's threatened metals tariffs

Democratic congresswoman supports Trump's tariffs: We can't afford to lose US steel production

Brown Welcomes Trump’s Plans to Finally Act on Steel Imports | U.S. Senator for Ohio

Further reading on tariffs, protectionism, and trade:

Free Trade vs. the Republican Party



U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Silicon Metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway

Section 232 Reports

U. S. Steel Issues Statement on Department of Commerce Section 232 Report | United States Steel Corporation

Unions praise Trump on steel tariffs

I bet they praise him. They get to charge even more for their steel now that big gubmint is forcing people to buy it.. Well... until manufacturing flees. Enjoy higher prices across the board until then.
Tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

No, they won't. Did you even bother to read the OP or any of the links? If tariffs are so bad, why have so many countries done so well by protecting their economies with high tariffs? Heard of China? If tariffs and protectionism don't work, how has China grown into an economic powerhouse so quickly? If tariffs don't work, why did they work so well for America for decades?
mikegriffith1, we all know who you are, how your goofy theories on economics and history are just invalid.

I think you still follow skousen and jbs and the freemen's institute, so I am not too concerned with your nonsense.

Yes, tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

However, I think Trump is using the threat to cut some trade deals more favorable to the US with the promise that he won't impose tariffs.
All those commie organizations are now pro republican, will the GOP be able to live down the fact that they can never use the rhetoric of communist organizations helping to decay the US society?
In the "old economy" tariffs have a much bigger impact, in this "race to the bottom" economy with China in the WTO, massive low tax rates in America and manufacturing slowly returning, these tariffs will work. The fact that they are broad is actually better in my opinion, as China and Americas so-called allies cannot circumvent it.

Put some trust in Trump and Wibur Ross, they make the rest of the government look like lemonade stand champs. Outside of Tillerson, these two alone know their shyte, don't listen to the fear mongering. I said from the moment the announcement was made that China won't do f all to retaliate, they simply cannot risk the massive trade imbalance, they have way more to lose than America, a nation which has been decimated over 30 years.
Tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

No, they won't. Did you even bother to read the OP or any of the links? If tariffs are so bad, why have so many countries done so well by protecting their economies with high tariffs? Heard of China? If tariffs and protectionism don't work, how has China grown into an economic powerhouse so quickly? If tariffs don't work, why did they work so well for America for decades?
China's done an excellent job of protecting their sweatshops and slave labor. All those decades where republicans were "protecting" the U.S. with tariffs?




After those decades were over, the U.S. went on to become the wealthiest and most powerful nation on the planet. The lone world superpower.
Before we get to the U.S. Steel and AFL-CIO statements, let's consider a little history about tariffs and their success--under Republican administrations:

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America's Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP? . . .

“Trade wars are not won, only lost,” warns Sen. Jeff Flake.
But this is ahistorical nonsense.

The U.S. relied on tariffs to convert from an agricultural economy in 1800 to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by 1900.

Bismarck’s Germany, born in 1871, followed the U.S. example, and swept past free trade Britain before World War I.

Does Senator Flake think Japan rose to post-war preeminence through free trade, as Tokyo kept U.S. products out, while dumping cars, radios, TVs and motorcycles here to kill the industries of the nation that was defending them. Both Nixon and Reagan had to devalue the dollar to counter the predatory trade policies of Japan.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, and, in the first decade in this century, we lost 55,000 factories and 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs.

Does Flake see no correlation between America’s decline, China’s rise, and the $4 trillion in trade surpluses Beijing has run up at the expense of his own country? (Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform)

The United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) and the AFL-CIO, the biggest American federation of labor unions, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, with whom I agree 90% on trade, have come out in strong support of President Trump's decision to impose high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. U.S. Steel has also praised Trump's recent tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels. Let's start with the ALF-CIO statement.


For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)
U.S. Steel:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.” (U.S. Steel Issues Statement on Presidential Tariffs on Imported Washing Machines, Solar Panels | United States Steel Corporation)
Globalists and free traders ignore the fact that a proven result of high tariffs is that they are designed, in part, to encourage foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S. The idea is NOT to keep foreign goods out of the country but to induce foreign companies to move production here. If a foreign company moves here, it hires American workers, pays American state and local taxes, and must compete with American companies on a level playing field.

Democratic politicians from the Rust Belt states have voiced support for President Trump's tariff hikes:

Rust-belt Democrats praise Trump's threatened metals tariffs

Democratic congresswoman supports Trump's tariffs: We can't afford to lose US steel production

Brown Welcomes Trump’s Plans to Finally Act on Steel Imports | U.S. Senator for Ohio

Further reading on tariffs, protectionism, and trade:

Free Trade vs. the Republican Party



U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Silicon Metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway

Section 232 Reports

U. S. Steel Issues Statement on Department of Commerce Section 232 Report | United States Steel Corporation

Unions praise Trump on steel tariffs

I bet they praise him. They get to charge even more for their steel now that big gubmint is forcing people to buy it.. Well... until manufacturing flees. Enjoy higher prices across the board until then.

Let's just ship all manufacturing to China & Mexico, why should we try and protect our jobs?

I know you want to live in a 3rd world state, I understand Socialism is your only salvation...

We can start a Go Fund Me account to send you to your favorite 3rd world country, so please let me know which one it is?

I think you'll be impressed with the amount we can generate in a short period of time, do you have a recent photo I can use?
Trump's going to do with tariffs as he did with DACA and gun control among other promises and statements he made: He will reverse himself and do nothing.

Because when the going gets tough, the Donald folds, gives up, whines like a baby, pouts, stamps his feet and clasps his little hands and looks to the heavens and screams, "Someone turn on FOX News!"
Let's just ship all manufacturing to China & Mexico, why should we try and protect our jobs?

Probably will ship them there if Trump puts these tariffs in place long enough. U.S. manufacturing is the #1 victim here. You might want to learn how shit works, dumbass.

I know you want to live in a 3rd world state, I understand Socialism is your only salvation...

Tariffs are a direct attack on free markets. Tariffs are a tax increase in disguise, and a key component of socialism. Now wipe that snot off your nose, child, and go educate yourself about something.
Well it will sure be nice if we can build a plant in Chicago to give the gang banging youth something productive to do...It's not as simple of a question as it seems...we have millions of out of work dependent or felonious people living in America...

Lets try and put them back to work by making our own steel and alloy and cars and clothes....it is worth the extra expense when you look at it that way...either way we pay...pay folks to sit home via your tax dollars and pay to incarcerate and bury them or pay a bit more for a car...take your pick....
Probably will ship them there if Trump puts these tariffs in place long enough. U.S. manufacturing is the #1 victim here. You might want to learn how shit works, dumbass.

They're already there, where have you been? The steel industry moved overseas decades ago, any chance of reviving it starts with FAIR TRADE!! You've lived in a fog for God knows how long, we do not even produce a 1/4 of global steel. You're clueless...

Tariffs are a direct attack on free markets. Tariffs are a tax increase in disguise, and a key component of socialism. Now wipe that snot off your nose, child, and go educate yourself about something.

Free markets? China has manipulated the Yuan at the cost of it's civilians, how many Chinese citizens own a home? Own a car? How many Ghost City's have they built? How many vacant homes are there in China? What is China's single largest challenge?

New satellite images show inside China’s ghost cities
Probably will ship them there if Trump puts these tariffs in place long enough. U.S. manufacturing is the #1 victim here. You might want to learn how shit works, dumbass.

They're already there, where have you been? The steel industry moved overseas decades ago, any chance of reviving it starts with FAIR TRADE!! You've lived in a fog for God knows how long, we do not even produce a 1/4 of global steel. You're clueless...

Tariffs are a direct attack on free markets. Tariffs are a tax increase in disguise, and a key component of socialism. Now wipe that snot off your nose, child, and go educate yourself about something.

Free markets? China has manipulated the Yuan at the cost of it's civilians, how many Chinese citizens own a home? Own a car? How many Ghost City's have they built? How many vacant homes are there in China? What is China's single largest challenge?

New satellite images show inside China’s ghost cities
Yep China's really shitty. One of the reasons for that is their big gubmint manipulation of the free market (tariffs and the like) to do things like oooohhhhh, eh em, ARTIFICIALLY BOOST THEIR DOMESTIC STEEL PRODUCTION. There, it all comes full circle for you, lib.
Yep China's really shitty.

Now how hard was that?

One of the reasons for that is their big gubmint manipulation of the free market (tariffs and the like)

Their tariffs have nothing to do with their cheap steel, try the FACT they produce 8X the steel to their closest competitor (Japan)...


They (China) dominate steel production, the only thing that's artificial is your perception of reality...
Before we get to the U.S. Steel and AFL-CIO statements, let's consider a little history about tariffs and their success--under Republican administrations:

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America's Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP? . . .

“Trade wars are not won, only lost,” warns Sen. Jeff Flake.
But this is ahistorical nonsense.

The U.S. relied on tariffs to convert from an agricultural economy in 1800 to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by 1900.

Bismarck’s Germany, born in 1871, followed the U.S. example, and swept past free trade Britain before World War I.

Does Senator Flake think Japan rose to post-war preeminence through free trade, as Tokyo kept U.S. products out, while dumping cars, radios, TVs and motorcycles here to kill the industries of the nation that was defending them. Both Nixon and Reagan had to devalue the dollar to counter the predatory trade policies of Japan.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, and, in the first decade in this century, we lost 55,000 factories and 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs.

Does Flake see no correlation between America’s decline, China’s rise, and the $4 trillion in trade surpluses Beijing has run up at the expense of his own country? (Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform)

The United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) and the AFL-CIO, the biggest American federation of labor unions, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, with whom I agree 90% on trade, have come out in strong support of President Trump's decision to impose high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. U.S. Steel has also praised Trump's recent tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels. Let's start with the ALF-CIO statement.


For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)

U.S. Steel:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.” (U.S. Steel Issues Statement on Presidential Tariffs on Imported Washing Machines, Solar Panels | United States Steel Corporation)

Globalists and free traders ignore the fact that a proven result of high tariffs is that they are designed, in part, to encourage foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S.
The idea is NOT to keep foreign goods out of the country but to induce foreign companies to move production here. If a foreign company moves here, it hires American workers, pays American state and local taxes, and must compete with American companies on a level playing field.

Democratic politicians from the Rust Belt states have voiced support for President Trump's tariff hikes:

Rust-belt Democrats praise Trump's threatened metals tariffs

Democratic congresswoman supports Trump's tariffs: We can't afford to lose US steel production

Brown Welcomes Trump’s Plans to Finally Act on Steel Imports | U.S. Senator for Ohio

Further reading on tariffs, protectionism, and trade:

Free Trade vs. the Republican Party



U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Silicon Metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway

Section 232 Reports

U. S. Steel Issues Statement on Department of Commerce Section 232 Report | United States Steel Corporation

Unions praise Trump on steel tariffs

Let's talk about 1930 and Herbert Hoover. Tariffs turned a recession into a depression. The fact is that there is not enough steel produced in this country. Tariffs will not produce 1 bit of more of steel. It will make it more expensive. The results of tariffs since that have been bad. That is why George W Bush rescinded his tariffs.

US Steel is of course supporting it. It means bigger profits as they can jack up the prices without turning out one more bit of steel. The CEO is going to profit handsomely while the union skims off their share of the ill-gotten gains. The losers are 144 million people in the steel using industry as well as consumers. This is criminal as you and Trump are.
Before we get to the U.S. Steel and AFL-CIO statements, let's consider a little history about tariffs and their success--under Republican administrations:

From Lincoln to William McKinley to Theodore Roosevelt, and from Warren Harding through Calvin Coolidge, the Republican Party erected the most awesome manufacturing machine the world had ever seen.

And, as the party of high tariffs through those seven decades, the GOP was rewarded by becoming America's Party.

Thirteen Republican presidents served from 1860 to 1930, and only two Democrats. And Grover Cleveland and Woodrow Wilson were elected only because the Republicans had split.

Why, then, this terror of tariffs that grips the GOP? . . .

“Trade wars are not won, only lost,” warns Sen. Jeff Flake.
But this is ahistorical nonsense.

The U.S. relied on tariffs to convert from an agricultural economy in 1800 to the mightiest manufacturing power on earth by 1900.

Bismarck’s Germany, born in 1871, followed the U.S. example, and swept past free trade Britain before World War I.

Does Senator Flake think Japan rose to post-war preeminence through free trade, as Tokyo kept U.S. products out, while dumping cars, radios, TVs and motorcycles here to kill the industries of the nation that was defending them. Both Nixon and Reagan had to devalue the dollar to counter the predatory trade policies of Japan.

Since Bush I, we have run $12 trillion in trade deficits, and, in the first decade in this century, we lost 55,000 factories and 6,000,000 manufacturing jobs.

Does Flake see no correlation between America’s decline, China’s rise, and the $4 trillion in trade surpluses Beijing has run up at the expense of his own country? (Patrick J. Buchanan: Why Is the GOP Terrified of Tariffs? | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform)

The United States Steel Corporation (U.S. Steel) and the AFL-CIO, the biggest American federation of labor unions, as well as Senator Bernie Sanders, with whom I agree 90% on trade, have come out in strong support of President Trump's decision to impose high tariffs on steel and aluminum imports. U.S. Steel has also praised Trump's recent tariff hikes on washing machines and solar panels. Let's start with the ALF-CIO statement.


For years, we have called attention to the predatory practices of some steel exporting countries. Such practices hurt working people and cheat companies that produce in the U.S. We applaud the administration's efforts today to fix this problem. Effective enforcement of trade laws, including section 232, is critical to leveling the playing field and ensuring that U.S. steel producers and their employees have a fair shot in the global economy. Secretary Ross, Ambassador Lighthizer and Director Navarro have rightly advocated for these actions despite opposition from the Wall Street wing of the administration. This is a great first step toward addressing trade cheating, and we will continue to work with the administration on rewriting trade rules to benefit working people. (Steel and Aluminum Tariffs Good for Working People | AFL-CIO)

U.S. Steel:

We are pleased to see the President's action on products critical to American manufacturing and energy production. We are hopeful the President will similarly use his authority to establish a broad Section 232 remedy targeting steel imports that threaten U.S. national security by undermining our industry, economic competitiveness and the industrial foundation on which our manufacturing sector rests [this is exactly what Trump is doing by raising steel tariffs]. We believe broad and decisive action against the multitude of foreign producers is fundamental to protecting our national security and American jobs.” (U.S. Steel Issues Statement on Presidential Tariffs on Imported Washing Machines, Solar Panels | United States Steel Corporation)

Globalists and free traders ignore the fact that a proven result of high tariffs is that they are designed, in part, to encourage foreign companies to manufacture their products in the U.S.
The idea is NOT to keep foreign goods out of the country but to induce foreign companies to move production here. If a foreign company moves here, it hires American workers, pays American state and local taxes, and must compete with American companies on a level playing field.

Democratic politicians from the Rust Belt states have voiced support for President Trump's tariff hikes:

Rust-belt Democrats praise Trump's threatened metals tariffs

Democratic congresswoman supports Trump's tariffs: We can't afford to lose US steel production

Brown Welcomes Trump’s Plans to Finally Act on Steel Imports | U.S. Senator for Ohio

Further reading on tariffs, protectionism, and trade:

Free Trade vs. the Republican Party



U.S. Department of Commerce Finds Dumping and Subsidization of Imports of Silicon Metal from Australia, Brazil, Kazakhstan and Norway

Section 232 Reports

U. S. Steel Issues Statement on Department of Commerce Section 232 Report | United States Steel Corporation

Unions praise Trump on steel tariffs

Let's talk about 1930 and Herbert Hoover. Tariffs turned a recession into a depression. The fact is that there is not enough steel produced in this country. Tariffs will not produce 1 bit of more of steel. It will make it more expensive. The results of tariffs since that have been bad. That is why George W Bush rescinded his tariffs.

US Steel is of course supporting it. It means bigger profits as they can jack up the prices without turning out one more bit of steel. The CEO is going to profit handsomely while the union skims off their share of the ill-gotten gains. The losers are 144 million people in the steel using industry as well as consumers. This is criminal as you and Trump are.
Indeed. Trump is Herbert Hoover but without the sex scandals, poor work ethic and comical attempt to hide his bald head.
Tariffs will rise prices, cost jobs, and lead to a recession.

No, they won't. Did you even bother to read the OP or any of the links? If tariffs are so bad, why have so many countries done so well by protecting their economies with high tariffs? Heard of China? If tariffs and protectionism don't work, how has China grown into an economic powerhouse so quickly? If tariffs don't work, why did they work so well for America for decades?

One of the reasons is that China has massive public building programs to build even if they don't need it. China is still a 3rd world country and per capita income is at 3rd world levels. The US economy is far bigger than China's. We have Chinese people who try to sneak into this country. I don't see many Americans who want to live in China. This is not the 19th Century. Tariffs caused a depression in the 1930s and have not worked since.

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