

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
I'm wondering that as well. Hope you get an informed reply.
Just frustrated people shooting their mouth off and or repeating fallacious rants.

Even those who recognize the necessity that has been exercised by other presidents and have stated the only problem was it's execution are wrong to complain about the execution of the ban, because we can't telegraph our moves to the enemy.
Fact: Trump warned of this TEMP ban till we get the former vetting straight.
FACT: TRUMP warned that he was not gonna telegraph these moves like the media and Obama did giving the enemy a chance to adjust and circumvent our deployments and operations.

EVERYONE NEEDS A CHILL PILL, of course you'll upset people who were shut out without warning when the gates closed suddenly, but we could not warn the public and telegraph it to our enemies thus they are caught in the cross fire simply a sacrifice friendly fire in this war on terror and that is never pleasurable. But in reality and all honesty one can't say it's not expected or acceptable, because they were actually warned way in advance in an indirect way, they just didn't put 2+2 together to figure it out, nor did the protesters.
Take it out on the complacency to allowing radicalism spread, to allow poor teachings to flourish in that region, and us here and around the globe in preventing the 1998 judgement day procession on
Rosh Hashanah jubilee year that fell on Michaelemas the dedicated day of the Judge all cultures seemingly rejected, because they chose poorly(in the false prophet). :-(
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I am surprised none of the bed wetters have called you a nazi yet though. It usually happens in less than 30 mins.

I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The part that says everything liberals oppose is unconstitutional
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

The gub'mint worshipers favorite constitutional provision of course; The Constitution means whatever is convenient for our political cause du jour provision of Article VIII also known as the continuous arbitrary re-definition and re-interpretation clause. :D
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

Those on the left wrong take the Constitution to mean what they want it to mean, without any regard for the actual words written therein. On that basis, they make up ersatz “Constitutional rights” that are nowhere mentioned or implied in the Constitution, while disregarding genuine Constitutional rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected therein.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?
it doesn't. The people who make those claims don't know what they're talking about. They're the ones who think the constitution is meaningless (in our CONSTITUTIONAL republic) and who seek to overthrow our form of government.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.
It is not unconstitutional, but it is a very poor thought out and executed fiasco.

This will be the Trump protocol until his impeachment and removal.
I've been saying for years...the left are traitors who are trying to overthrow our government.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.

case in point.

Total bs. I personally believe people who repeat such nonsense should be thrown in jail for sedition.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.
Wouldn't it be great to imagine that Trump's team KNEW that line excepting Christians from the ban would kill the Order? Shit, even I know that. And that's NOT saying much, believe me.
But can't the Order stand as long as they omit that line?
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.

Another stupid bed wetting moonbat, just what we needed less of on the forum. Or on the planet for that matter.

Hey dipshit. read the 1st Amendment again.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

EO's aren't Congress, no religion is established by the EO, nor is anyone prevented from doing anything they otherwise have a right to do.

You have no right to demand entry into the US.

The 14th Amendment does not apply to non-citizens either, so go suck start a shotgun you insipid parasite.

It is not unconstitutional, but it is a very poor thought out and executed fiasco.

This will be the Trump protocol until his impeachment and removal.
So mow we know the left recognizes the sound constitutionality of Trumps actions, and that they doubt their ability to remove him.
I'm seeing countless people claim the temporary immigration exec order is unconstitutional. What provision of the constitution does it violate?

That's easy.

The 1st and 14th amendments. This executive order specifically targets Muslims when it says minority religions (as in Christians) will receive priority. This violates the ban on religious tests in the 1st amendment and equal protection under the law in the 14th amendment.

The shmucks who wrote this executive order could have easily made this executive order constitutional by omitting that line.

But the stooges in the Trump administration responsible for this travesty didn't consult lawyers which shows how incompetent, clumsy, and stupid this presidency is going to be.

Hey OP, you know you could have done a google search and learned about this instead of regurgitating your own assumptions to the crowd of ignoramuses that you knew were going to agree with you.
Wouldn't it be great to imagine that Trump's team KNEW that line excepting Christians from the ban would kill the Order? Shit, even I know that. And that's NOT saying much, believe me.
But can't the Order stand as long as they omit that line?

it's going to stand. Get used to it.
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No religions are named let alone targeted in the order. First amendment concerns wouldn't hold up
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