Unemployment falls to 8.3%


And did anyone stop to think that maybe people have started to realize that having a parent at home to take care of the kids was always a good thing, and this whole 2 parent working thing has been causing some issues?

I know my wife and I have been discussing one of us stopping working just for this very reason. We're waiting until we get ourselves a nice cushion before taking such a drastic step, but in the end we're thinking it would be worth it, to be able to raise our own kids, instead of sending them off to daycare every day.

It is no different now than it was under Bush or other times in recent history. Thanks for playing SPIN.
:bsflag: SPIN - SPIN - SPIN :bsflag:
Neo confesses to lying because he knows I am voting for Romney.

Is Neo voting for Romney is the ?

As a Romney supporter, how much debt do you expect him to add to his term if he should be elected?

I expect him to add less than a Newt presidency. How much do you think Newt would add?

I think they both add 6 to 7 trillion, after hearing they have cut to the bone. Romney adding less is a pipe dream.
To put things in perspective, look at the long term history of the labor participation rate. The blue line is male. The red line is female. The black is male and female. 50 years ago the index stood at about 59%. It rose rather steadily, probably due to the number of women entering the workplace and peaked at about 68 around 2000 and has fallen to about 63.

I believe the assumption that the fall in workforce participation over the last 12 years is due entirely to discouraged workers is erroneous for several reason. Young people are entering the workforce at an older age because more of them are going to college. Secondly, the number of people retiring each year has been increasing, particular since the baby boomers have reached retirement age. During the latter part of the 20th century tens of millions of women entered the workplace. Between 1960 and 2000, women's participation had doubled. This trend peaked in late 1990's and has undoubtedly had it's effect.


Labor force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


And did anyone stop to think that maybe people have started to realize that having a parent at home to take care of the kids was always a good thing, and this whole 2 parent working thing has been causing some issues?

I know my wife and I have been discussing one of us stopping working just for this very reason. We're waiting until we get ourselves a nice cushion before taking such a drastic step, but in the end we're thinking it would be worth it, to be able to raise our own kids, instead of sending them off to daycare every day.
And could it be that BOTH parents in the workplace have come due to excessive taxation,Regulation, Gubmint spending and taking over the role of parents in society whether they like it or not?

-Nah...forget I ever mentioned it...:eusa_whistle:
Bush 4% Unemployment/Record High Stock Markets.


That is like a poker player bragging that he had won $10,000 and leaving out the fact that he lost his shirt before he left the table

:lol: Yes we know. Bush 4% Unemployment/Record High Stock Markets = Bad. Dear Leader 8.5% Unemployment/Record High Poverty = Good. We get it Wingnut. :cuckoo:

Come on Paulbot.......you can do it

Bush given Budget Surplus.....left with $5 trillion debt
Dow Jones 10750....... Down to 8150 when Bush left
Unemployment 3.75%...... 7.8% when Bush left
Booming GDP when Bush took office.......Negative GDP when he left
US at peace when he entered office.......engaged in two wars when he left

This is fun to play....want to play some more?
It is no different now than it was under Bush or other times in recent history. Thanks for playing SPIN.

So, you all keep saying that "The country has become more conservative", and that we're supposedly a "right-of-center country" (however that works)...

But you don't think that a conservative influence would lead to more stay-at-home parents?

Isn't that one of the main tenets of conservative philosophy?

So, which is it? Does the nation now lean more conservatively, or not?

Oh, and on a more board-oriented note: People generally don't argue their side of the debate by giving neg-rep to people when they disagree with their point.

Not that I care all that much, but really? That's just sad.
And could it be that BOTH parents in the workplace have come due to excessive taxation,Regulation, Gubmint spending and taking over the role of parents in society whether they like it or not?

-Nah...forget I ever mentioned it...:eusa_whistle:

So.. you're saying people are making less money due to some vague notion of "government interference", and in response they're dropping out of the workplace, in order to make even less money to be taxed?

That would be a bit odd.

Has the upper income tax rate gone up at some point while I wasn't looking, making people want to make less money in response?

As far as I know, the opposite happened...

That is like a poker player bragging that he had won $10,000 and leaving out the fact that he lost his shirt before he left the table

:lol: Yes we know. Bush 4% Unemployment/Record High Stock Markets = Bad. Dear Leader 8.5% Unemployment/Record High Poverty = Good. We get it Wingnut. :cuckoo:

Come on Paulbot.......you can do it

Bush given Budget Surplus.....left with $5 trillion debt
Dow Jones 10750....... Down to 8150 when Bush left
Unemployment 3.75%...... 7.8% when Bush left
Booming GDP when Bush took office.......Negative GDP when he left
US at peace when he entered office.......engaged in two wars when he left

This is fun to play....want to play some more?

Yes, your Dear Leader has created such a wonderful Utopia. All that wonderful Record Poverty and Record Debt. Yup, life sure is good. Yeah, you keep on deluding yourself there Wingnut. :cuckoo:
Yes, your Dear Leader has created such a wonderful Utopia. All that wonderful Record Poverty and Record Debt. Yup, life sure is good. Yeah, you keep on deluding yourself there Wingnut. :cuckoo:

Sooo... The man you supported (and don't even try to pretend you didn't) wrecked the economy and plunged us into two wars.

And the man he supports hasn't fixed everything the way you would like it to be...

So, you're saying that it's Obama's fault that the wrecking of the economy happened in the first place?
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Obama can claim all he wants. People are still JOBLESS!!

It is quite simple to go from 10% unemployment to 8.3% without gaining any jobs. All that as to happen is for 19% of the unemployed to quit looking for work. They leave the workforce and are no longer counted in the formula that determines the unemployment rate.

Simple math will show this.

x/(E+x)=Ue where x is the number of people looking for work, E is the number of people employed, and Ue is the unemployment rate expressed in decimals. Let the Ue rate be 10% (Ue=0.10) Let x be 1000.

therefore E=9000

Now suppose NO jobs are created and the Ue rate is magically claimed to be 8.3% (Ue=0.083)

That means that


...a decrease in x of only 19% (from 1000 to 812)

...and without creating a single fucking job.
Obama can claim all he wants. People are still JOBLESS!!

It is quite simple to go from 10% unemployment to 8.3% without gaining any jobs. All that as to happen is for 19% of the unemployed to quit looking for work. They leave the workforce and are no longer counted in the formula that determines the unemployment rate.

Simple math will show this.

x/(E+x)=Ue where x is the number of people looking for work, E is the number of people employed, and Ue is the unemployment rate expressed in decimals. Let the Ue rate be 10% (Ue=0.10) Let x be 1000.

therefore E=9000

Now suppose NO jobs are created and the Ue rate is magically claimed to be 8.3% (Ue=0.083)

That means that


...a decrease in x of only 19% (from 1000 to 812)

...and without creating a single fucking job.

Umm, there has specifically been an increase in the number of jobs.

So your argument may be true, but does not apply to the situation at hand.
Neo confesses to lying because he knows I am voting for Romney.

Is Neo voting for Romney is the ?

Would Romney be my first choice?

But, since it is important to get Papa Obama out of office
I will vote for anyone else but Papa Obama
(yes that is how important it is...)

See Jake, unlike you

I want to unite the Republicans against Papa Obama
You just want to alienate people and divide them more
instead of uniting them against Papa Obama

Conveniently, that works for the Democrats
Funny how that works

Your method fools no one

So do you agree with what Romney said?
He dared to blame Papa Obama

Funny how you can't answer that....
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So you don't agree with Romney

Maybe you could help me out net?

Should I cast my vote to BIG GOVERNMENT

Or to the BIG GOVERNMENT that saves us from BIG GOVERNMENT.

Its all so confusing:eusa_shhh:

Too funny

But considering the choices
Papa Obama or someone else- someone else should win

Would I have much hope for a Romney Presidency for real change?
Probably not

The best we can hope for...... that he slows down the damage
that Papa Obama has done
Neo confesses to lying because he knows I am voting for Romney. Is Neo voting for Romney is the ?

Would Romney be my first choice? no But, since it is important to get Papa Obama out of office I will vote for anyone else but Papa Obama (yes that is how important it is...) See Jake, unlike you I want to unite the Republicans against Papa Obama You just want to alienate people and divide them more instead of uniting them against Papa Obama Conveniently, that works for the Democrats Funny how that works Your method fools no one :eusa_liar: So do you agree with what Romney said? Funny how you can't answer that....

Neo continues to confess to lying. He knows I am voting for Romney, but wants to believe because I want the far right to give up their silliness and work with the larger GOP mainstream somehow I am a divider like he is? Neo is also very confused. He is not mainstream in Republican ideology or mainstream American values. :lol:
Jake you can continue to spam all you want
I suggest the thread we have set up for it
Otherwise again you are wasting posters time and space

Jake your ideas are too radical to be mainstream
remember your claims that statism exists no where in the world

Click here to continue your spam

Confess? Lying? your baseless accusations mean little
No doubt some projection on your part


the fact that you can not answer if you
agree with Romney's statement against Papa Obama
tells us all we need to know about who is lying

Since I would not want to spam like you
I suggest the thread we have set up for us

As such, I will allow you to have the last word with me
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Jake you can continue to spam all you want I suggest the thread we have set up for it Otherwise again you are wasting posters time and space Click here to continue your spam
Confess? your baseless accusations mean little Again the fact that you can not answer if you agree with Romney's statement against Papa Obama tells us all we need to know about who is ying :eusa_liar: Since I would not want to spam like you I suggest the thread we have set up for us As such, I will allow you to have the last word with me

Neo continues to spam his bot nonsense. I am voting for Romney. I want him to give up his far right lunacies and join mainstream GOP America in making this a better country.

He will continue to twist facts to his philosophy instead of look at the objective and factual narrative. :lol:
And could it be that BOTH parents in the workplace have come due to excessive taxation,Regulation, Gubmint spending and taking over the role of parents in society whether they like it or not?

-Nah...forget I ever mentioned it...:eusa_whistle:

So.. you're saying people are making less money due to some vague notion of "government interference", and in response they're dropping out of the workplace, in order to make even less money to be taxed?

That would be a bit odd.

Has the upper income tax rate gone up at some point while I wasn't looking, making people want to make less money in response?

As far as I know, the opposite happened...
What vague notion there skinner? It's precisely what's going on. Sorry you are so fucking blind that you can't see it, and rather Gubmint run your life.

Point is? YOU wouldn't know true liberty if it hit you upside your thick head. YOU prefer the interference because it's ALL you know. You lack education and home training.

Gubmint isn't your friend. Go read the Founders Documents. They warned us long ago. YOU remain numbed to it and dismiss it.
The T cannot document his suspicions but his silly libertarianism is full of holes. Some of these Tea Party movement folks are real creeps, and the The T is one of them.

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