Unemployment falls to 8.3%

And could it be that BOTH parents in the workplace have come due to excessive taxation,Regulation, Gubmint spending and taking over the role of parents in society whether they like it or not?

-Nah...forget I ever mentioned it...:eusa_whistle:

So.. you're saying people are making less money due to some vague notion of "government interference", and in response they're dropping out of the workplace, in order to make even less money to be taxed?

That would be a bit odd.

Has the upper income tax rate gone up at some point while I wasn't looking, making people want to make less money in response?

As far as I know, the opposite happened...
What vague notion there skinner? It's precisely what's going on. Sorry you are so fucking blind that you can't see it, and rather Gubmint run your life.

Point is? YOU wouldn't know true liberty if it hit you upside your thick head. YOU prefer the interference because it's ALL you know. You lack education and home training.

Gubmint isn't your friend. Go read the Founders Documents. They warned us long ago. YOU remain numbed to it and dismiss it.

",,,folks are real creeps, and the The T is one of them."

Not very nice is it now, very troll like

For someone that claims to be a "uniter"
Jake spends a lot of time alienating people
from the Republican party

Perhaps, it be best to unite people against Papa Obama
instead of playing into the Left's hand

Wouldn't you agree "T"
At this point, we need every vote we can use to
get Papa Obama out of office
Last edited:
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

Okay so this thread went pretty much as expected:
ConservaRepubLiatarians claiming there IS NO good news. Things are horrible! Keep thinking negatively folks! And if things ARE getting better, Obama has nothing to do with it! (although he had everything to do with them being bad)/
LibDems claiming Obama is responsible, now that things are good and wasn't when things were bad.

The economy is getting better. It's a shame many of the ConservaRepubLitarians are SO party-before-country, they can't be happy or even acknowledge this. Oh well.
So.. you're saying people are making less money due to some vague notion of "government interference", and in response they're dropping out of the workplace, in order to make even less money to be taxed?

That would be a bit odd.

Has the upper income tax rate gone up at some point while I wasn't looking, making people want to make less money in response?

As far as I know, the opposite happened...
What vague notion there skinner? It's precisely what's going on. Sorry you are so fucking blind that you can't see it, and rather Gubmint run your life.

Point is? YOU wouldn't know true liberty if it hit you upside your thick head. YOU prefer the interference because it's ALL you know. You lack education and home training.

Gubmint isn't your friend. Go read the Founders Documents. They warned us long ago. YOU remain numbed to it and dismiss it.

",,,folks are real creeps, and the The T is one of them."

Not very nice is it now, very troll like

For someone that claims to be a "uniter"
Jake spends a lot of time alienating people
from the Republican party

Perhaps, it be best to unite people against Papa Obama
instead of playing into the Left's hand

Wouldn't you agree "T"
At this point, we need every vote we can use to
get Papa Obama out of office
It's all good. I dismiss my detractors. They aren't worth the time convincining...but worth every bit of my time demeaning for thier lack of education regarding the formation of this Republic away from tyranny...as the same detractors applaud the very same tyranny in a different time.
The far right loonies here continue to drive good Republicans away from them to the center. Neo and The T are doing good work that way, as more and more folks go, "Weird, weird guys, don't want no part of the crazies in the Tea Party movement and other orgs like that."
Does anyone actually believe unemployments at 8.3%..?

That's just crazy talk...

You would have to want to be lied to.. to even consider it...:cuckoo:
We have fourteen pages of foreclosures in a county of 42,000. We have gained on the jobs front, but they are lower paying jobs. My 401(k) is still down from 2008. Savings seems to be up, but not enough to help people through very long. Where is the rebound going to come from?
The rebound will come when the mortgage back load has been eliminated.

A long time before we days like the nineties again.

Those who prepared for this are doing very well. Those who got greedy and over extended their common sense with an even longer reach, well, they are going to pay for a long time.
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

Okay so this thread went pretty much as expected:
ConservaRepubLiatarians claiming there IS NO good news. Things are horrible! Keep thinking negatively folks! And if things ARE getting better, Obama has nothing to do with it! (although he had everything to do with them being bad)/
LibDems claiming Obama is responsible, now that things are good and wasn't when things were bad.

The economy is getting better. It's a shame many of the ConservaRepubLitarians are SO party-before-country, they can't be happy or even acknowledge this. Oh well.

Nope. You don't get to do that, Fence-sitter.

Obama is, in fact, NOT to blame for the bad economy that he inherited. Why would any sane liberal say he is? He is, however, at the helm as it recovers. Facts are facts.
The recovery continues....

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- American employers substantially stepped up their hiring in January, bringing the unemployment rate down for the fifth month in a row.

Employers added 243,000 jobs in January, the Labor Department reported Friday, marking a pick-up in hiring from December, when the economy added 203,000 jobs.

Meanwhile, the unemployment rate fell to 8.3%. That is the lowest since February 2009.

Job growth was much stronger than expected. Economists surveyed by CNNMoney had forecast 130,000 jobs added in the month, and that the unemployment rate likely ticked up to 8.6%.

I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

Okay so this thread went pretty much as expected:
ConservaRepubLiatarians claiming there IS NO good news. Things are horrible! Keep thinking negatively folks! And if things ARE getting better, Obama has nothing to do with it! (although he had everything to do with them being bad)/
LibDems claiming Obama is responsible, now that things are good and wasn't when things were bad.

The economy is getting better. It's a shame many of the ConservaRepubLitarians are SO party-before-country, they can't be happy or even acknowledge this. Oh well.

The CBO said the numbers stink. So with that said, what is there to acknowledge?
It is quite simple to go from 10% unemployment to 8.3% without gaining any jobs. All that as to happen is for 19% of the unemployed to quit looking for work. They leave the workforce and are no longer counted in the formula that determines the unemployment rate.
Yes, that could happen but that's not what did happen.
I don't even need to read through this one to know how the posts will go:

LibDems will say this is good news for the country and bad news for the Repubs. Most will not actually credit Obama but some will.

ConservaRepubLitarians will be predictibale as always:
1. Obama gets no credit for this good news (I agree with them on this - I just don't agree with them that Obama is the cause of all problems in the universe).
2. There is no good news! (Regardless of what I saw Megan Kelly say on FOX today). It's all a LibDem trick! Things are bad! Let's focus on the bad!

Then the small-minded will start calling each other names.

I can verify that we have more contracts now (I own a national executive recruiting firm) than we have had since 2007 and I am hiring two new people this month.
Guess what? The marginal tax rate does not affect my decision (myth #1). The Magical and All Powerful Obama (according to ConservaRepubLitarians) does not stop me from hiring due to an increased demand for our services. (myth #2).
We've had an average of 10 - 25 contracts in place at a time, since everything crashed, just before Obama took office.
Right now? We have over TWO HUNDRED contracts to find employees for our clients, in virtually every major city (except Detroit) in the country.

Okay so this thread went pretty much as expected:
ConservaRepubLiatarians claiming there IS NO good news. Things are horrible! Keep thinking negatively folks! And if things ARE getting better, Obama has nothing to do with it! (although he had everything to do with them being bad)/
LibDems claiming Obama is responsible, now that things are good and wasn't when things were bad.

The economy is getting better. It's a shame many of the ConservaRepubLitarians are SO party-before-country, they can't be happy or even acknowledge this. Oh well.

The CBO said the numbers stink. So with that said, what is there to acknowledge?
CON$ say the CBO stinks.
Okay so this thread went pretty much as expected:
ConservaRepubLiatarians claiming there IS NO good news. Things are horrible! Keep thinking negatively folks! And if things ARE getting better, Obama has nothing to do with it! (although he had everything to do with them being bad)/
LibDems claiming Obama is responsible, now that things are good and wasn't when things were bad.

The economy is getting better. It's a shame many of the ConservaRepubLitarians are SO party-before-country, they can't be happy or even acknowledge this. Oh well.

The CBO said the numbers stink. So with that said, what is there to acknowledge?
CON$ say the CBO stinks.

If the CBO was actually non partisan the head of the CBO would never be appointed by a politician. And when I say non partisan I mean working in favor of the government.
Does anyone actually believe unemployments at 8.3%..?

That's just crazy talk...

You would have to want to be lied to.. to even consider it...:cuckoo:

Unemployment is 8.3 because the government says so.

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.
Unemployment is 8.3 because the government says so.

You must have missed the judge's ruling against your side. No need to thank me for pointing this out to you. Glad to help.

Thanks Jake that's all I wanted, for someone other than a political official from hawaii to have a say in it. Now it's a dead issue.

so you admit you lied about it (see your quote in my sig).

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