Unrestrained Capitalism Would Cause........

There's no such thing as unrestrained capitalism. That would be anarchy, a Mad Max movie. Free market capitalism needs rules and regulations so we can all agree on what a dollar is and some tyrant doesn't use government to stomp competitors out. There's too much cronyism in our system now, corporations like Google and Microsoft are very much in bed with government and have more of a monopoly that the land barons did in the 1800s.
Ten Thousand Commandments

This is what happens when the ones making the rules go down the road of insanity. Trying to figure out a ZILLION RULES to try and come up with a rule for freaking everything..............A Gov't gone insane to try to create laws to fix every single guessed problem................

CFR'S from hell...........



We think of slavery as a practice of the past, an image from Roman colonies or 18th-century American plantations, but the practice of enslaving human beings as property still exists. There are 29.8 million people living as slaves right now, according to a comprehensive new report issued by the Australia-based Walk Free Foundation.

This is not some softened, by-modern-standards definition of slavery. These 30 million people are living as forced laborers, forced prostitutes, child soldiers, child brides in forced marriages and, in all ways that matter, as pieces of property, chattel in the servitude of absolute ownership. Walk Free investigated 162 countries and found slaves in every single one. But the practice is far worse in some countries than others.

The country where you are most likely to be enslaved is Mauritania. Although this vast West African nation has tried three times to outlaw slavery within its borders, it remains so common that it is nearly normal. The report estimates that four percent of Mauritania is enslaved – one out of every 25 people. (The aid group SOS Slavery, using a broader definition of slavery, estimated several years ago that as many as 20 percent of Mauritanians might be enslaved.)

Then there are the worst-affected regions. Sub-Saharan Africa is a swath of red, with many countries having roughly 0.7 percent of the population enslaved -- or one in every 140 people. The legacies of the transatlantic slave trade and European colonialism are still playing out in the region; ethnic divisions and systems of economic exploitation engineered there during the colonial era are still, to some extent, in place. Slavery is also driven by extreme poverty, high levels of corruption and toleration of child "marriages" of young girls to adult men who pay their parents a "dowry."

Two other bright red [looks orange/rust in the first map, and brown in the second, to me, but "red" is what the author wrote] regions are Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe. Both are blighted particularly by sex trafficking, a practice that bears little resemblance to popular Western conceptions of prostitution. Women and men are coerced into participating, often starting at a very young age, and are completely reliant on their traffickers for not just their daily survival but basic life choices; they have no say in where they go or what they do and are physically prevented from leaving. International sex traffickers have long targeted these two regions, whose women and men are prized for their skin tones and appearance by Western patrons.

A less visible but still prevalent form of slavery in America involves illegal migrant laborers who are lured with the promise of work and then manipulated into forced servitude, living without wages or freedom of movement, under constant threat of being turned over to the police should they let up in their work. Walk Free cites "a highly developed criminal economy that preys on economic migrants, trafficking and enslaving them." That economy stretches from the migrants' home countries right to the United States.

The country that is most marked by slavery, though, is clearly India. There are an estimated 14 million slaves in India – it would be as if the entire population of Pennsylvania were forced into slavery. The country suffers deeply from all major forms of slavery, according to the report. Forced labor is common, due in part to a system of hereditary debt bondage; many Indian children are born "owing" sums they could never possibly pay to masters who control them as chattel their entire lives. Others fall into forced labor when they move to a different region looking for work, and turn to an unlicensed "broker" who promises work but delivers them into servitude. The country's caste system and widespread discrimination abet social norms that make it easier to turn a blind eye to the problem. Women and girls from underprivileged classes are particularly vulnerable to sexual slavery, whether under the guise of "child marriages" or not, although men and boys often fall victim as well.
If the law doesn't restrain capitalists from using slave labor, what does?

I answered "reason, ethics and character" are what keeps one from enslaving others. Obviously, from the content shared above, if one is so comported one can make a living enslaving others and profiting by doing so. Clearly most people -- there are ~7B people in the world of which ~30M are enslaved, and there are necessarily more slaves than "masters" -- do not flock to the places where slave labor is looked askance at or indeed lawful. Economically, that suggests that people consider doing so as less "something" than the alternatives. After all, there's no nation on the planet that does not welcome talented and demonstratively productive migrants.
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge of what can and cannot happen under capitalism and about those outcomes' happening is what makes for political positions.
Build a good product..............people buy it........make money.........charge too much and another company puts you under...........simple to understand and is Capitalism................screw over your workers until they want to Tar and Feather you is just a simple explanation on how rules are eventually set by countries.......

Not all rules are bad.......Not all rules are good..........

My position of a Caveman still stands......Barter REAL GOODS in Exchange for REAL goods and services is a great example of Capitalism. Currency was to set a real value to products and services to exchange for real products and services.

The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth............but underscore the massive fraud of market manipulation from individuals who BET VAST amounts of capital without the assets to back it up should it fail..........They manipulated the products to insanity..........and brought the whole dang country and world down with the Insanity.............has nothing to do with the underlying true purpose of Capitalism..........the other point is what happens when companies screw over people long enough..........they get mad and burn the house down.........

simple explanations.........KISS principle.............keep it simple stupid...........principle.
The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth

This is the second time you've mentioned the 1920s. There's a reason my question to the other member (though I don't object to your responding to or with reference to it) explicitly stated "pre-1920s" and not "1920s" or a later time period. So would you please stop responding to me about the 1920s? Or, at least please make clear why you've chosen to address the 1920s rather than the pre-1920s.
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For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge of what can and cannot happen under capitalism and about those outcomes' happening is what makes for political positions.
Build a good product..............people buy it........make money.........charge too much and another company puts you under...........simple to understand and is Capitalism................screw over your workers until they want to Tar and Feather you is just a simple explanation on how rules are eventually set by countries.......

Not all rules are bad.......Not all rules are good..........

My position of a Caveman still stands......Barter REAL GOODS in Exchange for REAL goods and services is a great example of Capitalism. Currency was to set a real value to products and services to exchange for real products and services.

The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth............but underscore the massive fraud of market manipulation from individuals who BET VAST amounts of capital without the assets to back it up should it fail..........They manipulated the products to insanity..........and brought the whole dang country and world down with the Insanity.............has nothing to do with the underlying true purpose of Capitalism..........the other point is what happens when companies screw over people long enough..........they get mad and burn the house down.........

simple explanations.........KISS principle.............keep it simple stupid...........principle.
The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth

This is the second time you've mentioned the 1920s. There's a reason my question to the other member explicitly stated "pre-1920s" and not "1920s" or a later time period. So would you please stop responding to me about the 1920s? Or, at least please make clear why you've chosen to address the 1920s rather than the pre-1920s.
It was brought up as example in earlier post. Lazie faire.......examples..............growth...........

I thought it was important to point out that much of the growth was on stupidity that had nothing to do with REAL SUPPLY VERSUS DEMAND............and ended in screwing over the world..........in an economic depression that had NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPPLY AND DEMAND...................

and in the end this Stupidity helped cause the world to go to War.....and 10's of millions died as a result.................

My Caveman explanation stands.............my pointing out history stands..............if you don't like my views then ignore it or skip over.........doesn't change the price of rice in China for me.
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge of what can and cannot happen under capitalism and about those outcomes' happening is what makes for political positions.
Build a good product..............people buy it........make money.........charge too much and another company puts you under...........simple to understand and is Capitalism................screw over your workers until they want to Tar and Feather you is just a simple explanation on how rules are eventually set by countries.......

Not all rules are bad.......Not all rules are good..........

My position of a Caveman still stands......Barter REAL GOODS in Exchange for REAL goods and services is a great example of Capitalism. Currency was to set a real value to products and services to exchange for real products and services.

The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth............but underscore the massive fraud of market manipulation from individuals who BET VAST amounts of capital without the assets to back it up should it fail..........They manipulated the products to insanity..........and brought the whole dang country and world down with the Insanity.............has nothing to do with the underlying true purpose of Capitalism..........the other point is what happens when companies screw over people long enough..........they get mad and burn the house down.........

simple explanations.........KISS principle.............keep it simple stupid...........principle.
The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth

This is the second time you've mentioned the 1920s. There's a reason my question to the other member explicitly stated "pre-1920s" and not "1920s" or a later time period. So would you please stop responding to me about the 1920s? Or, at least please make clear why you've chosen to address the 1920s rather than the pre-1920s.
It was brought up as example in earlier post. Lazie faire.......examples..............growth...........

I thought it was important to point out that much of the growth was on stupidity that had nothing to do with REAL SUPPLY VERSUS DEMAND............and ended in screwing over the world..........in an economic depression that had NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPPLY AND DEMAND...................

and in the end this Stupidity helped cause the world to go to War.....and 10's of millions died as a result.................

My Caveman explanation stands.............my pointing out history stands..............if you don't like my views then ignore it or skip over.........doesn't change the price of rice in China for me.
It was brought up as example in earlier post. Lazie faire.......examples..............growth...........
The earliest reference to the date "1920" in this thread is in post #10. Who wrote that post? I did. What did I write? "pre-1920s." So, again, why do you keep mentioning the 1920s when the prior temporal reference was to earlier times?
Unrestrained Capitalism would export millions of jobs, and import millions of illegals because it's cheaper.
If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Between 1970's - 2000's wages fell, and Unions fell a lot, and yet jobs only thrown to foreigners by exporting jobs, and importing all the more illegals by the 2000's.
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge of what can and cannot happen under capitalism and about those outcomes' happening is what makes for political positions.
Build a good product..............people buy it........make money.........charge too much and another company puts you under...........simple to understand and is Capitalism................screw over your workers until they want to Tar and Feather you is just a simple explanation on how rules are eventually set by countries.......

Not all rules are bad.......Not all rules are good..........

My position of a Caveman still stands......Barter REAL GOODS in Exchange for REAL goods and services is a great example of Capitalism. Currency was to set a real value to products and services to exchange for real products and services.

The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth............but underscore the massive fraud of market manipulation from individuals who BET VAST amounts of capital without the assets to back it up should it fail..........They manipulated the products to insanity..........and brought the whole dang country and world down with the Insanity.............has nothing to do with the underlying true purpose of Capitalism..........the other point is what happens when companies screw over people long enough..........they get mad and burn the house down.........

simple explanations.........KISS principle.............keep it simple stupid...........principle.
The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth

This is the second time you've mentioned the 1920s. There's a reason my question to the other member explicitly stated "pre-1920s" and not "1920s" or a later time period. So would you please stop responding to me about the 1920s? Or, at least please make clear why you've chosen to address the 1920s rather than the pre-1920s.
It was brought up as example in earlier post. Lazie faire.......examples..............growth...........

I thought it was important to point out that much of the growth was on stupidity that had nothing to do with REAL SUPPLY VERSUS DEMAND............and ended in screwing over the world..........in an economic depression that had NOTHING TO DO WITH SUPPLY AND DEMAND...................

and in the end this Stupidity helped cause the world to go to War.....and 10's of millions died as a result.................

My Caveman explanation stands.............my pointing out history stands..............if you don't like my views then ignore it or skip over.........doesn't change the price of rice in China for me.
It was brought up as example in earlier post. Lazie faire.......examples..............growth...........
The earliest reference to the date "1920" in this thread is in post #10. Who wrote that post? I did. What did I write? "pre-1920s." So, again, why do you keep mentioning the 1920s when the prior temporal reference was to earlier times?
You posted articles that included the time frame I stated opinions on............Did you post articles not to be commented on.
Unrestrained Capitalism would export millions of jobs, and import millions of illegals because it's cheaper.
If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Between 1970's - 2000's wages fell, and Unions fell a lot, and yet jobs only thrown to foreigners by exporting jobs, and importing all the more illegals by the 2000's.
RIddle me this.............what happened in the early 1970's that changed a lot...................

If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Taxes, unions, regulations, and illegals do nothing to change the fact that overseas wages are still far cheaper.
If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Taxes, unions, regulations, and illegals do nothing to change the fact that overseas wages are still far cheaper.

According to the Capitalists we should be getting our jobs back, considering.

Union membership is down.

Corporate taxes went down since the 1970's.


Real hourly wages went down since the 1970's.

If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Taxes, unions, regulations, and illegals do nothing to change the fact that overseas wages are still far cheaper.

According to the Capitalists we should be getting our jobs back, considering.

Union membership is down.

Corporate taxes went down since the 1970's.


Real hourly wages went down since the 1970's.


Yet, here is what is actually being considered:

Unrestrained taxation +
Unrestrained regulatory mandates +
Unrestrained unions +
Unrestrained lawyers =

Hindered Capitalism = Unfunded Socialism

Liberals lose.
Actually we can all post 1 million links do you have a point that you can make on your own? How will you learn if you are afraid to try
Ed, you don't, and that is your problem. All that you have written online, all of it, is bombast without critical thinking evidence and objective argumentation.
There's no such thing as unrestrained capitalism. That would be anarchy, a Mad Max movie. Free market capitalism needs rules and regulations so we can all agree on what a dollar is and some tyrant doesn't use government to stomp competitors out. There's too much cronyism in our system now, corporations like Google and Microsoft are very much in bed with government and have more of a monopoly that the land barons did in the 1800s.
Unrestrained capitalism is anarchy?? Anarchy is not capitalism 1+1 = 2 capitalism is when you shop with your own money for the best price and quality and when you compete for customers against other suppliers on the basis of price and quality.
If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Taxes, unions, regulations, and illegals do nothing to change the fact that overseas wages are still far cheaper.
The advantage of far cheaper offshore labor is multiplied 10 times by liberal unions liberal taxes

liberal regulations and our liberal trade deficit.
Unrestrained Capitalism would export millions of jobs, and import millions of illegals because it's cheaper.
If so why is it liberal anti capitalists who export our jobs with Taxes unions and regulations and invite in 30 million illegals to take our jobs ??see how impossibly easy it is to trip up a liberal

Between 1970's - 2000's wages fell, and Unions fell a lot, and yet jobs only thrown to foreigners by exporting jobs, and importing all the more illegals by the 2000's.
Could you try to make your point and better English
Ed keeps making outlandish the statements the which he can't support.

Ask him for critical and objective evidence, and he makes more outlandish statements.

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