Unrestrained Capitalism Would Cause........

Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Of course it's true the goofy liberal would've been able to say why or how it enables slavery and why he agrees or disagrees with the OP.

That it isn't obvious to you is very funny and very unsurprising. Laws against slavery are a restraint on what capitalism is allowed to do regarding the use of labor.

You don't get that?
Laws against murder are a restraint on what people are allowed to do but that doesn't mean people are naturally evil this is something a kindergartner could understand

What? Nice flounder.
1920's...............get rich quick by investing in the gambling casino of the Markets..............Allowed to bet on credit out the ass................Everyone gonna get RICH ALL BETS ARE GUARANTEED...........sky is the limit......................

Nothing but a FAIRY TALE................That wasn't meant to be..............It was meant to allow investors to risk their cash into businesses they think would succeed..............If the company succeeded they made money on their investment...........if not they had to pay the piper. Not a stack of IOU'S.............RAMPANT SPECULATION drove stocks to INSANITY..............A house of cards destined to fail............and take the country and world economy down with it.

Has nothing to do with a company making a product and it sells or it doesn't.................CAPITALISM.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Worse than stupid but 100% liberal under capitalism workers are free to quit and work for whoever pays the most anywhere in the world even a monkey would know that just not a treasonous liberal with no pride and no brains
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
You can make that claim, but only because of there being different classifications of slavery. In the U.S. prisoners are substantively the same kinds of slaves that existed in ancient societies, and there's very little outcry about it.
Actual unrestrained capitalism would take us back to the glory days of cave men.
Good days for them. They traded real products..............BARTERED...........

No BS currency manipulation....................bloated values.............

1 cow.........50 fish and a horse............
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Of course it's true the goofy liberal would've been able to say why or how it enables slavery and why he agrees or disagrees with the OP.
What are your thoughts regarding the structural economic environment and the outcomes it yielded as a result of the interaction of the levers of production in pre-1920s America?
This was the period of fastest growth in American history so perhaps the best example of unrestrained capitalism we have interestingly like now it was a period of unlimited or unrestrained immigration which created a great supply demand imbalance that led to low wages but also very low prices and thus very great increases in our standard of living. This would be 1000 miles over a liberal's head
Okay, well now I know what you have to say on the mater. Glad I asked first. TY for replying to my question.
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our companies to fight to the death in order to survive by raising our standard of living at the fastest possible rate!!! Lets do it!!!

I think unrestrained socialism sounds much better. Fight to death to get that last roll of toilet paper sounds much more attractive.
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


You screw over enough people long enough they eventually will get mad enough to pound your ass...........shut you down..........then the Gov't goes..........these people are pissed off maybe we need to set some rules before the pissed off people burn the whole dang house down.....

Again, that are rules against abuse..............not pure Capitalism......not market bs manipulation..............
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge about the interactions among the levers of production in such an environment is what makes for political positions.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Worse than stupid but 100% liberal under capitalism workers are free to quit and work for whoever pays the most anywhere in the world even a monkey would know that just not a treasonous liberal with no pride and no brains

If the law doesn't restrain capitalists from using slave labor, what does?
For the great majority of the laboring class the results of the policy (of laissez faire) were inadequate wages, long hours of work under sordid conditions, and the large-scale employment of women and children for tasks which destroy body and soul. Reports from investigating committees on coal mines found male and female children ten or even five years of age harnessed to heavy coal-sledges which they dragged crawling on their hands and knees . . . (Norton Anthology, p. 3).

Quote from one of your articles. Still doesn't underscore the true purpose Capitalism. It just shows how Countries end up setting rules to end abuses in it. And when companies abuse their employees long enough...........

Cavemen get pissed..............and eventually do something about it.


the true purpose Capitalism.

The purpose of capitalism is to allow the interaction of supply and demand to determine the allocation of resources in an economy. The behaviors Majewski noted are among the observed outcomes of having had few no limitations on the economic environment, the laissez faire "playing field," in which the owners/users of the levers of production create or pursue economic profits/gains and opportunity.

Knowing that is important, but one's views after obtaining an in-depth knowledge of what can and cannot happen under capitalism and about those outcomes' happening is what makes for political positions.
Build a good product..............people buy it........make money.........charge too much and another company puts you under...........simple to understand and is Capitalism................screw over your workers until they want to Tar and Feather you is just a simple explanation on how rules are eventually set by countries.......

Not all rules are bad.......Not all rules are good..........

My position of a Caveman still stands......Barter REAL GOODS in Exchange for REAL goods and services is a great example of Capitalism. Currency was to set a real value to products and services to exchange for real products and services.

The 1920's comparisons showed massive growth............but underscore the massive fraud of market manipulation from individuals who BET VAST amounts of capital without the assets to back it up should it fail..........They manipulated the products to insanity..........and brought the whole dang country and world down with the Insanity.............has nothing to do with the underlying true purpose of Capitalism..........the other point is what happens when companies screw over people long enough..........they get mad and burn the house down.........

simple explanations.........KISS principle.............keep it simple stupid...........principle.
Unrestrained capitalism enables slavery.
Worse than stupid but 100% liberal under capitalism workers are free to quit and work for whoever pays the most anywhere in the world even a monkey would know that just not a treasonous liberal with no pride and no brains

If the law doesn't restrain capitalists from using slave labor, what does?
A caveman club..............why unions were formed.........to say enough of the BS..........then later the reverse happened when they got too greedy and got smacked down for the same thing.....

Doesn't change the definition of pure capitalism......

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