Upcoming propaganda, and another fixed election


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
some propagandist named Genovese was on TV BSing.

he said at no other time in American history has money been a large influence on the election.

you'd have to have an IQ of 12 to believe that. do you really believe money hasn't been the largest factor in every election since politics began?

What he's referring to is the Supreme Court decision upholding private contributions. The Supreme Court had to make the right choice because campaigning for your favorite candidate is a right. What the media doesn't tell you is the Democrats attempted limit private campaigning , so the only people that can nationally support a candidate are the Democrat unions. The Democrats tried to end Super PACs. If a group of people get together and buy a billboard for their candidate , i'm sorry, that's their choice, who are the Democrats to say no?

What Genovese also said, is it's imperative for a Democrat to win, for Obama to "secure his legacy". It's looking like this is going to be another fixed , or they're going to have to get some serious establishment Republican will honor Obama.

I'm betting this will be a Democrat election, and not Hillary

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