Update: The Illegal Alien Vote

PoliticalChic, post: 22410844
Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.

You racist moron - it still remains a fact that Gina is a US citizen being told by Obama directly that when she votes, because she is a US citizen, she will not be investigated for voting kegally.

You idiot, if a US citizen speaks up for non-citizens they are still a US citizen. Obama was speaking directly to a US Citizen when he said you are a citizen yourself.

She clearly says she is speaking for and as an illegal.

Let's prove it together:

Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I (an illegal) vote......

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
OBAMA: Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

And, Obama did say those exact words, in the exact order I’ve provided them.
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.
Great, try citing a law that does that....
PoliticalChic, post: 22410844
Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.

You racist moron - it still remains a fact that Gina is a US citizen being told by Obama directly that when she votes, because she is a US citizen, she will not be investigated for voting kegally.

You idiot, if a US citizen speaks up for non-citizens they are still a US citizen. Obama was speaking directly to a US Citizen when he said you are a citizen yourself.

She clearly says she is speaking for and as an illegal.

Let's prove it together:

Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I (an illegal) vote......

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

And, Obama did say those exact words, in the exact order I’ve provided them.

Oh look, the forum liar is posting the edited video again which cuts out the part where Obama says a illegal aliens can't vote.
PoliticalChic, post: 22410844
Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.

You racist moron - it still remains a fact that Gina is a US citizen being told by Obama directly that when she votes, because she is a US citizen, she will not be investigated for voting kegally.

You idiot, if a US citizen speaks up for non-citizens they are still a US citizen. Obama was speaking directly to a US Citizen when he said you are a citizen yourself.

Gee.....I hope it's really painful how regularly I prove you to be a lying sack of offal.

It is, huh?
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Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.

Like this:

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
15 subpoenas that had nothing to do with interfering in 2016. where are those at? You know, the reason for Mueller? come on batman, tell us.
the 30 or so of trump people in touch with russian big wigs Or was the talk all about adoption?
so what we're finding out is the russia people in touch with those in the campaign were plants, it was their intentions to talk to them, so that they could run the hoax, it's what we just learned through the mueller investigation. Your SC revealed the plot.

No that is incorrect. Putin could not stand Obama but according to you he allowed his government to work with Obama to spy on Trump. So as part of the hoax, Putin was supposed to stand in Helsinki claiming he supported Trump. Yeah, that's the ticket.
The hoax is up
You're right Trumps state taxes and bank records are on their way and we already know kurshner sent money to russians
how do you know that? you pukes truly step off cliffs. amazing. something you possibly couldn't know, Mueller didn't find it, and yet you fking know. wow!!!
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jc456, post: 22409382
jc456, post: 22408085
yep, it's lost on you eh? please feel free, why obammy told the illegals to vote, even though he knew they legally couldn't? and you failed.

You asked what Obama was quoted as saying means. He said ‘can’t legally vote’. So I explained to you what ‘can’t legally vote’ means because you are stupid.

Here it is:

NotfooledbyW, post: 22408008
‘Can’t legally vote’ means ‘can’t legally vote’

So if you actually think ‘Can’t legally vote’ means ‘obammy told the illegals they can vote’ you need to explain why and how.
Well he fking did! Can’t change the fact. Waiting on your facts

My basis in fact here is the fact that you actually believe in and promote the idea that ‘can’t legally vote’ means ‘obammy told the illegals they can vote’ which means you are a baseless lying racist fool who has no business using the word ‘fsct’ as if it were something your under-developed mind can cope with.
dude, I posted the video from him stating it. you can vote illegally and no one will come and ask you, did you watch the video from the link I provided? 29 second mark of the video. Gina says dreamers vote. dreamers are illegals.
jc456, post: 22408085
yep, it's lost on you eh? please feel free, why obammy told the illegals to vote, even though he knew they legally couldn't? and you failed.

You asked what Obama was quoted as saying means. He said ‘can’t legally vote’. So I explained to you what ‘can’t legally vote’ means because you are stupid.

Here it is:

NotfooledbyW, post: 22408008
‘Can’t legally vote’ means ‘can’t legally vote’

So if you actually think ‘Can’t legally vote’ means ‘obammy told the illegals they can vote’ you need to explain why and how.
FALSE: Obama Encouraged 'Illegal Aliens' to Vote

Except he did

Not so, loon.
yes so, the conversation in the video was about dreamers voting. he said, at the 29 second mark of the video, that the voting records do not get turned over and no one would investigate. wow!!! blinded by the left.
PoliticalChic, post: 22410844
Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.

You racist moron - it still remains a fact that Gina is a US citizen being told by Obama directly that when she votes, because she is a US citizen, she will not be investigated for voting kegally.

You idiot, if a US citizen speaks up for non-citizens they are still a US citizen. Obama was speaking directly to a US Citizen when he said you are a citizen yourself.
no, that isn't what he said at all. wow. PC scripted the conversation, you should read it. it was posted five times.
DBA, post: 22410849
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates.

You have no proof that your fellow liars are quoting Obama directly so your plan is to fabricate another lie about Democrats that you cannot prove either.
we gave you the video of him saying it.
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.

Like this:

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Illegal aliens are not registered to vote with that process.

Do you ever stop lying?


(no need to answer, that's rhetorical)
DBA, post: 22410849
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates.

You have no proof that your fellow liars are quoting Obama directly so your plan is to fabricate another lie about Democrats that you cannot prove either.
we gave you the video of him saying it.
That video was selectively edited.
PoliticalChic, post: 22410844
Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.

You racist moron - it still remains a fact that Gina is a US citizen being told by Obama directly that when she votes, because she is a US citizen, she will not be investigated for voting kegally.

You idiot, if a US citizen speaks up for non-citizens they are still a US citizen. Obama was speaking directly to a US Citizen when he said you are a citizen yourself.

She clearly says she is speaking for and as an illegal.

Let's prove it together:

Watch as she says 'I' after making clear that she is speaking for illegal aliens.


RODRIGUEZ: Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens -- and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country -- are fearful of voting.

[And that is who she is speaking for!]

So if I (an illegal) vote......

So if I vote, will immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?
[Who would come for legal citizens voting?????????]
Not true. And the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself.

[Just like you.....a bald-faced liar!]

And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, et cetera.

[Meaning: 'Go ahead and vote....no one will be the wiser!']

The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential in terms of who you voted for. If you have a family member who maybe is undocumented, then you have an even greater reason to vote.

[Meaning, I guess....if you are living with lots of other illegals...well, heck, at least some of you should go vote! After all....Trump is trying to get rid of you illegals!]

And, Obama did say those exact words, in the exact order I’ve provided them.

Oh look, the forum liar is posting the edited video again which cuts out the part where Obama says a illegal aliens can't vote.

kinda like when people cut out the part of the video that says trump was not mocking a handicapped reporter but doing what he always does.

or making something out of "hey russia, if you can find those e-mails..." as being more than a joke attempt in front of the world.

and my favorite - WE NEED OUR WEAVES!!!

to pretend only the other side does it really does nothing for overall credibility.
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.

Like this:

"If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.

But it's a little more complicated than that.

Unless voters also stop to answer questions at a computer terminal in another room, they will be registered as having no party preference."
Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two
Illegal aliens are not registered to vote with that process.

Do you ever stop lying?


(no need to answer, that's rhetorical)

According to Barack "Born in Kenya" Obama, when an Illegal votes he becomes a citizen
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.
Great, try citing a law that does that....
They made it possible to register to vote while renewing their Drivers license simply by stating (lying) that they are US citizens. No proof of citizenship required.
They made it possible for non-citizens to vote in state elections which are held at the same time as National elections making it easy for non-citizens to illegally vote in both simply by lying and claiming to be citizens.
They count them on the census so they get more tax money because they have non-citizens in their counties.
Proof or no proof, the sad part is that Democrats really wouldn't mind if illegals voted as long as it helped their candidates. The sanctity of country doesn't matter to them.
Bullshit. Democrats run states like California, where they passed laws to prevent illegal aliens from voting
You mean where they passed laws which makes it easier to illegally vote.
Great, try citing a law that does that....
They made it possible to register to vote while renewing their Drivers license simply by stating (lying) that they are US citizens. No proof of citizenship required.
They made it possible for non-citizens to vote in state elections which are held at the same time as National elections making it easy for non-citizens to illegally vote in both simply by lying and claiming to be citizens.
They count them on the census so they get more tax money because they have non-citizens in their counties.

And a President of the United States with no respect for American sovereignty.
the right wing is simply being frivolous.

there is no express immigration clause. it is a merely implied power in right wing fantasy. there is no appeal to ignorance of the law.

We should have no illegal problem and no illegal underclass for the right wing to abuse, because that does provide for the general welfare. We have an express establishment clause for naturalization, every time the right wing prefers bigotry to faithful execution of our supreme law of the land.

All foreign nationals in the US should be known to the general government and federally identified for civil purposes.

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