US Representative Ron Wright dies following COVID-19 diagnosis at 67

Here is the numbers:
View attachment 454862

For those who are disputing the numbers on COVID deaths.... Please explain the excess deaths...

Please don't try some conspiracy theory that numbers are some how cooked... Do you know that amount of people it would take to falsify these numbers....

So to the naysayers.... Could you please explain why over 20,000 people are dying a week more than expected? Especially before virus US had 2 years of not hitting the expected deaths for a week...

Could you explain this mystery for us... What is killing all these people?

For the rest of us, we hear the stories from the hospitals and they explain them pretty clear...
Shit happens. And the numbers have NEVER been accurate.
They’ve taken so many of our manufacturing jobs, especially technology and pharmaceuticals and medical equipment.
They didn’t “take it” - Republicans sent those jobs to them, with legislation that made it more profitable for corporations to manufacture overseas.

Read motherfucker! Something other than Breitbart.
Yes, many globalist GOP did, like Bush and McConnell. But Dems have as well. President Trump is the only President to change that for the better. So are going to keep the status quo that “Republicans” created, or do something to bring them back?
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.
overblown panic.

The grotesque ignorance in this is repulsive to to point of rage.

I really want folks that post with such abominable ignorance gone from my country. Period.

I guess we have to start with jailing.

I've seen where you people were headed for a long time now. That you want to jail me for disagreeing with me, is no surprise to me.

Your inability to see what a monster you are, is amazing.
Jailing you makes us monsters, but you killing us makes you patriots? Go fuck yourself asshole.

Killing you? What the fuck are you talking about? YOu raving asshole.
The insurrectionists weren’t breaking into the Capitol to use the kitchen to make cupcakes.

Wingnuts every day on US Messageboard call for Democrats to be murdered, as the way to make America great. Don’t deny it.

Nope. They wanted to stop what they believed to be a fraudulent count.

The one person got shot, was an unarmed protestor, shot by a cop. A woman, shot by a cop. A woman of color.
They believed a Big Lie and tried to overturn a free and fair democratic election with violence. (That's insurrection by the way)
who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018
who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018

who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018

who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018

who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018
It’s 2021. I guess it wasn’t so serious if he campaigned in 2018, then served 2 years in Congress, then campaigned in 2020 to keep his seat. Dumbass.

Thank God you're not an oncologist!
Here is the numbers:
View attachment 454862

For those who are disputing the numbers on COVID deaths.... Please explain the excess deaths...

Please don't try some conspiracy theory that numbers are some how cooked... Do you know that amount of people it would take to falsify these numbers....

So to the naysayers.... Could you please explain why over 20,000 people are dying a week more than expected? Especially before virus US had 2 years of not hitting the expected deaths for a week...

Could you explain this mystery for us... What is killing all these people?

For the rest of us, we hear the stories from the hospitals and they explain them pretty clear...

First, you should read the link you provided.

Here's one paragraph:

Counts of deaths from all causes of death, including COVID-19, are presented.
As some deaths due to COVID-19 may be assigned to other causes of deaths (for example, if COVID-19 was not diagnosed or not mentioned on the death certificate), tracking all-cause mortality can provide information about whether an excess number of deaths is observed, even when COVID-19 mortality may be undercounted.
Additionally, deaths from all causes excluding COVID-19 were also estimated.
Comparing these two sets of estimates — excess deaths with and without COVID-19 — can provide insight about how many excess deaths are identified as due to COVID-19, and how many excess deaths are reported as due to other causes of death.
These deaths could represent misclassified COVID-19 deaths, or potentially could be indirectly related to the COVID-19 pandemic (e.g., deaths from other causes occurring in the context of health care shortages or overburdened health care systems).

"Excess Deaths" doesn't mean what you want it to mean.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What is being inflated is primary cause of death.

Say, if someone had breast cancer and was currently being treated for it, their immune system is compromised making it easier for them to catch Covid. If they die their primary cause of death should be breast cancer, not Covid.

Until recently ANY death that was Covid related was counted as a Covid death - States and hospitals rake in more Fed $$ when treating a Covid pt.
overblown panic.

The grotesque ignorance in this is repulsive to to point of rage.

I really want folks that post with such abominable ignorance gone from my country. Period.

I guess we have to start with jailing.
I just wish they all get Covid.

That might sound horrible to sane people. But as far as Trumpers are concerned, they’re not even insulted. Getting Covid is just like getting the flu. :laugh:

But to you, it is wishing a terrible death to others, just for the sin of not agreeing with you.

That shows what kind of person you are.
Where are you getting “death”? I said they should all get Covid. I guess you actually believe Covid is deadly, and a terrible way to die, at that! You just outed yourself. :laugh:

Wow. So, you couldn't tell from the way I said, " but to you", that I was talking about YOUR view point, and thus what your words say about you?

Man, you really are a retarded monkey, aren't you?
False. I hope they get Covid. I hope they get really sick, and miserable. I hope it fucks them up for the rest of their lives to teach them not to mock nature and science. But if they die they have no one to blame but themselves. I don’t wish it, but I won’t be sad about it. I might even chuckle over it.

Interesting. The worst case scenarios, used to sell the lockdown and extend the lockdown, it seesm
overblown panic.

The grotesque ignorance in this is repulsive to to point of rage.

I really want folks that post with such abominable ignorance gone from my country. Period.

I guess we have to start with jailing.

I've seen where you people were headed for a long time now. That you want to jail me for disagreeing with me, is no surprise to me.

Your inability to see what a monster you are, is amazing.
Jailing you makes us monsters, but you killing us makes you patriots? Go fuck yourself asshole.

Killing you? What the fuck are you talking about? YOu raving asshole.
The insurrectionists weren’t breaking into the Capitol to use the kitchen to make cupcakes.

Wingnuts every day on US Messageboard call for Democrats to be murdered, as the way to make America great. Don’t deny it.

Nope. They wanted to stop what they believed to be a fraudulent count.

The one person got shot, was an unarmed protestor, shot by a cop. A woman, shot by a cop. A woman of color.
Yeah, that’s why they were chanting “kill Pelosi”, along with AOC and Ilhan Omar.

"They"? All of them? link to the video please.
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
overblown panic.

The grotesque ignorance in this is repulsive to to point of rage.

I really want folks that post with such abominable ignorance gone from my country. Period.

I guess we have to start with jailing.

I've seen where you people were headed for a long time now. That you want to jail me for disagreeing with me, is no surprise to me.

Your inability to see what a monster you are, is amazing.
Jailing you makes us monsters, but you killing us makes you patriots? Go fuck yourself asshole.

Killing you? What the fuck are you talking about? YOu raving asshole.
The insurrectionists weren’t breaking into the Capitol to use the kitchen to make cupcakes.

Wingnuts every day on US Messageboard call for Democrats to be murdered, as the way to make America great. Don’t deny it.

Nope. They wanted to stop what they believed to be a fraudulent count.

The one person got shot, was an unarmed protestor, shot by a cop. A woman, shot by a cop. A woman of color.
They believed a Big Lie and tried to overturn a free and fair democratic election with violence. (That's insurrection by the way)

Do you believe that Trump is so coldly rational and clear headed that he accepted his defeat as fair, inside his own heart?
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What is being inflated is primary cause of death.

Say, if someone had breast cancer and was currently being treated for it, their immune system is compromised making it easier for them to catch Covid. If they die their primary cause of death should be breast cancer, not Covid.

Until recently ANY death that was Covid related was counted as a Covid death - States and hospitals rake in more Fed $$ when treating a Covid pt.
What you are repeating is gross misinformation. It is simply false. Nobody is inflating the number of COVID deaths. In fact, most experts agree that COVID deaths are under reported.
overblown panic.

The grotesque ignorance in this is repulsive to to point of rage.

I really want folks that post with such abominable ignorance gone from my country. Period.

I guess we have to start with jailing.

I've seen where you people were headed for a long time now. That you want to jail me for disagreeing with me, is no surprise to me.

Your inability to see what a monster you are, is amazing.
Jailing you makes us monsters, but you killing us makes you patriots? Go fuck yourself asshole.

Killing you? What the fuck are you talking about? YOu raving asshole.
The insurrectionists weren’t breaking into the Capitol to use the kitchen to make cupcakes.

Wingnuts every day on US Messageboard call for Democrats to be murdered, as the way to make America great. Don’t deny it.

Nope. They wanted to stop what they believed to be a fraudulent count.

The one person got shot, was an unarmed protestor, shot by a cop. A woman, shot by a cop. A woman of color.
They believed a Big Lie and tried to overturn a free and fair democratic election with violence. (That's insurrection by the way)

Do you believe that Trump is so coldly rational and clear headed that he accepted his defeat as fair, inside his own heart?
What does that have to do with the mob of insurrectionists trying to overturn the results of a free and fair election? Yes, I think Trump knows he is lying to his cult.
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
The people that have COVID listed on their death certificates died of the congressman from Texas. Yes, he had cancer but COVID, not cancer, killed him. If you have cancer and get decapitated in an auto accident, they don’t say you died from cancer. Fucking sick ass COVID truthers...
He's the first sitting member of Congress to die from Covid-19.

Cue the retarded "Duhhhhh, he died from lung cancer, derp derp, derp" comments. Who will be the first?

US Representative Ron Wright dies following COVID-19 diagnosis at 67

Rep. Ron Wright of Texas, who was diagnosed with lung cancer in 2018, has died at the age of 67 after contracting COVID-19, a spokesperson announced on Monday. Wright is the first sitting member of Congress to die after testing positive for the virus. People shared messages of condolences following the news of his death.

I guess having lung cancer had nothing to do with it?
Stupid idiot.

He was doing fine until he contracted Covid.
Stupid idiot.

He's 86 and had health problems---average age is 78. something years.......
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
The people that have COVID listed on their death certificates died of the congressman from Texas. Yes, he had cancer but COVID, not cancer, killed him. If you have cancer and get decapitated in an auto accident, they don’t say you died from cancer. Fucking sick ass COVID truthers...
No. Wrong. If you have comorbidities, and cancer is a very big comorbidity, your death is almost certainly a combination of causes. Not just Covid. The fact that the establishment is claiming all these deaths are solely from Covid, should make you suspicious.
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
The people that have COVID listed on their death certificates died of the congressman from Texas. Yes, he had cancer but COVID, not cancer, killed him. If you have cancer and get decapitated in an auto accident, they don’t say you died from cancer. Fucking sick ass COVID truthers...
No. Wrong. If you have comorbidities, and cancer is a very big comorbidity, your death is almost certainly a combination of causes. Not just Covid. The fact that the establishment is claiming all these deaths are solely from Covid, should make you suspicious.

Why? Where is the motivation? What would doctors have to gain by inflating COVID deaths? The congressman from Texas was not dying...until he got COVID. Herman Cain was not dying until he got COVID. COVID killed them, not their cancer.
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
The people that have COVID listed on their death certificates died of the congressman from Texas. Yes, he had cancer but COVID, not cancer, killed him. If you have cancer and get decapitated in an auto accident, they don’t say you died from cancer. Fucking sick ass COVID truthers...
No. Wrong. If you have comorbidities, and cancer is a very big comorbidity, your death is almost certainly a combination of causes. Not just Covid. The fact that the establishment is claiming all these deaths are solely from Covid, should make you suspicious.

Why? Where is the motivation? What would doctors have to gain by inflating COVID deaths? The congressman from Texas was not dying...until he got COVID. Herman Cain was not dying until he got COVID. COVID killed them, not their cancer.
You are terribly uninformed. Hospitals are receiving government funds for every Covid death. If you are unaware of this, you must admit you are uninformed. Get informed before posting.

In addition, do you not think big pharma is making out HUGE from this pandemic? They have a vested interest in promoting Covid deaths, and they control the political class and the MSM with they enormous wealth.
What a terrifying pandemic.
100,000 Americans have died of Covid since the beginning of 2021, jackass.

No, they didn't. That's bullshit.
No, it’s true shit

January's death toll has already surpassed the previous record number of fatalities set in December, when over 77,400 people in the U.S. died of Covid-19, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University. The pandemic has taken more than 79,200 lives so far this month, according to the data.​
You get that we're well into February Seabitch, and the Synthia is a liar.
No shit. If it was almost 80,000 just for January and we are losing 3,000-4,000 a day...can you do the math aptly named one?

those numbers are not real

If you don't have pneumonia you cannot die of covid

and just because you tested positive for covid with pneumonia doesn't mean the covid caused the pneumonia. How likely that is varies on the cycles used on the PCR test.

For most of history a doctor would have said cold/pneumonia or viral pneumonia because it's more hassle than it's worth finding out exactly what virus you've got.
You fucking COVID truthers are nuts and I don’t understand your motivation.

Covid truther? lol. Maybe you should remember your education. I can read a data set as well as standardized tests can measure.

PCR tests are not what you think they are, you should know this by now. Massive false positive rate. Well over 50% at 35 cycles which was very common in the US. Although how common is unclear because labs don't report this data

It's been a year pleb

Maybe stop with teh appeals to authority use your head. I've spend the year slapping around phds, you pleb have no idea what you're talking about. Even my ivy league kin. You are clearly not ivy league material.
Please, the only thing you spent a year slapping around is your dick, COVID truther.

Uh huh says the pleb

i'm half south asian. I don't think i need to say anymore about my STEM credentials

statistically the likelyhood of you being on my level academically is almost non existant.

otehr than math people don't come smarter than me

remember your place whitey. Clearly not on top fo the heap
The likelihood of someone lying about their intelligence level on an anonymous board ...100%.

It’s beyond obvious that you are lying.

You think im lying about my ethnicity?

not gonna meet many indians in the states who feel the need to do that
I don’t know or care. I do know you’re lying about your intelligence level.

ok sure pleb

get out more you fucking shut in. maybe the cognitive dissonance will set in

i assure you if we spoke in person you would not be questioning me you little autist.

You have no idea where to begin trying to defend your bullshit. Next time some one treats like you like shit don't wonder why. You're a vapid little faggot
Yeah, I think I would probably still be questioning your intelligence if we met in person. For sure on the internet you’re making shit up.

(Let me clue you in on a little secret, a big tell is the quantity of ad hominems.)

I don't know. He discussed details of the tests that you did not address.
Positive test rates have nothing to do with death rates. People are dying of COVID whether they test positive or not. Nobody is inflating death totals. You COVID truthers are twisted.

What percentage of the death totals, are primarily from covid with co-morbidities as contributing factors, and what percentage are primarily from the co-morbidities with convid as a contributing factor?
The people that have COVID listed on their death certificates died of the congressman from Texas. Yes, he had cancer but COVID, not cancer, killed him. If you have cancer and get decapitated in an auto accident, they don’t say you died from cancer. Fucking sick ass COVID truthers...
No. Wrong. If you have comorbidities, and cancer is a very big comorbidity, your death is almost certainly a combination of causes. Not just Covid. The fact that the establishment is claiming all these deaths are solely from Covid, should make you suspicious.

Why? Where is the motivation? What would doctors have to gain by inflating COVID deaths? The congressman from Texas was not dying...until he got COVID. Herman Cain was not dying until he got COVID. COVID killed them, not their cancer.
Wrong. Both men had significant health problems.

This happens all the time. People with weakened immune systems due to ongoing disease become much more likely to die, when ALSO exposed to a virus. It happens every year with the flu.

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