US/Russian Relations at Lowest Point Since 1970's

Listen you miserable fucktard , the US has been trying to use Ukraine as a beachhead for the past 70 years. Do you cum swallowers believe Putin is stupid?

I see in the intellectual 'war' you have run out of 'ammo', resorting to profanity and personal attacks.....

SO AGAIN...Please take your own advice and STFU!

The Ukraine was a sovereign nation with boundaries that included Crimea. The world watched the massive build up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, watched as Putin pulled strings like a puppeteer and manipulated the conflict, creating a false narrative / situation in which he could 'justify' his invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Russia invaded the boundary of a sovereign nation and annexed - stole, conquered, seized, TOOK - part of that nation's territory

All your cursing and personal attacks will not change that.
It's still so perplexing to me why Obama and Clinton started another Cold War with Russia. It's gonna be incredibly costly. But i guess when you wanna be an Empire and control the whole world, another Cold War is perfectly acceptable. It's all just a game to our leaders.

The Globalist Elites who start these wars, don't care how many innocents suffer. They know they're part of the well-protected Elite Class. They won't feel any pain. The suffering is only for the 'Little People.' We should have stayed out of the Syrian Civil War and Ukraine. I don't think another Cold War will be worth it. Worth it for the People anyway.
The far right love Putin and the Russians.
The 'far right' tried to warn your and Barry's dumb asses in 2008 that Russia was a threat, but Barry had a man-crush on Vlad, thinkin' they were 'tight'...not you want to pull a 'Barry' and blame the same people who tried to educate your ass in 2008. THAT'S some funny shit right there!


WHY is Russia a "threat"?


WHY is Russia a "threat"?

Because they have a recent history of invading, occupying and repressing their neighbors.
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Just the pain of Obama's failures, here and abroad.

I you are saying it is Obama's failure that Ukranians rose up against Putin's puppet government in Ukraine, resulting in Putin's annexation of Crimea in retaliation?

Obama shoulda done better! He shoulda put down the unrest in Ukraniane...or at least turn a blind eye to Putin's imperialism to protect the reset button conservatives are suddenly soooo pained-in-the-anus over!

Obama said Russia was no threat. Could he have been more wrong?
starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??

the button led to the russians realizing this admin was a joke

and at most would draw meaningless lines in the sand and strongly worded letters

and they proceeded with spreading across the globe

You are fucking stupid.

I don't know what else to say at inability to comprehend that international relationships are not hinged on photo-ops. They are based on real geo-political interests and conflicts therein and cannot be fixed or unfixed by little toy props.
Didn't Ukraine and Crimea have a vote? They voted to return to Russia. Respect that.

Wtf? When did Ukraine vote to return to Russia? Ukraine was not going to let Crimea annex and the only reason why they did was due to the long barrel gun it was staring at from Russian side that already had troops in Crimea.
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Just the pain of Obama's failures, here and abroad.

I you are saying it is Obama's failure that Ukranians rose up against Putin's puppet government in Ukraine, resulting in Putin's annexation of Crimea in retaliation?

Obama shoulda done better! He shoulda put down the unrest in Ukraniane...or at least turn a blind eye to Putin's imperialism to protect the reset button conservatives are suddenly soooo pained-in-the-anus over!

Obama said Russia was no threat. Could he have been more wrong?
starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??

the button led to the russians realizing this admin was a joke

and at most would draw meaningless lines in the sand and strongly worded letters

and they proceeded with spreading across the globe

You are fucking stupid.

I don't know what else to say at inability to comprehend that international relationships are not hinged on photo-ops. They are based on real geo-political interests and conflicts therein and cannot be fixed or unfixed by little toy props.

I don't know what else to say at inability to comprehend that international relationships are not hinged on photo-ops.

And Obama was so good at the photo-ops before and after the 2008 election.
His actual foreign policies have mostly sucked ass.
He was truly shocked that he couldn't get foreign countries to co-operate based strictly on his coolness.
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Nonwe dont, prove it bitch! And still.on the alt there anyone with less thought than starkey?
You are drinking! Check your last few posts, you idiot. Yeah, you Putin and Russia lovers are all on the far and alt right.
Again starkey cant prove shit....hes got nothing...itsnso sax to se his attempts on this board......completely outclassed like his hero, tim "i have a little girl voice" kaine
His actual foreign policies have mostly sucked ass.

So why can't you sanely explain how his foreign policy sucked with respect to Russia and caused the current adversarial relations?

That's what the thread is about but all you are doing is beating around I-don't-like-Obama! politico bush with nothing to show for it.

His actual foreign policies have mostly sucked ass.

So why can't you sanely explain how his foreign policy sucked with respect to Russia and caused the current adversarial relations?

You keep beating around that politico bush with nothing to show for it.


How did it suck? LOL!
Have you been asleep?

Russia took Crimea, occupies eastern Ukraine and has troops and airbases in Syria they didn't have before.

Is that your idea of foreign policy success? LOL!
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Nonwe dont, prove it bitch! And still.on the alt there anyone with less thought than starkey?
You are drinking! Check your last few posts, you idiot. Yeah, you Putin and Russia lovers are all on the far and alt right.
Again starkey cant prove shit....hes got nothing...itsnso sax to se his attempts on this board......completely outclassed like his hero, tim "i have a little girl voice" kaine
Your posts are the proof that you far rw and alt njs have lost it. You all love the strong arm Putin and Russian tactics. Wait until the day after the election, and watch the sedition investigations begin of the far and alt right.
His actual foreign policies have mostly sucked ass.

So why can't you sanely explain how his foreign policy sucked with respect to Russia and caused the current adversarial relations?

You keep beating around that politico bush with nothing to show for it.


How did it suck? LOL!
Have you been asleep?

Russia took Crimea, occupies eastern Ukraine and has troops and airbases in Syria they didn't have before.

Is that your idea of foreign policy success? LOL!

So what is YOUR ALTERNATIVE policy answer to Ukraine overthrowing Putin's puppet government in Kiev which was then followed by Putin's annexation of Crimea in retaliation?

Deploy American troops in Crimea?? Are you seriously proposing that this would IMPROVE our current relations with Russia? It wouldn't, though it just may have sparked-up another keg.

I got news for you, sun doesn't rise and set with America, we have much leverage but in the end we do not run the world. Obama rallied the Europe and responded to Russian aggression with steep, painful sanctions that togather with oil price collapse sent it into a recession. That was the appropriate response.

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