US/Russian Relations at Lowest Point Since 1970's

That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Just the pain of Obama's failures, here and abroad.

I you are saying it is Obama's failure that Ukranians rose up against Putin's puppet government in Ukraine, resulting in Putin's annexation of Crimea in retaliation?

Obama shoulda done better! He shoulda put down the unrest in Ukraniane...or at least turn a blind eye to Putin's imperialism to protect the reset button conservatives are suddenly soooo pained-in-the-anus over!

Obama said Russia was no threat. Could he have been more wrong?
Yea you SHOULD do some figuring, since you seem to be oblivious as to WHY the relationship is at the low point.

Oh I KNOW why US-Russian relations are at an all time low.

1. Romney was RIGHT! Barry was more interested in scoring a 'sound-byte' point than facing the truth - Russia remains one of the US's largest threats.
-- Hey Barry, the 1980s called...they called you a DUMBASS for not listening to Romney!

2. Russia/Putin has no respect for Barry. Barry has proven to be a mouthy, yappy little show dog that can't hang with the 'big dogs' in the Assad and Putin. The world watched as Barry issued his 'Syrian Red Line' ultimatum only to back down from it weeks later....then LAUGHED at Barry as he tried to blame everyone EXCEPT himself for the disaster, declaring it was 'The World's' 'Red Line', not his. (What a F*ing JOKE! Barry did not understand that you don't make threats when not ready to back them up...he knows now.)

3. Barry became so obsessed with redeeming himself he failed to assess the situation / what he was getting into.
- Barry allied himself with ISIS to overthrow Assad.
- He ran guns out of Benghazi to ISIS ('Syrian Rebels')...which ended up getting 4 Americans needlessly killed
- He failed to realize Syria has always been Russia's 'toadie' and has been under their protection. It took Russia building / standing up an airbase in Syria to turn Barry's 'clue light' on, but by then he had already set the 2 nations against each other.

4. Barry sided with ISIS over our own coalition partners, especially after the Paris attack. Barry had declared ISIS' black market oil production off limits in the 'war against ISIS', even though that production funded half of ISIS' terrorist activities - to include the Paris attack. After the Paris attack France and Russia declared they would no longer abide by Barry's rule and launched a joint air attack against the ISIS oil sites. What did Barry do? He treasonously ordered our military to drop pamphlets down to ISIS warning them that the attack was coming!

5. Despite our pledge to help protect the Ukraine's borders, Barry demonstrated to the world that the US's word (under HIM) was worth nothing. Much like France / Europe did just before the start of WWII when Hitler violated the treaty and sent his troops into the Rhineland Buffer zone, Barry stood by and did nothing, in appeasement, as Putin made a massive troop build-up on Ukraine's border, invaded and then annexed Crimea.

Between doing nothing to even make it seem like we were trying to honor our pledge to the Ukraine, Barry's cowering down from his 'Syrian Red Line', and paying a ransom to Iran for hostages (and for Bo Bergdahl), Barry demonstrated to the world that (under HIM) we do not keep our word, we bluff, we can not be depended on when things get tough, we believe in appeasement, and we pay ransom to terrorists for hostages!

The relationship between Russia and the US has slowly disintegrated UNDER 7+ YEARS OF don't pull a 'Barry' and try to blame anyone else.
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Sorry, you LOSE - that is NOT what Barry said in 2008. That's not what libtards such as yourself declared in defense of Barry in 2008. Suddenly libs reverse course and try to declare that it is the right that does not see the threat and that the right somehow pulls for the guy/nation they tried to warn Barry/libs about 7 1/2 years ago?!

starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??



Russian Aggression in Ukraine?

All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic evidence for it would be overwhelming. No such evidence has been provided by Russia’s accusers.
Even more importantly, it would have to be shown that the attack was an unprovoked offensive attack, and not a defensive operation. This too has not been proven by Russia’s accusers.

My concern here is the fiction being propagated. It borders on madness. It plays into the hands of the worst kinds of warmongers. It blinds everyone concerned. It is irrational. It establishes an aura of public lies and myths that results in great mischief and worse. It is producing awful results that can become far worse. The lie happens to revolve around demonizing Russia but my purpose is not to choose sides in the Ukrainian-Russian problems but to keep the U.S. out of the matter. It is to defang the lie.
SHUT THE FUCK UP....Russian Aggression in Ukraine? All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie.
NOW look whose defending/man-crushing on Putin! :p

Please take your own advice and STFU!

The Ukraine was a sovereign nation with boundaries that included Crimea. The world watched the massive build up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, watched as Putin pulled strings like a puppeteer and manipulated the conflict, creating a false narrative / situation in which he could 'justify' his invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Russia invaded the boundary of a sovereign nation and annexed - stole, conquered, seized, TOOK - part of that nation's territory.
SHUT THE FUCK UP....Russian Aggression in Ukraine? All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie.
NOW look whose defending/man-crushing on Putin! :p

Please take your own advice and STFU!

The Ukraine was a sovereign nation with boundaries that included Crimea. The world watched the massive build up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, watched as Putin pulled strings like a puppeteer and manipulated the conflict, creating a false narrative / situation in which he could 'justify' his invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Russia invaded the boundary of a sovereign nation and annexed - stole, conquered, seized, TOOK - part of that nation's territory.


Russia can say with some justification that it is defending the lives of ethnic Russians in eastern Ukraine from the bombardments and attacks by Ukrainian forces from the west. Russia is providing a sanctuary for many thousands of refugees. Russia can claim that it is defending democracy, self-determination and human rights in eastern Ukraine.

This entire discussion of aggression and its characteristics has made no mention of the U.S. meddling in Ukraine that helped bring down a government and then helped a new and aggressive government to take office. The U.S. engaged in subversion. Russia has likewise been accused of subversion in Ukraine. Subversion is not aggression. Subversion doesn’t involve armed attacks. It uses different methods to transform, alter or replace the social-political system. Subversion is a different matter and more difficult to assess, especially when two major states like the U.S. and Russia are involved. It is beyond the scope of this blog.
starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??



Russian Aggression in Ukraine?

All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic evidence for it would be overwhelming. No such evidence has been provided by Russia’s accusers.
Even more importantly, it would have to be shown that the attack was an unprovoked offensive attack, and not a defensive operation. This too has not been proven by Russia’s accusers.

My concern here is the fiction being propagated. It borders on madness. It plays into the hands of the worst kinds of warmongers. It blinds everyone concerned. It is irrational. It establishes an aura of public lies and myths that results in great mischief and worse. It is producing awful results that can become far worse. The lie happens to revolve around demonizing Russia but my purpose is not to choose sides in the Ukrainian-Russian problems but to keep the U.S. out of the matter. It is to defang the lie.

If anybody is really interested to figure out, how Washington was preparing Ukraine to be used against Russia, take you time and read an article by CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization,Stanislav Byshok:
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Working with dubious sourcing, a group close to NATO's chief military commander Philip Breedlove sought to secure weapons deliveries for Ukraine, a trove of newly released emails revealed. The efforts served to intensify the conflict between the West and Russia.
Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict - SPIEGEL ONLINE
The far right love Putin and the Russians.
The 'far right' tried to warn your and Barry's dumb asses in 2008 that Russia was a threat, but Barry had a man-crush on Vlad, thinkin' they were 'tight'...not you want to pull a 'Barry' and blame the same people who tried to educate your ass in 2008. THAT'S some funny shit right there!

starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??



Russian Aggression in Ukraine?

All sorts of officials accuse Russia of aggression in Ukraine. Is this true? It is not. It is fiction. It is a big lie. It is a specious claim, an absurd claim, a ridiculous claim, an unreal claim. Russia and Russians have been involved in certain respects in Ukraine, but by no sensible stretch of the imagination can such involvements be termed aggression. If there were an actual war aggression, it could not be hidden because the scope of a typical war aggression is very large. The photographic evidence for it would be overwhelming. No such evidence has been provided by Russia’s accusers.
Even more importantly, it would have to be shown that the attack was an unprovoked offensive attack, and not a defensive operation. This too has not been proven by Russia’s accusers.

My concern here is the fiction being propagated. It borders on madness. It plays into the hands of the worst kinds of warmongers. It blinds everyone concerned. It is irrational. It establishes an aura of public lies and myths that results in great mischief and worse. It is producing awful results that can become far worse. The lie happens to revolve around demonizing Russia but my purpose is not to choose sides in the Ukrainian-Russian problems but to keep the U.S. out of the matter. It is to defang the lie.

If anybody is really interested to figure out, how Washington was preparing Ukraine to be used against Russia, take you time and read an article by CIS-EMO political analyst of an International Monitoring Organization,Stanislav Byshok:
The truth about Ukraine: Byshok's lecture at Brown University - Fort Russ

This French documentary lifts the veil on the deception of the US/Europe/NATO elites and their ever faithful media bullhorns. It informs us of a planned coup, described by the head of Stratfor as the most blatant ever, of the butchering of innocent people in the Odessa Trades Hall at the behest of politicians and oligarchs, and the continuing presence of heavily armed neo-Nazi thugs controlling the streets and occupying politically powerful positions in government.
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

Working with dubious sourcing, a group close to NATO's chief military commander Philip Breedlove sought to secure weapons deliveries for Ukraine, a trove of newly released emails revealed. The efforts served to intensify the conflict between the West and Russia.
Dangerous Propaganda: Network Close To NATO Military Leader Fueled Ukraine Conflict - SPIEGEL ONLINE


US Warmongers, war profiteers and neocrazies were demanding a substantial U.S. intervention in Ukraine. The policy paper was put out by 8 men and women with all sorts of Washington and official connections:

You are lying, easyt. You have always loved the Russians and Putin. It's out in the open.
SHUT THE FUCK UP....Russia can say with some justification that....
Again, the libtards piss and moan about how the 'right' loves Putin and Russia while THEY defend him/them and justify their hostile actions.....

AGAIN...Please take your own advice and STFU!

The Ukraine was a sovereign nation with boundaries that included Crimea. The world watched the massive build up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, watched as Putin pulled strings like a puppeteer and manipulated the conflict, creating a false narrative / situation in which he could 'justify' his invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Russia invaded the boundary of a sovereign nation and annexed - stole, conquered, seized, TOOK - part of that nation's territory.
The far right love Putin and the Russians.
The 'far right' tried to warn your and Barry's dumb asses in 2008 that Russia was a threat, but Barry had a man-crush on Vlad, thinkin' they were 'tight'...not you want to pull a 'Barry' and blame the same people who tried to educate your ass in 2008. THAT'S some funny shit right there!


WHY is Russia a "threat"?


Interesting....Russia invades a sovereign nation and annexes part of it's country and Libs defend Putin while claiming it is the 'right' who does so. They make the case that the US should have taken no action - physical or verbal - despite our promise to assist in defending their country.

At the same time Barry seemed to have no problem by-passing Congress to start 2 personal in-authorized wars in which he allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS to help them take over 2 separate nations of their own. He succeeded in one and still has us fighting in the other...and libs have no problem with THOSE actions.
SHUT THE FUCK UP....Russia can say with some justification that....
Again, the libtards piss and moan about how the 'right' loves Putin and Russia while THEY defend him/them and justify their hostile actions.....

AGAIN...Please take your own advice and STFU!

The Ukraine was a sovereign nation with boundaries that included Crimea. The world watched the massive build up of Russian troops on the Ukraine border, watched as Putin pulled strings like a puppeteer and manipulated the conflict, creating a false narrative / situation in which he could 'justify' his invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Russia invaded the boundary of a sovereign nation and annexed - stole, conquered, seized, TOOK - part of that nation's territory.

Listen you miserable fucktard , the US has been trying to use Ukraine as a beachhead for the past 70 years.

Do you cum swallowers believe Putin is stupid?



Interesting....Russia invades a sovereign nation and annexes part of it's country and Libs defend Putin while claiming it is the 'right' who does so. They make the case that the US should have taken no action - physical or verbal - despite our promise to assist in defending their country.

At the same time Barry seemed to have no problem by-passing Congress to start 2 personal in-authorized wars in which he allied himself with Al Qaeida and ISIS to help them take over 2 separate nations of their own. He succeeded in one and still has us fighting in the other...and libs have no problem with THOSE actions.

Listen , cocksucker, isn't that exactly what Kennedy did in Cuba?

Study the Cuban missile crisis , then , and ONLY then, reply.


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