US/Russian Relations at Lowest Point Since 1970's

Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Nonwe dont, prove it bitch! And still.on the alt there anyone with less thought than starkey?
You are drinking! Check your last few posts, you idiot. Yeah, you Putin and Russia lovers are all on the far and alt right.
Again starkey cant prove shit....hes got nothing...itsnso sax to se his attempts on this board......completely outclassed like his hero, tim "i have a little girl voice" kaine

Let's say somebody like Trump comes and proves: Russia is not a threat, do you realize, how many people will start losing their huge money: CIA agents, weapons makers, NATO generals and so on and on. That's why your Media keeps stuffing your ears with "Russia the monster".

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
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Let's say somebody like Trump comes and proves: Russia is not a threat, do you realize, how many people will start losing their huge money

Lets say someone like Trump, who by his son's direct admission has a lot of business interests with Russia comes along and adopts standard-fare hawkish Republican positions on Russia.

I can tell you exactly who will be the people that will start losing money - TRUMP.

In American politics, especially on Republican side, Trump has nothing but downside to warm up to Putin's regime. There are a couple of crazies that are willing to be for anything Obama is against, but those are small minority. So WHY is Trump doing it?

I think it's hedging. Trump is doing HUGE damage to his brand, ruining his business reputation, alienating many customers. Trump is in the premium business and uneducated, nationalist rubes his politics resonate with are not going to afford to stay at Trump hotels. If he fails in his presidential bid he simply CAN'T AFFORD to also lose deep-pocketed Russian investors.
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.

Trump will work closely with his buddy Putin and together they will make America Great again...
Believe me....
It's gonna be so great you wont believe it...
Believe me...
It's gonna be bigly!
Believe me!
The Trump bots believe Trump is going to do things that benefit America...
Anything that the man does is in the interest of helping Trump first.
Believe me!
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Translation~ ignorance is bliss on your part I guess.

Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord

It must feel good to live in a news bubble where the only news you hear are cherry picked for you huh?

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That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Just the pain of Obama's failures, here and abroad.

I you are saying it is Obama's failure that Ukranians rose up against Putin's puppet government in Ukraine, resulting in Putin's annexation of Crimea in retaliation?

Obama shoulda done better! He shoulda put down the unrest in Ukraniane...or at least turn a blind eye to Putin's imperialism to protect the reset button conservatives are suddenly soooo pained-in-the-anus over!

Obama said Russia was no threat. Could he have been more wrong?
starting with the overcharge button

You think poor translation on symbolic toy is the cause of interna...this fucking idea is too stupid to even finish explaining.

it was the first of many misteps taken

the admin didnteven take the time to verifiy the wording

on something so simple

You are still stuck on the the same dumb argument that the button itself caused tensions.

THE FUCKING INVASION OF UKRAINE - remember that one?? HELLO? KNOCK KNOCK! Anyone home at all except the cool-aid-drunk passed out on the floor??

the button led to the russians realizing this admin was a joke

and at most would draw meaningless lines in the sand and strongly worded letters

and they proceeded with spreading across the globe

You are fucking stupid.

I don't know what else to say at inability to comprehend that international relationships are not hinged on photo-ops. They are based on real geo-political interests and conflicts therein and cannot be fixed or unfixed by little toy props.
Then why did Hillary stage such a stupid photo op and declare all is good now with our Soviet, I mean Russian comrades?
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Nonwe dont, prove it bitch! And still.on the alt there anyone with less thought than starkey?
You are drinking! Check your last few posts, you idiot. Yeah, you Putin and Russia lovers are all on the far and alt right.
Again starkey cant prove shit....hes got nothing...itsnso sax to se his attempts on this board......completely outclassed like his hero, tim "i have a little girl voice" kaine

Let's say somebody like Trump comes and proves: Russia is not a threat, do you realize, how many people will start losing their huge money: CIA agents, weapons makers, NATO generals and so on and on. That's why your Media keeps stuffing your ears with "Russia the monster".

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia

Another liberal against high paying middle class union jobs..

What the fuck is up with this?
Russia is our greatest adversary and the alt right and far right love the Russians.
Nonwe dont, prove it bitch! And still.on the alt there anyone with less thought than starkey?
You are drinking! Check your last few posts, you idiot. Yeah, you Putin and Russia lovers are all on the far and alt right.
Again starkey cant prove shit....hes got nothing...itsnso sax to se his attempts on this board......completely outclassed like his hero, tim "i have a little girl voice" kaine

Let's say somebody like Trump comes and proves: Russia is not a threat, do you realize, how many people will start losing their huge money: CIA agents, weapons makers, NATO generals and so on and on. That's why your Media keeps stuffing your ears with "Russia the monster".

Bryan MacDonald is an Irish journalist:
Let’s be clear here. You don’t require submarines or nuclear weapons to engage ISIs, but you would in a putative conflict with Russia. It desires to use Moscow as a convenient bogeyman in order to maintain US defense spending, which grew 9 percent annually from 2000-2009 during the “war on terror.”
Why has NATO chosen Russia as its enemy instead of ISIS?

Follow the money trail for source of 'Russian threat' paranoia
China has double digit military growth because they are nice humanitarians.

Breakout: Inside China's military buildup

That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Translation~ ignorance is bliss on your part I guess.

Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord

It must feel good to live in a news bubble where the only news you heat are cherry picked for you huh?

View attachment 92253

LOL Gas prices are mostly set on global level. Whatever demand Russian exports will satisfy in China will reduce it's demand for oil elsewhere.

Here is what happened to Russian economy since their western excursions:


Those sort of harsh economic lessons have a tendency to smart up any further adventuring into neighbors' back yards.
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Translation~ ignorance is bliss on your part I guess.

Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord

It must feel good to live in a news bubble where the only news you heat are cherry picked for you huh?

View attachment 92253

LOL Gas prices are mostly set on global level. Whatever demand Russian exports will satisfy in China will reduce it's demand for oil elsewhere.

Here is what happened to Russian economy since their western excursions:


Those sort of economic lessons have a tendency to smart up any further adventuring. imperialists.

Your point is????

Russia is not backing down on the world stage is it?
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Translation~ ignorance is bliss on your part I guess.

Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord

It must feel good to live in a news bubble where the only news you heat are cherry picked for you huh?

View attachment 92253

LOL Gas prices are mostly set on global level. Whatever demand Russian exports will satisfy in China will reduce it's demand for oil elsewhere.

Here is what happened to Russian economy since their western excursions:


Those sort of economic lessons have a tendency to smart up any further adventuring. imperialists.

Your point is????

Russia is not backing down on the world stage is it?

lol what the fuck is there to understand?

They just had their nuts in the economic anvil for a few years, whatever world staging they will do from here will have to be a bit smarter than blatant land grabs.
The far right luvs themselves sum Putin.

I love that after almost 100 years of the Dems kissing Soviet...err...Russian butt, it took Trump to get the Dems to admit the Russians are a threat and Putin can't be trusted.

Putin can be trusted if we had a president like trump, a weak ass president like obama no way in hell.

The only democrat that understood the Russians was JFK why these pansy ass democrats today think they can bend over to the Russians and get results is beyond anyone's comprehension.
That's what happens when you get that reset button shoved up your ass.

You are talking about the economic pain-in-the-ass Russia has had under sanctions since they decided to go on the Ukrainian excursion?

Can't think of any pain on American side.

Translation~ ignorance is bliss on your part I guess.

Russia, China Add to $400 Billion Gas Deal With Accord

It must feel good to live in a news bubble where the only news you heat are cherry picked for you huh?

View attachment 92253

LOL Gas prices are mostly set on global level. Whatever demand Russian exports will satisfy in China will reduce it's demand for oil elsewhere.

Here is what happened to Russian economy since their western excursions:


Those sort of economic lessons have a tendency to smart up any further adventuring. imperialists.

Your point is????

Russia is not backing down on the world stage is it?

lol what the fuck is there to understand?

They just had their nuts in the economic anvil for a few years, whatever world staging they will do from here will have to be a bit smarter than blatant land grabs.

Again you stupid fuck Putin took obama on in Syria , took crimera. Using iran air space. Russia got very bold under pussy ass obama.

He walked away from Georgia when bush jr was president.
The only democrat that understood the Russians was JFK why these pansy ass democrats today think they can bend over to the Russians and get results is beyond anyone's comprehension.

Kennedy narrowly avoided nuclear that where you want to head this thing? Did you want Obama to line up our troops in Crimea?

But to talk about the TOPIC of this thread, in which way would that IMPROVE our relationship with Russia?
The only democrat that understood the Russians was JFK why these pansy ass democrats today think they can bend over to the Russians and get results is beyond anyone's comprehension.

Kennedy narrowly avoided nuclear that where you want to head this thing? Did you want Obama to line up our troops in Crimea?

But to talk about the TOPIC of this thread, in which way would that IMPROVE our relationship with Russia?
So Kennedy should have let the Russians stage nuclear missiles 20 miles off our coast?

Dumbass Leftard
Again you stupid fuck Putin took obama on in Syria , took crimera. Using iran air space. Russia got very bold under pussy ass obama.

Oh gosh, doesn't he know what high priority Syria is to America? Without Syria...oh wait, it barely matters at all to American interests and why would we mind Putin getting his hands dirty down there fighting ISIS.

There was a funny story about Tom Sawyer and fence painting envy...

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