US Takes Action


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.

This doesn't even qualify as a wrist slap. So no Russian governmental funds are tied up, only the funds of individuals, and these individuals have to have assets in the US, or have a desire to travel to the US to feel any impact.

WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.
Yep, not in a good way. It's a bad move in my opinion, we should have just let them settle their own mess without getting involved and souring relations between our two countries. We have a common foe that we could have rallied and cooperated with each other to neutralize.
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“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.
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WASHINGTON — The United States, working in coordination with Europe, imposed a new round of sanctions on prominent Russian officials on Monday as the showdown over Ukraine reached a new stage of confrontation between East and West.

President Obama signed an executive order freezing the assets and banning visas for a number of Russians deemed to be responsible for the seizing of Crimea or otherwise interfering in Ukrainian sovereignty. Among those targeted were several officials in President Vladimir V. Putin’s inner circle, and the White House threatened to go after more if Russia did not back down.

“We have fashioned these sanctions to impose costs on named individuals who wield influence in the Russian government and those responsible for the deteriorating situation in Ukraine,” the White House said in a statement. “We stand ready to use these authorities in a direct and targeted fashion as events warrant.”

In a conference call briefing reporters, a senior administration official who was not permitted to be named under the ground rules said, “These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

Well, well; the plot thickens.
Yep, not in a good way. It's a bad move in my opinion, we should have just let them settle their own mess without getting involved and souring relations between our two countries. We have a common foe that we could have rallied and cooperated with each other to neutralize.

We were already involved. These aren't the first sanctions.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

I don't think anything can be done, except for drawing a line and saying Crimea OK, rest of Ukraine is a no go.

What I am commenting on is how the article makes the appear to be a BIG DEAL when it really isn't anything.
Already European press (I'm writing this in Rome) are laughing at Obama for launching sanctions on people who have no property or assets in The U.S. They're asking if "Comrade Obama" has thought anything through!
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

McCain or Romney would have bombed Russia/Crimea and then invaded...Especially McCain I can't imagine a crazier president than him.
What I heard Obama say was, "I'm signing an Executive Order authorizing the freeze of assets of certain Russian leaders.

Authorizing is the key word. He did not freeze anything, he merely signed an EO that authorized the seizure, whether the assets will really be seized is still to be seen.
Obama continues to function as Putin's Bitch!
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.

What a Republican President would be doing is irrelevant. Mental masturbation, which dimocraps seem to be obsessively involved with.

What matters is what the L-CinC is doing.

Which is simple..... He is making us even more of a laughing stock thane we were in Jan of 2009.

He has given away great swaths of the world. Iraq is now a satellite of Iran. We have lost Egypt. Israel no longer trusts us. There is no hope of ever being able to communicate with Syria ever again.

Iran is thumbing its nose at us and today said that they weren't going to give up their quest for nuclear weapons.

What a Republican President would do instead is a matter for the surreal world of academe.....

A pretend world where noting matters. A world completely owned and occupied by libturds. Where they belong, where you can't do any harm (except to our young people, but they usually grow out of it)

What I know is this..... the L-CinC is a weak, feckless, cowardly politician that is being OWNED by Putin.

And we're going to pay for it in the future.
Russian energy retaliation will tank Europe's economy which would torpedo ours. Obama has no cards to play. This petty symbolic gesture by a petty empty suit could trigger a depression.

Breaking Europe's Russian Energy Habit - Bloomberg View

Energy policy is especially crucial. Europe's economies are far too dependent on Russian supplies of natural gas. Russia is the EU's main supplier of natural gas, accounting for roughly 30 percent of the total. In Germany, where successive governments have made stronger economic ties with Russia, the figure is about 40 percent.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.
I remember when the Leaders of Western Europe were negotiating the pipelines to provide natural gas and oil from Russia through Ukraine to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and other Western Countries. Like a 'voice in the wilderness' Republicans were screaming a warning that Western Europe would become subservient to Russia. Of course the Democrats were screaming them down with, "politics of fear accusations.
So, here we are, Western Europe is subservient to Russia and Obama is Putin's neutered bitch.
“These are by far the most comprehensive sanctions applied to Russia since the end of the Cold War — far and away so.”

What would you think a Republican president would be doing? Are we supposed to go to war, is that your intent?

I really want to know. Because no matter what the man does, he's wrong - and that's not normal. It really isn't. That's just the lot of you, blinded by hate.
How hateful! No one can say exactly because it didn't happen. BUT, I doubt that a Republican president would have started a world wide appeasement campaign, blaming his predecessor for the bad will, drawn lines in the sand that quickly got erased and made vague meaningless threats. Either it's our business or it isn't. It should be made clear. Obama is still campaigning instead of leading, that's the problem.

No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.
No. Seriously. Try real, real hard. I see you formed an entire paragraph, so there is hope.

What, completely independent of Obama. Say Mittens was President now. What would you be expecting him to do.
You can read at least a paragraph so there is hope for you. Romney would not have renegged on the arms deal with Poland for one and left them high and dry. That was a signal to Moscow. Obama pulled the rug from under them. So, like I said, (read it again since it didn't quite soak through) he helped by setting a weak example. And like I said, again, is that he should have stated if it was our business or not and spelled out the consequences. Try real real hard to not be a dumb bitch.
Can't do it?


Okay - if anybody shows up here, and can tell me what THEY OR THEIR ELECTED PRESIDENT WOULD DO IN THIS SITUATION, feel free to @ mention me. Because so far, y'all are failing abysmally.

Its not what we would do, its how we are perceived and the events that led to our adversaries making that determination. There is nothing that we will do and our enemies know that.

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