US vs Flynn

Evidence out now Flynn was pressured.

Popcorn time.
This fits a long troubling pattern in the system of choosing the person, and trying to tie them to a crime by pressuring the people around them to turn on them and either say what they want them to say, or entrap the target into a crime using the person they “turned”. Usually they entrap the person they want to “turn” or threaten to throw the book at them or their family members for petty crimes unless they “cooperate”.

We’ve seen this happen in the NCAA basketball “scandal” a couple of years ago. The FBI pretended to be an investor in a new management firm and basically threw an expensive Vegas party for coaches that they pressured the CEO to throw against his will. They then claimed he was bribing coaches, which is completely nonsensical because that’s just not how recruitment works. They wanted to turn the CEO, he refused because what they wanted him to say wasn’t anywhere near the truth and they threw the book at him.

In Ruby Ridge the real target was the white supremacists group that were only the neighbors for the guy they shot up. He was invited to one of their meetings, he went a couple of times, didn’t like what they were preaching (they still call him a white supremacist to this day), and decided he didn’t want any part of them. An ATF agent trying to infiltrate them befriended him, asked him to make a sawed off shotgun for him, he repeatedly refused until he finally gave in and said “fine I’ll make it for you, but after that I don’t want anything to do with you”. They then revealed they were ATF, wanted him to be an informant. He refused, rightfully said that it was entrapment, and they’ll be hearing from his lawyer. Well ATF suspiciously moved up the court date, claim they sent a letter informing him, he claims he never received the letter. They justified him not showing up to court as their time to sick an army on him to subdue him. His 13 year old son is out for a walk with their dog. The dog starts barking at agents in full camo hiding in the woods, they shoot the dog, the son fires back, they kill the son. A standoff ensues. The FBI get involved, blow the head off of his wife while she’s holding their newborn baby, because babies look an awful lot like guns. Ruby ridge is one of the most awful cases of misconduct out there.

Same deal with Waco. ATF “infiltrates” the group. By infiltrate I mean an agent pretending to be interested in joining walks in with an illegally modified gun that they use to justify their initial search and seizure. That goes to shit, ATF did fire first at the dogs, and claims branch Davidians returned fire from the front door. Could be true, but the evidence doesn’t look good for them. And we all know how the rest of that shit storm turned out. FBI still claims that the branch dividians started the fire as a mass suicide. Never mind the fact they used tear gas, which is flammable, and flashbang grenades at the same time.

These are just example of the times of when the law enforcement wound up with egg on their face using these tactics. They use them all the time. It’s standard operating procedure. It’s “we think this guy is shady so let's find someone to turn and see if we can dig up a crime”. The problem in America is first you need to show that there was a crime, and then find out who committed it, not the other way around. This is what the Flynn case was. We threaten his son unless Flynn agrees to cooperate, and we turn Flynn to testify against Trump. I think we all know by now how fucked up our guilty plea system is, and that it needs some major reformations.
The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.
The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?
The major problem here isn’t that they coerced him to testify, even though they did and it’s a problem. THEY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE. ITS A FUCKING BRADY VIOLATION, THATS FUCKING MAJOR.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.
It’s bonkers. Just Bonkers. Like a clear cut Brady violation here, which is just about the most corrupt thing law enforcement can be accused of, withholding exculpatory evidence. And the left is still trying to pretend like they can’t see the obvious. We’re in a full blown prisoners dilemma in game theory here, as a country. The left is playing so so dirty, they surprise me everyday. You just don’t want to believe that the FBI can be this dirty. Serious reforms need to happen. This is fucked up.
The filings written by Flynn’s new lawyers are always so hilarious. They really turn the drama up to 11.

Anyone who thinks Flynn wasn’t lying to the FBI agents hasn’t really looked at the evidence against him in the indictment and plea deal. I dare anyone to try and make a case that he doesn’t remember talking about sanctions
And when your mind is closed to the ideas of others, why should their minds be open to YOUR ideas?

It’s not my ideas, but the facts laid out in the court filings.

Facts which are routinely ignored by the right.

Do you really think Flynn forgot he talked about sanctions with the Russian ambassador?
Do you not think the fbi threatened his family?
Do we think the FBI threatened whose family, Flynn's? They may have threatened his son with criminal charges as well. So what? The son is also guilty of crimes.

I am getting sick and tired with the constant defense that everyone indicted and convicted of crimes, who was associated with Trump is somehow a victim and innocent.
Even if they are in fact set up, we should be upset they didn't like it?
They weren’t.
then why did the FBI lie about FISA
why did they threaten his kid?
why are we having proof in court it *was* done and yet you still say "no it wasn't"?
1. What did that have to do with Flynn?
2. What court proof?
3. Why did they threaten his kid?

The extensive reporting around the involvement of Flynn’s son certainly suggests there is legitimate justification for interpreting the Flynn component of the investigation as a prosecutable family affair. Federal prosecutors leveraging one family member against another is a page directly out of a four-decade old prosecutorial playbook used successfully in Wall Street prosecutions. One need not look beyond the Enron prosecutions and guilty pleas of Andrew and Lea Fastow, husband and wife, and the Drexel-related guilty plea of Michael Milken, with Lowell Milken (his brother) averting prosecution, to find the use of this tactic in high profile white-collar prosecutions, that is outside of organized crime and gang prosecutions.

5. Why did he lie to tbe FBI? we aren’t talking minor lies, we are talking pretty major omissions of fact.

if this were being done to liberals, would you still adamant they were full of shit based on the same evidence?


it's just as frustrating to see people delete evidence, destroy where the evidence was kept, stall for months on the initial request, get caught lying and so forth and hear people go "she didn't do nuffin..."

that's the gov we've created isn't it?

If that happens they should be held accountable and based on what the IG report found, the FBI be gone through with a fine tooth comb. I am guessing you are talking about Clinton. It is frustrating to see a person repeatedly investigated over and over despite nothing ever being found, for what seems more and more like partisan political reasons.

Flynn’s fate is in the courts. There is nothing there that does not suggest he did not do what he claimed Initially. He changed lawyers and then suddenly his tune.

According to prosecutors:
They also highlighted the severity of Mr. Flynn’s crime. They said he lied repeatedly to F.B.I. agents as a high-ranking White House official about whether he discussed sanctions with Mr. Kislyak before Mr. Trump assumed office — potentially conducting foreign policy while President Obama was still in power.
Prosecutors noted that others who pleaded guilty to lying to investigators in the Russia inquiry — including the former foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Alex van der Zwaan, a lawyer — were sentenced to prison, and they were private citizens. As a longtime government employee, Mr. Flynn should have known better, they suggested.
“Neither defendant was a high-ranking government official, held a position of trust vis-à-vis the United States, held a security clearance, had a special understanding of the impact of providing misleading information to investigators or denied responsibility for his unlawful conduct,” prosecutors wrote.

He wasn’t coerced to lie. He didn’t “forget” and suddenly “remember. He was treated the same as other white collar criminals. If the little guys got jail time, why does Flynn get off?
and it is just as frustrating to see people break laws and have their side go "no she didn't" and yet try to hold the other side accountable for far lesser issues that are usually made up and exaggurated.

i can promise you - if trump is ever asked for evidence and he plays games up to and including deleting it - i will be livid at him and consider him guilty as i would assume you and the "i hate trump" crowd would as well.

would people do the same for those on "their" side.

now, if sounds like you are simply 100% saying the FBI didn't do this to him. before i get all into this, is that your stance, that the FBI did NOT coerce him into testifying?
The major problem here isn’t that they coerced him to testify, even though they did and it’s a problem. THEY WITHHELD EXCULPATORY EVIDENCE. ITS A FUCKING BRADY VIOLATION, THATS FUCKING MAJOR.
does this go back to the missing 302s? still learning how all this fits together from a legal perspective.

the FBI alters his interview:

Motion to Compell:

what happened:
"One of the most damning charges contained within Powell’s 37-page court brief is that Page, the DOJ lawyer assigned to the office of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, may have materially altered Flynn’s interview FD-302, which was drafted by Strzok. FBI agents transfer handwritten interview notes onto a formal testimonial document, FD-302, within five days of conducting an interview, while recollections are still fresh. "

we also see how against hillary, "gross negligence" was reduced to careless - by who? strozk. there were mandatory penalties for "gross negligence" so that had to be toned down.

so we have "tone down what we say about hillary, amp up what we say about trump & co" and we have proof the fbi lied to FISA and now altered MORE testimony and simply removed 302s from the equation.

Coyote - this is why i find it difficult to swallow you're still "gosh how come none of them are guilty" when we see an overwhelming pattern of players identified to be "on the left" abusing said power in order to change, hide, destroy evidence.

i would not want this done to you. obama. hillary. trump. anyone. if they are in fact guilty NONE OF THIS is necessary.

yet you're here, as i understand it, defending the FBI and trying tor refocus on flynn, not the actions of the FBI. i'm more than willing to evaluate flynn from every side possible but i'll do the FBI and all involved as well.

you seem to be, from my point of view, dismissing the FBIs actions completely so we can keep the focus on Flynn, just as the FBI would want. however, *I* would rather see us clean up the FBI *if* they are doing this. most of the people who did all this are already gone also. now it's time to bring charges if they did in fact violate ANYONES rights.

are you ok with looking to see if the FBI did in fact violate rights of Flynn and others? Are you even open to the idea that RUSSIA was a setup against Trump or is all that and anything involved in it simply right wing fantasies?

if you're mind isn't open, discussion is pointless. i just want to know if i need to stop wasting my time.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.
It’s bonkers. Just Bonkers. Like a clear cut Brady violation here, which is just about the most corrupt thing law enforcement can be accused of, withholding exculpatory evidence. And the left is still trying to pretend like they can’t see the obvious. We’re in a full blown prisoners dilemma in game theory here, as a country. The left is playing so so dirty, they surprise me everyday. You just don’t want to believe that the FBI can be this dirty. Serious reforms need to happen. This is fucked up.
and this is the dangerous part. people who hate someone else so much they simply go blind to actions they don't want to believe or see.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.

You're doing a really poor job summarizing the issues with Clinton by creating a caricature to argue against.

Now, since you're complaining about consistency, and since you're upset about Clinton's behavior, why are you not also upset about Flynn's lying to the FBI agents?
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.

You're doing a really poor job summarizing the issues with Clinton by creating a caricature to argue against.

Now, since you're complaining about consistency, and since you're upset about Clinton's behavior, why are you not also upset about Flynn's lying to the FBI agents?
if hillary can have reasons to "lie" then why can't flynn? it would seems she did it to protect herself. it would seem flynn did it to save his son. *if* this is the case *and* you feel both are wrong; your call.

as for hillarys issues, if you're ok with all the crap she did then nothing i say about the matter will appease you. but for grins, please tell me the circumstances by which it is ok to play games before turning over evidence including and up to, deleting what you want to delete for "personal" reasons and then let me know you're ok if Trump were to do the same.

feel free to attack the issue and not me.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.
It’s bonkers. Just Bonkers. Like a clear cut Brady violation here, which is just about the most corrupt thing law enforcement can be accused of, withholding exculpatory evidence. And the left is still trying to pretend like they can’t see the obvious. We’re in a full blown prisoners dilemma in game theory here, as a country. The left is playing so so dirty, they surprise me everyday. You just don’t want to believe that the FBI can be this dirty. Serious reforms need to happen. This is fucked up.
and this is the dangerous part. people who hate someone else so much they simply go blind to actions they don't want to believe or see.
No what’s scary is that the average American commits on average 3 or so felonies a year without ever realizing it. If they want you, they can get you. If they can’t get you, they’ll get someone close to you. If they can’t do that, they’ll try to dance around the definition entrapment that has disgustingly morphed from what it originally was intended, and get you to do something while promising to you that it’s perfectly fine. This is why being a lawyer is such a lucrative business. If you have the money, you need 5 different lawyers who have spent 1000s of hours learning the law they specialize in, just so you don’t fuck up anything you didn’t know was even an issue. Now we like to think that the law doesn’t ever abuse that power, but here it is, the highest level going after political opponents at the highest level. No underlying crimes, lets just shake the tree and see what we can find. This is coming from a person who has said this Russian collusion story probably started with legit concerns, and political motivation kept it going far longer after nothing was found.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
are you saying no confidential information was found on her server? this is what i understand you to say.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.


From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
View attachment 328727
View attachment 328728
From the IG himself. SAP, Special Access Privilege, is the term for the room I was talking about. Post proof before you make dumbass claims. Even if this wasn’t true, there’s minimum mandatory sentencing for even the lowest level classification. It was a crime to use her service for government work in the first place. She initially denied she did that, said it was personal stuff only. That was a lie. It morphed into she never used it for classified emails. That was a lie. She deleted 33,000 that she said were personal before she turned them over, which the FBI would never allow anyone else to do EVER, which also turned out to be a lie. I know the left has a magical ability to re-write history in their minds and block out whats reality like they’re in some sort of Scientology cult...but the real history is out there.
I'm aware that some of the information on her server was deemed SAP. However, that was not copied from any files, but a reference was made to this information. The part of your claim which was bullshit was her being told specific information could not be put in an email and berating people for not doing so. The other bullshit claim is that it was hacked by the Chinese, no such information exists. Another bullshit claim is that there is a law that you must use government email for work. Another bullshit claim is that she destroyed evidence.

She never claimed her server was only for personal use. She didn't delete 33,000 emails that were personal before she turned them over.

You've really jumbled up details.

The 33,000 emails were deleted after her lawyer sorted out and submitted the work related ones. It is not illegal to use personal email for government business. No then, not now. Government employees, up to and including Trump's own family continue to do so to this day. There was a reference of her emails being forwarded to a "Chinese" IP, a report which was based on misunderstanding and poor information. Emails were forwarded as part of a server migration.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
are you saying no confidential information was found on her server? this is what i understand you to say.

Absolutely not. But there are too many details in the post above that are incorrect. I was being too broad to say none of this is true. I should have said "almost none of this is true".
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.

You're doing a really poor job summarizing the issues with Clinton by creating a caricature to argue against.

Now, since you're complaining about consistency, and since you're upset about Clinton's behavior, why are you not also upset about Flynn's lying to the FBI agents?
if hillary can have reasons to "lie" then why can't flynn? it would seems she did it to protect herself. it would seem flynn did it to save his son. *if* this is the case *and* you feel both are wrong; your call.

as for hillarys issues, if you're ok with all the crap she did then nothing i say about the matter will appease you. but for grins, please tell me the circumstances by which it is ok to play games before turning over evidence including and up to, deleting what you want to delete for "personal" reasons and then let me know you're ok if Trump were to do the same.

feel free to attack the issue and not me.

That Flynn lied is of no doubt in my mind. Lying requires that you know a person knew the truth. There is no way that Flynn didn't remember that he talked about sanctions a few weeks after he did so. There is a paper trail detailing his discussing what to say about sanctions to the ambassador before and after the phone call.

Clinton said things that were untrue, but it's concievable that she didn't know. For example, none of the emails were properly marked classified, and the classified information that was on her server was sent to her by others.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
are you saying no confidential information was found on her server? this is what i understand you to say.

Absolutely not. But there are too many details in the post above that are incorrect. I was being too broad to say none of this is true. I should have said "almost none of this is true".
hey - i am going by what you say, not what you mean. i asked, not assumed, so we could clear that up. that is all. would you rather i just attack you for saying a blanket statement that was untrue?

now - would you agree that comey, who said this information was on there, was reported to have initially called it "gross negligence" yet strozk had it rephrased to "extreme carelessness"?

bear with me - i do not want to argue over assumptions but i want to clarify your stance so i know what we're actually discussing / debating.
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.
and this is what bothers me. its a witch hunt to go after someone who's got flags out her ass and open activities flaunting law enforcement (like with a cloth?") and took months to turn over whatever she had left after she used those months to destroy what they were asking for.

the lefts stance: oh that was personal and private and i believe her...

yet these same people invent reasons to be mad at trump. the entire IMPEACH was an "interpretation" of what he said on the phone.

so, an "interpretation" of what trump meant on a phone call is enough to impeach him.

yet deleting information requested and destroying the way said data was kept was "oh it's hers she can do what she wants"

and people wonder why there's a divide.

You're doing a really poor job summarizing the issues with Clinton by creating a caricature to argue against.

Now, since you're complaining about consistency, and since you're upset about Clinton's behavior, why are you not also upset about Flynn's lying to the FBI agents?
if hillary can have reasons to "lie" then why can't flynn? it would seems she did it to protect herself. it would seem flynn did it to save his son. *if* this is the case *and* you feel both are wrong; your call.

as for hillarys issues, if you're ok with all the crap she did then nothing i say about the matter will appease you. but for grins, please tell me the circumstances by which it is ok to play games before turning over evidence including and up to, deleting what you want to delete for "personal" reasons and then let me know you're ok if Trump were to do the same.

feel free to attack the issue and not me.

That Flynn lied is of no doubt in my mind. Lying requires that you know a person knew the truth. There is no way that Flynn didn't remember that he talked about sanctions a few weeks after he did so. There is a paper trail detailing his discussing what to say about sanctions to the ambassador before and after the phone call.

Clinton said things that were untrue, but it's concievable that she didn't know. For example, none of the emails were properly marked classified, and the classified information that was on her server was sent to her by others.
i don't doubt flynn lied either.

HOWEVER - it now appears the FBI said "you will say this or you son goes to the slammer"

we can wrap back to clinton later - i'd rather focus on Flynn right now than dovetail discussions..

do you believe the FBI played games with the 302 and altered his testimony? Keep in mind it's been proven they've done this already with the FISA reports.

did they do it here too?
He lied under oath. He was pressured by the DOJ which was, and is, headed up by republicans.

Comey admitted on TV that he sent people into the Trump administration when it was 3 days old in order to sabotage it.

Can you tell me what Flynn supposedly lied about?

I didn't think so.

How long his shoe laces were perhaps? Maybe he said his car was red when the dealership lists the color as "crimson" :dunno:
“In 2017 he pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI in relation to the Special Counsel's investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 elections.”
Hillary lied under oath too.

Fuck this one-sided shit.

Amazing how she was never charged for your imaginary allegations
Comey said confidential mail was found.

She said it wasn't there.

Fuck off.
Not just low level bullshit confidential material that shouldn’t even be confidential, they found plenty of that. But they found the highest level confidentiality where you aren’t allowed to create it digitally, you’re only allowed to read a hardcopy in a special room surrounded by a faraday cage where all electronics are banned. She was told that it could not be sent in email, that she had to read it in the special room, berated the person who told her that and made them send it in an email her special server that we know was hacked by the Chinese. Which is one of the reasons we made the law that you have to use a government email address for work. Another reason is so you can’t destroy the evidence, which she also did. Compare the actual crime Hillary committed to the crimes they have to keep doing mental gymnastics to say that trump committed. It’s bonkers.

None of this is true.
are you saying no confidential information was found on her server? this is what i understand you to say.

Absolutely not. But there are too many details in the post above that are incorrect. I was being too broad to say none of this is true. I should have said "almost none of this is true".
hey - i am going by what you say, not what you mean. i asked, not assumed, so we could clear that up. that is all. would you rather i just attack you for saying a blanket statement that was untrue?

now - would you agree that comey, who said this information was on there, was reported to have initially called it "gross negligence" yet strozk had it rephrased to "extreme carelessness"?

bear with me - i do not want to argue over assumptions but i want to clarify your stance so i know what we're actually discussing / debating.

The wording of the statement is irrelevant. The decision not to prosecute based on gross negligence statute is well explained in Congressional testimony and the IG report. The gross negligence statute has never been used in isolation, and only used in conjunction with far more serious crimes on a handful of situations. The statute was probably overly vague and they had doubts whether it was even constitutional based on that. Charging her based solely on the gross negligence statute would have been treating Clinton differently than anyone else.

I already acknowledged my statement was overly broad. You’re correct. My mistake.

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