USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good Morning, CSers!
Apologies for neglecting the CS lately. It's been busy, busy, busy and I am enjoying the granddaughters as much as I can, packing in years of sharing in a few short weeks. The girls are great, but have been discouraged from many outdoor activities by the hordes of mosquitoes demanding their blood toll. I have outdoor work to do, so I have to put up with them, eating loads of garlic tablets (I'm allergic to DEET). Seems to work well enough.
My daughter took the girls to town over the weekend to visit some of her friends. It was a quiet couple of days, I'll admit. I put a lot of work into the shed project. A friend has come up this weekend and is removing some of the trees close to the cabin. This guy is a godsend because he views killing trees, including digging out the stumps, as some kind of therapy. We feed him well and he gets a kick out of the family interaction and the bloodthirsty little girls playing UNO and Monopoly. The partner is coming in this afternoon and has his project to get done.
Yesterday evening was so 1800s. One of use using a pickax to dig out a spruce stump, I was finishing the evening milking, the granddaughters were hauling water to their mom for washing-up, and the daughter was cooking up a delicious batch of chicken and dumplings. Perfection!
After framing the front wall of the shed, we plan on taking a break and taking the goats on a Nature walk. Instead of collecting specimens, though, we will be collecting pictures of specimens with the camera.
Breakfast is on, we're having what my dad always called a "kitchen sink" scramble. I believe he called it that because it's supposed to have everything except the kitchen sink in it. My daughter says it looks more like what you pull out of the kitchen sink after washing the dishes.
Life is stirring, my time here grows short once more. Enjoy your day, my CS friends.

Thank you for sharing your 1800's summer! :)

Expect for the bloodsuckers it sounds idyllic. So far this summer has been good but I am sure it will eventually come on strong. While we did lose plants from the icy winter those that survived are thriving. They are all much bigger than normal and show signs of sticking around.

Got to go to one of my volunteer meetings this evening. Looks like I might be helping out at another soup kitchen later in the week since they are short handed.

Have a good one, folks.
Something terrible happened today and I am still chewing on it. Finding it hard to wrap my head around how fast this happened.

A colleague of my, a dear person, called about 20 minutes ago to let me know that her daughter's boyfriend, who was only 23, died very suddenly yesterday.

Apparently, he had breathing problems on Sunday at the breakfast table, was rushed to the hospital, where the docs diagnosed a massive infection in his lungs, and 2 hours later, he was dead.

I have never heard of an infection killing someone this fast. I suppose my colleague will know more when the autopsy is complete. And I know that hospital: it has a stellar rep and an even better ER.

My colleague is just a mess, and understandably so. Her daughter is in pieces right now - the two had planned to marry, if I recall.

I met the young man once, last December, at a function. But I didn't really know him.

Please pray for my colleague - she is a wonderful person, warm, bright, engaging.


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Something terrible happened today and I am still chewing on it. Finding it hard to wrap my head around how fast this happened.

A colleague of my, a dear person, called about 20 minutes ago to let me know that her daughter's boyfriend, who was only 23, died very suddenly yesterday.

Apparently, he had breathing problems on Sunday at the breakfast table, was rushed to the hospital, where the docs diagnosed a massive infection in his lungs, and 2 hours later, he was dead.

I have never heard of an infection killing someone this fast. I suppose my colleague will know more when the autopsy is complete. And I know that hospital: it has a stellar rep and an even better ER.

My colleague is just a mess, and understandably so. Her daughter is in pieces right now - the two had planned to marry, if I recall.

I met the young man once, last December, at a function. But I didn't really know him.

Please pray for my colleague - she is a wonderful person, warm, bright, engaging.



That kind of sudden death of someone so young can be devastating. A young lady I worked with had spent most of a year planning her wedding and honeymoon. She died of an aneurysm on her honeymoon. Sometimes there just isn't an explanation. All we can do is comfort the bereaved.

My thoughts are with you and your colleague tonight.

Stat, what a shock!

Live everyday to your best abilities, we never know what tomorrow brings

Or 3 or 4.....:D
Something terrible happened today and I am still chewing on it. Finding it hard to wrap my head around how fast this happened.

A colleague of my, a dear person, called about 20 minutes ago to let me know that her daughter's boyfriend, who was only 23, died very suddenly yesterday.

Apparently, he had breathing problems on Sunday at the breakfast table, was rushed to the hospital, where the docs diagnosed a massive infection in his lungs, and 2 hours later, he was dead.

I have never heard of an infection killing someone this fast. I suppose my colleague will know more when the autopsy is complete. And I know that hospital: it has a stellar rep and an even better ER.

My colleague is just a mess, and understandably so. Her daughter is in pieces right now - the two had planned to marry, if I recall.

I met the young man once, last December, at a function. But I didn't really know him.

Please pray for my colleague - she is a wonderful person, warm, bright, engaging.



News like these almost always leave us stunned and at a loss for words. Just being there for her and lending an ear, is sometimes the only thing we can do. I'm sure the daughter is devastated and will take time to heal. Will keep them both in my prayers and you too, that you will know what to say to them to offer comfort and support at such a time.
Something terrible happened today and I am still chewing on it. Finding it hard to wrap my head around how fast this happened.

A colleague of my, a dear person, called about 20 minutes ago to let me know that her daughter's boyfriend, who was only 23, died very suddenly yesterday.

Apparently, he had breathing problems on Sunday at the breakfast table, was rushed to the hospital, where the docs diagnosed a massive infection in his lungs, and 2 hours later, he was dead.

I have never heard of an infection killing someone this fast. I suppose my colleague will know more when the autopsy is complete. And I know that hospital: it has a stellar rep and an even better ER.

My colleague is just a mess, and understandably so. Her daughter is in pieces right now - the two had planned to marry, if I recall.

I met the young man once, last December, at a function. But I didn't really know him.

Please pray for my colleague - she is a wonderful person, warm, bright, engaging.



Prayers being sent out to her and her family.
I'm so sorry.
All sorts of bad news is cropping up today. Just came from my wife's doctor (who did the fibroid removal). The big one didn't feel right so it was sent to Pueblo then on to the Mayo Clinic for testing. Confirmed she has Leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. She will have an appt up in Denver this week with the Gynecological Oncologist to schedule a full hysterectomy for staging (to determine which stage the cancer is in). Her surgeon down here says, other than the fibroids, everything looked normal and believes it is stage one so the hysterectomy should take care of it. Hoping and praying that's the case.
Buy yourself a good AC router, the next generation of routers. It's backwards compatible with N WiFi cards which are already being replaced with the new AC technology in most Wifi capable systems.
I'm looking at the Belkin AC750 for around $75 at Beast Buy and it's still cheaper in the long run than the monthly "rent" ISPs charge for theirs.

The $7.22/month charge for our Comcast modem however is well worth it to me just because they have to fix the problem free of charge if anything goes wrong with our phones, cable, or wi-fi. If I use somebody else's modem all they have to do is tell me to check with that manufacturer for a fix. :)

Indeed. I've learned that the hard way.

Also, when dealing with Comcast service tech visits, ALWAYS request an employee instead of the outsourced contractors. The latter are by an large horrible and skate by. The employees are subject to performance reviews, and are more concerned about customer satisfaction.

I learned this move to request an employee. Jeezus, this contractor drove me crazy. He didn't want me to call the help desk but I had to, I was getting nowhere with his silly hook up.
Something terrible happened today and I am still chewing on it. Finding it hard to wrap my head around how fast this happened.

A colleague of my, a dear person, called about 20 minutes ago to let me know that her daughter's boyfriend, who was only 23, died very suddenly yesterday.

Apparently, he had breathing problems on Sunday at the breakfast table, was rushed to the hospital, where the docs diagnosed a massive infection in his lungs, and 2 hours later, he was dead.

I have never heard of an infection killing someone this fast. I suppose my colleague will know more when the autopsy is complete. And I know that hospital: it has a stellar rep and an even better ER.

My colleague is just a mess, and understandably so. Her daughter is in pieces right now - the two had planned to marry, if I recall.

I met the young man once, last December, at a function. But I didn't really know him.

Please pray for my colleague - she is a wonderful person, warm, bright, engaging.


I'm very saddened to hear about this unfortunate event, Stat. No one should have to experience losing a family member or friend at such a young age of 23. My prayers are with you, your colleague and her family.
All sorts of bad news is cropping up today. Just came from my wife's doctor (who did the fibroid removal). The big one didn't feel right so it was sent to Pueblo then on to the Mayo Clinic for testing. Confirmed she has Leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. She will have an appt up in Denver this week with the Gynecological Oncologist to schedule a full hysterectomy for staging (to determine which stage the cancer is in). Her surgeon down here says, other than the fibroids, everything looked normal and believes it is stage one so the hysterectomy should take care of it. Hoping and praying that's the case.

Prayers to you both Ringel
All sorts of bad news is cropping up today. Just came from my wife's doctor (who did the fibroid removal). The big one didn't feel right so it was sent to Pueblo then on to the Mayo Clinic for testing. Confirmed she has Leiomyosarcoma, a rare form of cancer. She will have an appt up in Denver this week with the Gynecological Oncologist to schedule a full hysterectomy for staging (to determine which stage the cancer is in). Her surgeon down here says, other than the fibroids, everything looked normal and believes it is stage one so the hysterectomy should take care of it. Hoping and praying that's the case.
I am sorry to hear about your wife, Ringel. The hysterectomy will indeed remove the cancer, and if it is stage 1, there is no need to worry about any spreading. I'm sure your wife will be fine after the surgery. Stage 1 is usually nothing to worry about. The key is to get the surgery done as quickly as possible.

My prayers go out to you and your wife for a quick and successful surgery as well as a speedy recovery after the surgery. :)
Busy day here. Went to the bank and got a cashier's check for the new RV that I pick up on Wednesday morning. Took Mrs. BBD out to lunch and then to Walmart. I bought a nice tool kit, a roll of electrician's tape and a roll of duct tape. If you can't fix something with duct tape, it ain't broke. Mrs. BBD on the other hand bought everything under the sun. According to her, we still need a few things. If she keeps buying stuff I'm going to have to buy a bigger RV!
That Atlantic City is still there. I even took a quick flight around the whole city just to be sure...

Busy day here. Went to the bank and got a cashier's check for the new RV that I pick up on Wednesday morning. Took Mrs. BBD out to lunch and then to Walmart. I bought a nice tool kit, a roll of electrician's tape and a roll of duct tape. If you can't fix something with duct tape, it ain't broke. Mrs. BBD on the other hand bought everything under the sun. According to her, we still need a few things. If she keeps buying stuff I'm going to have to buy a bigger RV!

Duct tape can't fix everything, sometimes you need a hammer.
That Atlantic City is still there. I even took a quick flight around the whole city just to be sure...


Hey, I think I saw you :D

What else did you do in AC?
What we didn't do is a much shorter list. lol

I DO NOT recommend the Taj for entertainment or lodging. The rooms were adequate and clean, but the bars sucked, EGO (or as I called it, Flat-line EKG) played some really weird stuff. The only other lounge they have is a place called SCORES which turns out to be a Gentlemens club (I didn't read the fine print and didn't realize it was exotic dancing. Technically, they weren't nude dancers because of the pasties and g-strings).

However, the light show at the Boardwalk main building was amazing..

The wife and daughter spend all of Sunday in the water while I relaxed at the Landshark surf shack...And we walked about 40 miles on the boardwalk....
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Sounds fun.

We have a place in AC and try to get down there most weekends. We watch the helicopters take off the Pier and wave, :lol:
Sounds fun.

We have a place in AC and try to get down there most weekends. We watch the helicopters take off the Pier and wave, :lol:
Oh, so you really were there? I thought you were joking....:badgrin:

That particular ride (the helicopter) was very good. I enjoyed it immensely.

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