USMB Coffee Shop IV

That's gross. :(
Just be glad you weren't born in the 1800s, crossing the Great American Desert............


This I can see just fine. :)

Can you see it now?

View attachment 149929
THAT I see!
Thanks for the birthday greetings everybody. It has been a good day.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Mr. Kat for healing and wellness,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Noticing pansies are now being offered in area garden centers, a sure sign that summer is coming to an end. The first day of autumn is Thursday.
Oh man! Take a break and look what you miss! Our Coffee Shop founder and patron, Foxfyre had a birthday and I was out goofing off. Well, happy birthday Foxy! Let's all raise our cups in salute! And may your remaining birthdays be outnumbered only by the pleasures you have coming your way.

Meanwhile, the calendar says today is the 20th day of September. Tomorrow would have been Pop's 84th birthday. And Saturday is the autumnal equinox. Milestones in the year. Summer has waned, autumn approaches, the days shorten and life is a wonderful gift.

Already spots of color are appearing in the trees. On our daily walks Daisy and I are crunching through thin layers of fallen Tulip Poplar leaves. The maples are showing yellow and orange around the fringes. The second week of October is the prime time for fall foliage in these parts.

The Potters are not off to a barn burning start going 1-2 so far with cross town rival Beaver Local set for Friday night. Forty years or more ago, when I was in high school, the football team went 4-6 my freshman year, 6-4 as a sophomore, 8-2 as a junior and 9-1 my senior year. Since then the Mighty Potters have served as a conference doormat. Basketball is our strong suit, but basketball is considered a minor sport in the upper Ohio River valley.

So we wait for the dead of November to claim some Potter Pride.
Update. From Hell.

No apartment here after all. We HAVE to go back. Just not sure when. I guess when they call. The apartments here...there is no way in hell I would rent from those people. I met them 3 times. And each time, they were rude, obnoxious, hateful, and the man cusses and talks worse than MikeTx on a good day. The woman is just awful. So I told them to shove their apartments up their asses. Too bad too, cuz they are really cute. I read reviews on Yelp and should have done that BEFORE applying there. All bad. Same description of the managers. People moving in, then moving out within 2 months due to his mouth and her attitude. Plus, they have a rescue pit bull running loose that bites they said. How the hell can they run an apartment with elderly people with a biting pit bull that could tackle them as they use their walkers? One lady posted that she was going to contact the Elder Abuse hotline because the managers are terrorizing the helpless elderly.

Well, I am not elderly yet, and I damn sure am not helpless. But I could get that way calling that my own forever home..which ain't gonna happen. I can imagine being at their mercy. Oh HAYELL no.

So..back to square one. :(
Update. From Hell.

No apartment here after all. We HAVE to go back. Just not sure when. I guess when they call. The apartments here...there is no way in hell I would rent from those people. I met them 3 times. And each time, they were rude, obnoxious, hateful, and the man cusses and talks worse than MikeTx on a good day. The woman is just awful. So I told them to shove their apartments up their asses. Too bad too, cuz they are really cute. I read reviews on Yelp and should have done that BEFORE applying there. All bad. Same description of the managers. People moving in, then moving out within 2 months due to his mouth and her attitude. Plus, they have a rescue pit bull running loose that bites they said. How the hell can they run an apartment with elderly people with a biting pit bull that could tackle them as they use their walkers? One lady posted that she was going to contact the Elder Abuse hotline because the managers are terrorizing the helpless elderly.

Well, I am not elderly yet, and I damn sure am not helpless. But I could get that way calling that my own forever home..which ain't gonna happen. I can imagine being at their mercy. Oh HAYELL no.

So..back to square one. :(

Things will unfold in the right timing for where you are supposed to be. At least right now you are making things work and your room looks real nice.
I've worked out three sheath prototypes so far using leather I already had finally think I've got it with the fourth one. Considering I've never made anything with leather that's not bad. Still working on how to finish it out, decorate with a concho, beaded leather cords and possibly dye the leather dark Russet.
Update. From Hell.

No apartment here after all. We HAVE to go back. Just not sure when. I guess when they call. The apartments here...there is no way in hell I would rent from those people. I met them 3 times. And each time, they were rude, obnoxious, hateful, and the man cusses and talks worse than MikeTx on a good day. The woman is just awful. So I told them to shove their apartments up their asses. Too bad too, cuz they are really cute. I read reviews on Yelp and should have done that BEFORE applying there. All bad. Same description of the managers. People moving in, then moving out within 2 months due to his mouth and her attitude. Plus, they have a rescue pit bull running loose that bites they said. How the hell can they run an apartment with elderly people with a biting pit bull that could tackle them as they use their walkers? One lady posted that she was going to contact the Elder Abuse hotline because the managers are terrorizing the helpless elderly.

Well, I am not elderly yet, and I damn sure am not helpless. But I could get that way calling that my own forever home..which ain't gonna happen. I can imagine being at their mercy. Oh HAYELL no.

So..back to square one. :(

I agree with Drifter. Just stay the course and make of it what you can and things almost always unfold as they should. I'm older than you are and I'm not elderly either. Nor do I ever intend to be. :)

A couple of weeks ago my Aunt Betty had the interior of her home repainted and we went over to help rehang all her MANY paintings and pictures. One at the end of the couch and end table was at an awkward angle for Hombre, and the next thing we knew she stepped up on the couch and then onto the end table to position the painting. My heart was in my mouth but she got down as easily as she got up there. She will turn 91 later this month though if you met her and didn't know, you would think she is 60's or maybe early 70's. She intends to live alone, with Sally the Shih tzu, as long as she can.
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