USMB Coffee Shop IV

I honestly don't know what I want any more. I will miss Casey something fierce. And the friends I made up here. But...we cannot stay because I look at the broader picture. If one of us dies..we cannot afford to live here alone on just one income. Housemate is adamant on that. He insists on full price even with only one left. There are no other senior low income housings here. Therefore...we have to go where our income can support us. Which is home.
The Rotary Club in East Liverpool is an active organization. A few years ago, they took the weekly spaghetti dinner held at Westgate School, which is adjacent to Patterson Field (home of the Potters) from the Kiwanis. They serve up scores of plates of spaghetti and salad and crusty bread to football fans every home game. But tomorrow the Rotary switches cuisine and will serve up bratwurst and pretzels and tankards of lager at the annual Octoberfest held at Thompson Park.

Daisy and I just got back from our afternoon walk there and checked out the preparations. The crowds are too large to include Daisy tomorrow, but I called Mom and she said she would like to go. I took Daisy there last year. But, as she is a French poodle and Octoberfest is a German festival, Daisy spent most of the day surrendering.

There were vendors setting up the usual carnival fare, zeppoli, cotton candy, French fries and apple dumplings. There was also a big truck fitted out with beer taps all set up to slake the thirst of East Liverpudlians. Grills ready to serve up brats and burgers were being rolled in place. An "oompa band" will tune up in the morning. A livery service is providing a horse drawn carriage to wheel folks around the park drive.

Someone had arranged pumpkins and mums around the base of some of the oaks in the park. Hay bales and scarecrows decorate the entry.

If you walk through Riverview Cemetery, the city's oldest and grandest burial place, and study the names on the stones, you might as well be reading a telephone directory in London or Edinburgh. Plenty of AngloSaxon surnames. But the second most popular names are German. Wagner, Himmels, Schottensteins and Reitzels are well represented.

But if you drive three miles up the Ohio River to Midland, Pennsylvania you would find Slavic, Czech, Polish and Russian names. Odd that in this narrow river valley, folks from Central Europe would settle in one town, folks from Northwestern Europe in another.

But we all meet in Bavaria tomorrow at the Rotary Octoberfest.
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I noticed when I logged out of Google pictures all I could see was IMG, when I logged back in the pictures magically reappeared..........
Unfortunately I have yet to discover how to link the pictures so that they're visible all the time.
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Finally finished the sheath for the knife. Hope everyone can see it.



Out of curiosity, try posting one of those photos without using USMB's coding. If you have an address for the photo post it with
[img ] at the front and [/img ] at the rear. Don't put the space between the g and the ] though--I have to do it that way to fool the system here. See if that brings it up.
Finally finished the sheath for the knife. Hope everyone can see it.



Out of curiosity, try posting one of those photos without using USMB's coding. If you have an address for the photo post it with
[img ] at the front and [/img ] at the rear. Don't put the space between the g and the ] though--I have to do it that way to fool the system here. See if that brings it up.
Not giving me that option.
Neighbor came by a few hours ago and said at noon today, a bear was walking along the roadway in front of our houses, just meandering along. Said it looked about a year old and since bears keep their cubs with them at least 2 years, that means mama was not too far away. Noon time. Bear. House. Not a good mix. What if I was walking over to get Casey and came face to face with it? Still, no complaints cuz this is their turf we have to share with them. I'll just be very LOUD and NOISY walking now :lol:

And I wish I would have seen it pass by. From a distance of course. :
Loud and noisy is good, just hope that you don't come between mamma and the cub. Stay aware and you should have no problems. Oh, yeah, make sure you don't leave garbage out where it can become an attractant.
Yesterday morning, we noticed several airplanes in a row doing "go-arounds". I thought there might be some bad wind shear. Turns out there was a bear on the runway!! After the airport operations folks ran it off, the radio was reporting a bear wandering around South Anchorage neighborhoods. Probably the same bear...
And good morning all. A beautiful windless sunny day in New Mexico--definitely fall is in the air in the early mornings now and the days are mostly skies so blue they almost hurt your eyes to look at them with occasional fluffy white clouds for artistic effect. The aspens are turning on the mountain and the chamisa is blooming and slowly the color is coming into the cottonwoods, oak, and maples etc. here in town. I love, love, love fall in New Mexico. By far my favorite season.

We will spend part of my birthday today taking Aunt Betty to the cemetery to decorate my Uncle Ed's grave--yesterday was the 1 year anniversary of his passing. And then we will take her to lunch I think at the Black Angus today. All labors of love.
Happy Birthday, Foxy!

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