USMB Coffee Shop IV

I haven't heard anything about Chico OR Paradise. Last I heard it was Sonoma and parts of San Jose.

Yep there's an alert on paradise ca's facebook, they evacuated near skyway zone 9

Evacuations ordered for 75-acre fire near Paradise
I saw that on a google link. I don't do FB, so no clue what is in there. From what i saw, we are zone 3? Skyway and Clark Rd intersect way up north of Paradise going towards Magalia. That is where we are. Nothing flat and dry like the pic I posted.
I haven't heard anything about Chico OR Paradise. Last I heard it was Sonoma and parts of San Jose.

Yep there's an alert on paradise ca's facebook, they evacuated near skyway zone 9

Evacuations ordered for 75-acre fire near Paradise
I saw that on a google link. I don't do FB, so no clue what is in there. From what i saw, we are zone 3? Skyway and Clark Rd intersect way up north of Paradise going towards Magalia. That is where we are. Nothing flat and dry like the pic I posted.

Glad to know you are ok.
The only way outta here is north...towards Sterling City. Can't go South. Unless we go south then east towards Nevada. But so sirens, no tv interruptions to vacate. No smoke either.
If you seen the movie you will get this.
Ok..been on google and local news. We are in zone 1 and 2. Hope that damn fire doesn't decide big huge trees look tasty cuz we will be in a shitload of trouble if so. Only way out is skyway north to Sterling City.
I think housemate is in deep doo doo cuz Skyway from Chico to home is closed and he is not back yet.

Funny but not ha ha funny is...I only heard about this here with Drifter asking. Nothing on tv that I have seen, then again, I don't turn on the tv until late. MrG said his tv has a banner across the bottom but he didn't realize it was here in town..even though the lower part of it. We are higher up, so I guess that is a plus. Still not being familiar with northern cali..I have no clue of ways to get the hell out of here if it came to that except now I have a smidge of inkling after googling maps of the area and exit roads.

I think MrG wasn't paying attention cuz they keep saying Wine Country, Sonoma, Honey Fire, etc. NOW they are saying Paradise. All day, not one peep of the town name.
I had to go to the doc yesterday and saw a doe laying on the side of the road. I pulled over to see if it was still alive, but it wasn't. If it was, I was gonna haul it to a vet if I could lift it in my van. was already gone. When I was coming home from the doc, I saw the county animal control truck lifting it into their truck. It made me sad. :(
I feel a loss when any animal dies. Years ago, I was returning from a job driving a truck with a crane mounted to it. It was dark and a deer ran out in front of me. I hit the brakes, but it would have been foolhardy to try swerving. The deer died on impact. I actually used the crane to lift the deer onto the bed of the truck and took the deer home and dressed it out and eventually ate it. All living things eventually die. Some just rot and go to waste and some sustain more life. I believe the latter is more moral than the former.

In some states that would net you a huge fine or even jail time though. At least in Kansas people could request the fresh road kill and, if there happened to be somebody around with authority to give the permission, the State would allow them to have it. But it was highly inadvisable not to get that permission. And I agree with you that it is a shame, even immoral at times, when so much beneficial protein is wasted when there are people who would and could use it.
In my 20s, I was working as a serviceman for a fuel oil company in Connecticut. If you hit a deer, you were allowed to keep it, but not put a wounded animal out of its misery. I hit a deer on a city street and law be damned, I was going to dispatch the poor thing. A woman in a store yelled to me as I got a 36" pipe wrench out of the truck. She had called the police. I stood by helplessly for 5 minutes, waiting for police to show up. The responding officer was a guy I had grown up with. Joe was a couple years older and at 23, not exactly a seasoned officer. He surveyed the animal who was laying or more properly thrashing around in the center of the street. He drew his weapon. I shouted STOP and the 2 of us dragged the poor animal out of the street and onto the grass at the shoulder. I had visions of ricochet. Joe again drew his .38, aimed, turned his head and fired, missing the deer. I reached out, snatched the gun and killed the deer, picked it up and put it in my van. I really came close to taking Joe's revolver as well.

From the October 9 Sacramento Bee:

Evacuations have been ordered for a CAL FIRE incident in Paradise. This is the third fire in Butte County to prompt evacuations Monday and it is called the Honey Fire.

According to city officials, evacuation orders have been put into place for Upper Honey Run, Lower Skyway, Zone 9, Zone 10, and Zone 4. Evacuation Warnings have been issued for Lower Neal and Zone 1. . .​
Evacuations ordered for 75-acre fire near Paradise

I sure would keep an eye on it Gracie in case it gets closer.
Zone 1 and 2 are upper Paradise (I am in North Paradise a mile or two from Magalia). But yes..I will keep updated on this now that I know about it.
Santa Ana winds are non existent right now, thankfully. Last night, 50 mile per hour winds knocked over some electric poles and that is what started it. At least, that is what I just read. Local news channel I missed tonight, so have to rely on google for now.

At least there is no wind tonight. That should help have it put out faster.
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Our county got put under a hard freeze warning for tonight a few hours ago. So our summer for all practical purposes ends even though they are forecasting 80 for Friday. Anyhow, we will enjoy a time of Indian Summer. Still my favorite time of year.
Special thoughts and prayers for those dealing with the terrible fires tonight.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Comfort to Mrs. Saveliberty & family in the loss of her brother,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Autumn in Alabama
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Frost on the pumpkin this morning so apparently the freeze warning was justified. But it will warm into the low 60's and mid to high 70's later in the week--beautiful Indian summer weather. We get up in the mornings to beautiful balloons to the west. Even with hundreds of thousands of extra people in town clogging the traffic, it's all good.

I think housemate is in deep doo doo cuz Skyway from Chico to home is closed and he is not back yet.

Funny but not ha ha funny is...I only heard about this here with Drifter asking. Nothing on tv that I have seen, then again, I don't turn on the tv until late. MrG said his tv has a banner across the bottom but he didn't realize it was here in town..even though the lower part of it. We are higher up, so I guess that is a plus. Still not being familiar with northern cali..I have no clue of ways to get the hell out of here if it came to that except now I have a smidge of inkling after googling maps of the area and exit roads.

I think MrG wasn't paying attention cuz they keep saying Wine Country, Sonoma, Honey Fire, etc. NOW they are saying Paradise. All day, not one peep of the town name.

Glad to hear all is well with you. :) Keep us up to date about what is going on there, please!
Our county got put under a hard freeze warning for tonight a few hours ago. So our summer for all practical purposes ends even though they are forecasting 80 for Friday. Anyhow, we will enjoy a time of Indian Summer. Still my favorite time of year.

And here it has been rainy and humid as all hell! It has been like soup outside for the last 3 days. Gross. :cheeky-smiley-018: It is supposed to be very warm today (80s) with low humidity (thankfully!). Then tomorrow and the rest of this week will be more seasonable October temps and weather, 60s and low 70s.
Our county got put under a hard freeze warning for tonight a few hours ago. So our summer for all practical purposes ends even though they are forecasting 80 for Friday. Anyhow, we will enjoy a time of Indian Summer. Still my favorite time of year.

And here it has been rainy and humid as all hell! It has been like soup outside for the last 3 days. Gross. :cheeky-smiley-018: It is supposed to be very warm today (80s) with low humidity (thankfully!). Then tomorrow and the rest of this week will be more seasonable October temps and weather, 60s and low 70s.

That doesn't sound too bad at all, especially for New England except that we rarely have high humidity. This time of year we layer sometimes with heavy coat in the morning then stripping down to shirt sleeves in the afternoon, but prepared with sweater or jacket by sundown when the temperature can drop like a rock. You start out the morning with the car heater and are running the air conditioner by afternoon.
Our county got put under a hard freeze warning for tonight a few hours ago. So our summer for all practical purposes ends even though they are forecasting 80 for Friday. Anyhow, we will enjoy a time of Indian Summer. Still my favorite time of year.

And here it has been rainy and humid as all hell! It has been like soup outside for the last 3 days. Gross. :cheeky-smiley-018: It is supposed to be very warm today (80s) with low humidity (thankfully!). Then tomorrow and the rest of this week will be more seasonable October temps and weather, 60s and low 70s.

That doesn't sound too bad at all, especially for New England except that we rarely have high humidity. This time of year we layer sometimes with heavy coat in the morning then stripping down to shirt sleeves in the afternoon, but prepared with sweater or jacket by sundown when the temperature can drop like a rock. You start out the morning with the car heater and are running the air conditioner by afternoon.

I can't wait for fall, which is unusual for me. I usually am a summertime kind of person, but I have had it with the humidity and the "bad hair" days. :lol: Plus, I have some new clothes for fall that I want to wear. Can't wear a sweater when it's 70 or 80 degrees!
Our county got put under a hard freeze warning for tonight a few hours ago. So our summer for all practical purposes ends even though they are forecasting 80 for Friday. Anyhow, we will enjoy a time of Indian Summer. Still my favorite time of year.
The house temp (without the heat on) dropped down to 64 this morning which means it's well insulated. Did turn the heat on to 68 to cut the chill some. Of course the sun outside is wonderful. :thup:
Was hoping to go to the market but its very dark out there and very smokey. I think it is Stay Indoors day today.
Haven't heard on the progress yet of how much is contained. They don't say much here.
I had to go hunt on the internet. No cell phone service right now.

UPDATE 1:10 p.m. - Though authorities hoped to open the Skyway for travel both ways between Paradise and Chico, they report that they are unable to do this currently. Those traveling from Paradise to Chico need to use a route other than the Skyway. Leave extra travel time, as Neal and Clark Roads have had a lot more traffic than usual due to the Skyway closures.

Under a few of the updates from Tuesday morning, we will republish the Paradise Zone Maps.


UPDATE 12:15 p.m. - There is still an evacuation warning for Zone 9 in the Town of Paradise, and for residents and businesses on Lower Skyway. The Upper Honey Run Zone is the only one under an evacuation order at this time. Parts of the Skyway (Lower) and Honey Run Road are still closed at this time and should be avoided if possible.


UPDATE 11:30 a.m. - The Red Cross Shelter at the Neighborhood Church in Chico will be closed by noon Tuesday. Everyone who stayed at the shelter on Monday night were allowed back into their homes on Tuesday morning.


UPDATE 7:45 a.m. - The Honey Fire is now 40 percent contained.

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