USMB Coffee Shop IV

Do you have word whether she will need additional treatment?
For the pneumonia? No, not at this time. I just have to be much more careful, if I start feeling "off" a little bit then it's bleach clean everything I touch and mask time, don't want her to have to go through that again.
Right now we're set for chemo on Thursday.

Well bless both your hearts. I wish you didn't have to go through this.
One of the more aggravating aspects of chemo is what they call chemo brain, the loss of some short term memory. The wife and I have conversations about different things then a couple of weeks later she brings one of the subjects back up having no recollection of the previous conversation.

I know that to be true.

Last year the combined families put together a birthday party for Hombre and his twin sister in Arkansas. When we arrived we found out she was in the hospital due to extreme side effects of the chemo, but her doctor said she could be discharged and we checked her out. She had house guests--our niece (her daughter and son-in-law) moved into their 5th wheel at the lake, and turned over her house to our immediate family. Sister attended a cookout at the lake that night, thoroughly enjoyed the birthday party bash which was a family reunion of sorts the next day, posed for numerous photos, greeting everybody there, had a great time.

It took a lot out of her though apparently and she was re-admitted to the hospital after we left the next day. Two weeks later when she was finally discharged, she had absolutely no recollection of that reunion/birthday party. Her kids showed her the photos, told her about it, but it was completely blanked out of her mind. And she remembers none of it to this day.

Pretty scary.
Here's one of my favorite pictures of her when we were reenacting (1990s?). She made the dress she's wearing and is wearing 1860s eyeglasses plus her long hair is piled into a black snood which blends into the backdrop.
This was the only Civil War Christmas Ball we ever went to.


So pretty. I hope I get to meet her.
It's here! No doubt about it now! Daffodils are starting to bloom. Timidly, but they are blooming! I saw a forsythia teasing out bright lemon yellow blossoms today which means that, by Wednesday it should be strutting its stuff proudly.

Dress rehearsal for the Easter Pageant on the Hillside was Sunday afternoon. We have a minor catastrophe on our hands this year. The fellow who plays Jesus had an accident last week and broke his hand. It is currently in a cast from his fingertips to half way up his forearm. Tough to carry the cross and even more demanding being crucified (which means holding onto a peg on the right arm of the cross).

Daisy the Mutt kept her appointment with the groomer Sunday morning. She has not been trimmed since a week before Christmas. Her new cut makes it look as if she has lost about seven pounds. No doubt she is more comfortable with her coat shorn away like a ewe loosing her fleece.

Someone close to the family relayed another anecdote about my sainted Uncle Ducky. Back in 1934 the notorious hoodlum 'Pretty Boy' Floyd was cornered and killed here in East Liverpool. It put East Liverpool on the map, aside from our dominance in pottery production. People from all over flocked to the Sturges Funeral Home on Fifth Street to view the corpse of Pretty Boy.

Ducky was assigned as security. He was a rookie officer on the ELPD at the time. They found a picture of the late Mr. Floyd flanked by ELPD officers. Right beside the body of the gangster was a beaming Uncle Ducky! He was in the limelight, or the reflected glow of a bullet ridden body and having the time of his life.

Flash forward to Spring 2019. My grandnephew Jhett Boyd is a pupil at LaCroft Elementary School. He is in the fourth grade. His teacher assigned the class to create a "living wax museum". I know it's a clumsy phrase, but, essentially, the pupils are to dress as and create a display of a figure from history.

One kid chose Abraham Lincoln, another Willa Cather. Jhett chose 'Pretty Boy' Floyd. I dubbed him 'Pretty Boy' Boyd. Jhett is a marvelous kid. Active, funny and cheerful. Last Sunday he admitted having a girlfrien, an occurrence as common to 10 year old boys as teeth in a hen's mouth. "She said I'm cute!" he said with an ear-to-ear grin. I have to agree with her.

And that's the update from the upper Ohio Eiver valley where things move at their own pace.
It's here! No doubt about it now! Daffodils are starting to bloom. Timidly, but they are blooming! I saw a forsythia teasing out bright lemon yellow blossoms today which means that, by Wednesday it should be strutting its stuff proudly.

Dress rehearsal for the Easter Pageant on the Hillside was Sunday afternoon. We have a minor catastrophe on our hands this year. The fellow who plays Jesus had an accident last week and broke his hand. It is currently in a cast from his fingertips to half way up his forearm. Tough to carry the cross and even more demanding being crucified (which means holding onto a peg on the right arm of the cross).

Daisy the Mutt kept her appointment with the groomer Sunday morning. She has not been trimmed since a week before Christmas. Her new cut makes it look as if she has lost about seven pounds. No doubt she is more comfortable with her coat shorn away like a ewe loosing her fleece.

Someone close to the family relayed another anecdote about my sainted Uncle Ducky. Back in 1934 the notorious hoodlum 'Pretty Boy' Floyd was cornered and killed here in East Liverpool. It put East Liverpool on the map, aside from our dominance in pottery production. People from all over flocked to the Sturges Funeral Home on Fifth Street to view the corpse of Pretty Boy.

Ducky was assigned as security. He was a rookie officer on the ELPD at the time. They found a picture of the late Mr. Floyd flanked by ELPD officers. Right beside the body of the gangster was a beaming Uncle Ducky! He was in the limelight, or the reflected glow of a bullet ridden body and having the time of his life.

Flash forward to Spring 2019. My grandnephew Jhett Boyd is a pupil at LaCroft Elementary School. He is in the fourth grade. His teacher assigned the class to create a "living wax museum". I know it's a clumsy phrase, but, essentially, the pupils are to dress as and create a display of a figure from history.

One kid chose Abraham Lincoln, another Willa Cather. Jhett chose 'Pretty Boy' Floyd. I dubbed him 'Pretty Boy' Boyd. Jhett is a marvelous kid. Active, funny and cheerful. Last Sunday he admitted having a girlfrien, an occurrence as common to 10 year old boys as teeth in a hen's mouth. "She said I'm cute!" he said with an ear-to-ear grin. I have to agree with her.

And that's the update from the upper Ohio Eiver valley where things move at their own pace.

So glad you checked in Nosmo. We've missed you mini anthologies and its good to know you and Daisy are well. I wondered how the pageant was going this year. Wish I could be there.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Montrovant in difficult transition
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
BigBlackDog aka BBD for healing and wellness
GallantWarrior for healing and wellness and solutions
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we hope they do.

Springtime in Washington DC. The cherry blossoms are in full bloom this week and are especially stunning this year
I was standing at the kitchen sink washing up after lunch today. It's a beautiful day and I was monitoring the progress of the Speing crop of dandelions when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a white horse drawn hearse driven by a tall man wearing a mourning coat and black silk top hat.

It was a long Funeral courtage with a modern hearse about a third of the way back from the horses. I have no idea who the departed was. And as there are no cemeteries on the route they were going, I have no idea where they were headed.

But, there it was. A hearse drawn by horses right up Anderson Boulevard, under my kitchen window
I was standing at the kitchen sink washing up after lunch today. It's a beautiful day and I was monitoring the progress of the Speing crop of dandelions when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a white horse drawn hearse driven by a tall man wearing a mourning coat and black silk top hat.

It was a long Funeral courtage with a modern hearse about a third of the way back from the horses. I have no idea who the departed was. And as there are no cemeteries on the route they were going, I have no idea where they were headed.

But, there it was. A hearse drawn by horses right up Anderson Boulevard, under my kitchen window
Uhm...premonition? I surely hope not! How cool, though. I just want a quick, cheap cremation and then dust me over my beloved home spread. Or bury my urn with the cats and dogs I loved in life.
Funny thing, death and what happens after. When my Mom died, Dad had her cremated and put into "Mom's tissue box". It was pink marble and about the same size and shape as a tissue box, hence the moniker. When Dad died, my brother had him cremated and put him and Mom into a lovely ginger jar affair. Because I am oldest, and the most settled at the time, he shipped Mom and Dad to me for safekeeping. That was good until an earthquake toppled Mom and Dad and smashed their final resting place. So I found a lovely wooden container and replaced their remains therein (they're still there, by-the-way). I don't know what will happen to them when I pass, but my daughter knows what's in that box. Maybe they'll be buried with the cats and dogs and move on to that Rainbow Bridge?
I was standing at the kitchen sink washing up after lunch today. It's a beautiful day and I was monitoring the progress of the Speing crop of dandelions when what to my wondering eyes should appear but a white horse drawn hearse driven by a tall man wearing a mourning coat and black silk top hat.

It was a long Funeral courtage with a modern hearse about a third of the way back from the horses. I have no idea who the departed was. And as there are no cemeteries on the route they were going, I have no idea where they were headed.

But, there it was. A hearse drawn by horses right up Anderson Boulevard, under my kitchen window

One of those times you really wish you had a camera ready to shoot
Funny thing, death and what happens after. When my Mom died, Dad had her cremated and put into "Mom's tissue box". It was pink marble and about the same size and shape as a tissue box, hence the moniker. When Dad died, my brother had him cremated and put him and Mom into a lovely ginger jar affair. Because I am oldest, and the most settled at the time, he shipped Mom and Dad to me for safekeeping. That was good until an earthquake toppled Mom and Dad and smashed their final resting place. So I found a lovely wooden container and replaced their remains therein (they're still there, by-the-way). I don't know what will happen to them when I pass, but my daughter knows what's in that box. Maybe they'll be buried with the cats and dogs and move on to that Rainbow Bridge?

Yes don't care what happens to my remains really but I will be cremated. I hope I go before Hombre does and then it will be his problem. :)
I would like to be buried early in the morning while the mist from the dew is still rising. On the hill opposite my grave, I would like a Piper regaled in full Campbell tartan. As my coffin (the six side box finished in seven coats of high gloss black lacquer) the Piper would begin playing Issac Hayes' Theme from Shaft.

I wonder how that would sound on the pipes? I wonder if there's a Piper who knows the tune?
I would like to be buried early in the morning while the mist from the dew is still rising. On the hill opposite my grave, I would like a Piper regaled in full Campbell tartan. As my coffin (the six side box finished in seven coats of high gloss black lacquer) the Piper would begin playing Issac Hayes' Theme from Shaft.

I wonder how that would sound on the pipes? I wonder if there's a Piper who knows the tune?

I bet you have at least one loved one who will make that happen if you let it be known. :)

There are almost certainly pipers who know the tune, but whether it could be played on the pipes is the question:

And now I won't ever hear that without thinking of Nosmo. :)
I'm useless when it comes to buying gifts. Any idea what to give someone graduating med school?
I'm useless when it comes to buying gifts. Any idea what to give someone graduating med school?
Uhm...their own cadaver, or at least one of those commercial skeletons?

She's already been there and done that. I don't think she wants to do it again any time soon.
OK, a great gift card for her favorite home décor place?

Not a bad idea, but I'd like to get something to tie in with her accomplishment. She says all she really wants is sleep and money. I'm looking for something better.

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