USMB Coffee Shop IV

It was okay until the end where it became ideological and no longer objective. Once a 'villain' is suggested, named, or vilified, the discussion won't be about anything else and it becomes political.

I agree that the less fashion reflects self respect and respect for others, that the more coarse, unkempt, inappropriate styles are allowed in more venues, the more lax our morals, the more coarse, insulting, vulgar, profane our language and public behavior. The less Emily Post or Miss Manners is taught in favor of 'self expression' in our appearance, speech, behavior, the more society seems to break down, become less cohesive, less able to understand, appreciate each other, less able to work together.

We kids grumbled about the strict school dress codes when we were in school, but we obeyed them because we still respected adult authority and didn't think it our right to decide such things.

The hippies/flower children of the late 1960's and 70's were the first generation in history to throw off the values, traditions and mores of the previous generation without some dictator ordering them to do so. The USA has never been quite the same since and I don't mean in a good way.
From kindergarten through high school, neither jeans nor tee shirts were considered as proper school attire.....If we wore a pullover shirt, it was a polo or golf shirt.

When showing up to social situations outside the context of work, I've heard the comment "you clean up well" more times than I care to mention.

The few times in my life that court appearances were required. I never ever showed up in anything less than today's "business casual"....Even in the days when I had the rock-n-roller hair, I noticed that the judges showed me a lot more leniency than the drips who showed up like they were expecting a beer and a shot, and needed to be told to remove their ball caps.

Even in this day and age, dressing like you give a shit about yourself is grossly underrated.
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From kindergarten through high school, neither jeans nor tee shirts were considered as proper school attire.....If we wore a pullover shirt, it was a polo or golf shirt.

When showing up to social situations outside the context of work, I've heard the comment "you clean up well" more times than I care to mention.

The few times in my life that court appearances were required. I never ever showed up in anything less than today's "business casual"....Even in the days when I had the rock-n-roller hair, I noticed that the judges showed me a lot more leniency than the drips who showed up like they were expecting a beer and a shot, and needed to be told to remove their ball caps.

Even in this day and age, dressing like you give a shit about yourself is grossly underrated.
That goes without saying. The clean, well groomed, and appropriately dressed person is generally going to be more trusted, receive deference by sales/service people, more marketable as a client, employee, associate. That kid with his pants almost off his butt or the gal who looks like she is working the streets will never have the same kind of respect.
That goes without saying. The clean, well groomed, and appropriately dressed person is generally going to be more trusted, receive deference by sales/service people, more marketable as a client, employee, associate. That kid with his pants almost off his butt or the gal who looks like she is working the streets will never have the same kind of respect.
Apparently, it needs to be said massively more so than it currently is.

Now, I'm not pining for the days when people went to ball games in three-piece suits, but can we at least change out of the freaking pajamas to go grocery shopping?

Can guys show up to a job interview sans the silly-assed backward ball cap?
We're one hour into Miss Songie's first puppy litter. #1 child is dark grey brown with a little dark mush. It's so cute! She washed him (or her) for about an hour, but the little cutie was searching for well, mommie's milk. It seems she has spent an hour bathing it. I thought the entire deal would take 2 hours, but Miss Songie is in no rush, and she's enjoying washing and rewashing the cute little tyke. She is about 25" tall, has extremely short hair, and from nose to tail, probably 40 inches, give or take a couple of inches. I am so happy right now. Her first born is here and getting about his 4th head to toe wash job by his mommie. They're so cute. # 2 pup should be showing up pretty soon, but as I said, Miss Songie is not in any rush. I'm listening to "Light Classical" turned way down low some lovely piano duets that are quite lovely. Oh, my goodness. #2 is surely on the way from the sound. I have to go check, and #1 is squawking, I think it's #1. It's such a happy night. :thup: Love to all of you sojourners since I have no bubble gum cigars to pass around, :huddle: I think it's gonna be a long night... Oh, my. #1 is a lighter brown and a little bit drier. #2 has a pink mush and nose and is really dark with a white band around it's neck. #1 has a white chest and tummy, and as it dried, seems bigger. Maybe it got lucky and had a drink of milk or something. Oh, oh, #2 is fussying I better go check.
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#3 is big! It's white with light tan areas all over. I wonder why this one is fatter than the first two. It's making an uh, ah, uh whines. lol #3 came while I wrote only 1 line above post. Miss Songie is doing ok, and she's yielding a little more for the little hungry mouths. At first she seemed a little insulted they would want to suckle. I guess she missed reading the handbook! <giggle> #3 is starting to sound like a little human fussbudget, and Miss Songie is a little rough, but I think she knows by instinct exactly what to do. I'm just hanging around so nobody accidentally gets laid on, as I've heard some first time mommies accidentally smother one, so back to my refereeing the births. Miss Songie was one of 11, and her mommy's next litter had 12. So I'm wondering if she will have under or over 6 little ones. She sure got big all of a sudden this past week. I have to see if 4 arrived or not. I hope all of them are as wonderful as their mommie, Miss Songie. She is a total sweetie.
I just walked to the kitchen to get a warm coke so I will stay awake as long as Miss Songie needs me. While I made a short trip to the kitchen, when I got back, #4 was laready good and cleaned up! So they're coming faster. #4 like #3 has spots, but they're more defined than #3 which are splotchy spots. #4 has more uniform spots and they are slightly darker than #3. I'm hearing another squeaker, but I think Miss Songie is letting them have her milk now, because the sounds are like little piggy sounds, except for one that is whining, What a cheerful evening this has become. New life! When they're old enough, I think I will run an ad for $10 puppies so people can afford them. With a neighbor who threatened to shoot my dog, I'm not going to raise a pack, though I'd love to. It might not be safe for doggies who don't know better than to irritate the neighbor's 8 ot 9 cow herd.
Ken is a little better today, but he is still on oxygen 24/7, and thank heaven, he's not smoking any more. We gave him quarters in the Den so he wouldn't ever have to climb stairs in the upstairs guest room. I don't know if he will ever go back to his mobil home since his condition precedes hospice. Thanks to Foxfyre and those who sent up a little prayer for him. I'm hearing a lot of fussing little puppies. I'm sure Mommie Songie is wearing down.. I have to check to see if #5 is comig.
Wow! Miss Songie had 4 of them in a row drinking milk. I think she's totally caught on now. #5 was born and was almost as big as #3, but slightly smaller or her very symetrical pattern was mostly a medium brown with a white face with brown symetry pattern on either side. And #5 is making a racket. Probably couldn't find a space because I think #6 is coming and on the way. I'll have to check. The new sound is high-pitched. Back in a bit. (Huff puff, huff, puff!) No telling what Miss Songie is going through right now. One seems to have a very healthy set of lungs with that high soprano voice! Back in a bit.
Oops. I erased my paragraph on #6, but he or she is doing okay. And when I got back, #7 was already out of his or her birth sack and breathing nicely. There's a whole lot of fussing going on as they're all trying to drink, and Miss Songie is getting ready to clean up the next one, and is working harder to make sure nobody gets smothered. Oops, it's too quiet over there. I have to check some more. Miss Songie was showing exhaustion a minute ago, but she seems to be managing pretty well now. Somebody is squeaking big time. It changes from quiet to loud in the blink of an eye. *sigh*
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#8 was solid brown with the exception of 4 pink feet and a pink nose. No two seem alike. What a surprise. Miss Songie is still bathing the little squeakers, although I know she has a little fatigue on her face. I've never seen her actually fatigued before. The #8 one is really squealing right now, and the others are rooting around, softly squeaking. I think there is another coming. #9 and #10 are dark, but that could just be that they're still wet. #11 is waiting its turn, I think. Or is it #12? It's easy to lose count, and the competition is laced with a lot of hunger squeals, since it's a regular dog pile. Poor Miss Songie. Her first litter. I thought first timers only had 3 or 4, but hello, there are a bunch of babies and the ones who aren't feeding are wishing they could have a turn. I have to check on them again, and tell Miss Songie what a good mommie she has been so far. Good night all. Thanks for putting up with me having a regular zoo around the music room turned media room and now a birthing center for cute little puppies. Good night. I'm too tired to keep counting, but have to stay lucid while Miss Songie will hopefully be okay because she's really tired and it sounds like another one coming down the chute!
I still can't tell how many puppies Miss Songie has. A few minutes ago, the squeaking was chaotic, so I wondered if some of the lovely calming sounds might make them a little quieter, and it worked. This one goes on for a couple of hours, and it's got the newborns a lot less disturbed. If anyone ever has animals acting up, try playing this one for a few minutes. It's working like a charm for the puppies. Thanks to the You Tube folks and their contributors! I'm going upstairs. 'Nite all. :bigbed:
We're one hour into Miss Songie's first puppy litter. #1 child is dark grey brown with a little dark mush. It's so cute! She washed him (or her) for about an hour, but the little cutie was searching for well, mommie's milk. It seems she has spent an hour bathing it. I thought the entire deal would take 2 hours, but Miss Songie is in no rush, and she's enjoying washing and rewashing the cute little tyke. She is about 25" tall, has extremely short hair, and from nose to tail, probably 40 inches, give or take a couple of inches. I am so happy right now. Her first born is here and getting about his 4th head to toe wash job by his mommie. They're so cute. # 2 pup should be showing up pretty soon, but as I said, Miss Songie is not in any rush. I'm listening to "Light Classical" turned way down low some lovely piano duets that are quite lovely. Oh, my goodness. #2 is surely on the way from the sound. I have to go check, and #1 is squawking, I think it's #1. It's such a happy night. :thup: Love to all of you sojourners since I have no bubble gum cigars to pass around, :huddle: I think it's gonna be a long night... Oh, my. #1 is a lighter brown and a little bit drier. #2 has a pink mush and nose and is really dark with a white band around it's neck. #1 has a white chest and tummy, and as it dried, seems bigger. Maybe it got lucky and had a drink of milk or something. Oh, oh, #2 is fussying I better go check.
How exciting. We only had one female dog--all the rest have been males--but when she had puppies it was just wonderful. And we raised Siamese cats for many years and each litter was unique and special.
It's 7 am here now, and I fed the two boy dogs in the kitchen, came back with a big bowl of food for Miss Songie. she gobbled it up in less than 60 seconds, a whole can of pedigree. And when I did the final count this morning, there were only 9 puppies. Before I went upstairs, I kept counting 9 puppies at the "table" so I must have been so excited I overcounted, but never did find more than 9. I don't see anyone missing, but when returning the last 3 times, I wondered why I kept coming up with only 9 visible and thought that she could have been laying on one or two of them. That just didn't happen, the last count before I retired last night was 9 visible. And there were 9 when I got up. Too much excitement, I guess. They're really complaining this morning and were actually yapping when Miss Songie got up to eat her well-deserved breakfast of canned pedigree and a bowlie of cold milk. She's back to correcting her cleanup on their tummies where the cords were. They're well-cleaned and dry this morning. All is well on Miss Songie's pallet of a commercially-made used quilt from Good Will's that I sewed together to make a topping Miss Songie would not chew up, to cover a 2" thick x90"(?) piece of foam from the local Hobby Lobby. Actually she hasn't chewed the edges off any more quilts than when she was a puppy. She's now a full-fledged adult mama dog and has been acting responsible for the past 3 or 4 weeks, to be exact. I don't think she got any sleep last night, so I'm going to hold three or four of them while the others eat away. They're so darn cute. :)

When I got here the music was still playing. Funny, it was supposed to end after 2 or 3 hours. Maybe it's a new one or something. I took the # and turned it off. I'll place it below:

Sometimes youtube just connects you to the next in a row of music you requested which was "comforting" and this is what was up when I came down to the music/media room where the computer is. Off we go! Oh, and thank you to Foxfyre for describing your dogs and Siamese cats. I bet they were a sight to see and a joy. :thup:
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Apparently, it needs to be said massively more so than it currently is.

Now, I'm not pining for the days when people went to ball games in three-piece suits, but can we at least change out of the freaking pajamas to go grocery shopping?

Can guys show up to a job interview sans the silly-assed backward ball cap?
In my part of the world it is pretty casual. You almost never see a woman in a skirt or dress and it is really rare you see a guy in coat and tie. I like being able to be properly dressed in neat well fitted pants, comfortable shoes, and a nice but comfortable top even at church, funerals, the work place etc. But there is a difference between that and being just plain unkempt, slovenly, too revealing, inappropriate.

My niece once was office manager for a large warehouse operation and one of the office girls was one to dress in too tight leggings, halter tops, or skimpy revealing short blouses with spaghetti straps or whatever. And she immediately complained that the guys were sexually harassing her. My niece looked her up and down and told her those guys were career Teamsters and they were going to treat her according to how she presented herself to them. She should come to work appropriately dressed and conduct herself accordingly. She did. Problem solved.
After going to lengths to try to determine which order they were born in, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8, and 9, well that was the world's poorest way of naming the pups. With all their bi-color markings, the brown one that has a black eye mask is now "Bandit." The one with a large spot on the top of its head is now "Knothead" (and is the chief annoying pusher of the other feeding puppies), the one with a white circle around his neck who is the darkest one who also squeals the loudest is now "RingRing." The one with the irregular spots was also the largest of the nine, so I called it "Biggie," and she or he stays longer at feeding than the others. The one with the regular spots is called "Spot." About three of them are varying shades of mousy brown, so they're just the "Squad." Another ligtht brown one has a face with symettrical right and left areas between the white and brown areas, so I call it "Symmetry." It's better than "1," "2," "3," etc. The one who leaves the pallet's safety, regardless of name is referred to as "Columbus," and if he or she makes it all the way around the Pallet searching for food, they become "Magellan." Miss Songie is really a good mommy. She cleans up any of them who attempt to stray, in a tough love way. What an experience the last couple of days have been. though this is day three of their sweet little appearances to this world. When her cleanup of two or three of them is done, she's back to her little semicircle of feeding the little grubbers. lol They squeal a lot when they can't find a space, although I counted 10 stations, and 9 puppies. Go figure. Miss Songie doesn't always cooperate with opening the stations closest to her chest's neck. Well it's off to puppy world to get mommie some vitamins. The last one was invaded by roaches, so I tossed it a couple of weeks ago. I wish I had gotten their replacement sooner, because on birth night, Miss Songie looked exhausted for the first time in her life, but she soldiered on getting them here and then to make sure they fed as needed since then. Time to go to the store. See y'all. :huddle:
After going to lengths to try to determine which order they were born in, 1,2,3,4,5,6, 7,8, and 9, well that was the world's poorest way of naming the pups. With all their bi-color markings, the brown one that has a black eye mask is now "Bandit." The one with a large spot on the top of its head is now "Knothead" (and is the chief annoying pusher of the other feeding puppies), the one with a white circle around his neck who is the darkest one who also squeals the loudest is now "RingRing." The one with the irregular spots was also the largest of the nine, so I called it "Biggie," and she or he stays longer at feeding than the others. The one with the regular spots is called "Spot." About three of them are varying shades of mousy brown, so they're just the "Squad." Another ligtht brown one has a face with symettrical right and left areas between the white and brown areas, so I call it "Symmetry." It's better than "1," "2," "3," etc. The one who leaves the pallet's safety, regardless of name is referred to as "Columbus," and if he or she makes it all the way around the Pallet searching for food, they become "Magellan." Miss Songie is really a good mommy. She cleans up any of them who attempt to stray, in a tough love way. What an experience the last couple of days have been. though this is day three of their sweet little appearances to this world. When her cleanup of two or three of them is done, she's back to her little semicircle of feeding the little grubbers. lol They squeal a lot when they can't find a space, although I counted 10 stations, and 9 puppies. Go figure. Miss Songie doesn't always cooperate with opening the stations closest to her chest's neck. Well it's off to puppy world to get mommie some vitamins. The last one was invaded by roaches, so I tossed it a couple of weeks ago. I wish I had gotten their replacement sooner, because on birth night, Miss Songie looked exhausted for the first time in her life, but she soldiered on getting them here and then to make sure they fed as needed since then. Time to go to the store. See y'all. :huddle:
Our little Tigh (pronounced Tie), our one female dog, a very small mixed breed rescue, got out of the fenced yard one time apparently when she was in heat. So we had no idea who was the father or fathers of her five puppies that arrived a few weeks later. And I swear each puppy had a different father though most experts would say that at the most there can be two fathers involved in a little of puppies. One was the spitting image of a cocker spaniel, one almost obviously a mini dachshund mix, one sort of a Jack Russell terrier type, one unidentifiable as to breeds involved, and one twice as tall as the others was a mostly black with white accents probably terrier/bird dog cross. My boss at the hospital took him and a year later pronounced him the best dog he had ever had the privilege of adopting. We also found good homes for the other four. But it was really fun.

Albuquerque is now so restrictive and you have to buy a very expensive breeders license if you allow your dog to have puppies so finding a suitable companion dog other than a very expensive pure bred is almost impossible. We've looked and looked at the shelters for a suitable small companion dog for my great aunt, but pretty much all that is available are many MANY pit bull mixes and in the small dogs it is almost all chihuahuas which she doesn't really want.

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