USMB Coffee Shop IV

Update on the continuing saga of the new refrigerator. After Hombre went down there at the crack of dawn and confirmed that they had sold the refrigerator we bought to somebody else, they agreed he could pick out another of his choosing among the sale refrigerators. He chose a nice LG side by side--called me to describe all the features as I checked it out on line--and we agreed that is what we wanted. So they cancelled the original order, wrote up a ticket for the LG, he bought a 3-year-service contract that takes over when the warranty runs out, and they assured him it would be delivered within hours. Noon came. Two pm. Four pm. Several calls to Lowe's with assurances the fridge was on the truck and would be delivered.

Meanwhile the PNM folks were here at 2:30 to pick up the old refrigerator so all our cold stuff was sitting warming on the counter all that time.

Lowes shows up around 7:30 with what looked like our refrigerator. They set it up, got Hombre to sign off on the delivery, and left.

As I was loading the stuff into the fridge I saw immediately that it was not an LG. It was a GE. They sent us the wrong refrigerator. :(
Seems like time to shoot someone, just who, though?

Glitzy Sugar-Socks. :lol:
Good night darlinks. I love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Sheila and Hombre's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj and Nana,
Complete healing for Mrs. Ringel and the Ringels in difficult transition,
Ollie and Mrs. O for a complete recovery,
Mr. H and his friend,
GW's daughter's friend Sachenda,
Ernie's friend and colleague, Max,
Boedicca's mom for healing and relief from pain,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
Safe travels for those traveling,
All who are dealing with colds and flu,
And all others we love and hold in concern.
And the light is on awaiting the return of Uncensored2008, Oddball, Sunshine, Jughead, Sheila, and Becki and all the others who have been MIA lately. We hope everyone is okay.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.​
Good morning everybody. Our wonderful HVAC guy (and sometimes emergency plumber) has been here and gone this morning and the leaky valve to the water supply on our new refrigerator is now replaced and we are making ice. (I hope.) Now if we just get the new service contract for the refrigerator we have, I think we're good to go. But until that is a done deal, the saga continues.
Good morning everybody. Our wonderful HVAC guy (and sometimes emergency plumber) has been here and gone this morning and the leaky valve to the water supply on our new refrigerator is now replaced and we are making ice. (I hope.) Now if we just get the new service contract for the refrigerator we have, I think we're good to go. But until that is a done deal, the saga continues.

It sounds like a pain in the rear. Hope everything gets worked out. :)
Really cranky people here in RL. Help!

Aw maybe it will be better soon. I just left another board discussion because of an individual who became too cranky to allow it to be fun. In these thing, it generally does pass, but I feel your frustration. I remember all those times over the years in which I was so angry or hurt or frustrated or disappointed that it felt like a permanent black cloud of misery hanging over me. But the sun always did eventually come out. Now I know to just wait for that.
My name is not Frank and I was NOT born in June.

Been a busy few days; so busy that I forgot to pay the electric bill. I really hate it when I get woken up by some guy who wants to kidnap my electric meter and hold it for ransom.

Got that taken care of and am on my 2nd cup of organic Guatemalan Estate.
Max is hanging in, taking his antibiotics and keeping a mild fever in check with ibuprofen. He's made sure he is covered for the pic lock procedure and will be getting that in the next day or so. Meanwhile, he is still plugging away at Doc's and frequently heeds my demands to sit the hell down.

The hell of it is that due to the nerve damage from the accident, he feels no pain at all, so has no idea if he's aggravating it by being on his feet.
My name is not Frank and I was NOT born in June.

Been a busy few days; so busy that I forgot to pay the electric bill. I really hate it when I get woken up by some guy who wants to kidnap my electric meter and hold it for ransom.

Got that taken care of and am on my 2nd cup of organic Guatemalan Estate.
Max is hanging in, taking his antibiotics and keeping a mild fever in check with ibuprofen. He's made sure he is covered for the pic lock procedure and will be getting that in the next day or so. Meanwhile, he is still plugging away at Doc's and frequently heeds my demands to sit the hell down.

The hell of it is that due to the nerve damage from the accident, he feels no pain at all, so has no idea if he's aggravating it by being on his feet.

But is he improving sufficiently that the amputation may be avoided?
Amputation... probably, but surgery to scrape the infected area of the bone is still on the table.
Even at that, he would be down for a month or 6 weeks. While better for him and Doc's, it's not great. Our people have stepped up and will fill in if needed, but Max is pig headed.
Pig headed got him on his feet after the wreck, but he just isn't as indestructible as he likes to think he is.
Amputation... probably, but surgery to scrape the infected area of the bone is still on the table.
Even at that, he would be down for a month or 6 weeks. While better for him and Doc's, it's not great. Our people have stepped up and will fill in if needed, but Max is pig headed.
Pig headed got him on his feet after the wreck, but he just isn't as indestructible as he likes to think he is.
Pig headed is what you can call a lot of us. With all my physical issue I still try to do more than I should really be doing but for me it's natural to fight back, not give in.
Got home late last night with the wife, back from here interview at the University of Colorado in Denver for a job, won't know for a month what their decision will be. Pulled in the mail and sure enough my application for SSDI was again denied, have a call into the lawyer this morning and most likely we'll go through the appeal process, one more friggin' hoop to jump through.
Now if I had senior level contacts and there was nothing wrong with me I'd probably get SSDI tomorrow........
Yesterday a coworker took it upon herself to drag out all the Christmas decorations at work. I assisted her with bringing some out. She put the tree together, checked the lights and went out to get replacements. Then it was time for the lights to go on the tree, she didn't want to do that. I really didn't either, but mentioned to the owner on a phone call that the coworker had started with decorating. He asked me to do the lights.

So I get the skirt under the tree after I moved it to where the boss wanted. Then put the lights on. Boss returns and makes a big deal about the lights and tree. Unfortunately, my friend was not given credit and so she is really mad at me. I told the boss what she had done a second time, but no appreciation given. :(

Problem is, she is mad at me.
Yesterday a coworker took it upon herself to drag out all the Christmas decorations at work. I assisted her with bringing some out. She put the tree together, checked the lights and went out to get replacements. Then it was time for the lights to go on the tree, she didn't want to do that. I really didn't either, but mentioned to the owner on a phone call that the coworker had started with decorating. He asked me to do the lights.

So I get the skirt under the tree after I moved it to where the boss wanted. Then put the lights on. Boss returns and makes a big deal about the lights and tree. Unfortunately, my friend was not given credit and so she is really mad at me. I told the boss what she had done a second time, but no appreciation given. :(

Problem is, she is mad at me.
Probably thinks you simply took all the credit. You're not related to Granny Gates or Ethan Allen are you......... :eusa_whistle:

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It's in the upper 50's and I'm chilled to the bone and shivering...I wish I had some hot chocolate with mini marshmallows.:)


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